The Zionists (not Jews, there is a BIG difference), remind me of my Cannibal hunting days in India before the wars.
Photo above: Here I am with an Aghori who drinks his whiskey from human skulls.
An American cannibal from Houston introduced me to his Indian co-cultist in Benares, India. Gary the Cannibal had been a vegetarian, a fruitarian, a pescatarian, and evolved into a Humanitarian.
GtC (Gary the Cannibal), would say to me things like, “Humanitarians will never starve so long as there is long pig!” “My last supper start as a table for two and end as a table for one!” Some cannibals call humans “long pig.” An old term apparently from South Pacific. “No wonder so many islanders love Spam”,
Humans, GtC would say, are the other white meat and taste like pork.
GtC would drink his own urine from a human skull. He called it Mellow Yellow.
Those who talk about sacrificing the Red Heifer and who worshipped Fauci and the death serum and all that jazz exhibit the same behaviors as the cannibals.
There is NOTHING…NOTHING they will not do to fulfill visions implanted into their heads by other men. PsyWarKult.
I have seen mankind in states that defy words.
JBS Note:
“Zionism is a political movement initiated by English messianic Christians who believed that their island held one of the “lost tribes”, and was seen by some as a means to wrest Palestine from the Ottoman Empire and into the British sphere of influence. It was later promoted to secular self hating Jews like Theodor Herzl who believed Jews could only civilize once they had their own nation. From there it took on a life of it’s own and created controversy both within and without the Jewish communities it falsely claimed to represent.
Orthodox Jews opposed Zionism as it went against Talmudic based teachings that were very clear on prohibitions during exile from forming a nation. Eventually Wall Street oligarchs who were very anti-Semitic saw a way to rid Europe of Jews while diverting attention and began to support Zionism, along with anti Jewish groups such as Bolshevism, and eventually Nazism with massive funding. Certain groups continue to conflate Zionism with Israel in order to mask their own schemes and blame it on “Jews”.
Saying Judaism and Zionism are the same is like saying Christianity and the Socialist party are the same. Orthodox Judaism is opposed to Zionism as not only does it contribute to anti-Semitism, but destroys Orthodox Jewish culture. For more information “
If Orthodox Jews are following the Talmud there is nothing holy about their practice. The Talmud is not part of Divine Revelation.
Interesting piece. Stay safe!