Israel knows when a cockroach farts.

Stand down for sure.

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You ignore the bully empire always meddling in Israel's affairs even shoving a phony peace down Israel's throat.

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Israel doesn’t exist w/o the bully empire. And Israel has vast influence over said bully. An absolutely bizarre relationship.

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Israel will be around long after America is a gamma ray ash heap pile.

Like I wrote, the perverted minds ALWAYS IGNORE the neighborhood of the followers of the false prophet and ALWAYS target Israel.

Islam and Israel cannot coexist.

One will have to disappear.

Islam's days are numbered.

"""For seven months the house of Israel will be burying them in order to cleanse the land. 13 And all the people of the land will bury them; and it will be to their renown on the day that I appear in My glory,” declares the Lord God.""'

Ezekiel 39

Why do you think evil, bully empire USA is collapsing now?

Job 12:23-25

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They are collapsing because “they” are not “they” anymore. That’s my exact point, which you completely missed

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You they he him gone mad !

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At any time, Israel could have told the US to FO and die.

But, they didn't.

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As always the majority of the herd are blind and clueless.

Since when does a tiny outnumbered little itty bitty country surrounded by rabid dogs and always the target of the Useless Nations for abuse have POWER to tell an abusive husband ( LEADER OF THE FREAK WORLD 🌎 bully empire playing as a friend, but playing both sides) to stop beating her ?

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When a country accepts US bully money, then you have to behave and remain silent.

Kind of like an abused wife...gets beat up, but won't walk away from the expensive house and fancy car.

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Twisted souls always blame the victim never the manipulation of the ABUSER BULLY & creep who uses 🤑💰 to control and abuse others.

WHY ? is that ?

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Israel is a strong nation. I find it hard to believe that they are "victims" of the US bullying tactics.

Whenever you take money from an entity, you have to play by their rules.

Answer this, why so many hours before the IDF showed up?

A Black Hawk could have been airborne in 10 minutes.

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May 21Liked by Michael Yon

THANK YOU Michael. I found the discussion with the Rabbi ESPECIALLY helpful in clarifying what has been continually blurred and made difficult to sort through. Keep up the amazing work. Your voice, perspective and insights are invaluable to the resistance.

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I have a very limited understanding of what a Zionist is...

Still unclear.

All I knew is this, Netanyahu seems to be a traiter to the people of Israel...

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I see your point in the contrast of an investigation over an hour delay vs 8 hours during an assault on civilians.

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"Israel clearly allowed the attack on their own people. Saying it took about 8-hours to respond in force to the attack."'

America's phony peace put Israel to sleep, that's what happened.

The lying Washington sewer told Israel that Hamas was busy "governing" the Hamastan, Gaza Bush helped to create with forced Israel withdrawal in 2005.

The Elephant in the room all anti-Israel propagandist ignore is the Counterfeit, Fake, Phony peace scam the Empire forced down Israel's throat.

You will never mention how President Bush threatened and forced Israel to retreat from Gaza for America's bogus peace lie. You will never mention that every time Israel went back into Gaza to stop the rockets on its civilian population that it was the US which sent in Secretary of State H. Clinton and then Sec. John Kerry to rescue Hamas and make Israel retreat before they could finish the job. Exactly what Biden/USA have been doing so the Jews will not ever again defeat another Arab/Muslim Army. And of course you will ignore the failed US led UN Resolution 1701 that rescued Hezbollah when the IDF went into Lebanon during the Second Lebanon War.

With Friends (Bully Empires) like this Who needs enemies.

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ALL of the Above still does not explain the vacated troops from the border or the absence of a rapid response.

But We have our own "Vacated"Border Enforcement too. "Who/Whom" is Forcing the USSA to comply??? and We certainly get our Share of False Flag Attacks and Unopposed "foreign" attacks.

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UN Agenda 2030. Simple. We signed on back in Obama’s regime and we honor our commitments.

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The term "we" is funny in a sordid way....

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Must you first renounce and forsake your love for your parents before accepting Jesus like it says in the jezeusian texts?

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Who is forcing US to comply ? God is, and He is in complete control and this is how He destroys godless empires. Job 12:23, Psalm 9:17 kjv

A sign of the times, gross General blindness. The devil spreads his lies in the darkness that is ubiquitous today.

Once again Evil (Israel's enemies) chose to attack the Jews on one of their HOLY DAY Observances.

If your heart is dark then this fact will not shed light on this being the cause for the poor border security along with the evil empire seducing Israel with it's false peace 2 state Final Solution agenda.

They were doing what Americans do on national holidays.

The festival of Simchat Torah is one of the most joyous on the Jewish calendar. In Israel, following the conclusion of the festival of Sukkot, Simchat Torah and Shemini Atzeret are celebrated together on a single day. Outside of Israel, Shemini Atzeret is celebrated for two days, with the second day known as Simchat Torah.

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If YOU Know the Enemy Attacks on Holidaze ........ and Stand Down your Defenses .....

What would you call it??? God obviously Told someone to Let the Enemy In.

But then Jews, and Christians too, seem to always enjoy being slaughtered to honor someone's God. Not mine btw. I never agreed to turn the cheek or become Lion food, or ride the boxcars.

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Look at how the majority in the USA are asleep and live their destroyer O'Biden to death even after he's destroy them.

American Idol worshipping Israel was out to sleep by their false messiah USA and got smacked down hard. Two thirds of them won't make it Zephaniah wrote long ago.

You live in the US so you are Totalitarian FBI, CIA NSA DNI, Evil Marxist Democrats, worthless Republicans snack 🥨 😋 food.

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Where do you live??? What is Your future???

Assumptions about Any Country's future directions is an unknown. while conjecture is possible, It is not confirmed Yet in the USA vs USSA.

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"Marcel 4 Zion" appears to be a nutcase.

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My future is solid, better than State Farm or Allstate insured.

Unknown ? Only to those who put their trust in 2 legged critters, man centered agendas, politicians and other worthless idols.

It's too bad you don't know the future.

Jeremiah 51

Babylon was a gold cup in the Lord’s hand; she made the whole earth drunk.

The nations drank her wine;

therefore they have now gone mad.

Babylon will suddenly fall and be broken.Wail over her!

Get balm for her pain; perhaps she can be healed.

“‘We would have healed Babylon, but she cannot be healed; (No fixing America, America is toast, Trump was/ is a false hope)

let us leave her and each go to our own land, for her judgment reaches to the skies, it rises as high as the heavens.’

10 “‘The Lord has vindicated us;

come, let us tell in Zion

what the Lord our God has done.’

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Marcel: An Israel apologist. Your well articulated word salad does Israel no good at all. They betrayed themselves. Get past it. Bite the bullet. Get a grip. Israel is doomed until they are brought to repentance by the Gentile nations' punishment. The Time of Jacob's Trouble, aka Daniel"s 70th Week is soon upon all Israel wherever they are found on the globe. It will be a bloody carnage. 1/2 of all Jews will either die or be taken into slavery. It's open source information. Read it and prepare yourself. Shalom.

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Your people keep trying to kill my people, unsuccessfully, most likely your grandchildren will talk ebonics to you and be named Muhammad and Fatima

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Dude. Bring it.

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William : as a Kingdom of Darkness propagandist I got some bad news for you.

Pay close attention to Lord of Armies. And get ready for lots of Gramma Rays on the Evil Empire that assumed to divide Israel and Jerusalem.

The Coming Peace and Prosperity of Zion

""Then the word of the Lord of armies came, saying, “The Lord of armies says this: ‘I am exceedingly jealous for Zion, yes, with great wrath I am jealous for her.’ The Lord says this: ‘I will return to Zion and dwell in the midst of Jerusalem. Then Jerusalem will be called the City of Truth, and the mountain of the Lord of armies will be called the Holy Mountain.’ The Lord of armies says this: ‘Old men and old women will again sit in the public squares of Jerusalem, each person with his staff in his hand because of age. And the public squares of the city will be filled with boys and girls playing in its squares.’ The Lord of armies says this: ‘If it is too difficult in the sight of the remnant of this people in those days, will it also be too difficult in My sight?’ declares the Lord of armies.

Zechariah 8

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Marcel. You are getting ahead of yourself. Your references are accurate....BUT your timing is off. None will take place UNTIL after National Israel repents. That will not occur until after the Time of Jacob's (Israel's) Trouble. It will be a bloodbath. The God of Israel loves His firstborn Son, Israel, and His wife Israel too much to ignore their accumulated sins go unpunished. Same for you and me. Israel does not get a pass. Today Israel is in the Land without Messiah. They are there in unbelief. They are in the place of the dead. They are defiled after having touched the dead body of their Messiah. The list goes on and on. Nope, the God of Abraham will not issue a pardon. The price for National Israel's sin still must be paid. Today individual Jews are being saved as always. National Israel is another matter. Eventually Israel will both rule and bless ALL Gentile nations to fulfill Gods purpose for creating Israel in the first place.....Israel is indeed God's Chosen .....but all prophecy regarding them depends upon their repentance. God's plans and purposes are never altered. God will get what He wants.....an obedient Firstborn Son and a land, a Temple and a Wife restored unto Himself within a Theocratic Kingdom .......no shortcuts.

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William, you are disgusting.


William Vorlz of no kindness.

"See then the kindness and severity of God: to those who fell, severity, but to you, God’s kindness, if you continue in His kindness; for otherwise you too will be cut off. "

God will deliver you that same mercy.

No mention of the evil agenda of America and no mention of the evil of Hamas and all the Arab Muslim nations with the same agenda as Hamas. You completely ignore what is coming up soon. You just hammer down without mercy on

Israel ignoring your arrogance written about in Romans 11

But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive, were grafted in among them and became partaker with them of the rich root of the olive tree, 18 do not be arrogant toward the branches; but if you are arrogant, remember that it is not you who supports the root, but the root supports you. 19 You will say then, “Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in.” 20 Quite right, they were broken off for their unbelief, but you stand by your faith. Do not be conceited, but fear; 21 for if God did not spare the natural branches, He will not spare you, either...

Without your worthless help Jesus is doing His sovereign work in Israel today.


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Is this true, Michael? Why don't you talk about it?

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Lynn. Michael will not get into the weeds of arguements like you see here. He does not have to. He’s a journalist/analyst. Not a political hack/sensationalist. He must maintain a more 30,000 foot view from above. Not get caught in ideological traps.

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But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

2 Timothy 3

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FYI on your Vimeo page under "For the story behind this tragedy, please read: Fool's Gold & Troops' Blood: America's Medevac Failure" the link has been hijacked and now connects to a gambling website. Might want to delete the fake link.

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Thanks for pointing that out also came across a Thai gambling website.

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Glad to do so. I've had those bastards do the same to my civil defense blog. Criminals suck.

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Speaking of gambling, I have a question for you and anyone reading this comment. Maria Zeee, in the 4th hour of the Alex Jones show was raising the alarm about the Digital ID going through in Australia a few days ago. When will it hit Canada and then the USA? My question is, what are the odds of people who comply vs non comply? Will I it be the same as the C19 test run?

Do you think we could start a “Gambling” site to spread the awareness?

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Michael, stop. What if every time you failed, you developed the most dramatic explanation imaginable to explain your failure? You would spiral into self-destruction for all the immediate and accurate explanations that you discounted because, “that thing conspired against me” displaced the space for them in your mind.

Israel did not stand down. They coc*** up gigantically, but they did not stand down.

I am here in Seattle and there’s a group of less than (probably) 50 troublemakers who run around larping as 1930s European anti-fascists (badly, I might add). They take advantage of every opportunity to put on display their power look the part of revolutionaries, driving away decent people who are quickly replaced by baristas with PhDs in Philosophy who bitch about the man keeping them down. And the only reason this self-reinforcing cycle doesn’t get interrupted is the cowardice of a few adults who could put a stop to it - people who value being thought of as “nice”. The “nice brigades” just might destroy Seattle’s reputation in 30 years time. Israel’s “nice brigades” likely got 1000+ of their fellow citizens killed.

The cult of “nice” is a game that high status people are playing (not all high status people - but enough), where they vie for personal godhood (since they deny the real God exists). Maybe a better name is the “eliteness game “. This is the simplest, and most powerful explanation for the self-destructive perfidy that we are seeing all over the west (not just Israel).

Think about it - 5 months prior to the October 7th attacks, high status and wannabe high status people all over Israel were hyperventilating over rather benign changes to their fundamental national law? Why? Because it threatened their “eliteness game.” Did they protest over their poor preparedness for an attack from Gaza? No, because a Hamas attack doesn’t threaten their “eliteness game”. They didn’t issue a stand down - they had a fucking temper-tantrum which distracted the adults (the ones not playing the eliteness game).

High status people, in every nation, of every creed and color, are always exposed to the immense temptation to play the “eliteness game”. And some succumb, but not all. Israel is a test case for certain “eliteness game players” in the west - do they have enough power and influence to destroy a whole nation in pursuit of their eliteness goals (undermining other eliteness players at the expense of all the hoi polloi). They have no qualms allying with the eliteness game players in Gaza - any tactic that promises victory will be entertained. And if they destroy the nation of Israel, they’ll turn that tactic on the Christians in the USA, the patriots in France, the Dhimmis in Britain, and on and on.

Citizenship and patriotism, in a coherent nation (a development of the Christian west) is the best protectant against high status people going on benders playing the “eliteness game”. I stand with Israel, because I stand against this threat of out of control eliteness game players - in any nation (limousine liberals here, neo-Sheikh’s in Gaza, et cetera).

The Arabs in Gaza are being used much the same way poor whites were used in the Confederate States of America - threaten the tiny bit of honor they have (whites threatened with equality with slaves; Arabs threatened with impotency in the face of the Jews, which Mohammad stated they would destroy), then direct the fury created by that perceived loss at the enemies of the elites (Republicans in the north who were anti-slavery; Jews in Israel who are a living affront to the faith of Mohammad, who gave legitimacy to their prince-like form of authority over their people).

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Hamas - We fight unarmed girls while they were unarmed & sleeping.

WATCH: Hostage Families Forum releases harrowing footage of five female soldiers being abducted on Oct. 7


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Sir this is people who have never read scripture or have and clearly do not understand. No matter what people think or say,the truth is Christ will return to Jerusalem and restore his people. Things will get really bad before then but the truth us the truth and you are absolutely correct you can't want to be on the iIsrealites peoole suds but won't Isreal destroyed. Anyone who professes to be a Christian and desires any mother or child to be bombed is not a true Christian. A true Christisn studies the scriptures, prays for discernment, walks with Christ, prays for peace , ask God to preserve his people . All this judgement is wrong. God's will, his plan will be done! Thank you sir, I hope prople really listen

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Tovia Singer has insight for you

You don't have to remain an ignorant crucifix worshiper obsessed over Jews while worshiping a Jew on the wrong Sabbath day feeling comfort in that you've accepted Jesus and can continue to sin, try noahide it's a lot less hysterical anti-intellectual ministrations.

If not you've got 25,000 sets of Christianity to dabble in

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✔️✔️✅✅✅✔️✔️ How blind and doomed the Jew haters are.

They'll join Arafat, Mohammed & Hamas Biden, Obama in hell.

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Talmudic Judaism is most definitely Zionism whether some Jews publicly deny it or not. And Talmudic Judaism is the very definition of being Jewish whether all Jews are aware of it or not.

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JBS "Wrong. The Talmud explicitly forbids the Jews from forming a new nation until clear conditions are set. None of those occurred which is why many Talmudic following Jewish groups do not recognize Israel as a Jewish state. Zionistas HATE the Talmud and Orthodox. The security forces in Israel beat Orthodox Jews with as much hate (sometimes more) than they beat Palestinians. Talmudic Judaism (Orthodox) are in opposition to Zionism. Theodore Herzl HATED Jews. Again, watch the videos slowly, maybe two times for you to digest it.

Try again"

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🤡🤣🤡 so much bullshit flowing from your vomitous mouth

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Islam gets a pass fron their brothers from the same father of lies.

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No pass to Islam but it cannot surpass Talmudic Judaism in hatred and depravity.

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The church has plenty of hate, just look at what Jesus told his followers in that they need to hate their mother and father to follow him👀

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You've been snared, deceived

My guess is Rick Wiles 'of the devil'? You have to notice how all these 4th Reich influencers target 🎯 Israel under the guise of Talmudic, a new arrow of Satan. As They Always ignore Satan's religion of the false prophet .

Like you, So many are so easily Brainwashed and led to hell.


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I can't stand Rick Wiles. I know what I know from reading the Talmud (or as much as I could stomach of it) the insane and evil rantings of the rabbis.

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No rejoicing and thanking God for Tanach. Not a word on the book of lies, darkness and GREAT evil Koran, the only energy you use up is in bashing Israel by way of some book the majority have never bothered to read. You're obsessed an in a dark 🌑 place.

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I assure you your rabbis do read the Talmud and teach it. The Talmud is what defines Jewishness just as the Koran defines the Muslims. The Jesus Christ hating Jews are not Israel. The sheep and the goats were separated in 70 AD when judgement came upon Jerusalem and which ended the Old Covenant for the New Covenant delivered by Jesus Christ.

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A partner with Hamas and all of Israel's enemies. You look for darkness and find it.

Of course you will sweep what Jesus is sovereignly doing in Israel without your help under the rug.


Death to Islam ☠️☠️☠️💀💀

Ezekiel 39

For seven months the house of Israel will be burying them in order to cleanse the land. 13 And all the people of the land will bury them; and it will be [f]to their renown on the day that I appear in My glory,” declares the Lord God.

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Clif High talks about the Talmudic Jews.

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Anti-Semites never talk about their religion of Terrorism. It's much easier for cowards to go after Jews.

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God bless you Mr. Yon. If the world central banksters are Zionist - then it's true. " All Wars are Banker Wars" and their goal is to obtain the spoils of war, & to preserve their bloodlines wealth through inbreeding. Zionist have become psychopaths who will kill all in their their way for their "One World Governance . "

All Christians are not Jesuits - Club of Rome, that believe in child sacrifices, who protect pedophile priest, who pick their religious enemies, and what side of wars to support based off the lies of the CIA's Mockingbird news media & social media. The CIA intel assassins & Joe Biden's regime do not represent God centered nuclear American family values.

All Muslims are not taught, brainwashed from birth to hate all Jews & Christians, to obey Islamic Jihadist Sharia. Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranians leader do not represent the God centered nuclear Muslim family values.

All Jewish are not Zionist that believe Christians and Muslims are their enemies. Zionist, their Intel & leader of Israel do to not represent the God centered nuclear Judeo family values.

Many world leaders, and our D.C. cartel, appear to be controlled, blackmailed, and compromised by an evil force striving for perversion, extermination of humanity, and dominance over all of God's beautiful creations.

This evil is orchestrated by the Zionist central banksters the Federal Reserve, IMF, BIS.org/ future monetary funds, their secret societies D.C. cartel- Illuminati, Club of Rome, Committee of 300, Bank of London, the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group think tanks, their international intelligence assassins, and the influencers in Hollywood, MSM , EU, NATO, OECD, the WEF, the WHO, the UN and their globalist elite cohorts fear- monger pandemics, shame the unvaccinated, push climate change hoaxes-zero carbon insanity, and are executing their evil depopulation/ extermination eugenics programs through wars, racial & religious hatred, "vaccine bioweapons" , famine creating geoengineered weather, chemtrails, DEW-GIS lazars that wipe out communities (Lahaina) , GMO poisons, transgender mutilations, and mass abortions up to birth to destroy the world's posterity.

This is truly a war between Lucifer, and our Heavenly Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

In memory of our fallen soldiers may God bless America, His Holy Land of Israel, and His chosen ones. We are all created in God's image their is only one race- human. We would all be better if we lived by God's church, family, and government laws.

We all need to show forgiveness, love they neighbor, hard work, care for our families, have pride in our nations, educate our children, and teach them what morality, and ethics are.

The common people need to kick big government, evil leaders, false idols in entertainment, the CIA- international Intel and their big tech driven distractions, false flag events, color revolutions, brainwashed false idols in entertainment, porn, and other satanical distractions out of our lives.


Placer County, Calif.

Isaiah 5:20

Psalm 140

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Michael: I read today JOE is moving Palestinians to the US. Is this true?

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Good read/history: Pawns in the Game - by William Guy Carr (1958)

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false flag to foment more war using propaganda machine in order to keep the usury and federal reserve notes in operation in perpetuity...keep world in perpetual state of engineered emergencies and crises to suspend rights and constitutions to subjugate the masses...evil's playbook.

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"Israel clearly allowed the attack on their own people.", and that led to war just as the US had a major intelligence security failure where 1000s died that failure led to war. Nothing by accident happened, is happening, or will happen. God have mercy on us.

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Great post plus it brought out some flat out loony tunes comments.

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videos did not play for me...have to figure out what media player I am missing.

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