Typhus? Typhoid fever!? Really? Is it tuberculosis or typhoid? One or the other.
The nord stream pipeline is it really worth fighting for? When we are giving our natural resources away? Really that was 2022. It’s over move on. Not being pissy, but it not even in America. We have so much oil in Bush, Jrs backyard why are we still “warring”?!?!?!
As far as Columbia and Panama, UNesco has been in there since 2018…and we all know what the US is doing through the UN…one world order through the UN police force to keep our mouths shut and open the Panama Canal, yet close our borders?
Help me here.
It’s getting really thick in this forest of crumbs.
I’m unclear why people that seek to know the outcome go to far away places beyond their own country and predict the outcomes of the places from hence they left for what reason?
I know if it comes to it at least I fought the good fight and at least stayed there in the battle to save a nation and its people instead of simple being a predictor from afar and asking for support of such magnitude.
I’d rather my resource be used and help my neighbors so we can take the high ground and win this battle.
There is simply no honor in escaping to a far an away place and abandon your own countrymen so you can achieve what? Your own preservation. Where is the honor to your own country even with all its ills. She’s still a nation that belongs to We the People and worth fighting for.
According to a post on Kim Dot com one of our pilots said he is in Israel to aid them in war against Iraq. here is the link to the pilot's post: https://t.me/zeeemedia/17803?single
There has been no war declared between the US and Iran. The US is actively aiding in genocide and ethnic cleansing, and now an undeclared war. The US by our own law is not supposed to give financial or military aid to a nation which has undeclared nuclear weapons. Israel has been acknowledged to have them in the information from the "intelligence" agencies concerning Israel's plan to attack Iran.
Our "leaders" are acting against the interest of the US. It is not even in Israel's interest to have a war which could easily go nuclear. We are clearly dealing with insane and evil people.
If there is any decent person left in the DOJ that person needs to put an immediate injunction on military and financial aid to Israel as it is in clear violation of US law.
Thank you..but "endless Ukrainian war"? No sir..it's called a contiued war criminal civilan mass murderer pow murderer Putin's continued blood lust agression on yet another sovereign nation! When you mindlessly repeat the morally blinded comment of "endless wars" out of moral context, you aren't expressing truth on that one, a huge one.
Do you find it disconcerting that the FBI labeled MAGA supporters “terrorist” a week after it was reported DoD released DoD Directive 5240.01 expanding use of lethal force against US citizens?
Leading the post with a sales pitch to rich people may be good business but it’s a bad look. If the MO is $ over the principle of preserving life liberty and the pursuit of land I’ll pray for you to meet the redirected Lord Jesus. We can’t serve both God and mammon. God bless.
I was told years ago the leaders of Palistine were told have a reformation of the Quran or obliteration that is your choice. Honor killings and such to be changed The leaders refused.
The genocide continues . Seems like it's coming true.
You spend some time with Mike Adams in interview and a catalyst of doomsday is born! Why? Elon has not let Mike Adams on X. You have not been seen much of late on Infowars with AJ. All strange and interesting.
Sure things are very bad and there are all kinds of ramifications that may be possible but I will not allow myself to be caught up in your sensationalism. Just yesterday you liked my hopeful post. (?).
Sorry but we the American people have seen and been through enough. Let us not jump the shark. Nothing will come about so quickly there are not rrsistant actions to take. Why not discuss those? Wars are won and lost. We have not yet begun to fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
It is guys like Michael Yon and special ops and green berets that should take the reigns on that one. I hope when the time comes -if it does -and it becomes necessary the real fight to take back America and the Constitution will begin.
Constitution? Lysander Spooner noticed its demise how long ago? Looks like we, or our offspring, will have to write a new one, if they are willing to fight for it
There is NOT MUCH WRONG with the existing Constitution. The problem is going around, or ignoring, the Constitution. A Constitutional Convention is a dangerous thing. You do not know what we will end up with. It could be a disaster.
War monger MIC Empire USA needs more wars for more billionaire's 💰 🤑.
Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Egypt, Turkey, Jordan, ect. don't like the new and improved Israel.
No longer weak, retreating appeasing evil to please their evil American idol of no peace just wars. Israel has sent a message to Hezbollah that should the terror group attempt to target Israeli leaders again, the IDF will raze Beirut’s southern Dahiyeh district to the ground, Hezbollah’s stronghold in the Lebanese capital, according to unnamed sources quoted by the Saudi Al-Hadath news channel. They see Israel’s retreat and appeasement for peace as weakness. The recipe that Washington pushed on Israel for their phony peace lie that led to wars. They now see a strong Lion, Israel, and buy more diapers for the fear that now causes them to wet their pants often, and they buy more coffins for their much loved dead martyrs.
The events that we are witnessing today were scripted long before the "Abraham Accords" were signed. Every single "leader" of every single "nation" is signed up. The only people surprised are those that don't understand the nature of the one world scheme. Rio 1992 then Convid. Operation End Game Lockstep. It's so easy to comprehend that I'm consistently smh that people can't understand this. Welcome to the synagogue of Satan old world order.
We wouldn't have a muhammadan or a communist problem in America if Americans would put Christ first. Or even America first. You worship the Babylonian munny devils, like 50,000,000 other Americsn sheep, and now do you not only lack King Jesus, you have no nation. Well played. Moron.
““I understand it, because I’m clueless and don’t really know the Jewish Messiah Jesus and pride in my heart has deceived me until now where I am cut off and delivered to the Father of lies and hell.”
“““If some of the branches have been broken off, and you, though a wild olive shoot, have been grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing sap from the olive root, 18 do not consider yourself to be superior to those other branches. If you do, consider this: You do not support the root, but the root supports you. 19 You will say then, “Branches were broken off so that I could be grafted in.” 20 Granted. But they were broken off because of unbelief, and you stand by faith. Do not be arrogant, but tremble. .
Do not be arrogant, but tremble. 21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare you either.
Consider therefore the kindness and sternness of God: sternness to those who fell, but kindness to you, provided that you continue in his kindness. Otherwise, you also will be cut off.”””
From what I have read this is global, are you experiencing wake up early morning hours.
I'm woken up using through wall pulses precisely aimed between 3-5 am and it usually intensivies for days, if my apartment is to be entered. The last time was a few weeks ago, I bought a money belt and withdrew my savings fearing the local banks would fail.I have read many banks will keep all assets denying all assets... others will open to customers to retrieve their assetts. I asked Brookline, the clerk did not know.so I withdrew my savings. The following night and for a few days I was pulsed heavily causing exhaustion. A deep sleep joined with mind control and triggers .I was instructed to leave my door unscrewed as I usually put a screw in the door jam.use my bolt, and duck tape both to secure .the door knob at this time lock was only used.
Don McLaughlin asked me for money.I refused for the next 4 months at the end of each month I refused.I was afraid to check to see if the money belt was robbed but did not as through the wall camera is used from Mike Lane and other sources. The last two months Don McLaughlin has gone shopping carrying many packages unusual at best , I also dreamt my money belt was entered. I have checked and it seems the hundreds are now changed to 20's and the money bands are ripped.
I am going to my bank to use their facility to count, though I'm also watched there.
This shopping from Don, Stephanie and Angela has occurred twice last month and this month.
A new high tech robbery .
This was not my imagination but I do triple lock my door even when I'm forced to take a daily nap instead of sleep .as you can see from this email , I was woken at 3. I'm kept at a sleep deprived level all the time.To be forced into deep sleep within days. This opens the subconcious the flight or fight mode to suggestions/ commands. The subconcious takes over and shuts down the intellectual area of the brain.the flight or fight mode takes over used for survival it is primal for survival .This lion approaching in ancient times was used for survival do I flee or fight , it is a command the brain obeys at all cost used , forget to lock your door, etc WITH TRIGGERS AND mind control uses it to control ANYONE. I'm a beta test for many issues.
Self defeating.
Barbara Guillette
So my little high tech friend what do you think.I was told by another target years ago " you don't believe it, till it happens to you" and that is very true.bjg
The pawn moves are always in play, but the secondary powers are being moved strategically for the prize. World domination via digital currency control And control of vital resources needed for human existence. Food, water and carbons vital for electricity and transport. Keep your eyes on these outcomes to explain why shit is happening. Land theft…
The US instigated the separation of Panama from Colombia. Desirous of the Isthmus for the Canal.
Geopolitical concerns that the US would be imperiled by? Jimmy Carter gave that away nearly a half century ago. Oh, but they've remained an ally of the US, the hyper-strategic PC has remained under US control? Bill Clinton gave that away over a quarter century ago, approving Chinese-owned port authority of both Pacific and Caribbean ports.
If Colombia would re-take Panama there would be little difference from the status quo. US presidents already surrendered that hyper-strategic global trade route without a shot fired. Unless you count the bullets fired by the Bushies at Noriega's military command because he wasn't divvying up the illegal drug trade profits with the Bush Crime Family Syndicate like they wanted. But that was over the Bush Crime Family's security, not US security.
Yes. Part of Spain's New Granada, Gran Colombia, all of the configurations of northern South America and Central America right up until the United States of Colombia. Which, surprise, was supposed to embrace the same free market liberalism as the United States of America.
But USC wouldn't play ball with the USA, especially about the chosen route to link Atlantic and Pacific trade. As a transcontinental nation, the USA desired more efficient commerce through both oceans than rail could provide. Panama had been in and out of the different configurations of Granada/Colombia, divisions in power claims were easy for the US to stoke, Col. Teddy Roosevelt saw the opportunity that created to go around the USC power holders who weren't playing ball and fueled Panama's "independence." Which was actually as a USA client state.
Until Jimmy Carter's presidency. Then Bill Clinton's presidency cemented that and gave China it's first major geopolitical victory in the Americas. The CCP has had the US by the short hairs ever since. The militarization of Asian ocean lanes between India, the Philippines (another former Spanish colony the US acquired around the same time that Panama gained 'independence'), Indonesia, Malaysia, Korea and Japan gives them the strategic ability to completely choke and starve the US into great hardship or submission. With the assistance of US presidents who have been the antithesis of Teddy Roosevelt.
Panama's strategic importance has always and will always mean they will be a client state of some geopolitical power. Spain, US, China, whomever. Only the names of Panama's landlords change. Which depends on which power clan/structure inside Panama plays ball with the geopolitical power they can get the best deal with for themselves, first, Panamanians a distant second.
As an aside, the new ruler of Panama, Mulino (married to a Cohen; the last ruler was L Cortizo COHEN, fwiw), recently pledged full on obedience to Agenda 2030 at the UN.
There's also this WEF prediction. They list three "dystopian" predictions, this being one of them. All three what could happen if the world doesn't act and adopt WEF's Great Reset:
In the second scenario, larger shares of wealth accumulate in the south and east, shifting power to regional hegemons that consolidate spheres of influence challenging sovereign states as the principal unit of global order.
Mutual respect for the new regional hegemons’ interests actually alleviates the tensions that had started to grow in the early decades of the 21st century in contested areas such as Eastern Europe, the Middle East and the Western Pacific.
Governments make increasingly effective use of surveillance and high-tech media systems to control their citizens with manufactured historical narratives and exaggerated projections of external threats, emphasizing themes of ethnic or religious difference.
New regional institutions are set up that fragment what was once global trade and the global commons (e.g. establishing regional internets). As these come to dominate international relations, the old UN and Bretton Woods institutions of global governance wither away.
In parallel, efforts to control global warming are dropped in favour of unilateral measures to adapt to the changes. There are efficiency losses in the retreat from globalization, but authoritarian elites mostly convince their people that this is an acceptable price to pay for stability.
Companies lose their independence as inter-regional trade is limited and they come increasingly under the informal control of the new regional governance institutions."
Nor I. I will not comply. I will not let a lie I know to be false to come off my tongue under penalty and pain of these demonic ghouls. I will stand with God. In his army. Not the armies of these fallen, wicked men.
"The world's political landscape in 2030 will look considerably different to the present one. Nation states will remain the central players. There will be no single hegemonic force but instead a handful of countries – the U.S., Russia, China, Germany, India and Japan chief among them – exhibiting semi-imperial tendencies. Power will be more widely distributed across non-state networks, including regressive ones. And vast conurbations of mega-cities and their peripheries will exert ever greater influence. The post-war order that held since the middle of the twentieth century is coming unstuck. Expect uncertainty and instability ahead."
Great post, FF ! It occurs to me that the exact kabal that ran the British pound sterling currency empire, and the federal reserve currency empire, created and will run the BRICS empire. I strongly suspect that the financial power will be from the international city, Jerusalem and the backbone force for "world peace" will be Chinese. Thanks again for sharing.
Typhus? Typhoid fever!? Really? Is it tuberculosis or typhoid? One or the other.
The nord stream pipeline is it really worth fighting for? When we are giving our natural resources away? Really that was 2022. It’s over move on. Not being pissy, but it not even in America. We have so much oil in Bush, Jrs backyard why are we still “warring”?!?!?!
As far as Columbia and Panama, UNesco has been in there since 2018…and we all know what the US is doing through the UN…one world order through the UN police force to keep our mouths shut and open the Panama Canal, yet close our borders?
Help me here.
It’s getting really thick in this forest of crumbs.
I’m unclear why people that seek to know the outcome go to far away places beyond their own country and predict the outcomes of the places from hence they left for what reason?
I know if it comes to it at least I fought the good fight and at least stayed there in the battle to save a nation and its people instead of simple being a predictor from afar and asking for support of such magnitude.
I’d rather my resource be used and help my neighbors so we can take the high ground and win this battle.
There is simply no honor in escaping to a far an away place and abandon your own countrymen so you can achieve what? Your own preservation. Where is the honor to your own country even with all its ills. She’s still a nation that belongs to We the People and worth fighting for.
25k ?! we’re you hacked?
Some people have deep pockets. Michael's work is expensive. If a few w deep pockets can help, we all benefit.
According to a post on Kim Dot com one of our pilots said he is in Israel to aid them in war against Iraq. here is the link to the pilot's post: https://t.me/zeeemedia/17803?single
There has been no war declared between the US and Iran. The US is actively aiding in genocide and ethnic cleansing, and now an undeclared war. The US by our own law is not supposed to give financial or military aid to a nation which has undeclared nuclear weapons. Israel has been acknowledged to have them in the information from the "intelligence" agencies concerning Israel's plan to attack Iran.
Our "leaders" are acting against the interest of the US. It is not even in Israel's interest to have a war which could easily go nuclear. We are clearly dealing with insane and evil people.
If there is any decent person left in the DOJ that person needs to put an immediate injunction on military and financial aid to Israel as it is in clear violation of US law.
Thank you..but "endless Ukrainian war"? No sir..it's called a contiued war criminal civilan mass murderer pow murderer Putin's continued blood lust agression on yet another sovereign nation! When you mindlessly repeat the morally blinded comment of "endless wars" out of moral context, you aren't expressing truth on that one, a huge one.
Do you find it disconcerting that the FBI labeled MAGA supporters “terrorist” a week after it was reported DoD released DoD Directive 5240.01 expanding use of lethal force against US citizens?
Good thing I'm not MAGA.
they can always make "mistakes" it has happened before. or was that really NOT a "mistake"?
Just stupid instead?
I believe that's you. No MAGA here. We see where the MAGA supporters are sitting. Prison.
You stupid, foolish child…
Lol like wise.
LOL? You laugh at your own stupidity?
Very typical of your kind.
Leading the post with a sales pitch to rich people may be good business but it’s a bad look. If the MO is $ over the principle of preserving life liberty and the pursuit of land I’ll pray for you to meet the redirected Lord Jesus. We can’t serve both God and mammon. God bless.
Could also be that his account has been compromised...
I was told years ago the leaders of Palistine were told have a reformation of the Quran or obliteration that is your choice. Honor killings and such to be changed The leaders refused.
The genocide continues . Seems like it's coming true.
Barbara Guillette
You spend some time with Mike Adams in interview and a catalyst of doomsday is born! Why? Elon has not let Mike Adams on X. You have not been seen much of late on Infowars with AJ. All strange and interesting.
Sure things are very bad and there are all kinds of ramifications that may be possible but I will not allow myself to be caught up in your sensationalism. Just yesterday you liked my hopeful post. (?).
Sorry but we the American people have seen and been through enough. Let us not jump the shark. Nothing will come about so quickly there are not rrsistant actions to take. Why not discuss those? Wars are won and lost. We have not yet begun to fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Now. Good night. I need my sleep.
I wonder when we will begin to fight.
It is guys like Michael Yon and special ops and green berets that should take the reigns on that one. I hope when the time comes -if it does -and it becomes necessary the real fight to take back America and the Constitution will begin.
Constitution? Lysander Spooner noticed its demise how long ago? Looks like we, or our offspring, will have to write a new one, if they are willing to fight for it
There is NOT MUCH WRONG with the existing Constitution. The problem is going around, or ignoring, the Constitution. A Constitutional Convention is a dangerous thing. You do not know what we will end up with. It could be a disaster.
Have you read The Hologram of Liberty?
I have NOT read it. I also do NOT care about the author's opinions.
US Supplied Weapons to Hezbollah
War monger MIC Empire USA needs more wars for more billionaire's 💰 🤑.
Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Egypt, Turkey, Jordan, ect. don't like the new and improved Israel.
No longer weak, retreating appeasing evil to please their evil American idol of no peace just wars. Israel has sent a message to Hezbollah that should the terror group attempt to target Israeli leaders again, the IDF will raze Beirut’s southern Dahiyeh district to the ground, Hezbollah’s stronghold in the Lebanese capital, according to unnamed sources quoted by the Saudi Al-Hadath news channel. They see Israel’s retreat and appeasement for peace as weakness. The recipe that Washington pushed on Israel for their phony peace lie that led to wars. They now see a strong Lion, Israel, and buy more diapers for the fear that now causes them to wet their pants often, and they buy more coffins for their much loved dead martyrs.
The events that we are witnessing today were scripted long before the "Abraham Accords" were signed. Every single "leader" of every single "nation" is signed up. The only people surprised are those that don't understand the nature of the one world scheme. Rio 1992 then Convid. Operation End Game Lockstep. It's so easy to comprehend that I'm consistently smh that people can't understand this. Welcome to the synagogue of Satan old world order.
Your Mosque of Satan Gets a pass, dip shit ?
We wouldn't have a muhammadan or a communist problem in America if Americans would put Christ first. Or even America first. You worship the Babylonian munny devils, like 50,000,000 other Americsn sheep, and now do you not only lack King Jesus, you have no nation. Well played. Moron.
As a Christian living in the free state of Florida, I can say that your Mosque of Satan fellow travelers are getting an ass whooping from the Jews.
Israel is a people, not a place.
You profess to be a "Christian", yet you worship the Luciferian synagogue of Satan and the evil children of the Dragon.
I understand it, because I was deceived, too, until I was delivered from the lies.
How can someone be a "Jew" and not follow the King of the "Jews", in Spirit, truth and obedience.
A true Israelite, most accurately put, is circumcised of the heart.
““I understand it, because I’m clueless and don’t really know the Jewish Messiah Jesus and pride in my heart has deceived me until now where I am cut off and delivered to the Father of lies and hell.”
“““If some of the branches have been broken off, and you, though a wild olive shoot, have been grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing sap from the olive root, 18 do not consider yourself to be superior to those other branches. If you do, consider this: You do not support the root, but the root supports you. 19 You will say then, “Branches were broken off so that I could be grafted in.” 20 Granted. But they were broken off because of unbelief, and you stand by faith. Do not be arrogant, but tremble. .
Do not be arrogant, but tremble. 21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare you either.
Consider therefore the kindness and sternness of God: sternness to those who fell, but kindness to you, provided that you continue in his kindness. Otherwise, you also will be cut off.”””
from Roman’s 11
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Pulses every morning
Barbara Guillette
Fri, Oct 25 at 7:02 AM
From what I have read this is global, are you experiencing wake up early morning hours.
I'm woken up using through wall pulses precisely aimed between 3-5 am and it usually intensivies for days, if my apartment is to be entered. The last time was a few weeks ago, I bought a money belt and withdrew my savings fearing the local banks would fail.I have read many banks will keep all assets denying all assets... others will open to customers to retrieve their assetts. I asked Brookline, the clerk did not know.so I withdrew my savings. The following night and for a few days I was pulsed heavily causing exhaustion. A deep sleep joined with mind control and triggers .I was instructed to leave my door unscrewed as I usually put a screw in the door jam.use my bolt, and duck tape both to secure .the door knob at this time lock was only used.
Don McLaughlin asked me for money.I refused for the next 4 months at the end of each month I refused.I was afraid to check to see if the money belt was robbed but did not as through the wall camera is used from Mike Lane and other sources. The last two months Don McLaughlin has gone shopping carrying many packages unusual at best , I also dreamt my money belt was entered. I have checked and it seems the hundreds are now changed to 20's and the money bands are ripped.
I am going to my bank to use their facility to count, though I'm also watched there.
This shopping from Don, Stephanie and Angela has occurred twice last month and this month.
A new high tech robbery .
This was not my imagination but I do triple lock my door even when I'm forced to take a daily nap instead of sleep .as you can see from this email , I was woken at 3. I'm kept at a sleep deprived level all the time.To be forced into deep sleep within days. This opens the subconcious the flight or fight mode to suggestions/ commands. The subconcious takes over and shuts down the intellectual area of the brain.the flight or fight mode takes over used for survival it is primal for survival .This lion approaching in ancient times was used for survival do I flee or fight , it is a command the brain obeys at all cost used , forget to lock your door, etc WITH TRIGGERS AND mind control uses it to control ANYONE. I'm a beta test for many issues.
Self defeating.
Barbara Guillette
So my little high tech friend what do you think.I was told by another target years ago " you don't believe it, till it happens to you" and that is very true.bjg
One problem: Germ Theory is a MASSIVE lie.
Correct, it is. However, Typhus is a bacterial disease, not 'viral'.
The pawn moves are always in play, but the secondary powers are being moved strategically for the prize. World domination via digital currency control And control of vital resources needed for human existence. Food, water and carbons vital for electricity and transport. Keep your eyes on these outcomes to explain why shit is happening. Land theft…
Re-take Panama. "At some point, Colombia likely will move to Re-take Panama."
There, fixed it for you.
The US instigated the separation of Panama from Colombia. Desirous of the Isthmus for the Canal.
Geopolitical concerns that the US would be imperiled by? Jimmy Carter gave that away nearly a half century ago. Oh, but they've remained an ally of the US, the hyper-strategic PC has remained under US control? Bill Clinton gave that away over a quarter century ago, approving Chinese-owned port authority of both Pacific and Caribbean ports.
If Colombia would re-take Panama there would be little difference from the status quo. US presidents already surrendered that hyper-strategic global trade route without a shot fired. Unless you count the bullets fired by the Bushies at Noriega's military command because he wasn't divvying up the illegal drug trade profits with the Bush Crime Family Syndicate like they wanted. But that was over the Bush Crime Family's security, not US security.
We celebrate 2 independence days down here right now.
One from Spain, the other from Colombia.
Right now, the PanAm highway and bridges are being built in Darien.
South and Central America will be connected by a super highway soon.
Yes. Part of Spain's New Granada, Gran Colombia, all of the configurations of northern South America and Central America right up until the United States of Colombia. Which, surprise, was supposed to embrace the same free market liberalism as the United States of America.
But USC wouldn't play ball with the USA, especially about the chosen route to link Atlantic and Pacific trade. As a transcontinental nation, the USA desired more efficient commerce through both oceans than rail could provide. Panama had been in and out of the different configurations of Granada/Colombia, divisions in power claims were easy for the US to stoke, Col. Teddy Roosevelt saw the opportunity that created to go around the USC power holders who weren't playing ball and fueled Panama's "independence." Which was actually as a USA client state.
Until Jimmy Carter's presidency. Then Bill Clinton's presidency cemented that and gave China it's first major geopolitical victory in the Americas. The CCP has had the US by the short hairs ever since. The militarization of Asian ocean lanes between India, the Philippines (another former Spanish colony the US acquired around the same time that Panama gained 'independence'), Indonesia, Malaysia, Korea and Japan gives them the strategic ability to completely choke and starve the US into great hardship or submission. With the assistance of US presidents who have been the antithesis of Teddy Roosevelt.
Panama's strategic importance has always and will always mean they will be a client state of some geopolitical power. Spain, US, China, whomever. Only the names of Panama's landlords change. Which depends on which power clan/structure inside Panama plays ball with the geopolitical power they can get the best deal with for themselves, first, Panamanians a distant second.
Great insights, thank you !
As an aside, the new ruler of Panama, Mulino (married to a Cohen; the last ruler was L Cortizo COHEN, fwiw), recently pledged full on obedience to Agenda 2030 at the UN.
There's also this WEF prediction. They list three "dystopian" predictions, this being one of them. All three what could happen if the world doesn't act and adopt WEF's Great Reset:
What will the world look like in 2030?
January 14, 2016
"Strong regions
In the second scenario, larger shares of wealth accumulate in the south and east, shifting power to regional hegemons that consolidate spheres of influence challenging sovereign states as the principal unit of global order.
Mutual respect for the new regional hegemons’ interests actually alleviates the tensions that had started to grow in the early decades of the 21st century in contested areas such as Eastern Europe, the Middle East and the Western Pacific.
Governments make increasingly effective use of surveillance and high-tech media systems to control their citizens with manufactured historical narratives and exaggerated projections of external threats, emphasizing themes of ethnic or religious difference.
New regional institutions are set up that fragment what was once global trade and the global commons (e.g. establishing regional internets). As these come to dominate international relations, the old UN and Bretton Woods institutions of global governance wither away.
In parallel, efforts to control global warming are dropped in favour of unilateral measures to adapt to the changes. There are efficiency losses in the retreat from globalization, but authoritarian elites mostly convince their people that this is an acceptable price to pay for stability.
Companies lose their independence as inter-regional trade is limited and they come increasingly under the informal control of the new regional governance institutions."
WEF stating the only way to avoid these supposedly monstrous developments is to now to their Great Reset is rich, and, of course, according to plan.
Well, something about having a plan and making God laugh comes to mind
The best laid plans of mice and men...everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face...yes, lots of things said about plans
When Elysium ? LOL
Seriously, I really don't care to survive if we have to comply to biometrics, digital id, wallet, CBDC, brain implants, etc.
I simply won't take their shots, ever, either. Thoughts ?
Nor I. I will not comply. I will not let a lie I know to be false to come off my tongue under penalty and pain of these demonic ghouls. I will stand with God. In his army. Not the armies of these fallen, wicked men.
Fits this WEF prediction:
America’s dominance is over. By 2030, we'll have a handful of global powers
WEF, November 11, 2016
"The world's political landscape in 2030 will look considerably different to the present one. Nation states will remain the central players. There will be no single hegemonic force but instead a handful of countries – the U.S., Russia, China, Germany, India and Japan chief among them – exhibiting semi-imperial tendencies. Power will be more widely distributed across non-state networks, including regressive ones. And vast conurbations of mega-cities and their peripheries will exert ever greater influence. The post-war order that held since the middle of the twentieth century is coming unstuck. Expect uncertainty and instability ahead."
Great post, FF ! It occurs to me that the exact kabal that ran the British pound sterling currency empire, and the federal reserve currency empire, created and will run the BRICS empire. I strongly suspect that the financial power will be from the international city, Jerusalem and the backbone force for "world peace" will be Chinese. Thanks again for sharing.
The geography of being an isthmus is what makes that very important. For the world.
FF. Hence the re-taking of Panama by Colombia. Thanks.