If you have not read 'day of Wrath' by William R Forstschen you should because it is what happened next, except there 1. has been 10 years between the number of people that will be involved 2. The sheep are exponentially stupid

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.... but if we don't have illegals - then who will we pack into the concentration/prison camps? What else are we building toll roads and check points for? Your Papers Please. The deathspirol won't end until the compliant mindset has ended and bad judgement is no longer accepted as 'normal'. Those working/living in the obedient order taker class (rank) will wait for the conclusions they will obediently parrot from above - while everyone 'de-institutionalized' will see the breakdown in obedience to authority. And you will just have to accept it as same old bullshit keep accepting their bad judgement - or gain some self-referential security and no longer accept the normie Authoritarian narrative.The life God will judge is happening right now.

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So Michael's a chemistry teacher now, and still SCRUPULOUSLY avoiding the legal and strategic offense that might save our Republic.

A/K/A a Do-Nothing, A Talker & Not A Doer & a Clown so far.

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How about help with the most critical 2024 issue?

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…


Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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Thank you.

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I hope you are right.

I don't want to be.

Yes I agree the EXPOSURE EXPOSURE EXPOSURE is pissing them off big time.

I work hard weekly to help at the local level distributing Druthers.net papers in JAB clinics and soon meetings with MPS here in Scarborough Ontario CHINADA.

I like getting in their faces.

And it does appear they are freaking out.

God bless

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Thanks Mike. Growing up during Vietnam war era, I would hear on the news about another soldier shot by a gorilla (guerilla), I had this in mind:


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Mock and Block. Got it.

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Michael: Where is this going to end up? Our Country is bound to explode. Those men of fighting age aren't coming to the US to get a job!

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Watch his last interview all the way through

Micheal exactly explains it.

Nothing will Matter if this INVASION of North America is not stopped.

The numbers are too huge.

He says you may have your AR15 at home but it will be meaningless.

Once they arm these folks game over hs says.

I have no problem with truth since my Grandparents on both sides survived two WWs last century which is why I'm here in Scarborough Ontario CHINADA across from Rochester New York.

It only 20 miles to the shores of Toronto where we are.

I'm curious if the hoards will be coming across LAKE Ontario.

Our INVASION is Roxim Rd in Quebec and New York state.

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Jan 6, 2024
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Follow the INVASION daily with Michael Yon.

That's his substack above.

You can watch the end of NA sorry to say if this is not stopped

Here he is liking my comment.

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Jan 6, 2024
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Not sure.

Micheal says the same nuggets in most interviews since repetition seems needed as the MSM WHORES NEVER do their jobs.

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Lynn. Keep reading. It will dawn upon you soon enough.

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I remember you on Substack. Please I need YOU to tell me. Maybe, it's better, if

someone like YOU spells it out :-)

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Jan 5, 2024
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You think they are going to even have an election?

And you think TPTB will let Trump win?

They will turn 20 cities into glass before that happens.

Or as UNCLE Klausy keeps repeating a CYBER attack with grid down.

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Jan 5, 2024
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Placing your faith for restoration of our Country in elections or a candidate to be a product of those mythical elections is a highly unlikely course of events.

Logic is an invaluable tool in this war. Just honestly review the last 20 or so years of "our" gubmint's direction and apply that obvious conclusion to November '24.

Denial of obvious facts are gravely dangerous. "Our" gubmint has become gravely dangerous to us.


Onward, Christian soldiers!

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I am praying that it happens. But, I have read other sources that stated that it's not going to

be that easy and fast. We are not in the Eisenhower days. I see you follow the substack

The Universe. I do, too :-)

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Supporting the Enemy is included in GDP,

Fuk em, let's get this shit started. Place your bets now.

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"If I must perish, let it be in my hot brass not my warm urine."

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Fortitude regardless of outcome brother.

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The word is "Illegals." Yes, they are illegally in the US. Yes, people can be illegally in a prohibited place. If I wander onto a military installation or Joe Biden's estate I would be illegally there, a trespasser, maybe even shot for my illegal presence, believed to be a dangerous threat to those who are there lawfully. Sames. Illegals. We must get back to using the word that triggered them most, makes the Marxists hyperventilate and get big, rageful bug eyes bulging from their skulls. When that happens it tells you which words they fear most. Words we should press the attack with.

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The simple term "Crimigrants" says it all.....

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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A new and useful word...thank you.

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How about help with the most critical 2024 issue?

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…


Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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Where's your plan Michael? You aren't smart enough to develop one that may work? Explain yourself. You're nothing but a Talking Head like Alex Jones and everybody who appears on his show.

Explain yourself Michael, your unwillingness to even discuss a legal and strategic plan so everybody can stop sitting on their fannies, just like You, and doing nothing.

Did your shekels check come in the mail this week, Mr Patriot?

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Jan 5, 2024
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thank you

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thank you

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Refreshing to have truth no matter if it is terrible, frightening, disgusting...better than the lies!

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In support of your post, I wrote this:

Quote from C&C:

"...In order to get to the next stage, to prove harms and to start talking specifically about accountability, we must first cross a conceptual Rubicon: the vaccines are — or may be — defective... Dr. Ladapo is saying that it’s not our job to prove the shots were dangerous. It’s the Establishment’s job to prove its approved medications were safe.

In other words, given the contamination, there is no evidence the shots are safe."

Maybe I'm just a dummy BUT... I am having a VERY HARD TIME understanding the logic here, on soooo many levels. I hardly know where to begin.

First of all, everyone is talking about how to get to accountability while the "product" is STILL on the market. Hello? That is putting the cart before the horse. If you have a potentially or demonstratively dangerous product on the market, the FIRST order of business should be to pull it off the market to prevent further harm until the issues are resolved. Are we really going to argue about accountability when the dangerous product is still being administered to an undefended public??? Why is NO ONE concerned about the people that will continue to be maimed or killed because it is still on the market? A house is burning down with children inside but all the firemen are outside trying to figure out who started the fire instead of rushing into the house to rescue the children. It's the same thing.

"...given the contamination, there is no evidence the shots are safe." I don't know what to call this - misleading, false juxtaposition - I don't know. There NEVER was any evidence that the shots were safe to begin with. In fact, what little evidence they had all indicated that the mRNA/corona virus technology was completely unsafe as demonstrated by previous animal trials where ALL the animals DIED. Proper trials were NEVER done prior to the distribution of this shot! Forget about the contamination problem, there never was ANY evidence of safety to begin with and the shots should NEVER have been on the market in the first place, much less continuing to be on the market. Point is, we have all we need to pull the shots from the market RIGHT NOW. So why isn't this being done? Why is the Governor not doing his duty?

"...the vaccines are — or may be — defective..." This is probably the most important point. Right here we abandon the field of battle and concede the most important position of the enemy. Allowing the enemy to set the terms of the debate, we concede the enemy's contention that the shot is a "vaccine". Perhaps "defective" but still a vaccine. It is beyond argument that the shot is NOT a vaccine and is, in fact, an engineered bio-weapon created for the sole purpose of maiming and killing the human recipient. This has been documented by Dr. Martin and others for as long as two years ago beyond any doubt. What this does is allow the enemy to contend that while a "mistake" may have been made because of the contamination, the shot is nevertheless a good faith effort as a vaccine. Seriously? We have just handed the enemy a "get out of jail free card" for their intentional planned democide of the American people. In plain language, mass murder. At best, they are only libel for a few monetary damages due to the "mistake." Is this accountability? Come on! It's a "home safe" position for those behind the plandemic to hide behind and we are handing it to them.

As much as I want accountability, that is secondary to protecting the American people from this on-going attack now. Are we going to continue to play these legalistic games that only serve to protect the murderous cabal behind the plandemic or are we going to protect the American people and take the battle to the enemy ON OUR TERMS?

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Importantly -- they are not "vaccines." Draw battlegrounds and the first of weapons. Wrong words are weapons. Intentional or not, false labels are deadly.

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Have scientists ever been concerned with the safety and well being of lab rats? Humans are the clinical trial for the countermeasures. We are the lab rats and the powers that be view humanity as such, as it seems to me you know. Sisterly love.

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Well said, Michael! Are you familiar with Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt's work? (Link above) You would appreciate the truth bombs they have been and continue to drop about the "Plandemic". God bless you and your commitment to truth! 🙏

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I think both of those women are at the same level as Micheal, just on different fronts of this war, the legal side. And the picture they paint is one where we are backed into a corner, with, seemingly, no legal way out of this as they refuse to look at evidence presented by citing the corrupt opinions in the media/government.

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