So did you ever publish the cannibal book? I’d buy it.

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Imagine the millions of children ending their lives for the Elohim cult as sacrifice for blood and adrenaline for their life force energy! Imagine justice to this lowest form of life infiltrating our society as being amongst us as honored public and non- public figures….

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You have piqued my interest, sir, and I shall be reading it as well. Thank you, God bless and Godspeed.

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Thank you, Michael, looking forward to reading and storing it in my private memory bank.

Lost in the Valley of Death: A Story of Obsession and Death in the Himalayas

Will be supporting the Author with my $.


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Well if you ever need a second job, we know you can write a book review that’s suspenseful and a cliff hanger. :)

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Today many are targeted we live in the US the valley of death has arrived here. Through DEW and vaxxines and other things put in our water skies and food. Will read the book.

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Much evidence exists exhibiting the fact of being here in the 'Valley of Death' since around 1953 when the first drones capable of surveillance were created with Project Salus which isn't necessarily documented in any measure for public consumption.

They have PROGRESSED in their evil 'Arts and Sciences' since that time giving a whole new definition to the word which is infinitely more accurate according to how the treasonous installed into the D.C. Sewer use it for identification. It's as though it's simply a Political Party as most see it when in fact the implication behind it is far more dark and wide.

Now, the difference is about how far evil has come to NOT HIDE ITSELF IN ITS SMUG ARROGANCE allowing us all to know we really are 'Walking in the Shadow of the Valley of Death.', today in this time. Though it's fact; WE OF GOD ARE NOT AFRAID AND ARE LISTENING AND LEARNING as we know technology has no bias and the faithful without knowledge of survival of this technical darkness will certainly not survive AND neither will their OFFSPRING whom are beloved.

Yes, this book does sound truly enlightening and worth the money to buy and time to read.

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You are a very interesting man and I'm grateful for your knowledge my father was in the army stationed in Panama to protect the canal,came home deaf, from the big guns. Never complained.best dad ever.so proud of him.

Barbara Guillette

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How sad. Likely just a harbinger of things to come in the near future, however.

We will collectively lose many that we hold dear in the coming months due to numerous reasons, it's a different world approaching humanity now.

Prepare your psyche accordingly.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Oh, brother.

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Heart wrentching and sad for the family and friends. So much hidden just like Columbia, SA, was there in Andres mountains, saw many things. God give us eyes to see and ears to hear. Gotta read it 📚. Michael & your team praying for Gods hedge of protection, stay in Christ's care. 🙏

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Have it on my must read list~

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