Oct 18, 2023Liked by Michael Yon

I was not expecting that twist at the end of your piece. It made my heart sink and I now understand the title of today's Substack, but I am glad that you wrote it and shared with us. I am left now to ponder if the take-away of this piece is that NO ONE is impervious to the pressures of corruption.

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Praying for you, Erik, our military, and our country.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Michael Yon

I've been disappointed in so many of our leaders for not standing up for the people they lead. Military, state and federal government, businesses.....those we thought we could trust have shown their true colors.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Michael Yon

Fear of Death has made about 60-80% of the world's population succumb to the Agenda over the past 4 years (and the same is true historically since the beginning of humankind). It appears this decorated General long ago became fearless in the face of death. How then to explain how he caved into the Agenda and betrayed his own troops? Was he, is he, brainwashed by Totalitarian dogma? Has he become blinded by his own Loyalty to the MIC? This story is deeply troubling. As a US Navy Viet Nam Vet I can certainly relate - I have, to this day, great admiration and respect for the Captain of my ship and his amazing leadership and courage. I was honored to serve under his command. I can not imagine what my response would be, if he were still with us, and if I learned my exhalted, honored Commanding Officer had flipped his own script, his own code of honor. I do understand your dismay and disappointment. I have become estranged from many family members, son, daughters and friends who caved into the Agenda despite my pleading and warning them over the passed 4 years. I continue to be troubled knowing not only has our military and government become totally untrustworthy and compromised, but also that even on a community level how law enforcement can not be trusted to stand for our protection , and the Constitution in the face of evil that has become so ever present. Thank you Michael for sharing this personal account and for your undaunted courage. God Bless. God Wins. I'm not at all sure how but I know eventually The Global Cabal will fall. In the meantime Do Not Consent, Do Not Comply !

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Michael Yon

This has to be the worst kinds of emotional pain — to see someone you once admired for strength of character, admired for determination under enormous pressure, admired for their once, emotional and physical power, reduced to being a sodden, compliant puppet; completely folded into subservience — a pain like no other. Really feeling for you Michael. It leaves a hole in your soul.

Military now debilitated like no other time. Jabbed. Sex changes. Can't run a battalion dressed in tutus.

It seems every person remaining on the different payrolls, everywhere, has folded.

What to do? Numbers getting overwhelming, but only few reporting, or willing to see.

Stay and fight? Head for the hills, hide and wait it out? Or leave?

Intestinal fortitude such as yours Michael, is rare. Stay strong. Stay safe.

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We are tested in many ways. Temptation. Fear. Money / lucre.

Often rationalization is the lubricant that enables our slide. Perhaps, in this case, something like: "Congress and the courts have declared Biden (Obama) to be the Commander in Chief, so who am I to question or challenge?"

I graduated college in the Carter years, and at the time joining the military did not seem attractive. That I didn't is one of the great regrets of my life - better people than I still joined and served. So I am reticent to criticize anyone who has, especially in combat.

Hopefully, Mr. Yon, this piece will prompt General Kurilla to reflect and, especially, pray. While we are still on this earth, there is still time for repentance. Perhaps God is not done with him, and he will stand now where he didn't before, and in so doing, inspire others still in uniform to do the same.

God knows, we know have multiple revolutionaries inside the wire, all the way into the Oval Office. Those who've taken the oath also swore to defend our Constitution from enemies domestic. It's been disheartening to see so many in the intelligence community, FBI and military discard their oaths.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Michael Yon

I feel your pain brother. This is the time when one makes hard choices. And in today's world so many are making the wrong choices. Keep your head up Micheal.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Michael Yon

After the 2d jab came out is when I cut off people form my social circle because they had joined the covid cult. No time for those who trust gov. and do anything they are told. The first amendment stands for religious rights and right to decline vaccines. I only want likeminded in my social circle no time for dimwits lacking critical thinking skills. The country is derailed and we must be choosy. Few can be trusted. Even if it means dumping siblings or cousins (I am a retiree)

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Michael Yon

How deeply this must be hurting you. It hurts all Americans. I look at the videos of the border and feel like running out into the street and screaming at the top of my lungs. Who is going to stop this? They are all mad in Washington DC. Are the idiots who are allowing this of the belief that they will be spared? Thank you for writing this. Thank you for all you do and are trying to do.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Michael Yon

You nailed it. Moral courage cannot be measured until a challenge is placed before a leader. This General Officer has physical courage in spades. Like most climbers he looks upon the Constitution as secondary to his personal goals. The threat to our nation grows daily as our political and military leadership sleeps

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Michael Yon

If he's not a communist, what other explanation can there be? Did he sell his soul to the devil? Does he compartmentalize the things that he knows aren't right in order to keep his job? Does he think it's futile to rebel against the administration? I understand your frustration with him. You know what's right and what's wrong and what needs to be done. I wish you were in charge of our country!

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Michael Yon

Two thumbs up...and a hat tip...for the distintive reasoning of this writing.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Michael Yon

Wow, I think I can feel your pain. I'm not military, but am an empath. Have ypu spoken to him, Michael? Would he respond to you? Terrible.

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Pensions and benefits, Michael.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Michael Yon

This will be a tragic part of America's demise and they will be one of the causes who could have made a difference. It is so heartbreaking. No longer heros, but pawns in this game.

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Michael Yon

As an old VietNam vet I have to say I can’t remember any officer above the rank of Major leading their unit in the field. Your friend/enemy Erik sounds like a rare and admirable soldier who would have been a man who was a privilege to serve under.

Labeling Milley as a playdough soldier is a kindness on your part.

Any general officer who hasn’t resigned yet deserves our contempt. Same for any member of the Obama/Biden administration.

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