General Erik Kurilla is a general who actually went into battle? Then you find out he is a commie?
There is a bifurcation here. They story starts out as courage under fires then fizzles that the dude is a commie which isn't good anytime in USA and especially with President Trump barely in his 2nd month of being POTUS 47
Disappointing you used someone as great as General Erik Kurilla to push your own agenda. You may have been there beside him and I thank you for being there. But exploiting him to push your own angry rhetoric is sad at best.
Sad when people who are duty bound don't speak up in defense of their soldiers for their beliefs. The jabs were untested and unproven so his moral duty is to keep his soldiers healthy and ready to fight regardless of the order.
I would modify it to they have a dual obligation to maintain and execute the defense of the nation while protecting their troops when stupidity or corruption puts them needlessly in harms way.
I have some sympathy for the military in that they often live in conditions which are very crowded and thus conductive to the spread of infections. A junior officer's "stateroom" on a carrier would be considered inhumane as a jail cell and spacious when compared to the accommodations of the enlisted.
Just as civilians need to be able to put a lot of trust in politicians to provide sound, feasible direction to the military , our military leaders must speak truth to power even when it is career ending.
I'm far more intolerant of those like Fauci and his associates who lied about the source of COVID and the safety of the vaccine. We got this great vaccine , it's going to modify your DNA and your yet to be born grandchildren , and WE ARE GOING TO MAKE TENS OF MILLIONS IN ROYALTIES . Thus , all opposition must be liquidated.
Fauci's own team discussed in their private emails that the virus appeared to have been engineered , no apparent evolutionary path. Fauci also did not want to bother you with the knowledge that the Chair of Harvard's Biology Department had been moonlighting in the Wuhan Lab for a number of years under a secret contract with the chicoms who paid around $1.0 mil per year in exchange for a commitment to work for the best interests of China. For failure to register as a foreign agent and tax evasion on millions in chicom income he was sentenced to something like 15 weeks of home confinement.
Unlike Fauci , many combat veterans were punished for political infractions or for what should have been considered self defense . Superiors put their careers ahead of the interests of those at the tip of the spear.
I hear you. I had my moment with this. Glenn Greenwald is someone I deeply respect and value as a journalist and truth teller. There was no replacement for the reporting he did in 2013 - 2015 at the Intercept with Jeremy Scahill and others on the Snowden leaks. I'll never forget all he sacrificed to get that news to the world that the US was contravening it's mission of a free press to substantiate a global panopticon, confining Americans against the law and US Constitution. Glenn, unfortunately, is in the checkbox with pro-China fiscal interests at BRICS digital for data information trades. He's openly argues in favor TikTok to stay in the US without abandoning the sale of the PRC spy algo - as is. Like other leftists, he cries out that the threat to the West is happening but he's actually okay with open destruction of the US Constitution and our society claiming we are "Post-Constitution". He didn't ignore the border crisis. However, he does poo-pooh the Real Estate encroachment by Triad cartels. Another example is if we commercially decouple China that's "war". The internal spying by China isn't a problem for him. The surveillance and IP theft, human trafficking he treats like a made up tale, just like all the other leftist subsidy press. He does this all as a man enjoying the benefits of US citizenship from Brazil as -if it's even possible - a kind of libertarian socialist? This is the first public note I have ever written on the subject. I'm not happy about his choices. Every choice has cost. I have one country - The United States. This guy has at least 3 other citizenships he can join electly and he threw in with Belt & Road. That's where the axe fell and I'm okay with it.
It is a fact, going back to Old Testament Bible times, that there are valiant warriors in even the most evil countries. There have been many men over the years that have proven their metal on the battlefield and then end up in other positions like business leaders or politicians, only to show themselves to be greedy, compromised, and even treasonous. Courage is not synonymous with morality. The most rare person is the one who is both courageous and of high moral character. I’m not saying this to be judgmental. It’s just the truth.
You said, "The hardest post I have had to write": this reminds me of the scene in the movie ' Braveheart' of the betrayal William Wallace felt after discovering the heir apparent to his clans Scottish throne was a traitor, selling out to his nations enemy. I'm sorry Michael for the angst this has caused you. Thank you for not compromising your convictions - You are a true American Patriot!!
Wasn’t the entire reason for the war in Iraq to make enemies for America, though?
General Erik Kurilla is a general who actually went into battle? Then you find out he is a commie?
There is a bifurcation here. They story starts out as courage under fires then fizzles that the dude is a commie which isn't good anytime in USA and especially with President Trump barely in his 2nd month of being POTUS 47
Disappointing you used someone as great as General Erik Kurilla to push your own agenda. You may have been there beside him and I thank you for being there. But exploiting him to push your own angry rhetoric is sad at best.
America has Always Been A Gay Interracial Disco with Jacobin Characteristics and Masonic Trappings.
Remember, Nothing Good Has Ever Happened. /pol/ is always right.
Ashes and Echoes
Sad when people who are duty bound don't speak up in defense of their soldiers for their beliefs. The jabs were untested and unproven so his moral duty is to keep his soldiers healthy and ready to fight regardless of the order.
I would modify it to they have a dual obligation to maintain and execute the defense of the nation while protecting their troops when stupidity or corruption puts them needlessly in harms way.
I have some sympathy for the military in that they often live in conditions which are very crowded and thus conductive to the spread of infections. A junior officer's "stateroom" on a carrier would be considered inhumane as a jail cell and spacious when compared to the accommodations of the enlisted.
Just as civilians need to be able to put a lot of trust in politicians to provide sound, feasible direction to the military , our military leaders must speak truth to power even when it is career ending.
I'm far more intolerant of those like Fauci and his associates who lied about the source of COVID and the safety of the vaccine. We got this great vaccine , it's going to modify your DNA and your yet to be born grandchildren , and WE ARE GOING TO MAKE TENS OF MILLIONS IN ROYALTIES . Thus , all opposition must be liquidated.
Fauci's own team discussed in their private emails that the virus appeared to have been engineered , no apparent evolutionary path. Fauci also did not want to bother you with the knowledge that the Chair of Harvard's Biology Department had been moonlighting in the Wuhan Lab for a number of years under a secret contract with the chicoms who paid around $1.0 mil per year in exchange for a commitment to work for the best interests of China. For failure to register as a foreign agent and tax evasion on millions in chicom income he was sentenced to something like 15 weeks of home confinement.
Unlike Fauci , many combat veterans were punished for political infractions or for what should have been considered self defense . Superiors put their careers ahead of the interests of those at the tip of the spear.
Well transmitted.
Courage day-to-day is often elusive for the warrior who has mastered Courage Under Fire.
I hear you. I had my moment with this. Glenn Greenwald is someone I deeply respect and value as a journalist and truth teller. There was no replacement for the reporting he did in 2013 - 2015 at the Intercept with Jeremy Scahill and others on the Snowden leaks. I'll never forget all he sacrificed to get that news to the world that the US was contravening it's mission of a free press to substantiate a global panopticon, confining Americans against the law and US Constitution. Glenn, unfortunately, is in the checkbox with pro-China fiscal interests at BRICS digital for data information trades. He's openly argues in favor TikTok to stay in the US without abandoning the sale of the PRC spy algo - as is. Like other leftists, he cries out that the threat to the West is happening but he's actually okay with open destruction of the US Constitution and our society claiming we are "Post-Constitution". He didn't ignore the border crisis. However, he does poo-pooh the Real Estate encroachment by Triad cartels. Another example is if we commercially decouple China that's "war". The internal spying by China isn't a problem for him. The surveillance and IP theft, human trafficking he treats like a made up tale, just like all the other leftist subsidy press. He does this all as a man enjoying the benefits of US citizenship from Brazil as -if it's even possible - a kind of libertarian socialist? This is the first public note I have ever written on the subject. I'm not happy about his choices. Every choice has cost. I have one country - The United States. This guy has at least 3 other citizenships he can join electly and he threw in with Belt & Road. That's where the axe fell and I'm okay with it.
Did any high ranking officers in any branch resist the Covid program?
So sad.
It is a fact, going back to Old Testament Bible times, that there are valiant warriors in even the most evil countries. There have been many men over the years that have proven their metal on the battlefield and then end up in other positions like business leaders or politicians, only to show themselves to be greedy, compromised, and even treasonous. Courage is not synonymous with morality. The most rare person is the one who is both courageous and of high moral character. I’m not saying this to be judgmental. It’s just the truth.
It's always a hard let down when we discover our heroes, in this case a real live one, have feet of swamp clay.
You said, "The hardest post I have had to write": this reminds me of the scene in the movie ' Braveheart' of the betrayal William Wallace felt after discovering the heir apparent to his clans Scottish throne was a traitor, selling out to his nations enemy. I'm sorry Michael for the angst this has caused you. Thank you for not compromising your convictions - You are a true American Patriot!!
Sadly Michael
There are more. As you can see after the past weeks events.
Sorry so Sorry
And Fuck Putin
What a crock…