This is a tough post

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How very sad that he has changed so much that he is on the opposite side of America. Too many generals need to be fired and expunged from authority. Also, the soldier beside you that refused to discharge his weapon and fight, needs to receive a dishonorable discharge. Thank you for your bra on all counts.

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You are afraid Erik might be a communist? Where did that come from?

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Holy shit. Taking time to digest this. The sense of looming contingency and utter betrayal in your what you write and how you’ve written it. I am truly feeling real bad in the pit of my stomach, like something horrifying has been revealed. Kinda like realizing your spouse has been cheating on you for years feeling.

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When you join the military, you waive your right to autonomous morality. You are legally obligated to follow orders and assume the moral stance of those above you. The man who would suceed in the military is unlikely the man who would go against the grain of the military. Notwithstanding many fought for their rights to not vaccinate but notably it was not, for the most part, those in higher command. The structure of the military itself demands blind obedience.

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legally obligated to follow LAWFUL orders. Big difference that. "and assume the moral stance of those above you" - sorry, missed that part in the Oath - probably because it's not there.

Combat courage differs from Morale courage in my best estimation. Good example for comparison would be Col. David Hackworth - US Army 1945(?) - 1970 (?) ."About Face " & Steel My Soldiers Hearts " two of his books. Great reads.

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Anyone who fought in OIF or OEF fought to capture an enemy who was already caught … Bush and Cheney knew bin Laden was in Abbottabad from 2005 on …


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Keep your friends close and your enemies closer...is there any possibility this general arranged to get those under his command shot up with saline instead of poison?

Gabriels_horn on Gab posted recently that many of the injectibles were saline. I have lost so many friends and seen information that the lots varied widely in side effects reported to Vaers that the available information suggests deliberate targeting. What was the medical outcome for those under his command?

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Wow! Powerful article!

Thank you Michael!

I can see why you gave it that title. Regarding those willing to go along to get along with the whole Woke thing (which is merely the latest incarnation of communism, or, woke is communism in drag), their virtue signalling is the mask of cowardice.

All the best!

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I am so sorry for your betrayal by a man you know possesses courage on the battle field, but later displays cowardice. It hurts. It makes us disillusioned and leaves a bitter taste.

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If Eric is so brave have him investigate what happened to me at USSOCOM or is he the CENTCOM guy?

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What is needed is the return of the Moral Warriors. Through out history, they are the ones who are ready to lay down their lives for Principles. For what is morally right. For what is TRUE. They can't be bribed with money, fame or base pleasure. The courage and wisdom and strength of a Moral Warrior comes from GOD. God hard wired right and wrong into human beings and the fabric of the Universe. That is why evil eventually destroys itself. Look at the leftists trying to destroy the Western world. They have become so depraved and delusional they are making stupid mistakes over and over and can't see how repulsive they have become to normal, mentally and spiritually healthy people. "Vote for me! I am going to cut the breasts off your 12 year old daughter because I convinced her school she is a man and if you don't like it, I will take her from you by force! Vote for me!" That is the raving of certified dangerous lunatics. DISGUSTING. REPULSIVE. They have become utterly psychotic and depraved. People are waking up to their lies and insanity.

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"What is needed is the return of the Moral Warriors."

Agreed! Unfortunately, that seems to be the whole point of mass migration, to make such warriors an impossibility. One thing's for sure. This whole Quantity Over Quality madness is not just trivializing moral courage, it's threatening human survival by rendering us maladaptive to the demands reality is making upon us. A reality that doesn't give a damn about how "woke" one is.

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Yes! A central part of their plan is to degrade and destroy Moral Warriors so the West can be destroyed completely. Not all cultures have such a strong warrior tradition at their core. Many cultures are just survival cultures, the people are used to centuries of oppression and obedience. Older Americans can clearly remember the culture. Watching older pre 1965 movies, the characters and plot almost always showed strong, powerful men in particular, facing heavy odds and making a MORAL choice with courage and conviction, at risk of their lives. After 1965, Hollywood was taken over. "Animal House" was a perfect example of the Psychological Warfare that aimed to degrade American men by glorifying selfish, base, crude, disgusting behavior and mocking those who tried to have self discipline in their lives. TV shows like "Married with Children" and "The Simpsons", also. Compare those to "My three sons", "Father knows best", "Lassie", Disney movies like "Davie Crocket", etc.

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Michael Yon is an example of a Moral Warrior as well as a Combat Warrior. He could have a comfortable retirement somewhere but he just can't stand these evil lying bastards and he just can't stop going after them, digging out the truth and trying to warn people and fighting for the truth and justice. A Sheep Dog chasing the wolf from the sheep. George Washington was an example of a Moral Warrior. President Trump is an example of a Moral Warrior. The Apostles and martyrs were examples! How many died horrid painful deaths to bring people the message of God?

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This knife in the heart of the west was because they refused to publicly recognize the common sense that 9/11 was a false flag. And so you have people like Erik, probably more courageous than I could ever be, fighting for a lie. This just continues to grow.

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Milley os a traitor and needs to be tried and executed

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Bravo, Michael. Moral weakness is a painful reality many more of us need to name, confess, and aggressively root out of ourselves and from every American mover and shaker.

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Well written!

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