OK, you don't like Trump? So what? What are we supposed to do? Not vote? I didn't like Trump in 2016 either, but I VOTED for him because in the real world it was going to be him or the nightmare Hillary Clinton, so I voted for, yes, the LESSER of evils, or at least what I thought was lesser & I think it was. I'm tired of people like you saying they don't like Trump, but not expanding on that & explaining what the alternatives are in the real world, not the world we wish it was, not the perfect world, but the real world, not the libertarian, hypothetical world. Because if you don't better explain these things, it causes, IMO, people like me who respect you, to question that respect & ask, is there anybody else out there who has something more constructive to say, or are we just going to complain that Trump's not our perfect dream leader. I don't see any perfect alternatives, or better options than Trump at the moment. DO YOU??? And if you do, please share, because I guess I've missed it.
I get the only reason Michael doesn't like Trump is bc of the clot shot, maybe his ego but Trump just gathered millions more votes bc of just what happened yesterday. He Almost died trying to save our country, taking a bullett for you and me.
I don't particularly don't like his childish ways and big ego, I get it, but I've seen Trump hug the American flag, shake hands with the military, police, visit those who passed away and I'd bet Trump will also visit the families that lost love ones yesterday. He's not perfect, but he's a True American trying his best to save our country.
I NEVER see a Democrat with these credentials!
Trump in my eyes is an American hero trying to stop the Evil Left from destroying Our Country!
OK, you don't like Trump? So what? What are we supposed to do? Not vote? I didn't like Trump in 2016 either, but I VOTED for him because in the real world it was going to be him or the nightmare Hillary Clinton, so I voted for, yes, the LESSER of evils, or at least what I thought was lesser & I think it was. I'm tired of people like you saying they don't like Trump, but not expanding on that & explaining what the alternatives are in the real world, not the world we wish it was, not the perfect world, but the real world, not the libertarian, hypothetical world. Because if you don't better explain these things, it causes, IMO, people like me who respect you, to question that respect & ask, is there anybody else out there who has something more constructive to say, or are we just going to complain that Trump's not our perfect dream leader. I don't see any perfect alternatives, or better options than Trump at the moment. DO YOU??? And if you do, please share, because I guess I've missed it.
I get the only reason Michael doesn't like Trump is bc of the clot shot, maybe his ego but Trump just gathered millions more votes bc of just what happened yesterday. He Almost died trying to save our country, taking a bullett for you and me.
I don't particularly don't like his childish ways and big ego, I get it, but I've seen Trump hug the American flag, shake hands with the military, police, visit those who passed away and I'd bet Trump will also visit the families that lost love ones yesterday. He's not perfect, but he's a True American trying his best to save our country.
I NEVER see a Democrat with these credentials!
Trump in my eyes is an American hero trying to stop the Evil Left from destroying Our Country!