OK, you don't like Trump? So what? What are we supposed to do? Not vote? I didn't like Trump in 2016 either, but I VOTED for him because in the real world it was going to be him or the nightmare Hillary Clinton, so I voted for, yes, the LESSER of evils, or at least what I thought was lesser & I think it was. I'm tired of people like you saying they don't like Trump, but not expanding on that & explaining what the alternatives are in the real world, not the world we wish it was, not the perfect world, but the real world, not the libertarian, hypothetical world. Because if you don't better explain these things, it causes, IMO, people like me who respect you, to question that respect & ask, is there anybody else out there who has something more constructive to say, or are we just going to complain that Trump's not our perfect dream leader. I don't see any perfect alternatives, or better options than Trump at the moment. DO YOU??? And if you do, please share, because I guess I've missed it.

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Well, good points all but I think Michael is suggesting we wait for final judgment on this assassination event until more info comes in. Trump is probably the lesser of two evils because we've already been conquered. The TPTB can catch more flies with honey than vinegar and less blood shed too. Look at old 'Hope and Change' Obama. No one saw that coming. So vote as you will and watch what Trump does not what he says. He has the same earmarks as Obama. The Devil is dying to dance...

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Hope & Change Obama was a phony from the get go & so I voted for what I thought was the lesser evil, aka McCain. Obama broke every promise & was worse train wreck than I'd imagined, tho maybe that was good, since it may have made America desperate enough to try something different, which was Trump, who tho I thought was lesser evil than Hillary, might also turn out to be a train wreck, but he surprised me by keeping most of his promises & ruling pretty conservatively compared to RINO's like Dubya. Yon & Prather say no one's coming to save us, but I think Trump's bluntness & deep state's evil war against us by attacking him, is causing Americans to be bolder for God, Liberty & patriotism.

At any rate, while most politicians don't keep there promises, Trump kept most of his & has exposed the deep state, by letting us see what it does to people who get in its way & I agree with Trump that it's us the deep state wants to destroy & he's standing in the way.

P.S. It does seem to me, if this assassination attempt actually happened & Trump really got shot in the ear with a bullet that missed his brains by millimeters, I think God's hand might be upon Trump & maybe not even so much for his sake, but for ours, to wake up & see we wrestle not against flesh and blood & that this is a war against good & evil, as old as the Garden of Eden.

Anyway, in spite, or maybe because of what people like Yon say, if election was today, I plan to vote for Trump, realizing I don't know the future & am skeptical of those who think they do.

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💯🎯🎯🎯🖕mike v!

Go Trump

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+1 Yay!

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Official Song of the Obama, Cabbage Brain Biden Administration, KJP & DNC Election Theft Campaign Committee


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Yeah, I remember that one & it's a reminder that one promise a liar will keep is when they promise they'll lie to you again. Reminds me of The Snake, that song that Trump reads the words of at his rallies, where last words of the song are "You knew I was a snake when you took me in."

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In your face uncompromising truth. Love it. Thank you, will pass this link on!

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@Rose, are you the spawn of ChatGPT? If so, you aren't convincing.

Obama was praised to the skies for being Black, and even awarded a Nobel Peace Prize, also for being Black.

In contrast, President Trump has been treated like sh!t by libtards, legacy media, "fact" checkers, the MSM, social media, and everything controlled by BlackRock and Vanguard.

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I don’t see the same earmarks as Obama. Just like the guy you’re responding to said: wtf are you talking about?

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You took the words right out of my mouth.

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I smell gun control and the UN / WHO everything is a crisis Treaties being implemented by traitors HHS Becerra & DHS Mayorkas.

There are many great points being brought up by The Healthy American, Peggy Hall!

I shared the analysis of Brannon Howse, Pete Santilli, Kyle Seraphin, Dan Bongino, & Jovan Sutton with Peggy Hall, to get her unique perspective.

Peggy Hall's Analysis of Trump's Assassination Attempt June 13, 2024, Butler, Pennsylvania ---


This critical thinker, also has a critical eye for details. There are so many unanswered questions surrounding this picture perfect event!


Placer County, Calif.

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Agree 1000%

All of your “friends “ like Vandersteel, Gen Flynn, Lara Loomer etc sure do support Trump- but you don’t….hmmm

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I cannot answer what other people (nor Michael) think or if they vote or not. I do vote and have a very narrow band of who I will vote for. Neither Trump, RFK, Jr., nor Biden exist in the band. Here's the logic:

1) I live in TN. Electoral College here will go for Trump in a big way. I use to live in CA. They will go for Biden in a YUGE way. Any vote I have cast in either place did not and would not affect the overall outcome.

2) The Republican party use to be a party of small government and sound currency. Now? Not even. The Democrats were anti-war and civil rights. Now? Not even. On this front, Trump was a breath of fresh air in that he did not get us into more hegemonic battles using the US military. Biden, on the other hand... No one in Congress gives a shit about you (save, maybe, 2 people I can think of, and they don't have enough power to change anything because of all the others).

3) The #1 problem is the debt. Period. Everything else is secondary. It is the debt and our inability (more likely unwillingness) to bring it down to some value close to zero that is destroying the dollar. Trump added 7T to it. Biden is slated to add at least that much. Last President that actually reduced our debt (cutting government) was Coolidge. The "tech boom" saved Clinton's largess but he still spent money we didn't have and the tech surge offset his increase temporarily. We have a ton of money floating around "over there" that the US never has to make good on. It's a token of exchange (aka the petrodollar). Once BRICS happens (and it will happen at some point), those dollars are coming home and we have to make good on them only we can't. Welcome to the next Reichsmark. The growth of uncontrollable inflation is coming. Invest in wheelbarrows to carry your money to buy a carton of milk.

I've got 2+ yrs of food (which isn't enough) and land to try and grow my own food. When the hungry start complaining about lack of food, the US Government will show up at my door and demand I give it up or else they'll just take it all. I live around like minded people and maybe we can hold out. I doubt it.

Who will I vote for? If anyone running on the ballot is willing to take a stab at this issue, they have my vote. Vivek was the closest to actually wanting to deal with it (n.b., I had issues with Vivek as well, but without an economy, nothing else really matters all that much) in a major party. If someone held a gun to my head and said "R, or D, or your life" I'd vote for Trump. He's light years ahead of Biden (IMHO) but he's shown no interest in stopping the financial bleedout of the US.

If you check out "Free and Equal Elections," you might find someone who they have allowed to debate. Some of these folk are out past Alpha Centauri in what they want and most couldn't balance a check book. There was a Constitutionalist in the debate, I believe. They'll never win because the game is rigged for two parties and he isn't in either.

Thus you can think of my personal vote as a protest. R's (and D's at one time) assumed my vote and I, like a good little drone, went along with it. I don't any more. They haven't earned my vote in a very long time. Local elections I have some control. National? Not even close.

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If you have not watched this you have no idea what the real problem is. Wake up and wake someone else.


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@Charles Miller,

Great response. People who judge President Trump without providing a reason remind me of assholes who cut great big cabbage farts SILENTLY and walk away.

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🖕Michael v

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Every Election for the last 20 years, the Uniparty has told us "This is the MOST crucial election in history. you MUST vote for us, or else [Boogeyman] will destroy America!"

You're being scammed. The only way to destroy the Uniparty is to stop falling for it.

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The public at large just doesn't vote for 3rd parties. People have no idea who their candidates even are.

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a pretty great comment. I don't like Trump because he is a zionist, I guess they all are or are forced to be. I voted for Trump in 2016 for the same reason you did and will again in 2024. Not that it matters.

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The scenery was great but it telegraphed nothing. This will: https://thegreattaking.com/

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And, if the Uniparty isn't bad enough; now so many claim Kennedy Jr. to be an option when his choice of V.P is 'Chief Joy Officer' of the Shloomoo Institute from Fascist Silicon Valley and wealthy from multiple marriages to officers of that crowd. His past speeches have painted him as fascsist as that now fraudulently installed into the Oval and as majority in the Senate.

In the end, it's become apparent Chatham House chooses all options for elections. Thus, it matters now about the victor as all are TREASONOUS to The U.S. Constitution and loyal to the Demonic U.N. Uniparty Nazi's hiding The Venetian Black Nobility the actual enemy hiding behind the people of the British Isles the colonists fought in the U.S. Revolution.

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One hundred %

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I get the only reason Michael doesn't like Trump is bc of the clot shot, maybe his ego but Trump just gathered millions more votes bc of just what happened yesterday. He Almost died trying to save our country, taking a bullett for you and me.

I don't particularly don't like his childish ways and big ego, I get it, but I've seen Trump hug the American flag, shake hands with the military, police, visit those who passed away and I'd bet Trump will also visit the families that lost love ones yesterday. He's not perfect, but he's a True American trying his best to save our country.

I NEVER see a Democrat with these credentials!

Trump in my eyes is an American hero trying to stop the Evil Left from destroying Our Country!

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Trump is far from perfect, but he's better than his opposition. Just look at how illegitimate Demented Joe set out to destroy America from day one. There has never been anyone worse, at least in my lifetime.

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Let Trump be Trump! Find anything you can, but admit you can’t. Let him go!

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I absolutely hope you're right and it isn't a bait and switch operation.

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Thank you, Michael. The anomalies & inexplicable "incompetencies" in this entire episode are SO numerous that this reflects the direction of my own thinking, but it is nice to get confirmation from someone with your extensive special ops background. At the same time, I appreciate that you do not go beyond judicious analytical speculation in this early stage.

I suspect the Covid Era and multiple attack vectors we've all witnessed and/or experienced over the past few years has let the genie out of the bottle for many people. Americans who are not indoctrinated marxists and/or their Useful Idiots (which are unfortunately counted in the millions today) are largely going to be MUCH less credulous, gullible and trusting for government or media false narratives. The daunting reality, however, is that our revolutionary adversaries are now ALSO much more assertive, aggressive and overt than in previous years. And as their cruel history (and likely yesterday) teaches us, they are playing for all the marbles.

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Don't believe there's as many Fascists as it seems. Those in the streets raising hell are those organized those laundering U.S. wealth through Congress to the IOM at the U.N to the NGO's perpetrating the dirty deeds. Soros seems the Lieutenant of the Riot Crowd using the Nazi Professors installed across the nation's universities.

Were there to be one major battle between the dopes in the Street and Patriots; the whole matter would clear up. Further, would the Intel forces actually return to U.S. instead of being a treasonous tool of Chatham House in U.K. and go after the sleezebag Minions of Chatham House as Soros and Gates; all would clear up and provide justification to pursue their authorites.

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No Chemtrails in Okinawa. The sky looks beautiful like it used to in the U.S.

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Watch some of the vids out, WWE at it's finest.

All the worlds a stage and we are pawns in the op.

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There's a famous Ozzy Osbourne song from way back when called Crazy Train. I like listening to heavy stuff when I work out at the gym. But the lyrics to that song kinda always struck me and I agree with your sentiments.

I've listened to preachers, I've listened to fools

I've watched all the dropouts who make their own rules

One person conditioned to rule and control

The media sells it and you live the role

Mental wounds still screaming

Driving me insane

I'm going off the rails on a crazy train

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Awesome video Thanks Michael for all you are doing, we may not always 👍 agree. But know that I am in your corner. I beg you to always have good security German Shepherd police trained dog at minimum - All patriots are going to be targeted, especially popular ones. Be safe, stay vigilant at all times. Stay alert, stay alive.

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Can everyone please just stop taking exception to Michael's personal assessment of DJT? Really. It is an individual's right to use their own knowledge, intellect and discernment to view a situation and make a determination about it. That is what all of you have done and that's what Michael has the right to do, too. He is a very seasoned, intelligent man and none of you have the right to badger him because of his conclusions which you don't share. I am grateful for the important resource we have in this man. Leave him alone! He is working night and day to protect us and scout out the situation and warn everyone. Many people have similar concerns about DJT. We all thought the Bushes were great, too -I voted for both of them twice, only to find out they were some of the worst people to ever tred the earth. If you haven't seen red flag moments with DJT, then you're looking through rose colored glasses. This is a complicated time with a lot of deception. Give others grace and back off. Be grateful for what he is giving us. Thank him, support him and if you think he's wrong, fine...let him be. No one is right all the time.

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This regime has decades of practice and the best cinematic architects in history. Not deserving of the presumption of an unrehearsed tragedy.

A regime that would send 50,000 young men to their deaths via the false flag in the Gulf of Tonkin; 3000+ dead in a controlled demolition; thousands more in various crowded building ops; would not blink at setting up a dimwitted young man as a fall guy. They did it in the Boston Marathon bombing and at the Pulse sissy bar.

They pulled off a farce in Buffalo with Hamlin’s bogus heart attack.

They faked the moon landing and had no second thought about the millions who would be proud of their country under false pretenses. And think of all those children who did science projects on it.

Nothing is real.

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Looks like the SS stud down and let it happen. An uncleared roof top 130 yards from Trump. Five me a break,

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Except for maybe Thomas Massie and Ron Johnson, I struggle to find any representative in national public office who has done anything to protect America and American citizens since, when, the 1980s? The 1960s? I was surprised to see Massie Tweet that he was "amused by 'conspiracy theories'" regarding his wife's death. However, perhaps that is the face one has to present to maintain any semblance of power in our demonic anti-American, anti-human government. In terms of Trump, what to make of this "assassination attempt?" Perhaps it is all straightforward--a childish-trans-ish looking 20-year-old with a $12,000 sniper rifle triggered by endless attacks on Trump by the establishment media and establishment politicians, or someone who was mercilessly bullied in high school, driven by a grudge to "prove himself." Certainly, the endless attacks on everything traditionally straight masculine, traditionally American, traditionally considered "normal" in America, is enough to drive a sensitive soul to very dark places. But my now forever-conspiratorial mind struggles to believe such a simple explanation.

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Everyone is missing the statement put out by one of the FBI sharp shooters, who said he had the killer in his sight for over 5 minutes but was told NOT TO ENGAGE. When he turned around and saw Trump go down, he disobeyed orders and took our the sniper. His name is Jonathan WIllis. He was arrested, then fired. He is out of jail, but I am sure they will try to bury him with his story. If you look on the Fox video of the two snipers inside the venue, you can see one with his eye to his scope, then turn around and quickly turn back and fire.

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Did you forget Trumps accomplishments when Pres? I have a long list I can send, but I don't think it will make any difference. I didn't worry about cartels , Chinese soldiers, Isis, foreign gang members at my door, high gas prices, illegals all over town, spending MY tax money in the stores, ER rooms full of illegals for free care, and I could go on and on. You can go all over the world for your own perspective, but I am seeing Biden's results. NOT Trump's. I forgot. They are destroying our Texas Border. More and more pour in. Oh, and most important the trafficking has grown so much we are the most corrupt trafficking country in the world. Biden added immensely to this enterprise.

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Why are you, Mr. Yon, assuming any of this is real? It all looks staged.

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I read some of the comments...not all. I, too, believe that the sides are chosen by others than ourselves. People must understand that TPTB, Oligarchy, Cabal, NWO, Banksters...whatever you call them...are not necessarily a hegemonic whole. I believe one reason we see deep chaos today is that factions within that hegemony fight for greater control and loot among themselves. I vote because I believe in karma. Although my vote may do little good, I exercise that prerogative because doing so engenders my freedom if not here then in other lives. Karma is simply cause and effect: whatever you do remains deeply ingrained within the most inner recesses of your life. I do believe whoever sits in the WH is controlled albeit perhaps not consciously but by a solid hierarchy of advisors and handlers who direct as much as possible from the sidelines and who are guided by people influencing their thoughts and actions and fulfilling NWO injunctions. Do the people at the top fail at times? Yes, of course. Their main strength is incredible will and persistence coupled with a long range plan which normal humans, like you and I, have yet to coalesce into a juggernaut of power.

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Fascinating insight into what may have been behind Crooks - very difficult to believe this was a total lone-wolf undertaking by a rational being. I have high respect for your reporting and observations, even if we disagree on Trump. Thanks for the report.

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Even when my take on things differs from yours, Michael, I take what you say seriously, and encourage others to do the same. I have tried to put my US rep in touch with your findings (by writing). I also mentioned to one active out of state US rep + two former in-state US reps, at a residential campaign event earlier this year, the work that you and Dr. Weinstein had been doing in the Darien Gap. The only real response I got was silence and blank looks.

I try to be alert for whatever you post, but if you named 50 - 60 congressman who you've escorted to Panama, I missed it. Maybe they would've asked for anonymity, and if so, I get it. But it would be nice to know who in Congress is taking this seriously to know who our allies are, and who is most suitable for our support.

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