BOA has a massive short position in silver futures contracts. Its so large that it will take the bank down if silver goes to $40-$50 per ounce. A massive short squeeze is coming and BOA just might get its tits ripped off.
I try to support folks doing good work by being a paid subscriber (including MY's). Fortunately, at present, I can afford it (others can't, so I'm no knocking unpaid subscribers).
Thanks for the head's up on "Tower of Basel" - I wasn't familiar with it. Definitely will check it out.
As for "Creature," all I can say is "ditto that" to MY's recommendation. Also, one needn't take "our" word for it. Just peruse a few of the reader comments on Amazon about the book, and you'll see that this is a tremendously important book (that "they" don't want you to know about).
Michael you are correct about the cleansing, I am in Canadistan the same is true here. I tell friends we are being replaced they laugh, don't laugh I say have a look around. It is so obvious. A shit storm of new arrivals.
Doug is trustworthy and approachable. Those were my indicators telling me he is tier 1 ride or die with a heart of gold .
Detox like your life depends on it because it does. Find out how here in my podcast on the subject:
I pai
The victims of Hurricane Helene, are not being helped by the government.
Whole towns have been washed away, there are bodies in trees and unclothed children wondering around, wondering where their parents are.
FEMA is confiscating supplies from private parties trying to assist.
General Flynn explains it well in this link.
BOA has a massive short position in silver futures contracts. Its so large that it will take the bank down if silver goes to $40-$50 per ounce. A massive short squeeze is coming and BOA just might get its tits ripped off.
Secrets of the Fed by Eustace Mullins predated Creature from Jekyll Island. Mullins pulls it all together.
I try to support folks doing good work by being a paid subscriber (including MY's). Fortunately, at present, I can afford it (others can't, so I'm no knocking unpaid subscribers).
Thanks for the head's up on "Tower of Basel" - I wasn't familiar with it. Definitely will check it out.
As for "Creature," all I can say is "ditto that" to MY's recommendation. Also, one needn't take "our" word for it. Just peruse a few of the reader comments on Amazon about the book, and you'll see that this is a tremendously important book (that "they" don't want you to know about).
San Diego is now China-Hindu-stan. I fucking hate it. Every western city to be like Toronto or Vancouver.
Michael you are correct about the cleansing, I am in Canadistan the same is true here. I tell friends we are being replaced they laugh, don't laugh I say have a look around. It is so obvious. A shit storm of new arrivals.