I made this video after we landed outside an enemy controlled village at night. Afghan villagers were gone.
We landed to fight.
As we walked into the village, my tent-mate Chazray Clark stepped on an IED in front of me. Blew off both legs and an arm. That we waited an HOUR for medevac led to major investigation. Chazray died.
We continued mission and got into numerous firefights over next couple days. Running low on ammo, QRF drop speedballs at night. Speedballs are bodybags filled with all sorts of supplies such as ammo, medical, water, chow. Speedballs are labeled so the commander can radio back which speedball-bodybags to drop off. Some Soldiers use body bags as sleeping bags to lighten the load. Burning through ammo in the firefights, we all were concerned resupply would be shot down.
Things went quiet then loud, quiet then loud for next couple days. BOOM…another bomb shredded an ANA soldier just nearby. The area was so hot that the unit just bagged up his parts and carried him out instead of risking Black Hawk Down scenario.
I saw so many MEDEVAC/CASEVAC and QRF over those four years that even I cannot remember them all. This was normal.
“Israel” is lying about 07 October attack.
Total, obvious lie.
Israel clearly allowed the attack on their own people. Saying it took about 8-hours to respond in force to the attack.
Hard to imagine any fire department taking an entire McDonald’s shift to get into the firefighting.
Too many people did too much combat to be fooled by Israeli bullshit.
I started this video even while debris was raining down.
Note: this medevac failure led to major investigation. Articles can be easily found online.
IMPORTANT NOTE: JBS “Despite Congressional pandering, Judaism is NOT Zionism. Many Jews do not recognize Zionism and remember that Zionism was formed to transform the Jews AWAY from Judaism and make them like non Jews.“
Short Version First, Long Version Second.
Israel knows when a cockroach farts.
Stand down for sure.
THANK YOU Michael. I found the discussion with the Rabbi ESPECIALLY helpful in clarifying what has been continually blurred and made difficult to sort through. Keep up the amazing work. Your voice, perspective and insights are invaluable to the resistance.