Children's Health Defense predates COVID. RFK Jr. has been trying to raise awareness of the danger of kids vaccines for several years, and parents have been fighting for justice at least since the 90s.

So the problem was, for many years, corporations putting profit over people, and captured regulatory agencies. That monster has only recently been eaten by a much bigger and more deadly monster.

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There's a major problem with the COVID-vaccines-as-depopulation theory. Why didn't the powers that be bother to roll them out to poor countries in a timely fashion? No one wanted to BANKROLL the depopulation, it seems they only wanted to kill people if they could also make money while doing it.

There may very well be a group of people with depopulation on their mind (Schwab, Gates, et al), but I think the big push to overthrow the US is coming from China.

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Michael, this could get interesting for the USA. Not sure if it helps rest of world if passes Supreme Court January 6. For your interest.

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EXACTLY EXACTLY. And if he is "so smart" then why is he omitting this? It happens far too often. Is it b/c the mass audience is still too dumbed down, or is it b/c he is only explaining in part?

Michael thank you for taking the time to complete this thought process.

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It's because Children's Health Defense predates COVID by quite a few years, and it USED to be that dangerous vaccines were all about corporate profit. He's just a little slow in coming around in his thinking.

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My prevailing theory is that most of the neuroticism relating to COVID has to do with the intel community wanting to maintain the “safety” of the mRNA delivery tech, not the spike protein mRNA itself. What keeps the spooks up at night (and their financial supporters) is the true fact that $100,000 and a masters degree in bio-medical engineering can create the worst chimeric virus with potential depopulation effect (40-80% mortality). The spooks accidentally created COVID because they were trying to research the potential ways that bat coronaviruses could be manipulated in a lab so they could foresee what these potential bio-engineers could produce and hope to be ahead of them.

The fear drove the hubris.

And in order to maintain the legitimacy of the narrative, they had to double down on the lies and make certain that the mRNA tech was so widely distributed that any safety signal would be lost because there would be no control group.

The mRNA tech gets the spooks panties in such a bunch because it theoretically could be prepped (especially about 5 million doses worth, enough to keep military and pay to play alive) to adapt to any novel infectious pathogen. Basically the laser beam to shoot down emerging infectious diseases. You can look back at DARPA’s investment and development of mRNA tech. They have known since the very beginning that the mRNA tech is highly ingenious but also highly problematic for the human body, especially auto-immune disorders. There was one experimental drug before COVID to treat cancer using mRNA tech but it never made it to the market because the safety signal was too high.

Since DARPA (whose founding members include Jeff Bezos’ maternal grandfather LP Guise) had decades of investment and no plan B to deal with the spooky foreigner lurking in some basement ready to make a chimeric virus, they had to make sure the tech was adopted by the populace as a whole to erase the safety signal.

There are also a whole group of commercial interests that benefit from the “washing” (laundering?) of the safety signal of the mRNA tech, obviously Pfizer, but basically the whole medical research community is as erect as a flag pole on Veterans Day for the mRNA tech because of its potential to deliver targeted pharmaceuticals. The most promising is in targeted delivery of toxins to cancers (think targeted chemotherapy so it requires less dosage but is more effective). Also the mRNA tech is the most promising delivery platform for many emerging Alzheimer’s drugs, which we know is going to be a trillion dollar cash cow for the pharmaceutical industry.

The intel community’s fingerprints are over all of this. At the beginning of COVID (March 2020) the official federal agency in charge of response to COVID policy changed from the statutorily designated CDC under DHHS (Department of Health and Human Services), to FEMA under DHS (Department of Homeland Security). We created a federal agency called it the Centers for Disease Control, hired the world’s leading doctors, designated it under law as the agency in charge of infectious disease pandemic response and then when the pandemic came we decided that the chief agency in charge of policy should be the one with no doctors, no medical training, no infectious disease equipment etc. FEMA was created to respond to earthquakes, hurricanes, storms, tornadoes, floods and other earth-related natural disasters, the CDC was created to control pandemics, and as soon as the pandemic shows up, kk we good no need doctors.

The Great Barrington Declaration (second half 2020) was basically an affirmation of the prevailing public health pandemic response consensus before COVID started. If you look at their work it basically is an affirmation of norms in Public Health. Public Health did not invent lockdowns before we saw them in China, they would not recommend shutting down society (especially when there was steep risk stratification with age and co-morbidities). The only logical reason to ever shut down a society for an infectious disease is if you believe you can drive the virus to extinction. IMO no matter how hard you try lockdowns never will work on a coronavirus because their life cycle is too long in the human body. Meaning: because coronaviruses in general (not just COVID in particular ) have a relatively long hidden (asymptomatic) stage in their reproduction cycle, it is unable to be controlled. Perhaps with an influenza virus because it’s asymptomatic stage is so much shorter. Anyways virologists and epidemiologists knew all of this prior to COVID and many rational ones have continued to say this to this day: coronaviruses cannot be controlled through mitigation measures. It is a fools errand.

The intel community sought to use the fear and panic which they sowed to their end of getting the mRNA tech to the market. They saw the fear environment as the perfect opportunity to launder the mRNA tech safety signal for all of the spooks and robber barons to benefit.

This explains RFK’s insistence on the importance of the legal protection of the mRNA tech. The authorities on high have declared mRNA safe and they prevented the safety from ever being verified or disproven. If the legal protections (EUA) fall then private citizens can use the court system to expose the fraud. The legal protections are the lynchpin, it has always been about the mRNA tech from the very beginning.

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Excellent explanation. Thank you!

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I'm there with you Michael - if it was just to avoid the legal it would simply be the school vaccination program - I thought 'depopulation' when they came out with the okay to vaccinate the 6 months to 5... though I am having a real problem with parents.... you almost have to be brain dead to continue vaccinating your children when countries all over the world are now stopping it for all under 55, or for under 17 or for..... I feel bad that their day is so very busy and full that they have no time to discover for themselves what is being said - not on mainstream news - I can't imagine how they will feel when they finally hear the truth.

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I taught decision making to fighter pilots, airline crews, and medical teams for years. Under duress, or stress - low time and high consequence - DM is all about pattern matching. Observe, Orient, Decide, Act. Repeat. If everything that has happened in the scandemic was “for our health,” then nothing matches the “for our health” pattern. None of it makes any sense. However, if everything was about “depopulation,” then it all makes sense.

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I hope you are contributing your knowledge and wisdom to some local patriot groups, and those seeking to build some parallel community groups. You have much to offer.

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Don't forget using up all of our oil reserves, too!

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RFK Jr. is correct at the legal level and you are very likely correct at the global level. I am guessing that, if the 'elites' miss their mark THIS TIME, then RFK Jr. will have much work to do and The Real Anthony Fauci message will eventually get through to the sleeping masses.

Please be aware that TikTok is every bit as much of a weapon as the jabs. I noticed back in 2018 or so -- a huge shift in my kid's thinking and actions. And I wondered about all the peers who were the same. And thought about this new app that was literally INSIDE everybody's house, school, EVERYwhere. And it included 'challenges' that were not nice or sane (e.g., take a raw egg and smash it in your parent's face, take a video of your family member on the toilet, and worse). They did the challenges. Some people got hurt. But I think the tests passed. They were able to achieve the mind control.

Fast forward to 2022. The kids are older and more adults are on TikTok, including politicians. The FYP ('for you pages') feed the most horrifying and negative visuals you can imagine (starving brown children, devastating pollution, the worst corruption). No wonder people are more depressed by the day. And the ideology and 'influencers' ...? Left of left. Marx. Antifa. Anarchy. Erase all countries. End capitalism. End money. Develop AI so I can get a chip implant and learn in minutes rather than be bored at school. Drugs? Check. Gender confusion? Check. All the above. This is real and it is happening to the minds of real people I know.

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I can't even believe rational, conservative parents who let their kids put that crap on their phones. There are MANY.

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I know parents, liberal and conservative, that forbade it. But the kids (and now adults) use it anyway.

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Yes, I know. The kids are too young to see the danger..

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Just checked and see that about 1 billion people use TikTok worldwide as of early 2022.

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Bureaucracy, in my experience, always covers up bad behavior. So, they use the corporate and government bureaucracies to hide the decision-makers.

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I agree with you regarding the rail strikes. I could see that chaos coming miles away. Americans have no idea what and how much moves by rail. They will learn very soon. The globalist puppeteers want to inflict more pain and damage. People will die this winter due to lack of heat. Perfectly fits the depopulation agenda. Sadly, our countrymen will still not point the blame at the correct people. Love your work.

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Sadly enough the encouragement of children to transition also fits the depopulation narrative.

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Agree with you, MY - but why go after Robert F Kennedy Jr. He is trying to reach the most people at a "doable" level for them.

As you know, we are in a kind of "Idiocracy" for at least the last decade or longer due to the deliberate dumbing down and continual bombardment/indoctrination through media, public schools, corporate conditioning et al. North Americans have been hit the hardest and are now the most compliant and "ignorant" population of the "west". In order to try and get even a few of then to "stop and think" or try more full spectrum thinking they now need to be led step by step or they freeze like deer in the headlights or become irrationally confused and paralyzed.

I found working in other countries, other systems-the "average" citizen in Central Asian/Eastern European, a few Asian and South American countries are much more knowledgeable and their competencies and thinking capacities are more intact. Hence, they are out in their streets in the millions protesting what they do see coming.

I appreciate your writing and your work but hope you continue to go after the "big fish" with evil intent with your mighty jaws and keyboard. All the best to you in a place I once lived...Dripping Springs, TX.

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