Important: I have warned Panamanian, American, Japanese, Thai, Dutch, and other officials, many times this invasion is designed to destabilize their countries and overthrow their governments. Early on comes long-game plans to dumb-down populations with intoxicants and many other methods of psychological operations such as dumbed-down, loud music. The louder the music the lower the IQ. I’ve noticed this globally.
Pornography and other subtle weapons aid to render populations largely inert.
After generations of psychological softening, the seeds of pharma weapons harvest a massive toll.

Demographic wars of weaponized “migration” are a huge part of the plan.
After invasion, comes famine.
No government survives widespread famine intact. Especially so after being invaded by an amalgam of expendables. Conditions are accruing for massive famines. I’ve been warning for five years.
Massive famines can stimulated across the West and Japan simply by flipping off the light switch. Instant famine. Governments erased. Planet of the Apes. First phase of genocides complete.
And then, in a nested-genocide, the weapons of mass-migration are genocided wholesale by poisoning water, skies, and more. “Useless Eaters,” as they say. Any major war requiring serious use of current American military ground troops must be done before famine. Possibly by deploying first into some suicidal war such as with Iran.
This is far from over. Only WE can make this STOP.
The Army of purple-hairs is still at work. Purple is their signal to one another they are crazy and will do anything. Come among American/European NGO members and see…
And please keep me in the field!
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