Big Honey BRHINGS the COMS, Winken Blinking and Nod. Hat Tip YON.

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No lies detected.

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That is correct. They are playing us crazy again in their Maoist bipolar identity politics.

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fuck all you traitors

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wtf................ i will of my own self in GOD take it all on..............l right about now in these here days

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but ..............i am nothing......... nothng ............... no nothing at all.......... not.......... no.......... absolutely nobody gives a shit nor care about nothing i've got t say at all.............. that's my legacy after all

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if you do not put everything about your and your own self at risk in this kind of situation then youare nothing

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if all you do is talk........ you are most to be disdained............

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as nothing.............. mere......... nothing at all........ please........... isn't that the case after all

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now i know i've been tracked from long time ago by nsa/cia from my perspective i think they tolerate me as a litmus test...... on all you guys........... thus showing that by all means you guys are nothing more than chaff in the wind

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fuck all this.............. do you want to fight right now or not

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probably not. most of you are just cheerleaders right

is anyone out there 'ready to go'

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i really don't know how to get heard on this substack venue........... have posted bunch of stuff here and there........ who knows............ does anyone want to take up arms a go against the machine or not....... making the most of every opportunity........ fully knowing that even now every nsa ai stuff has already seen and evaluate what it just said

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For some reason there are many who are naturally red pilled. those that ask who, how and why etc.. Are we all just slaves with attitudes? What we don't know is how Morpheus became red pilled? Was it the controllers that needed controlled opposition for whatever psychological reasons? Likely all of us have been through the graduated truth farms on our way here. There is a truth but there is so much deception and other mind games being done to us by what can only be termed Master psychological operatives.

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Predictive programming from Hollyweird pretending to be 'independent' and part of the heavy Hegelian dialectic political pendulum swing, from blue to red, this or that... while most are hypnotized in the bread and circuses that are these days designed better than most older addictive soap operas and professional sport games.

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While still taken-in by false thinking at times; people are NOT trusting and far more willing to question that fed to them than ever before.


Once the truth is seen, it can't be unseen.

Pray, fast and do all possible to be an agent of growth towards the truth always at all costs.

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There is a third choice for me: My relationship and covenant with the Creator is for Truth - no more lies.

This means He ALWAYS causes the truth to come my way, even if its beforehand.

This is how I knew Fauci was telling a bald faced lie about hydroxychloriquine...and then I KNEW it was Authoritarianism exerting itself over our Republic. Therefore: no mask and disregarding the "Instructions."

HE is the real hope anyone can have for Truth Insurance.

I am not afraid.

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