The largest rare metals resources and military grade resources , are in Russian (Soviet - I call it as I see it, BOLSHEVIK!! YEP!! )owned Siberia. HUGE!!! money were invested by China in Siberian mineral extraction industry, also, we know, "officially", that Japanese geologists surveyed Siberia in the 80s and found VAST!! BIGGEST!! ever found, strategic resources. My prediction is, if China pumped in Billions of $$$ into survey and extraction, they will do anything to secure those investments. Imagine now, if Russia collapses (not likely, too much oppression for opposition, opposition is weak...) or will be conquered (only Polish troops conquered Moscow in 17th century, nobody else managed, ever! since!... ) China may "invade" Siberia to protect it's investments.

There's too many IFs here... Wait and see for the petro dollar collapse. This may happen after Izrael destroys Iran, which may be closer than you think. USA EFFED UP Iran, you messed up, allowed the revolution to grow in power, oppress free people... Should have invaded there and then, now all eyes are in Israel. Soon...

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The US has abundant assholes resources. Don't overlook that.

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Yet the one candidate who gets this and actually did something about is somehow unacceptable to many who claim the issue is important.

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thank you

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Thank you kind "leaders" in the DC Swamp. Why would we complain? We were enjoying inferior products from China, Japan, Korea, India, etc. at a cheap price. What little is made in the US is now also inferior, thanks to DIE (DEI) hiring instead of by merit. We are lucky if we even have toilet paper made here. It is probably of Chinese origin, blended with toxins and poison. We don't even produce all the ingredients for gunpowder, let alone steel for ships, and other battle necessities. You get what you want, especially with your elected puppets. Who is going to save us? Pray for God's mercy.

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Outlaw, you're right. The whole basic setup of The Crown (deep state, "Globalists", etc.) is concisely and historically described in the new book, Royal Bloodline Wetiko & The Great Remembering, by Dean Henderson. This is THE book to read and pass around. Blessings!

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In the news todaybis that UK is now sending representatives to come to US to influence election results for the Dems. If Nigal Farage were to do the same it would cause an uproar.

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This is the resultant The New Belt & Road Initiative, a Central Banksters dream come true planned for quite some time----Collapse the West which includes Western Europe and The United States obviously and move it all East----China, Russia, India and Middle Eastern nations including Saudi Arabia---Rothschild just opened a bank in North S Arabia for the first time---That points to them controlling BRICS (as if thats a surprise). "Putin kicked out the Rothschilds."--yeah, sure he did. I reckon not.

Reno is the new tax free haven for the Oligarchs when they cracked down on Switzerland as a tax haven--a tiny little bank opened a few years ago in downtown Reno, Nevada--2016---Rothschild Bank. This has been long planned-----Heinz Kissinger was employed by Jacob Rothschild---the fella who helped de-industrialized the United States under Nixon on behalf of the Global Oligarchs---"The Families"

The McKinder World Island Map is the model--(look up the graphic--3 leaf Cloverleaf)----North America is missing. The British Crown never left and have a hand in The United States reclaiming their colony---plain and simple. Rothschild represents The Crown--not Queen Liz and her inbred spawn.

Crown, Inc.

God Bless y'all.


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Note the axis is Jerusalem.

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So we are incredibly weak in the face of invasion. And we were already infiltrated by China.

First thing Patriots might be doing is coming up with a fail proof plan to defend the country when it is time.

Actually I have been expecting that to come about and execute shortly after the 2020 coup on this nation.

Never happened.

Will it ever happen?

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And the masses party on, faces buried in their CCP toys, Tik-Tok Tik-Tok….

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Well said!

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How many Chinese and Indian “immigrants” have been brought in since 2020? My hometown in America is currently Chino-Hindustan.

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Where do you live?

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Wonderful San Diego, California. Used to be the most affordable and lovely large city in California. Now, it's bio-labs, stack and packs, what, hundreds of thousands (it seems) of Chinese and Indians "immigrants" here since 2020. I only slightly exaggerate.

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Sorry.....I know someone that moved there recently. Her husband sold his company

(golf interactive game) to someone in San Diego, CA. The company wanted him to

move from Central Florida to San Diego, CA to help smooth out the transition. Some people were saying that San Diego is a nice area? We welcome you to

Florida. In the year 2020, no wonder. That's when Fraudster JOE and his

Commies took over.

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This is still the United States of America, and our territory is still ours. It would be the height of reasonable to remove all FOREIGN OCCUPATION FROM U.S. TERRITORY. Those considering themselves Oligarchs are TREASONOUS TO THE U.S. and can be discredited with all they've perpetrated to give advantage to U.S. enemies reversed.


This current darkness: this evil is THE result of 'GOOD PEOPLE BECOMING COWARDS AND DOING NOTHING TO STOP IT.'

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A little late.

They have broken us over time. Human nature. They knew what they were doing. And the poison shot and tainted foods have changed American people as well. Our Fortune 500 companies have even been changed by faulty school and colleges over the years. We have ceetainly declined and hard to retrace now.

A job well done by evil. And the final shot may be only days from now when even a strong leader cannot change the outcome. I.e. as we saw in Brazil with Bolsinaro.

Yes we need a giant size miracle. Anyone up for manifesting that?

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Our leaders have failed us.

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No. We have failed ourselves. Hiring crooks, trusting crooks and looking sideways.

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Not all of us.

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Well, enough to keep the wolf out of the house?

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Oh yeah. I think this is the entire point behind globalists efforts. It's not about holding hands and hugging like they are brain washing the people to think. That is exactly what Marxism always leads to. Fuck Joe Biden

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Lost my train of thought because of all the checks and stuff

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Michael, praying that more people pay attention to you. Am very grateful for you.

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Asleep people are watching sports while Trump works at McDonalds after “three assassination attempts”. I mean, my God people, wake up!

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You nailed it Renee Marie. You dropped a Gem!

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🤣🤷‍♀️Pure insanity Kevin! Thank God I have a crazy sense of humor! Can I get off the ride now?

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Guess we knew this, just not in such detail. Thamks for the forward Michael.

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