
Critical Routes

Seven major sea choke points.

The famous artist of Panama, Matt Tomlet, made the video above of Masako Ganaha going through a Panama Canal lock.

There are seven major sea choke-points.

The Panama Canal lock Masako Ganaha is watching in the video is one of the most important tiny spots on earth to United Staes. This lock is a little arterial heart-valve to global trade.

Recent Gaza ethnic cleansing has led to drastic decline of shipping through Suez Canal. Low-tech Houthis in Yemen have beaten back the U.S. Navy, and others, and strangled shipping through Suez and Bab-el-Mandeb. Causing much shipping to reroute through the heart-valve Masako is passing through.

Am sitting beside by Panama Canal now. Have made many journeys into the Canal and passed through the locks a half-dozen times. Made this photograph on a recent journey. This is a must-see journey for parents interested in educating their children on global issues. Not just because this is the strategic Panama Canal, but because of Panama’s location, location, location.

Watch as the years unfold and US/Israel make moves to take Suez Canal, Bab-el-Mandeb, and Panama Canal. And more. Such as the energy in the Gulf of America near Guyana. Conditions accrue for widespread war in the Americas, and global.

Europeans discovered the Americas in search of routes to India.

Balboa crossed the Darien Isthmus and spotted the Pacific in 1513. Calling it the South Sea.

Balboa claimed the South Sea — the entire Pacific— for Spain. Balboa was named Governor of the South Sea, and of Panama and Coiba.

Balboa — Governor of Darien, and the Pacific!

Discoverer of the Pacific, lol. Someone tell the natives. Tell the Japanese. Tell the headhunters and cannibals of the many islands! They’ve been “discovered.” By some guy. With a sword. Six years later, Balboa was beheaded in Darien at a place called Acla. A couple hours away from me today.

Oro means gold in Spanish. And so you see oro this and oro that all over the place and all over the world. Oro rivers, hills, mountains, castles — Cabeza de Oro — gold head.

Fiebre del oro — Gold Fever — in its many forms, has been fuel for ecstatic pathfinding and conquest since recorded time.

Nobody will conquer a land to take crypto, but if you are sitting on energy, food, copper, silver, gold, or anything another man wants, such as pretty women (genes)…look out.

Others come for souls. Jihad, Crusade, name it. Many a man who refused Islam or the Cross lost his head. Including ongoing right now in Syria this morning. Crusaders no longer tend to do this in large numbers. But Jihadists do. Massive amounts of Jihadists have come across our borders.

If a conquistador sails up sees beautiful native women wearing gold, their husbands better be ready to fight.

Conquistadors soon will be on adventure raping and robbing across the land. Taking gold, silver, and genetic material, euphemistically called wives. The hoards of miscreants who join such expeditions surely cannot afford good wives at home, but they can take gold and girls on every beach and riverbank village.

In fact, this animal Jose Ibarra and his two criminal brothers passed right through Darien Gap to America during the time I was down here.

Jose Ibarra murdered Laken Riley:

Jose crossed the Darien Gap first. His two brothers passed later on 22 February 2023.

And Balboa crossed the same area 500 years before the Ibarra clan. And Balboa was beheaded by another Governor of Darien, at Acla.

Actually, I have Balboa’s head here on the table:

And Einstein’s head is down the road:

Speaking of Einstein’s head, there is far more going on here than “USA vs China.” The battle for Panama Canal, Suez, and more, appears largely between Zionists and China.

Many Americans are Zionists. Zionism is a political party similar to Democrats and Republicans, but smarter. It’s not about religion. Zionism is not a religion. Zionism is a political formation of conquest. With intense fiebre del oro.

Many Jews, Christians, Muslims, atheists, and others, are Democrats, Republicans, and Zionists.

The three Jars of “Democrats” “Republicans” and “Zionists” hold all sorts. It has been said more Zionists are Christians and Atheists than Jews. I do not know. It’s a jungle.

I do know — 100% — many Zionists are pushing invasion and destruction of United States. And I know — 100% — while many Zionists are fighting FOR United States and against Zionists who are trying to destroy us. Invisible riot.

This is a multi-player global game. Countless herds of elephants crashing in combat.

As for Zionists, don’t take my word for it. Let the smartest Jew ever tell his side. I grew up reading Einstein’s physics work. Long before I knew any of this. I was so naive as a child I voraciously read physics for years having no idea that much of the work by people I admired, and admire — Einstein, Feynman, etcetera, were Jews.

I still am unclear what a Zionist — or Catholic or Hindu or Chinese — really is. The more you know…

Well, let one of my science teachers explain. His name is Dr. Albert Einstein. And Dr. Einstein is quite literally one of my teachers though his body passed nine years before my body was born. (Come to think about it, today is my birthday).

My sensei explains:

There is more is going on than meets the eye.

I gotta go. Am taping a show with John Batchelor and also got to call a couple shipping experts and ask what they are seeing.

[If you want to read some cool stuff, read up on Special Relativity and General Relativity. Super cool stuff].

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