I watched this podcast intently. Remember it well and interesting to see you have it archived. Geez, will stick in my mind till my time is up. I turned 68 that day. :-)

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Thank you, Mr. Yon.

You are spot on when you say that illegal aliens will replace Americans. I just listened to the Jim Willie interview, link below. He mentioned that homeowners have seen their insurance premiums triple and quadruple. Those folks would be priced out of their homes, and would be unable to sell them. BlackRock would take over, and rent them to illegal aliens....at taxpayer expense.


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Thank you, Mr. Yon.

You are 100% accurate when you say that illegal alien invaders were brought in to replace Americans. Jim Willie mentioned, in this interview, that Americans were seeing their homeowner's insurance policies tripe and quadruple in price. They would be unable to afford to live in their homes, and would not be able to sell them, either. BlackRock would take over the home, and would rent them out to illegal aliens.....at the taxpayers' expense.


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Hey Michael Yon, maybe you should publish your 3 books on Chinese information for an American audience that you did for the Japanese! We must wake folks up here of what’s coming.

Geopolitical analyst Jeff Nyquist has been warning about this for years based on his own research and interviews with Russian KGB defectors as well as his contacts in China.

China and Russia are working together to destroy us (One Clinched Fist). China is planning on a land invasion right here on American soil. You say that to people and they think you’re crazy.

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It ain't just the left man...we have a globalist cabal running our government and controlling both sides. No matter who wins "elections", THEY win. The agenda marches on.

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Mar 20Edited

Michael - finally just watched the interview. Yes, absolutely incredible! Much of what you talk about has been said by you before, but here it was expanded and woven together quite nicely.

Knowing the populace and how methodical the chinese are, you leave little room for optimism. I'm in the burbs and it's like living amongst the walking dead - no one believes. The wealthiest neighbor here has seen you and essentially knows the deal, says he's going to get prepared and does zilch. And this summer in an upscale nearby town, in the park next to the police station, I saw an Asian - I'm certain chinese couple that although well dressed, sent an odd vibe. The guy was a monster, about 6-5 and hugely built. I've had many chinese friends and coworkers and this guy was unlike them. Maybe he's a legit American citizen, but something was not right. I'm sure there are in sleeper cells everywhere.

With your depth of knowledge, it would be VERY valuable for you either as an interviewee or as a video that you put out, go in-depth on how-to solutions. Sure, create a community. Katherine Austin Fits says that too. Really though, how? Who's there to community with? And if there is a resistance community, won't that be a target of a major assault? If the rest of the country falls, how can that survive?

An in-depth how to (at least the universal parts) driven by your knowledge would be an AMAZING public service to this country. The knowledge needs to be disseminated and questions answered. You are the man to do it. Please do.

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Michael you were correct on Chinese weed farms deep in the woods of Maine. It’s crazy. https://www.themainewire.com/2023/11/triad-weed-illegal-chinese-marijuana-grows-are-all-over-maine/

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When is your Tucker interview going to be aired?

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Just watched it and wow, just holy wow. The discussion on famine was especially interesting as we can see the war on farmers unfold in front of our eyes, from EPA over reach against the Amish, to Irish farmers having to cull 200,000 cows to the shit show all over Europe, to the war on Africa through draconian EU tariffs... as the man says control the food supply and you control the people.

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So far, I have not been able to find the interview on Spotify!

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Michael needs to be a part of the Trump Administration. He has worked his ass off exposing this unbelievable invasion into this country not to mention his service to this country as special forces!

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Good Lord, Trump is part of the cabal...two wings on the same bird. Divide and conquer strategy. You can't truly be fighting the globalists and deep state, when you're funded by them. Time to wakey, wakey.

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JB Never said or inferred DT’s presence in the Oval would not bring red streets. Either way it’s an economic AND political bloodbath ahead. And maybe some running and gunning thrown in.

“wakey”, wakey ? You calling your wife?

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Ok fine, and I attest that DT's return to office (selection, not election) is specifically intended to bring the division, chaos and "bloodbath" the cabal wants, so they can usher in the next phase of gov control. Think of martial law and patriot act 2.0, and implementation of complete tyranny...all for our own good and protection, of course. All planned.

With that said, did my comment really make you so triggered, that you attempt to insult me using my wife? Talk about childish and emotionally feeble. Good luck with that Billy.

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See there you go again. “Billy”. I don’t know your wife. You don’t

know me. Respect is two way street. “Triggered”. That’s a 20’s Woke term. Kinda reveals your immaturity. Hardly apropos for my 80 years. Lol.

PS DT will not make it into the Oval.

Cabal cannot allow it. Now Hillery? That’s another topic.

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Susan. Michael clearly does NOT belong in the cess pool of any DC admin. Who the President is is a moot point. Read more deeply the global scope of the cancer eating away at the former nation-states. A US administrative position for Michael would completely neuter his present effectiveness. PS. If DT and that is a long shot gets back to the Oval he will be unable to govern. If you thought he was hobbled the first time around next time will be horrendous. AND if he is prevented from the Oval, if there is an election, the streets will run red.

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The streets will run red WITH DT in office. He's being selected by the cabal come back into power. He's part of their strategy. Wakey, wakey.

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Iterresting. I mentionned once in your interview, looong time ago, covid times, that Chinese are masters of long term planning (sometimes even few generations ahead...) . It looks like all the puzzles are falling into piece, and a sinking giant will claw at some resources... (their economic system is falling, too much inflated balloon). I am affraid that they will seize strategic resouces required to grow, by any means necessery, same as Japan did before 2WW.

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Way beyond extremely important…

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Micron Company is slated to build the huge enterprise. Look it up.

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Awls always Micheal you are the man. Thank you for your hard work and keeping us informed. God I wish you would run for office.

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Okay, we know what's happening and who's doing it. Can we stop it? Likely, we cannot, so knowing doesn't really change much.

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If we vote in a new President in November, how hard will it be for him to pull out from the UN contract that’s behind the migration?

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Michele. Impossible. If it is Trump he will be unable to govern. See Paul Craig Roberts.

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Just guessing, but there probably are many contracts with many NGOs, so that might take some time. To the extent his own Federal bureaucracy is directing and funding the contracts, he likely could end them with the stroke of a pen. Sadly, we must understand that no president really makes decisions any more, anyway. Decisions are made by the cartel and the puppet president, even Trump, must obey.

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