We warned, warned, and warned…before the first shot was fired…we WARNED.
We WARNED not to create this war. Those who warned endlessly owe ZERO moral or ethical debt to fools and despots who decided to wage war.
We performed our duties through the knowledge and courage to WARN and stand against the Ukraine Massacre from before Day 1.
Despite heavy criticism— as with the Vexx — and as with the Zionist genocide in Gaza that may end “Israel” — WE WARNED.
WE WARNED NOT TO VEXX — we are powerless to Unvexx. Those who took the jab against warnings are literally shot by weapons of war.
WE WARNED to avert war in Ukraine — we cannot resurrect the dead.
WE WARNED of open borders — now are invaded. Mass deportations. Unless we go full militant, mass deportations are a Farce. Like un-burning our homes.
Those camps being built around America are extermination camps. China and others have invaded United States. It’s done. WE WARNED.
WE WARN of the Zionist genocide — now “Israel” may actually be destroyed. Time reveals.
Many ask me constantly, “Well what’s your plan?” My plan was to WARN not to burn our homes down.
Who has a plan to recreate from ashes? Globalist Oligarchs.
Famines and real disease and real war are coming.
PURGE CLOWNS and DOG KINGS: Biden, Trump, Zelensky, Netanyahu, Trudeau — many more.
ALL are Dog King Clowns.
Mr. Yon knows. We were warned long ago, by Eisenhower, and others. We were warned that our country was being subverted from within, and now, this past 4+ years we've seen firsthand how some of our own people and deep state gov, greedy megalomaniacs, have turned on us, how they want us all dead and those left behind enslaved to their new world beast system. Every day I see huge numbers of folks walking around in a fucking daze. Those won't know what hit 'em when the shit goes down. I can't waste anymore time waging debates in hopes some might wake the fuck up. War is already here. WW3 started in 2020. Stop with all the fucking debates. There is no one coming to save our asses. There's no right or left in War. Mr. Yon knows. I didn't see 1/10th of what he's seen when I was in the War zone, but the War-ning lessons learned then ring in my gut and my soul today ... In War there is only Death, and mayhem, and destruction.
Its time to stop wasting our breath and our discussion on how we got in this mess. Warning. Its time. For us to hunker down and figure out who we can trust in our neighborhoods and our towns to protect and defend together, our loved ones and each other.
I agree with you on everything you wrote here. I too smell a rat with the call for mass deportations of illegals which could quickly morph into mass internments of everybody else. The ones designing this system are not your friends...