Article by JBS.
Amazing interview on Shawn Ryan Show discussing the findings of #OperationBurningEdge so far including Darian Gap, Tri State Cities, Invasion of America and Taiwan, Drugging of Americans to lull them to sleep, and more
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As every illegal invader knows if you get your feet anywhere in South America, you can get to anywhere in America very easily. It’s a function of money and the US government using “religious” charities as front organizations make it happen.
The US is very complicit in this scheme. Secretary of Homeland Security Mayorkas uses HIAS as one of MANY front organizations including Catholic Charities, to mask this illegal flood under the guise of religion. Getting the gullible to pay with their charity and tax dollars for their own future downfall. The front organizations in concert with the US and UN are literally taking over countries using this method. Colonialism by another name.
HIAS is literally tricking Jewish donors into giving money and support while busy facilitating the travel of multiple members of extremist terrorist groups into the US. Terrorist groups that want to wipe Jews of the face of the earth. Can’t make this stuff up.
In addition, China, Russia, and Iran are very close to Venezuela, and importing their own foreign agents and future fighters into the US using US facilities and funds to do it.
China is busy eating away at the soft underbelly of the US while it prepares to isolate Taiwan diplomatically and take it over. If Taiwan is taken by the CCP it will disrupt the critical supply of semiconductors into the US. More than oil, the US relies on these semiconductors for everything from toasters to tanks. Once the CCP disrupts that supply line, the US will be reduced to throwing rocks at the CCP invaders that are already in the US by the tens of thousands. Over decades CCP has been isolating Taiwan diplomatically, slowly tightening the noose under the lie of “One China Policy” and fake history. China claims Taiwan like it will claim the moon and all the earth. It is only a matter of time. Meanwhile the US government and corporations continue to feed the CCP beast that wants to eat them alive.
Shawn Ryan is a former Navy Seal and CIA contractor with 14 years of service, and definitely worth watching.
The Left uses people's decency against them.
I saw the trailer on YouTube, I think this interview is going to get a lot of views and shares. Great info sir thank you for the hard work you put in