Dripping Springs, Texas
Morning mind burst
[My apologies for writing quickly — I have meetings soon this morning.]
Robert F. Kennedy posits some ideas on the push to poison children with the fake vaccines.
His limited theory that this push to ‘vaccinate’ children is all about legal liability does not explain the global fact-pattern. RFK’s legal theory is not useful as a predictive paradigm for what might come next.
Contrary, RFK’s legal paradigm that this push to jab children is all and only about simple legal liability, can lull one into complacency that this battle to vax children is separate and severable from the larger war.
RFK’s stated view and paradigm is made from a low-level aerial perspective. Just high enough to see companies like Pfizer in a courtroom. This overhead view comes from a 500 feet above the weeds. Just high enough to see pharmaceutical companies in US courtrooms.
This low altitude leaves massive gaps and huge amounts of other factors completely unconsidered. RFK’s explanation of his world-view of the fight to vax children is like that from a map drawn in about the year 1400. Lots of blank spots and “There be dragons.”
Corporate greed does not explain the fact-pattern. The paradigm itself leads to absurdly wrong ideas about what has happened and is happening.
Use of the word ‘absurd’ is not to imply Kennedy is absurd. RFK is very smart and fighting hard. ‘Absurd’ is to convey that we start with an answer of “300,” and RFK is trying to explain that 2 + 2 = 300. Lots of things can equal 300….2 + 2 is not one of those things.
Let’s go higher than the 500-foot level that leaves only room for corporate greed and desire to avoid liability. Too simplistic. Does not explain what has happened and what is unfolding.
Let’s go to Space View to where we not only see the curvature of earth, but far enough up that we see the earth as a marble.
Now look back at Earth. Not down at Earth. There is no up and down. Just here and there.
We do not need to see some courtroom and some ephemeral US law that means zero on this scale. The courtroom or cathedral may seem gigantic when we are in it, but on global scale, a grain of sand.
RFK’s theory of legal liability is like looking at a thermometer and trying to explain next week’s weather.
RFK’s theory and paradigm is useless or wrong in explaining the entire picture blocking people from using protocols using ivermectin, HCQ, zinc, etc. His theory of the case does zero to explain lockdowns. Zero to explain manmade fertilizer shortages. Fuel shortages. Stolen elections. Installation of “Dog Kings” such as the brain damaged guys in Pennsylvania and White House. Provoking the Ukraine war. Leaving our borders wide open. Allowing our streets to be flooded by fentanyl and other drugs.
RFK’s theory omits all the build up of World Economic Forum clearly stating they are creating conditions for massive depopulation. This is all part of a larger climate of depopulation. Bill Gates invests in synthetic foods, farmland, vaccines, eugenics.
RFK’s paradigm will leave one like a dodo bird waiting to get clonked on the head.
Let’s try a global, unified theory, a Paradigm that takes WEF and other globalists at their word — and deed — that these fake ‘vaccines’ are in fact NOT experimental. Or at least not experimental in the way described.
Talking heads say daily these are experimental ‘vaccines’ when there is practically no evidence the chemicals are experimental. Where are the trials and experiments?
A unified theory and paradigm that explains all this without massive blank spots is that these fake ‘vaccines’ are weapons in a larger war. The death jabs are swarms of little smart missiles.
And these jab-missiles are far from the only weapons. More likely, children are being executed by lethal injection. Time bombs.
A paradigm limited to corporate greed requires a microscope to believe. Does not fit the fact pattern. Falls apart.
RFK’s paradigm does not create or add to a paradigm that can create accurate predictions of next moves with food supply, energy, destruction of freedoms, such as of freedom of speech, and why the globalists are working hard to erase all national borders, and to gender-confuse children that they should have sex and do drugs and play on tic-tok.
These things are not separate or separable.
A world view, a paradigm, that is consistently creating highly accurate predictions — just go back and read my Locals posts — is that these fake vaccines are weapons that have been deployed and are being employed to kill the children and their parents. This neatly fits the fact-pattern and paradigm that we are in an Epic War.
You may have seen here on Locals over recent months my numerous predictions the rail strikes are likely. I do not even follow anything the unions or companies are saying. Nothing. I do not know the names of the unions involved. They are fungible. Their specifics are not relevant. Weeds.
My prediction of rail strikes is simply the outcome of an overarching working-paradigm. This war-paradigm leads to consistently accurate predictions and retroactively can smoothly explain many things that would otherwise seem bizarre. Such as shutting down fertilizer production across Europe. The deindustrialization of Europe.
The rail strikes would contribute materially and significantly to destruction of United States, and thus many other power structures.
I have been predicting rail strikes without checking a single negotiation detail — because the strings are coming from space-level. Global war. Population reduction. Global revolution.
On the global scale, the railroad-related-unions and their grievances are gnats and tools. We don’t need to know what the gnats are doing for breakfast. There is herd of elephants in the room, and the elephants are a speck on the scale of this global war that includes digital currency, vax-passports, and probable stolen elections in many countries.
RFK’s theory cannot explain vax-passports. RFK’s paradigm does not consider itself and now this looks from space.
The microscopic paradigm requires someone to view the push to jab children as THE fight. It’s not. The possible killing of millions of children either directly, through fertility issues, or otherwise, is huge on local scale, but is probably small compared to the global famines unfolding.
Under my working paradigm, the children are being jabbed either to kill the children through the jabs, or to set them up later for same or similar.
The depopulation agenda is in our faces. The Beasts say it all the time.
Evil often says things aloud. Conveys intent through books. Makes movies. SAYS IT. Globalists say clearly and regularly that this population is about to take a haircut with a razor, closer cut than a new Marine.
Evil habitually telegraphs plans.
Conditions have been created for Global Famines.
Time for work. In closing, my apologies for this rough mind dump. I read his book excellent book THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI and highly recommend the book.
(And addressing some messages…a few folks are upset about my call for financial support while being cryptic about my next needs. The next moves will be dangerous and so I cannot telegraph until there. You know I deliver.)
I taught decision making to fighter pilots, airline crews, and medical teams for years. Under duress, or stress - low time and high consequence - DM is all about pattern matching. Observe, Orient, Decide, Act. Repeat. If everything that has happened in the scandemic was “for our health,” then nothing matches the “for our health” pattern. None of it makes any sense. However, if everything was about “depopulation,” then it all makes sense.
RFK Jr. is correct at the legal level and you are very likely correct at the global level. I am guessing that, if the 'elites' miss their mark THIS TIME, then RFK Jr. will have much work to do and The Real Anthony Fauci message will eventually get through to the sleeping masses.
Please be aware that TikTok is every bit as much of a weapon as the jabs. I noticed back in 2018 or so -- a huge shift in my kid's thinking and actions. And I wondered about all the peers who were the same. And thought about this new app that was literally INSIDE everybody's house, school, EVERYwhere. And it included 'challenges' that were not nice or sane (e.g., take a raw egg and smash it in your parent's face, take a video of your family member on the toilet, and worse). They did the challenges. Some people got hurt. But I think the tests passed. They were able to achieve the mind control.
Fast forward to 2022. The kids are older and more adults are on TikTok, including politicians. The FYP ('for you pages') feed the most horrifying and negative visuals you can imagine (starving brown children, devastating pollution, the worst corruption). No wonder people are more depressed by the day. And the ideology and 'influencers' ...? Left of left. Marx. Antifa. Anarchy. Erase all countries. End capitalism. End money. Develop AI so I can get a chip implant and learn in minutes rather than be bored at school. Drugs? Check. Gender confusion? Check. All the above. This is real and it is happening to the minds of real people I know.