Uh no. Incorrect historically and morally . Everybody has a homeland. That includes Jews. Jews are the indigenous people Israel according to all historical recordsDNA analysis, archeological findings, and the Torah from Israel and all records is people from the surrounding areas.
Palestine is a name given to Judea by the Romans who occupied the land. There has never been a state called Palestine and the people of the region never tried to create a state under the Ottoman Empire. There were no Muslims when Israel was founded.Israel is a sovereign state recognized under international law . Arab Muslims, Christians Druze etc all live in Israel and gave full civil and religious rights.
The land of Israel is tiny. 98% of the Middle East is not in Israel. The Jews are not going anywhere. They will defend their homeland against Islamonazis who seek to destroy Israel and kill all the Jews. Because they are the real apartheid fraudsters and hate mongers. You don’t like it? Too bad. If you think what the Palestinians have to offer the world is so great, look at what is happening to Europe which is inundated with hostile, anti western Muslims who are turning Europe into a Caliphate. You might want to see how you’ll get treated as a non- Muslim in a Muslim country before you get too excited. Fucking retarded post. I expected better out of you.
Someone needs to get out there the idea that trying to force God's hand by force-fulfilling prophecies is the worst kind of pride. It is putting oneself above God and telling Him what to do. It is a worse sin than mere disobedience.
If the peacemakers are blessed and shall be called the sons of God, then whose sons are the warmongers?
I want to add that Mike is back in the Trump cult himself. Trump is a mass murderer through OWS and backs the destruction of Iran as an Israel first politician. I wish people would have a set of real values and stick to them. It is the only way I know of not to get culted or if culted, get out of it. Without real principles such as genocide is wrong no matter who is doing it, then we cannot make things better in our own nation.
I was surprised to read that Bolshevism is seen as anti-Semetic. I have read elsewhere that many of the Bolscheviks were Jews, but others say that is an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory.
HIStorically, the term "Jews" began around the division of Israel after David's death and his idiot trust baby son took over. The Kingdom quickly divided "the northern tribe often called Israel, or "the 10 tribes" and occasionally as Manasseh or Ephraim. Listen up! There are family members of tribe of Judah (Yuda) sometimes referred to as Jews. There residents of land of Judea / Jerusalem very often called Jews, many having no relationship to Jacob, Issac, or Abraham. We today mostly call those of Judaism religion Jews as in Jewish. Judaism was finalized by the Talmud roughly 200 years after Christ. Yes you got that RIGHT, Jesus was NOT Jewish. Judaism ignores much of Moses's teachings and substitutes "traditions" instead of YHVH's commands. I think I hear calls of Nazi on the way. Whatever! Please bring it on! Lastly, it is written that many claiming to be of Judah are liars and use our brother Judah as cover for the wicked deeds. They are, as THE ONE Said, of their father the dEvil. Keep in mind all of the first Christians were of Judea and would have been generically or regionally called Jews including Jesus. Christ Y~shua was of the tribe of Judah and Levi. This is all recorded for all to read so long as you're reading the original text and not some easy mamby pamby sterilized version which all of have been tweaked. Last BIG fact, The Scriptures endorse no religion of man, none of the flavors and brands we see today. The book is about who we are, why we are here an what happened before to bring us here, how to live the best human life during this short age of mankind and what is coming next. THE Book is above all. Nothing comes close. Every story, every movie, every political situation can be found in type written in THE Scriptures. Do you read?
JBS "Wrong. Bolsheviks were anti Semitic and went after Orthodox Jews. They were heavily funded in the critical 1917-1918 period by the Anti Semitic Rockefeller and Morgan interests, and once in power turned against even the few ethnic but apostate Jews that were allowed into 2 actual positions of power in the Bolshevik party. Trotsky, one of those two, was kicked out and eventually killed in Mexico. Bolsheviks also idolized a book by a self hating Jew that converted to Christianity....his name was Karl Marx. He wrote "The Jewish Question" among the other communist rags, blaming Jews for Capitalism. Go back and learn, then come discuss."
National and racial chauvinism is a vestige of the misanthropic customs characteristic of the period of cannibalism. Anti-semitism, as an extreme form of racial chauvinism, is the most dangerous vestige of cannibalism.
Anti-semitism is of advantage to the exploiters as a lightning conductor that deflects the blows aimed by the working people at capitalism. Anti-semitism is dangerous for the working people as being a false path that leads them off the right road and lands them in the jungle. Hence Communists, as consistent internationalists, cannot but be irreconcilable, sworn enemies of anti-semitism.
In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty.
J. Stalin
January 12, 1931
First published in the newspaper Pravda, No. 329, November 30, 1936
Like you, I think there is a lot of purposeful confusion and misleading arguments surrounding this issue of Zionism. God Almighty, the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, promised lands, much greater than the current area now called 'Israel' to the 12 tribes of Jacob (Israel). That promise (covenant) was never rescinded or broken. The original 'Zion' was the Jebusite city captured by King David (see (2 Samuel 5:6–9).
What I believe is happening now, is people throwing the likes of the Rothschilds and other secular Jews (look up the Khazarian Jews) and their lineage and putting them in the same barrel as the Jews of the bible, the 12 tribes of Jacob, and throwing ALL OF THEM under the bus. There is great evil going on in modern day Israel. This does not mean that God will not use them for His purposes. The OT is ripe with individuals the Lord used for his purposes. (Can you say the Pharaoh of Egypt, King Saul, etc.).
Satan is having a field day confusing the world on this issue and ramping up the hatred towards God's chosen people.
Note: I am not a Jew -- I am a born again (in the spirit) follower of Jesus, the Messiah. The Christ. I believe what the Lord has to say about things, not what I think or what others think. On a daily basis I pray for Wisdom & Discernment in these last days. God is about order; Satan is about chaos and confusion.
Forgive me as it's still early and I'm still clearing the cobwebs of sleep.
If you already knew the answer, were you just testing me to see if I knew or, is there another point you are trying to make? I am very aware of those verses.
Very informative. Thanks for sharing @TorahJudaism. I’ve wanted to know more about the difference between Zionism & Jews. This is so helpful. Please give us more info on this subject- that’s IF you have time. I know you’re a busy guy ☺️
I’m sick of people saying our country was founded on Judeo Christian values. Oxymoron. What part of Jews don’t believe Jesus Christ is the Messiah do people not understand? This has always boggled my mind.
Jewish law was revolutionary in many respects. It had a profound effect on many cultures. Added to Christ's and his disciples teachings, many modern cultural and legal practices were based in them. It has nothing to do with whether Jews believe Jesus is the Messiah.
Because the Torah/OT is full of Types and Shadows, prophecies, etc, used by Christ to validate His claims in the NT, to create the New Covenent.
The OT has the Adamic, Noahaic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, David ice, etc Covements from God to Mankind, to find its culmination and fulfillment in the New Covenant through Christ.
Anybody that understood basic Christianity knows this. It's a continuum.
JBS "The Talmud is not seen as divine revelations by Orthodox Jews. It is the law book. The only divine revelations is the Torah (first 5 books). Talmud is just a series of legal arguments about the 613 commandments the Jews have to follow."
Regardless, Talmudism has been the driving force of Jewish dominated groups that have come to power. The Bolsheviks were a good example of
just one of them. The influencers in world finance and Hollywood are other examples.
“Most of us are ill-equipped to grasp the misleading nature of Talmudism, its fathomless capacity for word parsing, double-entendre and lawyer’s contortions, as part of the shrewd and calculating cat-and-mouse game in which it situates its teachings and juridical decisions. We are deceived by the Talmudists because it is inconceivable to most of us that religious leaders would mislead so maliciously, unconscionably and with predetermination.”
Michael Hoffman, Revisionist History, July to August 2022
1. Bolsheviks were funded by anti Semites like Rockefeller and Morgan in the US. They read a book by a self hating Jew that converted to Christianity (Marx). Once in power they continued the pogroms against Orthodox Jews and saw Torah and Talmud as incompatible with Marxism. Try again.
2. Hollywood are Reform and Reconstructionist Jews almost to a man. Many of them do not believe the Torah was given to Moshe at Har Sinai. So again you are wrong. Try again.
You realize that "Talmudism" as you incorrectly call it actually states that the nation of Israel is contrary to Judaism if it was formed without a clear intervention from the Moshiach, and that Jews are forbidden to raise their own army until that time? In other words, Zionism is contrary to Talmudic opinion.
I’m thinking that had to be a typo and he meant the opposite. At the end of the piece the url points to the Torah. If it is not an error, then I completely agree with you. Talmudic teaching gets into mysticism and other such demonic activity. Perhaps they are the Synagogue of Satan as spoken about by Jesus in the Book of Revelation.
Someone put it in the comments near the bottom of the thread..."Jew Behind the Scenes"
Doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Whatever. I think Michael should have stayed away from this topic. Satan is having a field day creating more hate and confusion about the 12 Tribes of Jacob vs. the Khazarian / secular jews (Rothschild family, etc.) and putting them all in the same barrel.
It also bothers me a bit that he was condescending towards any contrary replies rather than stating his point and at least being a bit respectful of those on this platform that are also subsidizing him via paid subscriptions. I'm angry and tired of what I see happening to our once great nation too but, I try to take a breath before I reply in writing with someone I might disagree with.
JBS "It is a legal argument book, as such it has case studies that say "what if this occurs" and Oligarch and FED propagandists take that completely out of context like Communists do. Try actually reading it then come back and discuss."
We cannot stand in God's way. He, in the end, is the only one who knows when the endtimes are closing in. We are mere humans. We still need to continue to do what is true and moral and not be tricked. Like a thief in the night, Jesus will come.
That is why WE cannot be the solution to our problems. WE will never meet the standard of God. Our very best is "filthy rags". Hence the need for Jesus. You will never fix your ego to the point of divinity. This is lie the devil uses to distract people away from the love and saving grace of Christ. Unless you have Jesus Christ as your Savior, you are not a child of God. You ARE a creation of God, but not his child.
There is true freedom in the Gospel. An upside kingdom that makes no sense to those perishing. Scripture is so clear and it's beautiful how much God desires us to be with him.
Not only is addressing your ego a hard thing, it will have zero effect on your salvation which means despite all your human effort you will be separated from Christ for eternity. That is true hell.
The Truth of the Christian faith is life-giving and painful as we Christians die to ourselves and daily pick our cross as we allow God to sanctify us. The road to Life is narrow.
Oh, good. I was confused because of some terminology you used in another comment. You stated "each one of us is pure divinity". That is biblically inaccurate so I was hoping to clear things up for those that read your comment so they wouldn't be confused.
I think what so many souls do not yet know, or disregard, is that each one of us is pure Divinity…children of God/Creator. That is my belief. For me, it has nothing to do with any organized religion. It’s something innate in me. I’m working on my eGO…it’s probably one of the hardest things I have ever done in my 60 years in the physical world.
The biggest idol we have to destroy in order to be saved is ourselves. "Die to yourself, pick up your cross, and follow me". The hardest part of every Christian's walk, and a battle until we die.
Outstanding stack ツ
Uh no. Incorrect historically and morally . Everybody has a homeland. That includes Jews. Jews are the indigenous people Israel according to all historical recordsDNA analysis, archeological findings, and the Torah from Israel and all records is people from the surrounding areas.
Palestine is a name given to Judea by the Romans who occupied the land. There has never been a state called Palestine and the people of the region never tried to create a state under the Ottoman Empire. There were no Muslims when Israel was founded.Israel is a sovereign state recognized under international law . Arab Muslims, Christians Druze etc all live in Israel and gave full civil and religious rights.
The land of Israel is tiny. 98% of the Middle East is not in Israel. The Jews are not going anywhere. They will defend their homeland against Islamonazis who seek to destroy Israel and kill all the Jews. Because they are the real apartheid fraudsters and hate mongers. You don’t like it? Too bad. If you think what the Palestinians have to offer the world is so great, look at what is happening to Europe which is inundated with hostile, anti western Muslims who are turning Europe into a Caliphate. You might want to see how you’ll get treated as a non- Muslim in a Muslim country before you get too excited. Fucking retarded post. I expected better out of you.
God Bless America.
Am Yisrael Chai.
Israel pushes the genocide jab, Ukraine war, Gaza genocide, and open borders for every one but Israel. Support revoked.
Someone needs to get out there the idea that trying to force God's hand by force-fulfilling prophecies is the worst kind of pride. It is putting oneself above God and telling Him what to do. It is a worse sin than mere disobedience.
If the peacemakers are blessed and shall be called the sons of God, then whose sons are the warmongers?
This is true and it gets a lot of people killed.
I want to add that Mike is back in the Trump cult himself. Trump is a mass murderer through OWS and backs the destruction of Iran as an Israel first politician. I wish people would have a set of real values and stick to them. It is the only way I know of not to get culted or if culted, get out of it. Without real principles such as genocide is wrong no matter who is doing it, then we cannot make things better in our own nation.
Oh good. Thanks
I was surprised to read that Bolshevism is seen as anti-Semetic. I have read elsewhere that many of the Bolscheviks were Jews, but others say that is an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory.
HIStorically, the term "Jews" began around the division of Israel after David's death and his idiot trust baby son took over. The Kingdom quickly divided "the northern tribe often called Israel, or "the 10 tribes" and occasionally as Manasseh or Ephraim. Listen up! There are family members of tribe of Judah (Yuda) sometimes referred to as Jews. There residents of land of Judea / Jerusalem very often called Jews, many having no relationship to Jacob, Issac, or Abraham. We today mostly call those of Judaism religion Jews as in Jewish. Judaism was finalized by the Talmud roughly 200 years after Christ. Yes you got that RIGHT, Jesus was NOT Jewish. Judaism ignores much of Moses's teachings and substitutes "traditions" instead of YHVH's commands. I think I hear calls of Nazi on the way. Whatever! Please bring it on! Lastly, it is written that many claiming to be of Judah are liars and use our brother Judah as cover for the wicked deeds. They are, as THE ONE Said, of their father the dEvil. Keep in mind all of the first Christians were of Judea and would have been generically or regionally called Jews including Jesus. Christ Y~shua was of the tribe of Judah and Levi. This is all recorded for all to read so long as you're reading the original text and not some easy mamby pamby sterilized version which all of have been tweaked. Last BIG fact, The Scriptures endorse no religion of man, none of the flavors and brands we see today. The book is about who we are, why we are here an what happened before to bring us here, how to live the best human life during this short age of mankind and what is coming next. THE Book is above all. Nothing comes close. Every story, every movie, every political situation can be found in type written in THE Scriptures. Do you read?
Bolsheviks we 85% Jewish. Soviet Communism was a Jewish movement.
JBS "Wrong. Bolsheviks were anti Semitic and went after Orthodox Jews. They were heavily funded in the critical 1917-1918 period by the Anti Semitic Rockefeller and Morgan interests, and once in power turned against even the few ethnic but apostate Jews that were allowed into 2 actual positions of power in the Bolshevik party. Trotsky, one of those two, was kicked out and eventually killed in Mexico. Bolsheviks also idolized a book by a self hating Jew that converted to Christianity....his name was Karl Marx. He wrote "The Jewish Question" among the other communist rags, blaming Jews for Capitalism. Go back and learn, then come discuss."
National and racial chauvinism is a vestige of the misanthropic customs characteristic of the period of cannibalism. Anti-semitism, as an extreme form of racial chauvinism, is the most dangerous vestige of cannibalism.
Anti-semitism is of advantage to the exploiters as a lightning conductor that deflects the blows aimed by the working people at capitalism. Anti-semitism is dangerous for the working people as being a false path that leads them off the right road and lands them in the jungle. Hence Communists, as consistent internationalists, cannot but be irreconcilable, sworn enemies of anti-semitism.
In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty.
J. Stalin
January 12, 1931
First published in the newspaper Pravda, No. 329, November 30, 1936
How are you defining Zionist? A Jew who believes Jews should have their own nation?
Like you, I think there is a lot of purposeful confusion and misleading arguments surrounding this issue of Zionism. God Almighty, the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, promised lands, much greater than the current area now called 'Israel' to the 12 tribes of Jacob (Israel). That promise (covenant) was never rescinded or broken. The original 'Zion' was the Jebusite city captured by King David (see (2 Samuel 5:6–9).
What I believe is happening now, is people throwing the likes of the Rothschilds and other secular Jews (look up the Khazarian Jews) and their lineage and putting them in the same barrel as the Jews of the bible, the 12 tribes of Jacob, and throwing ALL OF THEM under the bus. There is great evil going on in modern day Israel. This does not mean that God will not use them for His purposes. The OT is ripe with individuals the Lord used for his purposes. (Can you say the Pharaoh of Egypt, King Saul, etc.).
Satan is having a field day confusing the world on this issue and ramping up the hatred towards God's chosen people.
Note: I am not a Jew -- I am a born again (in the spirit) follower of Jesus, the Messiah. The Christ. I believe what the Lord has to say about things, not what I think or what others think. On a daily basis I pray for Wisdom & Discernment in these last days. God is about order; Satan is about chaos and confusion.
If this is a serious question, they are all detailed on this article, along with pertinent bible versus for reference.
Forgive me as it's still early and I'm still clearing the cobwebs of sleep.
If you already knew the answer, were you just testing me to see if I knew or, is there another point you are trying to make? I am very aware of those verses.
JBS "Read it again, go to the link at the bottom and you have your answer."
Did you read the article?
Very informative. Thanks for sharing @TorahJudaism. I’ve wanted to know more about the difference between Zionism & Jews. This is so helpful. Please give us more info on this subject- that’s IF you have time. I know you’re a busy guy ☺️
This is a SEED WAR. Look up Dustin Nemos on Rumble. Wonderful teachings of the Zionist/ Jew topic. Also,Here is his website
I’m sick of people saying our country was founded on Judeo Christian values. Oxymoron. What part of Jews don’t believe Jesus Christ is the Messiah do people not understand? This has always boggled my mind.
Jewish law was revolutionary in many respects. It had a profound effect on many cultures. Added to Christ's and his disciples teachings, many modern cultural and legal practices were based in them. It has nothing to do with whether Jews believe Jesus is the Messiah.
Because the Torah/OT is full of Types and Shadows, prophecies, etc, used by Christ to validate His claims in the NT, to create the New Covenent.
The OT has the Adamic, Noahaic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, David ice, etc Covements from God to Mankind, to find its culmination and fulfillment in the New Covenant through Christ.
Anybody that understood basic Christianity knows this. It's a continuum.
You do not know the Holy Bible or you would understand Jude’s - Christian
And you know nothing about me at all. Hold your tongue.
Health Ranger is a lunatic. Why would I listen to him?
Why do you think Healthy Ranger is a lunatic? I don’t know much about him except that it seems as if he just wants to sell a lot of everything!!!!
i appreciate receiving such deep history lessons on cultures i basically know nothing about!
Do these nut jobs know (or want to ignore) the third temple is not an earthly one? check here ! https://odysee.com/@CoryBarbee:8/SKULL-AND-BONES-HIDING-THE-SECRET-TO-ETERMAL-LIFE:8
If Orthodox Jews are following the Talmud there is nothing holy about their practice. The Talmud is not part of Divine Revelation.
Another ignorant nobody contributing nothing.
I encourage you to read more before posting next time.
Do you know who 'JBS' is that Michael is quoting?
JBS "The Talmud is not seen as divine revelations by Orthodox Jews. It is the law book. The only divine revelations is the Torah (first 5 books). Talmud is just a series of legal arguments about the 613 commandments the Jews have to follow."
It's all the work of the devil
Regardless, Talmudism has been the driving force of Jewish dominated groups that have come to power. The Bolsheviks were a good example of
just one of them. The influencers in world finance and Hollywood are other examples.
“Most of us are ill-equipped to grasp the misleading nature of Talmudism, its fathomless capacity for word parsing, double-entendre and lawyer’s contortions, as part of the shrewd and calculating cat-and-mouse game in which it situates its teachings and juridical decisions. We are deceived by the Talmudists because it is inconceivable to most of us that religious leaders would mislead so maliciously, unconscionably and with predetermination.”
Michael Hoffman, Revisionist History, July to August 2022
JBS "Wrong.
1. Bolsheviks were funded by anti Semites like Rockefeller and Morgan in the US. They read a book by a self hating Jew that converted to Christianity (Marx). Once in power they continued the pogroms against Orthodox Jews and saw Torah and Talmud as incompatible with Marxism. Try again.
2. Hollywood are Reform and Reconstructionist Jews almost to a man. Many of them do not believe the Torah was given to Moshe at Har Sinai. So again you are wrong. Try again.
You realize that "Talmudism" as you incorrectly call it actually states that the nation of Israel is contrary to Judaism if it was formed without a clear intervention from the Moshiach, and that Jews are forbidden to raise their own army until that time? In other words, Zionism is contrary to Talmudic opinion.
Go back and learn, then come back and talk."
This is too absurd and condescending to respond to further.
I’m thinking that had to be a typo and he meant the opposite. At the end of the piece the url points to the Torah. If it is not an error, then I completely agree with you. Talmudic teaching gets into mysticism and other such demonic activity. Perhaps they are the Synagogue of Satan as spoken about by Jesus in the Book of Revelation.
Michael needs to find another pinch- hitter.
Do you know who 'JBS' is that Michael is quoting?
I asked the question in another post and have not found out yet. Whoever he is, he is very troll-like.
Someone put it in the comments near the bottom of the thread..."Jew Behind the Scenes"
Doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Whatever. I think Michael should have stayed away from this topic. Satan is having a field day creating more hate and confusion about the 12 Tribes of Jacob vs. the Khazarian / secular jews (Rothschild family, etc.) and putting them all in the same barrel.
It also bothers me a bit that he was condescending towards any contrary replies rather than stating his point and at least being a bit respectful of those on this platform that are also subsidizing him via paid subscriptions. I'm angry and tired of what I see happening to our once great nation too but, I try to take a breath before I reply in writing with someone I might disagree with.
Profound words.
JBS "It is a legal argument book, as such it has case studies that say "what if this occurs" and Oligarch and FED propagandists take that completely out of context like Communists do. Try actually reading it then come back and discuss."
Pardon my ignorance but who is JBS?
There is no perhaps about it.
We cannot stand in God's way. He, in the end, is the only one who knows when the endtimes are closing in. We are mere humans. We still need to continue to do what is true and moral and not be tricked. Like a thief in the night, Jesus will come.
Christine, I think WE get in our own way. Guilty!😉
That is why WE cannot be the solution to our problems. WE will never meet the standard of God. Our very best is "filthy rags". Hence the need for Jesus. You will never fix your ego to the point of divinity. This is lie the devil uses to distract people away from the love and saving grace of Christ. Unless you have Jesus Christ as your Savior, you are not a child of God. You ARE a creation of God, but not his child.
There is true freedom in the Gospel. An upside kingdom that makes no sense to those perishing. Scripture is so clear and it's beautiful how much God desires us to be with him.
Not only is addressing your ego a hard thing, it will have zero effect on your salvation which means despite all your human effort you will be separated from Christ for eternity. That is true hell.
The Truth of the Christian faith is life-giving and painful as we Christians die to ourselves and daily pick our cross as we allow God to sanctify us. The road to Life is narrow.
With due respect Coral, you just stated exactly what I meant, “…as we Christians die to ourselves…” THAT is the eGO.
I love God with my whole heart, my soul, my mind. God takes priority in my life. And it’s very difficult at times. Lots of pain…
God/Creator is pure Love.
Oh, good. I was confused because of some terminology you used in another comment. You stated "each one of us is pure divinity". That is biblically inaccurate so I was hoping to clear things up for those that read your comment so they wouldn't be confused.
I think what so many souls do not yet know, or disregard, is that each one of us is pure Divinity…children of God/Creator. That is my belief. For me, it has nothing to do with any organized religion. It’s something innate in me. I’m working on my eGO…it’s probably one of the hardest things I have ever done in my 60 years in the physical world.
The biggest idol we have to destroy in order to be saved is ourselves. "Die to yourself, pick up your cross, and follow me". The hardest part of every Christian's walk, and a battle until we die.