Jun 28Liked by Michael Yon

Mr. Yon knows. We were warned long ago, by Eisenhower, and others. We were warned that our country was being subverted from within, and now, this past 4+ years we've seen firsthand how some of our own people and deep state gov, greedy megalomaniacs, have turned on us, how they want us all dead and those left behind enslaved to their new world beast system. Every day I see huge numbers of folks walking around in a fucking daze. Those won't know what hit 'em when the shit goes down. I can't waste anymore time waging debates in hopes some might wake the fuck up. War is already here. WW3 started in 2020. Stop with all the fucking debates. There is no one coming to save our asses. There's no right or left in War. Mr. Yon knows. I didn't see 1/10th of what he's seen when I was in the War zone, but the War-ning lessons learned then ring in my gut and my soul today ... In War there is only Death, and mayhem, and destruction.

Its time to stop wasting our breath and our discussion on how we got in this mess. Warning. Its time. For us to hunker down and figure out who we can trust in our neighborhoods and our towns to protect and defend together, our loved ones and each other.

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Jun 28Liked by Michael Yon

As Michael’s warnings have become reality and the Globalists are being exposed, I think we are in for a cataclysmic Globalist Coverup. They will use War, Famine, Plandemics, Economic Collapse. Team Humanity (the Awakened) will eventually prevail.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Michael Yon

Because there is less of them than us, I believe their hubris will be their eventual downfall.

However, before that happens, there will be a big price for us to pay for the relinquishment of our God given liberties.

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I agree with you on everything you wrote here. I too smell a rat with the call for mass deportations of illegals which could quickly morph into mass internments of everybody else. The ones designing this system are not your friends...

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Don't worry. Even if Trump were to overcome the massive Election Fraud / Voter Fraud to get elected he won't ever conduct genuine mass deportations. He doesn't have the cojones to follow through on most of the things he promises. He never fully built the wall. He never got rid of Obamacare nor opened the sale of health insurance across State lines. He surrounded himself with saboteurs & subversives up to his eyeballs. Mass deportation of illegal aliens will be just like "Lock Her Up" the minute he's elected: forgive and move on. Trump TALKS big but carries a puny stick.

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Jun 28Liked by Michael Yon

Unfortunately Trump is in the club. That was all part of their plan. So they'll likely put him back in now that the public is begging for an answer to the illegals... and then start rounding us all up for camp instead. A country $30+trillion in debt isn't free and sovereign to ELECT Reps/POTUS. It's a land mass of debt slaves ran by central bankers and it's military industrial complex. Hence why our military doesn't protect our border/nation... it answers to & fights central bankers wars/agenda. We havent had a legitimate Presidential election in decades, if ever.

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Oh, really? I have 13 pages of President Trump's accomplishments while in office.

He couldn't be all that bad now, could he? You never lived better under Trump?

Then you don't live in the US.

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Jun 28Liked by Michael Yon

Sorry Lynn, but I lived in the 50's and 60's and I lived better and slightly freer than with Trump. My wife adores Trump and I will probably vote for him but he is not the answer to the true heart of our problem.


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Please then tell me, what and who is the answer? My Uncle is a Vietnam War Vet. What do you mean freer than with Trump? No wonder Michael Yon gave you a like. He's hates Trump, too.

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Howdy Lynn,

I've spent almost all day teaching a lesson, from the Word, Leviticus 26, on exactly what the problem with America is and what the solution is. If you would like a copy of that lesson or anyone would like a copy you can email me at cyrusdh@rocketmail.com. I am not afraid to put personal info out there because I worked for NSA in Southeast Asia and the Middle East and they know everything there about me, so I am not afraid.

Freer, when I was eleven or twelve, my dad had already taught me to weld and I built a fully functioning cannon, 1 5/8" bore and went to the junkyard and shot holes through an old car. Before it was dark the chief of police pulled up and wanted to know what I was doing and I told him. "You better show me," he said. So, I loaded the cannon one more timed and fired it at the old car body from the 40's and he shook his head and before he got in his car he told me, "Don't blow yourself up." Try that today and you would be shot dead by a SWAT team. That is what I mean Freer.

I do not hate Trump. America's problem is a spiritual problem and Trump is not equipped to handle a spiritual problem.


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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

No Lynn. "Believers" don't hate. We are NOT DECEIVED. "Discernment" saves *souls*!

Yea, prepare for The Worst: grid down- coast to coast - door2door blue helmitz- thuggz- cartelz-*Your Neighborz*, several months Madd Maxx Blood sacrifice to Lucifer, "or" Martial Law to Detention Camps built 50 states- wherever you are Locked Down!

*2 Choices- Slave or "U Food"4Slaves? - (guillotine- gas- or a bullet?)

The Plan (on videos) is from decades & decades ago. (aka "White Papers" in print)

"As long as you (Satan) WARN my people"!

- "My people suffer for lack of knowledge" Jesus KJV.

M.Y. : "we were warned"!!!!

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

"The Great Awakening" is the next Problem-Solution/Deception.

Never forget, "they" eat their own, 9/22/63, MLK, Holly"wood", music, banking, medical, Every WAR, etc. etc. (bankers fund both sides of every war)

This is WAR AGAINST GOD'S CREATION from The Pit of Hell.

Betrayal is Loyalty - Control or Kill Satanic Legacy. Read the NDAA. DJT gave us Red Flag Law and The F-OUCH Deception- ignoring "our common sense". [Nano "Injected Programable Computer" and w.w."WEB" was published 1972 Popular Science]

USA "clear and present danger" is sooooo baaaad, DJT is our "only" savior is The Point, very likable to Patriots. We have No Choice - Situational Awareness -Reality!

DJT wants to prosecute - criminalize free speech criticism of Israel.

We are STUCK with hundreds of thousands of terrorists as The Police State suspects every American.

Look at NYC: No Bail No Accountablity- "cuz WE CAN Criminal Economy & Terror" - but now "check ever bag" on subways, like TSA.

Who drives the busses or flies the planes full of terrorists- military aged men back to the border or foreign hostile lands? Then what?

"We already conquered you" said a Chinese soldier in Denver.

The Invasion is already A Success* and our Death Sentence, regardless of any election.

USA- Babylon 2.0 The Great Whore does not exist in Last Days Prophecy.

Everybody believes in God when they die. Yes, stay close to Our Lord all day ♡ ! "Fear Not"!

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You're correct, Princess. The main reason Trump will be reinstated within the presidency is that he will follow the U.S. military dictates. NATO was never disbanded. No troops pulled out of Syria..."We got their oil," he crowed. Yep. The military knows how to play Trump. And the U.S. military, children, is THE nexus of Global control. When a group can plunder any nation and steal their natural resources and assets leading to the poverty of that country...well, you've got a real Cartel.

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Complaining Never Accomplished Anything. Trump is a Competitor, no other "Politician" who is in a position to become the Next President has anywhere near his accomplishments.

Perfection is the Enemy of the Good, Absolutes are Unobtainable, Life is Improved on Gradients. We All Know the Problems, so just Repeating Them Endlessly is Retarded Thinking.

What have You Done ??? I include Myself in the "You" so don't get your princess panties in a twist.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

Truth is not an opinion.

You are "intentionally distracted" by the DJT Psyop. The election is 100% irrelavant. The Global "cosmic threat" began centuries ago. ("as in the days of Noah" Matt. Ch 24 - Jesus quote)

Read: The NDAA- "Secured Cities Treaty" bho- Jade Helm 15- North America Treaty" whjb- USA Corporation 1871--NASA document for Depopulation 2002- read "The Great Reset".

We were born in war, a Galactic Spiritual war we did not ask for. Earth is NOT "our home". Genesis ch 3 v15 L.A. Marzulli- "Seeds and Gold". Genesis ch 6/ Steve Quayle Gensix Productions.

Find your personal relationship with the God who made you, loves you, sent you -For These Days.

THE IRONY-" first they came for the Christians".

My message to you today IS NOW A CRIME!

Global Satanic Agenda, "Destroy God's Creation" - Replace God- "we are gods"- "their" words!

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You offer no solution other becoming Lion food in the Roman colesium. Martydom is certainly something Christians and Moslems share, one willing to Receive the other willing to give Death as the highest Reward.

I'm Not a Turn the Cheek person, but I have No Objection to your pursuit of happiness.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

THE SOLUTION is WAR SOBER. Look at all our dead soldiers and ASK their families in American History since WW1. They live IN WAR all their "life"!

APATHY & COMPLACENCY is the last step before an empire, nation, or an "individual" displays before The Collapse!

"We give our Lives, our Fortunes, Our Sacred Honor", thank you Founding Fathers.- the last words of our Declaration Of Independence. William Bennett wrote the book, "Our Sacred Honor".

We were "warned"- by Jesus and The Prophets, by Prophecy Watchers. Read Tom Horn! Read the book of Revelation: the 4 Beasts, the Plagues, 666. You are "living" in that now.

"They" want our blood, same as they wanted The Blood OfJesus! Yea, coming to your neighborhood: Door2Door Savages - "Cannibals"- (Cain & Able). We were *born* in a Spiritual War -- we did not ask for!

Read The Prophets.

Find Paul McGuire @rumble. His entire life-study- publishing is WARNING us. (one of "The Smartest In The Room")

Read Matthew 10:34. Jesus "did not come to bring peace" but WARN us.- SAVE US ♡!!"Turn your plow shares into a Sword"! Truth and Action to "defend God's Creation".

You are now a Soldier for the rest of your days!

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

Interesting. You certainly miss the point.

I don't givashitt bout "happy"! Not in a Christian vocabulary. I don't care bout your feelings either.

I'm THAT kinda Christian!

Death is not a Reward. Where in Hell did you learn that shit? Christians don't share a damn thing with Muslims.

I'm a Soldier on The Battlefield, "Dude"! I WARN people just like M.Yon and 1,000s of informed Patriots, Citizens, Christians.

I delivered our city newspaper age 6- 1959-1969. I study Headlines every day *65* years.

America is already conquered. ("we warned you & warned you & warned you!) Read M. Yon's HEADLINE. That's why I let people hear the UGLY TRUTH.

Solution? To WHAT? *25* Million Military aged men from 100+ countries READY- GRID DOWN- USA BURNS COAST TO COAST! any day. Maybe July 11, Chaos - False Flag Psyop. "GO" on the Obama Smart phones. 2024 was planned June 1st 1776 by "Secret Societies"- LUCIFERIAN SCUM, "33" days before July 4th. (33 was how old Jesus was when Crucified) You are surrounded by Satanic "CODES"- Symbols- Sign- Architecture- Our Currency- In God we trust is Lucifer. "See" The Eye of Horace $1 bill. D.C. is a pentagram. Wash. Mmnt is *666 ft tall, 666 in base. "Obilisk" Capitol dome is a Phallus-same shit in Vatican City. NYC Freedom Tower "as above so below" Baphomet Worship- Reflecting pools.

The Solution? The Great Reset WEF- "Destroy God's Creation" plans since The Fallen Angels Genesis 6.

Read Matthew 24- Describes 2024 and "as in the days of Noah"-Jesus quote. NOBODY LISTENING- ITS TOO LATE- "DUDE"!

M.Yon quote: "In One Hour"- DUDE, only *9 substations can take The Grid down for years. Nobody to repair No parts- WHY? MADD MAXX IN YOUR CITY- or MARTIAL LAW- Blue Helmits (Illegals) Door2Door "Get On The Bus"-

You "LATE"- GenEarly!!!!

You do NOOOOO RESEARCH! Decades!

*GO to Alex Jones with JJ CARELL - NOW! LET HIM TELL YOU. Hundreds of New Detention centers for Americans-USLAVE or USlaveFOOD.

G.H.Bush closed military bases 40 years ago and built 400 FEMA "DEATH CAMPS" ...For "You" and all you Love. Guillotines-Gas- or A Bullet. The White busses-vans- mwraps- coffins-train cars & chains were ready 10 years ago- ON VIDEO!

GO TO ALEX JONES- NOW! Also @AJ See Dr. David Martin give you a history lesson on "PHARMAkeia" Greek -"Sorcery"-Spells Witchcraft.

"Luciferase" in the JAB + snake&spider venom- fetus blood- Programmable Nano BOT in your veins connected to 5G.

HOLLY"wood"- Witches Wand.

"Bluicifer" DIA. D.U.M.B.S.


*STEVEQUAYLE.COM 200,000 Headlines since 2012. I've read 40,000 so far. SQ "warned" us 1997.

Find Jonathan Kleck or Kleck Files, He decodes everything! Years!

*DaveHodges commonsenseshow.com

- i know 12 years.

*Geoengineeringwatch.org- "The Dimming " & more!

I have 140+ Relible Resources- decades!

I'm "Sharing" this info with M.Y. SSTK TO WARN PEOPLE.


Same as Benghazi!-"nobody coming to save you Dude"! (WAKEDFKUP!

I'm THAT kinda Christian!)


Prepare to die, defending your life, family, friends, neighborhood, YOUR COUNTRY...."SOLDIER"!

You ca. "Save SOULS* for Jesus. The Luciferians need to murder 250 million Americans - THIS YEAR!

*I'm a Soldier for JESUS CHRIST! I know "they" need me dead"- decades. Jesus keeps me alive. Jesus said "Fear Not" 366 times KJV.

GenLATE, WHY would I care about dying to save lives and souls?

Life is *Spiritual with Human Experience.

(*Eternal! Heaven or Hell)

*Everybody!!!- believes in God when they die!


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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Trump is "going to round us all up for camp instead"?

No wonder the US is such a messed-up place, with people believing this total nonsense.

The rest of your comment was spot on but that statement about Trump was slightly off to say the least.

Is there anyone semi normal left in America, not on illegal drugs or anti-depressants, not a drunk, not mentally ill, not a fat physical wretch, not illiterate, not brainwashed by the MSM or not completely deluded with paranoia ?

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DJT can't stop the agenda, full spectrum attack. Death camps- guillotines-gas-or bullet- USlave or UFOOD4Slaves.

Everything is set- decades, plus 100s of 1,000s of terrorist -(incl. Hamas,ISIS, etc) -Soldiers from 140+ counties here many years, we feed, clothe, travel, housing, & medical, waiting for "Go" on their bho phones we gave them.

Matthew ch 24 "As in the days of Noah" Jesus quote - Nobody Listened!

Few believe in The God who made us, loves us, sent us, for These Last Days, before The Antichrist, in your lifetime. God Bless♡ !

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Maybe you are right. But maybe he learned real good the hard way.

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I think he had no choice on a lot of decisions with all those demons he was duped. This time he will do a lot more he’s hip to the game. I don’t like his stance with Israel he gives them whatever and they hate Christian’s and Americans. So but he ain’t perfect fk it. It’s life gonna get worse regardless too late

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Let's hope so. From your mouth to G_d's ears!

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It's bc Trump didn't have the support around him at the time!

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And he won't if he makes into the white house again. Sad crazy times.

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This ☝️...🎯.

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100% agree. Promises, promises and non kept.

Gee, that sounds like a politician running for office!

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I agree with you about Trump 100%. How more do not see this is beyond me.

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That's too much of a percentage. Go and read Trump's accomplishments while in office.

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"Absolutes" are Unobtainable. Bolsheviks use Absolutes to Gain Power, demonizing Entire segments of a population that opposes them, then killing them off. While you may oppose Trump, figure out "How Much" in a %. Then figure out "Who?" you would support and their % of success.

This would be a rational approach if you're interested in rationality and differentation rather than identification in thinking. No one is perfect, so choose your oppressors carefully, Comrades.

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I also warned and warned and warned for two decades. Now I am hunkering down in Montana, locked and loaded.

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Jun 28Liked by Michael Yon

This is Biblical End Times Stuff, you can't hide from God! We're All in this together bc of our sinful ways! Whatever EVIL is gonna happen soon, none of will escape no matter how much food and guns we have!

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Jun 28Liked by Michael Yon

I hope you are on the the west side of the mountains away from Malmstrom air force base. Big shitties will suffer greatly, I am also in a rural area.

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I am in the Flathead valley. But when the bombs start falling, people start dying.

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Nice, I have been there many times lovely area. I live just north of the border in Canadistan.

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Jun 28Liked by Michael Yon

Do you think Montana is aafer? I ask as I am moving into a second home there next month and I am considering making it our primary residence ….

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Jun 28Liked by Michael Yon

TPTB already know who you are and no matter where you move to or how rural it is, they will eventually find you. That being said, get right with God and put your faith in his power. He didn't promise us a rose garden but he will lead us through life's thorns. Embrace your family and friends and find time to appreciate every aspect of this physical planet that God so loved you he gave to you every opportunity and advantage to be the best you can be.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

Amen, 100% correct!

Only a personal relationship with God matters every minute we have. Only - "The Lord is my shepard......" Psalm 23.

Nowhere to hide!

Sattilites, drones, Sting Ray, Cobra -(see Seal Team technology, Ukraine drone footage, + "they" see and listen through walls). +GPS- Smart Meters -wifi -"neighbors".

Why would phone companies offer a $1,000-$2,000 "phone" for $50/month? (37) Trillion Data Bites/second?

Prepare to die soon, meet Jesus♡

edit: You gave the only message to hear for These Last Days before The Antichrist.

God Bless you ♡ !

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Correct. Our reward is in Heaven.

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Jun 28Liked by Michael Yon

Live in MT.

The progressive missionaries have been hard at work and are beginning to reveal themselves.

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I think we’re pretty safe up here. However, there are a lot of people moving out of the cities and making their residence here. Getting kind of crowded.

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Jun 28Liked by Michael Yon

The first step in becoming more enlightened is exposing the corruption. Whatever comes our way is God’s plan.

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Jun 28Liked by Michael Yon

Definitely agree with that. It’s basically predestined in a way. Godbless. Jesus is really all you need

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I am, a long time follower of Michael from his Afghanistan photo days but knowing some history of Bolshevik revolutions,; I can not go along with "Purge, Purge, Purge" any more than "Russia, Russia, Russia".

Man and Societies Do Not Function in Anarchy. Our Problem is as Simple as it is Difficult, Individual Liberty balanced with an Orderly Society.

President Trump is the Only Man on the Stage. Now, if you want to burn the Stage down, Go Ahead, but it will only make things Much Worse.

Very Difficult Economic times are Ahead of Us. Most of the Feral Coup Gov/ Politicians are The Problem, as well as Us, Who Allowed things to get this dire.

We NEED a Captain of the Ship, and an Experienced-Patriot Crew. Trump knows how to manage Economic Storms/ Bankruptcy/ & hopefully Debt Default. Trump admired Andrew Jackson's killing of the "National Bank" in his presidency.

Michael and our Vets are needed to help "Crew" this storm. So if Michael has another Captain in mind, Out with it!!! Considering that We are Already in the beginning of at least Decade Long Storm, Time for Debate is OVER.

Decide, for better or worse, on a Leader for the next 4 Years. I support Trump to get this ship to shore, as It's Sinking !!!

Someone else will have to handle being Economically Marooned in & after 2028.

Green Beret Vets are Unique in knowing how to manage/ survive the coming travails. Get this info Up the line into Constitutional local, state, federal gov use.

May God Help Us, though We certainly Do Not Deserve it, Yet. Si vis pacem para bellum"

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Jun 28Liked by Michael Yon

That video reminds me of some of the people in the Biden Administration.

Thanks Michael for all your work to warn us about so many things. It seems like there's so much apathy.

It will be our undoing.

God bless you Michael.

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God curses Michael - Genesis 12:3.

WE WARN of the Zionist genocide — now “Israel” may actually be destroyed. Time reveals.

"Interesting that you don't mention Iran's long history of leading the attack of the house of Islam to genocide Israel and the Jews.

That makes you a blind guide even though you got some other things right.

Time reveals you are so wrong and soon you will see the genocide of Gods enemies as they gather against Israel to destroy it *

if you survive the destruction God is sending to the evil empire USA that assumed to steal land from tiny Israel to create another failed Islamic terrorist state to appease the greedy, violent, bloodthirsty followers of the false prophet.

*For seven months the house of Israel will be burying them in order to cleanse the land. 13 Even all the people of the land will bury them; and it will be to their renown on the day that I glorify Myself,” declares the Lord God.

Ezekiel 39

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Gees. Not you again. The entirety of your Biblical references are premature. Israel is going to suffer terrible destruction throughout the second half of the Tribulation yet ahead. You beat up on Michael. But you don’t see your own culpability. Bugger off until you got something mildly accurate to contribute.

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Michael you have been 100% spot on from the start. I pray to our Lord we may gather the courage and RESOLVE to Correct this Travesty on humanity and seek his guidance in the coming months.

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100% Michael!

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Sometimes I regret clicking on embedded videos; I'll try to unsee that one. :)

Just like during the worst times of the covid,, which were the worst of times when it came to trying to talk to people about any subject, people simply listen and believe propaganda so completely that you can't get through to them. And, FWIW, the people who were listening to and believing your warnings were not the people making decisions about rolling out the jabs or going to war. "Public opinion" no longer means a whit to those in power. Rather, they saw more of the endless ways they continually search for to make profit from our misery. War is tremendously profitable; so is pharma. Bill Gates didn't declare in 2020 the "decade of vaccines" for nothing. It's all about the money; it's always all about the money.

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Amen Michael you definitely warned us , you did your job and your part as an American citizen/patriot. Godbless and thankyou

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Saw Totalitarian's Agenda coming as others did with the stupid and naive in denial,

projecting, twisting all into displaced loyalty shielding evil and covering its results.

Those viewing it were defined the ENEMY, TERRORIST, RACIST...In the

treasonous Group Think' Menagerie.

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How do you control the world??


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It's not the chinese.

that's not what Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi said.


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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Those whose eyes are open cannot convince the blind that what they see is real...especially the willfully blind who refuses to see, because the truth is too damn uncomfortable and they prefer soothing lies and fairy tales. This is most of humanity, incapable or unwilling to face reality.

The far seeing were called prophets in ancient times. Now they are called conspiracy theorists and nut jobs.

There is nothing anyone can do for humanity at this point...we are on a path of destruction on every level, including AI which will ultimately eliminate us if we don't do it ourselves first.

What is killing humanity? In two words, greed and stupidity. And there are no cures for these.

Perhaps a polar shift will clean all of this mess soon...as prophesied by the Lakota as well as Edgar Cayce. So that we can go back to the stone age and redo it all again...

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Ukraine is standing tall and pushing back the civilan mass murderer, thank God! We all have sins in the past, and that video of Zelensky is how old? How is it relevant to him now taking hold of courage and fighting for his nation, when he was offered a way put? It's not. There is a clear right and wrong side here, as there was in world War two, but Russian somehow the moral sight of many on the right is blinded. Many leaders of Europe were messed up, but that didn't stop us from doing the right thing to stop a murderous nazi regime.

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What a total moron. The Ukrainians are the Nazis, look it up. Since before 2014 when Victoria Nuland and the US State Dept engineered the ousting of a pro-Russian President in Kiev the murders of Russian-speaking Ukrainian citizens has been facilitated by Nazis. Zelensky is neither brave nor a patriot. He had an almost completed peace deal with Russia in 2022, but at the West's behest he decided to reject that deal and take billions of dollars instead. The price was the death of a generation of fine young men who went to fight an unnecessary war, and the sooner it ends the better

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Nuland, McCain, Graham... The left wing and the right wing belong to the same bird.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Republicans and Democrats pretend to disagree on stupid and irrelevant social issues to distract, manipulate, divide and control us. They have it all under control, which is why they do not want a third party that would disrupt their act, their con job.

But when it comes to what really matters to them, to what they truly serve, wars and the war machine, they are like two peas in a pod.

US wars and world domination are what you are not allowed to criticize or oppose as a politician, lest they will destroy you, as they did with Ron Paul.

And the public thinks the issues are trans athletes and an open border. Those are distractions meant to cause social chaos and confusion while the actual struggle, which is becoming desperate, remains world domination and the access to and control of disappearing resources. The real struggle everywhere (the US, Europe, etc) is between nationalistic forces and globalist forces whose goal is a world government.

Either way the real needs and the rights of the people are overlooked. But I would rather support nationalism.

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That doesn’t mean that the beak doesn’t want to peck someone to death. Or shouldn’t!

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Exactly this Fabian listens to cnn all day what a loser

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Aren't the Nazis now the Azov battalion?

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Ukraine ancestry or whatever is 100%the real German Nazis maybe not all of them cause there all really Russian but there a sect or big part if Ukraine that are the real deal Hitler Nazis and that’s what Putin is trying to get rid of and America loves the Nazis they hired 15,000 of them after ww2 and Canada just had one in there government standing ovation with his Nazi medals on lmao. And stupid leftist call Trump and conservatives Nazis cause we pro life. They’re mentally insane

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Zelensky is complicit in the destruction of his own nation. That queer bait fraud is a democidal maniac.

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Zelenskynazi is certainly taking hold of something, but it isn't courage. It's US $$$ which he's turning into gold and yacht's and mansions and good knows what else but for fucking sure it isn't courage.

Why don't you do the world a favor and spend a few hours educating yourself. Here, let me start you off.

Ukraine on fire


Maidon Massacre


Ukraine/The Everlasting Present


Revealing Ukraine


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Nonsense Russian propaganda. The nazis in action are Putin's thugs, robbing raping and mass murdering civilians. War criminals and they will pay.

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Can't fix stupid.

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😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 please seek help

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

Right and wrong is obvious here, but your type allow the devil to create doubt through all types of misinformation from Russia and then spread by guloible right wing fools. Ukraine has every right to remain sovereign and not under Putin's communist thugs, who rape rob and steal whole businesses. It known. And thank God they are effective asserting their right. End times...age of delusions. 2028end.com

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Your a idiot fag

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Fuck Ukraine most crooked country in the world. I’m upset with Russia not blowing them to pieces. Russia exposed themselves as a paper tiger too. It’s a sin America gave all that money to that fake country so the government can be millionaires and sell the weapons to Iran. You liberal evil punk your not an American go die

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Sucked up all the Russian propaganda and leaving your morality to boot. Sad.

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Wait till the truth comes out the hate you really will have like how the experimental shit has killed over 20 million people not one died who isn’t vaxxed

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Also when dr received 5000$ for every Covid death and people died from gun shots or car accidents and the nurses had to put Covid as the cause back in 2020 then they knew it was all fake. Only people who died from Covid were 95% over 85 yrs old and 90 yrs old no kids no young adults unless they had 4 other crazy disease like cancer weighed 400 pounds etc. your cia just got caught with the 51 people who lied against Trump list goes on the gov hates you. Conservatives want no government leftists will do anything the gov says 😂😂😂

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I questioned the same thing Fabian, until I read that USA and other countries billions $$ are used for Ukraine to be the first NWO, total surveillance country.. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-06-13/pentagon-extends-deal-with-musk-s-starlink-in-ukraine-for-six-months


What do you think? Possible?

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Wrong..Ukraine is clearly the right side here. Nothing written can make that different.

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