Thank you Sir. Please TRUMP Team, fund this sincere man and lets get this done.

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You’re wrong!

I pray you will help close the boarder!

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ok............... it's like as an idiot i should at least ask........... how do all (most) these 'immigrants' get into USA through mexico............ ohhhhh..... i see it's through the darian gap............... and how is it that that works......... ohhhhh.. somebody set up a system for them to do all that............ hmmmm, i wonder who did that............... ohhhh, the 'US gov't agencies/officials/politicians/corporations in conjuction w 'various' entities around the world' ......... gee isn't it great that murdering criminals and enemy soldiers are quietly and strategically storming our country.......... so great, just wonderful to welcome all these people and help them to vote, join the military, rape and destroy us, after all we should be nice to them

to do otherwise would not be nice, after all

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Michael, I'll come help you. I'm with, nor do I trust either party.

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There are MANY Chinese safe houses, fenced in-how you going to shutcthose down?

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Michael, my friend, well, she is not my friend anymore, got a gov contract to help the Saudi Prince with NEOM, and you can’t get a contract to do what needs to be done at the border? What do we need to do to help? Tells us what we need to do to help?

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Thank you, and good luck!

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And please send my love to Argentina… I miss it.

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All military aged male invaders should have their right pinky chopped off before they are deported. You come back? You lose another. That will end this shit real quick…

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I don't even know who you are but I know that the country didn't just elect you. Whether or not you trust Trump means jack fucking shit. You will do your duty and follow the lead of our elected president or you should be fired and sent home with your confusing ideas. If you think your the only one that can do whatever it is that you do, you are tragically wrong!

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I'm a paid subscriber.

Where's my palm content?

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You said your piece arrogantly haven’t we had enough of the name calling and I resent your comments. Furthermore, President Trump is not a Dr and he relied on Fauci and others to be honest about the serious situation. Which they were well aware of and involved in.

Enough with the hate speech it’s painful to listen to and extremely divisive .

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This guy is good, but no excuse for not voting in the most important election in history.

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Okay, Michael, go ahead close the Darien Gap, close the border. But, pay you, not happening. Patriots do not act for pay.

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You ALL can rest now, King Trump slipped right back into position to FIX everything!

Go back to sleep now.

Ha, Ha, Ha…. Can you hear him laughing?

If you haven’t heard of the Truth Teller, Dustin Nemos, check this 14 min video out.


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