Nothing posited above is a guarantee. Don’t ever rely on anything Drumpf says. Jan 6th Agent Provocateur, fake assassination event, Operation Warp Speed, Red Flag laws, Hilary never prosecuted on & on. Fact, Zionist’s always lie. You knew I was a Snake before you took me in. The eyes only see what the brain is prepared to comprehend. In the Land of the blind the one eyed man is King. Conquers & Tyrants don’t ask for permission. Win a no-win scenario by rewriting the rules. Anybody pimping McDonalds & Chemical poison Coca Cola as a main stay & nutrious meal is not on the up & up. Can’t see it for you only point you where to look. Those that can make you believe absurdities can also make you commit atrocities.
How many trumptards cannot see the reality of this picture, instead of the narratives/ brainwashing they’ve been subjected to and have no clue they’re completely and totally brainwashed! Galatians 4:16 “ Have I become your enemy because I tell you the ( harsh) truth?
Well at this point events show I was right on about T fixing this Ukraine/Russia thing the evil ones started. And he is doing just as he promised.
Funny how things happen. Right?
But I never had a case of TDS. In fact I knew T was going to run for Pres long before the elevator. He was on Fox and Friends every Monday for ten minutes just warming up to politics for about a year! So when he announced I was not surprised but elated. Yup!
Governments do not go insane since the system will only allow governments that are capable of insane acts on command. The insane part is that citizens keep gaslighting themselves with false hope every election cycle and refuse to accept the following reality: Our Leaders Are Psychopaths ( )
nowadays war is explained and expounded on before/as it's happening in slow motion.... bit by bit.......... in the old days......... Caesar's diaries for example (public domain/free doc),........... war is not dialogued publicly ......... the world has become so weird and strange w the birth of modern technology....... particularly the internet
all these threats............ ENDLESS whatifs ad nauseam designed as Michael and many attest to just wear use down and accept what is coming.......................
as much as i've grown sick of the absurdity of Alex Jones as of late.......... one day saying'oh deep state is panic' next day 'deepstate will destroy us all' back and forth forever and ever..... amidst all kinds of stupidity..... nevertheless. as always puts forth some good stuff (like Trump is his own worst enemy making us people who 'see' look like idiots to those who ACTUALLY see nothing):
this vid totally backs up what Michael said here............. is the truth, just look up atacm missiles in google, and the rest is easy to understand................
also,...... well i'm a guy who talks w most people i meet about 'don't take the shot' 'they are going to kill all of us' and Jesus, you need Jesus, actually do......... whether in person, phone, email..... whatever.... i speak up and i don't care if you beat or kill me, i really don't
well i'm married and have a disabled daughter 50% paralyzed from waist down...... bladder and bowel control.......nahh... so i wonder what i can actually do that will make a difference,...... you know........i'm on the city council advisory board........ big f*** deal........ haha......... i know the police chief..... lot of cops, the da, the sheriff............ i in past post lot of my words on facebook and emails to all the liberals i know (we swingdance so know lots and lots of them) and they just deride me as a reprobate idiot........ all the liberals, many claiming Christianity, are total fanatics for the dark let's call it cancel culture liberal democrat liars who accuse us of doing what they themselves are doing............ and one thing they may be successful at is just wearing us down with relentless fucking stupidity............. i've said my entire life that the scariest most threatening thing out there is stupid people,...... cause there just way too many of them
hey Michael......... when you use the word Zionist i immediately think of Jews/Jerusalem......... i've heard you talk and read what you wrote about these guys (smorgasbord of all those 'powerful leader types' who want world domination, to have it or at least participate/benefit in the regime to come), but what is the history of the Zionists (Trump being one you say, and his camp)......... only then will i know what you're really talking about...... for me the best history i know of after all these decades is this:
Then watch the Special TV Series EP. 1 to 10 at the top of the page. These are episodes that Amazon combined into one movie, the one that’s “no longer available in my area”.
i don't think you'll be sorry, won't feel like your time was wasted............... i'll try to make it up to you somehow if you think not
anyway bigcorptech/facebook and all that/msms/medicalworddrugmakers/democrats and rhinos........... cia/fbi/nsa .... Bushes/Clintons/Obama (the current president) claus shwab......... rockefeller/rothschild....... china CCP..... all that... ARE what i call deep state NWO......... and i am familiar w the history of all that.......... BUT how does Zionist fit here........... i get it about oligarchies and Russia(i've like very very much liked Putin from day 1 till this very day btw), Israelgovt-totallysoldouttoSatan
yes, i really need to know exactly what you mean by Zionist, the origins/history of this designation, in order to understand you
concerning Trump............. exactly which oligarchies....... zionist is he the meat puppet of... so far as you know/suspect
thank you Dawn......... see the woman/females.......i don't know..... don't ask me...... i just take notes.. make no claims........ but Dawn aptly points out that........ what.......... not a single bite was taken out of any of those 'meals'........ have you watched nothing at all on netflix or amazon prime movies/episodes............. always in the flow and aftermath of eating...... we see nothing but half/partly eaten/consumed junk food matter...... and perhaps some good take-out chinese or other mixed in....... but this pic is stupid........ can't these guys see they are nothing more than stool pigeons masquerading as angels of light.. what kind of joke is this.......... if you eat , than EAT
Everyone took the Cuban missile crisis seriously. But now that the nuclear-capable missiles are on the other side of the world and actually striking the other nuclear power, I haven’t heard one person mention it. We have roundtripped to the complacency of 1914.
What about all the drugged up dumbed down Anerican Sheeple swallowing the propaganda pills taking the Big Pharma Clot $hots Going Along Willingly Warp $peed Ahead into Transhumanism Armageddon Killing Millions Worldwide Genocide U$ Bioweapons in Ukraine $preading Crimes Against Humanity Where are the voices of Sanity Michael Yon Says it Plainly Anyone with a Brain Listening Willing to Stand Take Action to stop Escalation of NUCLEAR War ?
First, Russia does NOT have hypersonic weapons. They only have slightly improved versions of their flavor of traditional cruise missiles. We now have deployable EMP.
Second, regardless of the dark and immoral theater that became how our government acted to justify getting involved in WWII, Japan was up to causing much pan-Asian human tragedy and suffering for its own empire for a decade before Pearl Harbor. Your whitewashing this is weird, to say the least.
Thirdly, you are correct: US State Department (who really runs the world) are indeed “drug-addled children with nuclear weapons and long range delivery capabilities “. And we indeed are drug-addled thinkers regressing into our own adolescence because thinking and acting like adults in war or in the drudgery of life has become far too emotionally draining. We are scared by years of government psyops to which we react only to pet our fetishes as a substitute for the truth which lies right in front of our noses.
Stop taking all pills: blue, red, or black. They want you drugged, they want you scared, they want you to deny the truth, they want total control over your individual sovereignty and your birthright as free citizens siting above the government.
US State Department has gone full-on ‘Dr Strangerlove’ (misspelling intended).
You’re overreacting to the McDonald’s feast photo-op on Trumpforce One. It certainly is a message (nobody believes RFK ate that shit), but it’s not an ignorant condemnation of Armageddon.
Nothing posited above is a guarantee. Don’t ever rely on anything Drumpf says. Jan 6th Agent Provocateur, fake assassination event, Operation Warp Speed, Red Flag laws, Hilary never prosecuted on & on. Fact, Zionist’s always lie. You knew I was a Snake before you took me in. The eyes only see what the brain is prepared to comprehend. In the Land of the blind the one eyed man is King. Conquers & Tyrants don’t ask for permission. Win a no-win scenario by rewriting the rules. Anybody pimping McDonalds & Chemical poison Coca Cola as a main stay & nutrious meal is not on the up & up. Can’t see it for you only point you where to look. Those that can make you believe absurdities can also make you commit atrocities.
Hi Michael! Only have a freebie account, but sure looking forward to reading your stuff!!!! Found out via Rumble how to find you here, FYI.
How many trumptards cannot see the reality of this picture, instead of the narratives/ brainwashing they’ve been subjected to and have no clue they’re completely and totally brainwashed! Galatians 4:16 “ Have I become your enemy because I tell you the ( harsh) truth?
Good morning Michael
Well at this point events show I was right on about T fixing this Ukraine/Russia thing the evil ones started. And he is doing just as he promised.
Funny how things happen. Right?
But I never had a case of TDS. In fact I knew T was going to run for Pres long before the elevator. He was on Fox and Friends every Monday for ten minutes just warming up to politics for about a year! So when he announced I was not surprised but elated. Yup!
What were they thinking?! Kamala could have cooked that, and God knows, what she put in it! LOL
Governments do not go insane since the system will only allow governments that are capable of insane acts on command. The insane part is that citizens keep gaslighting themselves with false hope every election cycle and refuse to accept the following reality: Our Leaders Are Psychopaths ( )
The trophy kids are having their own trophy kids.
Your report is so true!!!
nowadays war is explained and expounded on before/as it's happening in slow motion.... bit by bit.......... in the old days......... Caesar's diaries for example (public domain/free doc),........... war is not dialogued publicly ......... the world has become so weird and strange w the birth of modern technology....... particularly the internet
all these threats............ ENDLESS whatifs ad nauseam designed as Michael and many attest to just wear use down and accept what is coming.......................
as much as i've grown sick of the absurdity of Alex Jones as of late.......... one day saying'oh deep state is panic' next day 'deepstate will destroy us all' back and forth forever and ever..... amidst all kinds of stupidity..... nevertheless. as always puts forth some good stuff (like Trump is his own worst enemy making us people who 'see' look like idiots to those who ACTUALLY see nothing):
this vid totally backs up what Michael said here............. is the truth, just look up atacm missiles in google, and the rest is easy to understand................
btw, i just deleted a post in order to fix a typo
so........ my question to you is do you have any recommendation of what i can do in the fight to not be all killed
also,...... well i'm a guy who talks w most people i meet about 'don't take the shot' 'they are going to kill all of us' and Jesus, you need Jesus, actually do......... whether in person, phone, email..... whatever.... i speak up and i don't care if you beat or kill me, i really don't
well i'm married and have a disabled daughter 50% paralyzed from waist down...... bladder and bowel control.......nahh... so i wonder what i can actually do that will make a difference,...... you know........i'm on the city council advisory board........ big f*** deal........ haha......... i know the police chief..... lot of cops, the da, the sheriff............ i in past post lot of my words on facebook and emails to all the liberals i know (we swingdance so know lots and lots of them) and they just deride me as a reprobate idiot........ all the liberals, many claiming Christianity, are total fanatics for the dark let's call it cancel culture liberal democrat liars who accuse us of doing what they themselves are doing............ and one thing they may be successful at is just wearing us down with relentless fucking stupidity............. i've said my entire life that the scariest most threatening thing out there is stupid people,...... cause there just way too many of them
hey Michael......... when you use the word Zionist i immediately think of Jews/Jerusalem......... i've heard you talk and read what you wrote about these guys (smorgasbord of all those 'powerful leader types' who want world domination, to have it or at least participate/benefit in the regime to come), but what is the history of the Zionists (Trump being one you say, and his camp)......... only then will i know what you're really talking about...... for me the best history i know of after all these decades is this:
How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World
if it's 'unavailable on Amazon Prime' do this:
How The Specter of Communism is Ruling Our World
Then watch the Special TV Series EP. 1 to 10 at the top of the page. These are episodes that Amazon combined into one movie, the one that’s “no longer available in my area”.
i don't think you'll be sorry, won't feel like your time was wasted............... i'll try to make it up to you somehow if you think not
anyway bigcorptech/facebook and all that/msms/medicalworddrugmakers/democrats and rhinos........... cia/fbi/nsa .... Bushes/Clintons/Obama (the current president) claus shwab......... rockefeller/rothschild....... china CCP..... all that... ARE what i call deep state NWO......... and i am familiar w the history of all that.......... BUT how does Zionist fit here........... i get it about oligarchies and Russia(i've like very very much liked Putin from day 1 till this very day btw), Israelgovt-totallysoldouttoSatan
yes, i really need to know exactly what you mean by Zionist, the origins/history of this designation, in order to understand you
concerning Trump............. exactly which oligarchies....... zionist is he the meat puppet of... so far as you know/suspect
were i single i'd meet up w you and take some orders, see what happens
thank you Dawn......... see the woman/females.......i don't know..... don't ask me...... i just take notes.. make no claims........ but Dawn aptly points out that........ what.......... not a single bite was taken out of any of those 'meals'........ have you watched nothing at all on netflix or amazon prime movies/episodes............. always in the flow and aftermath of eating...... we see nothing but half/partly eaten/consumed junk food matter...... and perhaps some good take-out chinese or other mixed in....... but this pic is stupid........ can't these guys see they are nothing more than stool pigeons masquerading as angels of light.. what kind of joke is this.......... if you eat , than EAT
Everyone took the Cuban missile crisis seriously. But now that the nuclear-capable missiles are on the other side of the world and actually striking the other nuclear power, I haven’t heard one person mention it. We have roundtripped to the complacency of 1914.
You are the smartest person.
What about all the drugged up dumbed down Anerican Sheeple swallowing the propaganda pills taking the Big Pharma Clot $hots Going Along Willingly Warp $peed Ahead into Transhumanism Armageddon Killing Millions Worldwide Genocide U$ Bioweapons in Ukraine $preading Crimes Against Humanity Where are the voices of Sanity Michael Yon Says it Plainly Anyone with a Brain Listening Willing to Stand Take Action to stop Escalation of NUCLEAR War ?
First, Russia does NOT have hypersonic weapons. They only have slightly improved versions of their flavor of traditional cruise missiles. We now have deployable EMP.
Second, regardless of the dark and immoral theater that became how our government acted to justify getting involved in WWII, Japan was up to causing much pan-Asian human tragedy and suffering for its own empire for a decade before Pearl Harbor. Your whitewashing this is weird, to say the least.
Thirdly, you are correct: US State Department (who really runs the world) are indeed “drug-addled children with nuclear weapons and long range delivery capabilities “. And we indeed are drug-addled thinkers regressing into our own adolescence because thinking and acting like adults in war or in the drudgery of life has become far too emotionally draining. We are scared by years of government psyops to which we react only to pet our fetishes as a substitute for the truth which lies right in front of our noses.
Stop taking all pills: blue, red, or black. They want you drugged, they want you scared, they want you to deny the truth, they want total control over your individual sovereignty and your birthright as free citizens siting above the government.
US State Department has gone full-on ‘Dr Strangerlove’ (misspelling intended).
You’re overreacting to the McDonald’s feast photo-op on Trumpforce One. It certainly is a message (nobody believes RFK ate that shit), but it’s not an ignorant condemnation of Armageddon.