That's got to rank right up there with being an incredibly boring job. Given the snails’ pace with which ships proceed through the canal, they must drink a LOT of coffee while on duty.
The Gatun locks! I was there several times, on field trips etc. I was really bored teenager. I didn’t realize what I was witnessing at the time. It could have been Honduras.
It’s amazing how offensive peace is to people who want war.
The Honorable 45 and 47 president of the United States of America just announced that the Panama Canal is being operated by China, and the USA is taking it back!
I’ve been to Panama several times. You have to dig deep to find the politics and corporate greed behind the canal, but despite the deaths in construction, it probably saved more lives in mariners, avoiding rounding the Cape.
“The French had tried — and failed — to build a canal in the 1880s, finally giving in after years of fighting a recalcitrant landscape, ferocious disease, the deaths of some 20,000 workers and spiralling costs. But the U.S., which purchased the French company’s equipment, promised they would do it differently.
First, the U.S. government tried to broker a deal with Colombia, which controlled the land they needed for construction. When that didn’t work, the U.S. backed Panama’s separatist rebellion and quickly signed an agreement with the new country, allowing the Americans to take full control of a 16 kilometre-wide Canal Zone.
The Isthmian Canal Commission, which managed the project, started by working aggressively to discipline the landscape and its inhabitants. They drained swamps, killed mosquitoes and initiated a whole-scale sanitation project. A new police force, schools and hospitals would also bring the region to what English geographer Vaughan Cornish celebrated as “marvellous respectability.”
A path of destruction
But this was just the beginning. The world’s largest dam had to be built to control the temperamental Chagres river and furnish power for the Canal’s lock system. It would also create massive Gatún Lake, which would provide transit for more a third of the distance between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
The destruction was devastating. Whole villages and forests were flooded, and a railway constructed in the 1850s had to be relocated.
The greatest challenge of all was the Culebra Cut, now known as the Gaillard Cut, an artificial valley excavated through some 13 kilometres of mountainous terrain.
More than 100 million cubic metres of dirt had to be moved; the work consumed more than eight million kilograms of dynamite in three years alone.”
A similar story, on a smaller scale, is the building of the Hoover Dam during the depression. When men are desperate to work, they will be exploited.
“She aspired to become an FBI special agent,[2] and studied abroad in Ohio and California during her time at Okinawa Prefectural Nago High School in 2005.[3] However, upon learning that U.S. citizenship was a minimum requirement for FBI special agents, she gave up on her FBI dream, returned to Japan”
Panama Canal was and remains one of the most intriguing 'Field Trips' of my whole life. Can see Ms. Gahana's enchantment on her face with the operational function of the Canal. Long believed it a grave error when Carter literally gave it away. Now, it's clear the Trilateral Commission and the Establishment horrors behind them deliberately gave it away to weaken the United States.
My Father dreamed of returning to Panama where he had trained young men for 'Jungle Survival.' He loved the country and the people there so much he returned there with my mother before I was born and he was met with responsibility of family.
Went with Dad before he died...He was stationed there late in the 50's before the conflagration of Vietnam. Many people are unaware of Panama being a key region used for training purposes for variety of MOS pertaining to Vietnam.
PANAMA IS HOT AS HADES, having people as 'salt of the Earth', and gloriously beautiful...But DANGEROUS. Would never wish to be trapped in the Jungles in the region. While possible to learn survival in such conditions...Being alone while learning would vastly increase probability for failure; death, if not total disappearance leaving no trace. Almost all waterways are filled with Caiman and American Crocs as well as about ten types of viperous snakes. Even some flowers and frogs are toxic. Can't imagine those traversing the jungles to get here, even for the free life the U.N.'s NGO's and Biden Regime promised.
My Great Granddaddy was the first “man” (not considered a human being at the time—-American Indian—nor was my Daddy until he was 12 years of age—we’re Mohawk/Irish-Momma’s Irish, Daddy’s was Mohawk)—to Pilot The Saint Lawrence River (not seaway then)——He was a Mohawk ships pilot—-Jean Baptiste’ Rice (English translation) was his name—Big John, as he was known as. I was named after him. He was considered the Chief of our Tribe at the time but wasn’t really Chief, just honorarily was considered Chief.
Y’all mind dropping your Give Send Go account? Not a fan of the PP Mafia. I got banned from the Twitter in 2023 when I stated—-”They’re fixin to create a Hive Mind, Collective Intelligence—using the Jab, Wi-Fi, Sats beaming radioactive shit which will alter your DNA and your damned S.M.A.R.T. “phones” is one of their weapons”-Get rid of it!”
Got banned forever on Darpa’s Twitter favorite fake “genius” just for saying that. Funny thing—Muskrat repeated what I had been banned for 4 months later—sans Jabs, of course and his Sats.
He’s a fake and a phony like his Grandaddy was, who was Exiled from Canada to South Africa for the exact same Technocratic/Transhumanist BS.
God Bless y’all boys——JBS? LoL.Give your boss a nice wet kiss on top of his bald head and tell me I love him for what he’s trying to do. I’ll be paying with Trumpcoin NFT or Crypto-shit in the future—-I almost wept when I read that-soon to be future President of the United States does another grift days before entering office. What in God’s name is happening? I reckon We want our land back!
Night Gents—May the Spirit of our Lord, Jesus Christ protect you both on your journey to un-enslave us. Sleep well.
And thank you, Michael, for this article. I eagerly want to visit Panama and read The Paths Between the Seas, after greeting the J6 heros on Jan 20th, @FCI Coleman Low.🇺🇲🙏
That's got to rank right up there with being an incredibly boring job. Given the snails’ pace with which ships proceed through the canal, they must drink a LOT of coffee while on duty.
The Gatun locks! I was there several times, on field trips etc. I was really bored teenager. I didn’t realize what I was witnessing at the time. It could have been Honduras.
It’s amazing how offensive peace is to people who want war.
The Honorable 45 and 47 president of the United States of America just announced that the Panama Canal is being operated by China, and the USA is taking it back!
I’ve been to Panama several times. You have to dig deep to find the politics and corporate greed behind the canal, but despite the deaths in construction, it probably saved more lives in mariners, avoiding rounding the Cape.
“The French had tried — and failed — to build a canal in the 1880s, finally giving in after years of fighting a recalcitrant landscape, ferocious disease, the deaths of some 20,000 workers and spiralling costs. But the U.S., which purchased the French company’s equipment, promised they would do it differently.
First, the U.S. government tried to broker a deal with Colombia, which controlled the land they needed for construction. When that didn’t work, the U.S. backed Panama’s separatist rebellion and quickly signed an agreement with the new country, allowing the Americans to take full control of a 16 kilometre-wide Canal Zone.
The Isthmian Canal Commission, which managed the project, started by working aggressively to discipline the landscape and its inhabitants. They drained swamps, killed mosquitoes and initiated a whole-scale sanitation project. A new police force, schools and hospitals would also bring the region to what English geographer Vaughan Cornish celebrated as “marvellous respectability.”
A path of destruction
But this was just the beginning. The world’s largest dam had to be built to control the temperamental Chagres river and furnish power for the Canal’s lock system. It would also create massive Gatún Lake, which would provide transit for more a third of the distance between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
The destruction was devastating. Whole villages and forests were flooded, and a railway constructed in the 1850s had to be relocated.
The greatest challenge of all was the Culebra Cut, now known as the Gaillard Cut, an artificial valley excavated through some 13 kilometres of mountainous terrain.
More than 100 million cubic metres of dirt had to be moved; the work consumed more than eight million kilograms of dynamite in three years alone.”
A similar story, on a smaller scale, is the building of the Hoover Dam during the depression. When men are desperate to work, they will be exploited.
Notice it’s a Chinese woman? Trump will fix that. MAGA
She’s Japanese… (and quite a woman):
“She aspired to become an FBI special agent,[2] and studied abroad in Ohio and California during her time at Okinawa Prefectural Nago High School in 2005.[3] However, upon learning that U.S. citizenship was a minimum requirement for FBI special agents, she gave up on her FBI dream, returned to Japan”
Panama Canal was and remains one of the most intriguing 'Field Trips' of my whole life. Can see Ms. Gahana's enchantment on her face with the operational function of the Canal. Long believed it a grave error when Carter literally gave it away. Now, it's clear the Trilateral Commission and the Establishment horrors behind them deliberately gave it away to weaken the United States.
My Father dreamed of returning to Panama where he had trained young men for 'Jungle Survival.' He loved the country and the people there so much he returned there with my mother before I was born and he was met with responsibility of family.
Went with Dad before he died...He was stationed there late in the 50's before the conflagration of Vietnam. Many people are unaware of Panama being a key region used for training purposes for variety of MOS pertaining to Vietnam.
PANAMA IS HOT AS HADES, having people as 'salt of the Earth', and gloriously beautiful...But DANGEROUS. Would never wish to be trapped in the Jungles in the region. While possible to learn survival in such conditions...Being alone while learning would vastly increase probability for failure; death, if not total disappearance leaving no trace. Almost all waterways are filled with Caiman and American Crocs as well as about ten types of viperous snakes. Even some flowers and frogs are toxic. Can't imagine those traversing the jungles to get here, even for the free life the U.N.'s NGO's and Biden Regime promised.
My Great Granddaddy was the first “man” (not considered a human being at the time—-American Indian—nor was my Daddy until he was 12 years of age—we’re Mohawk/Irish-Momma’s Irish, Daddy’s was Mohawk)—to Pilot The Saint Lawrence River (not seaway then)——He was a Mohawk ships pilot—-Jean Baptiste’ Rice (English translation) was his name—Big John, as he was known as. I was named after him. He was considered the Chief of our Tribe at the time but wasn’t really Chief, just honorarily was considered Chief.
Y’all mind dropping your Give Send Go account? Not a fan of the PP Mafia. I got banned from the Twitter in 2023 when I stated—-”They’re fixin to create a Hive Mind, Collective Intelligence—using the Jab, Wi-Fi, Sats beaming radioactive shit which will alter your DNA and your damned S.M.A.R.T. “phones” is one of their weapons”-Get rid of it!”
Got banned forever on Darpa’s Twitter favorite fake “genius” just for saying that. Funny thing—Muskrat repeated what I had been banned for 4 months later—sans Jabs, of course and his Sats.
He’s a fake and a phony like his Grandaddy was, who was Exiled from Canada to South Africa for the exact same Technocratic/Transhumanist BS.
God Bless y’all boys——JBS? LoL.Give your boss a nice wet kiss on top of his bald head and tell me I love him for what he’s trying to do. I’ll be paying with Trumpcoin NFT or Crypto-shit in the future—-I almost wept when I read that-soon to be future President of the United States does another grift days before entering office. What in God’s name is happening? I reckon We want our land back!
Night Gents—May the Spirit of our Lord, Jesus Christ protect you both on your journey to un-enslave us. Sleep well.
Beware of Darkness.
Bravo Masako..👑.👏👏👏. 👑
And thank you, Michael, for this article. I eagerly want to visit Panama and read The Paths Between the Seas, after greeting the J6 heros on Jan 20th, @FCI Coleman Low.🇺🇲🙏
What's up Michael.
I was there is 2022, and was able to tour the locks and watch a couple ships pass through. Very interesting.
Ordered this book! Thanks for the tip. I trust it will be an educational read.
Amazing to see. Fascinating! Well done Masako.
I live in Boquete..I love Panama!
omoshidoi Masako! Bueno
So it's not the Chinese Red Army running it?
Masako chased down Klaus Schwab on the street so opening the Locks was easy!
Her attributes are incredible. If you ever get in a fire fight. Pray that you are on her side.
thank you