Bank of America is doing another large, public hiccup.
I keep an account there but keep balance only at operating-cash level.
I keep BoA due to international abilities and also I will not close account because I am getting a front row seat to all the dramas others face. I don’t have to take anyone’s word for how bad BoA is. I see it.
This is important economic/banking atmospheric.
In fact, I can say from significant firsthand experience with BoA that my experience is typically far worse than others I see in online comments or personal conversations.
One day I must say more during a podcast.
Two books I greatly recommend:
2) THE TOWER OF BASEL (story of BIS — the most powerful bank in the world…who is swallowing gold these days).
I do not have a printing press, or taxing authority.
I work more like Johnny Appleseed where I go around planting seeds but definitely need “gas.” Those seeds have grown and now reach millions of people per week in ways you can never know…but you see it, for sure… Your support is greatly appreciated.
Many people already are far more prepared due to heeding warnings.
And I warn very specifically — America is being ethnically cleansed.
I am with the incredible Doug Casey now discussing doing a weekly program together.
My model always has been voluntary donations from people who care.
Snail Mail: Michael Yon, LLC PO Box 66 Archer, FL 32618
Bitcoin: bc1qf2dptsghtsx5cr3yvf6fy70u97pdgh5yfga972
Givesendgo: https://givesendgo.com/PHASEII
Michael you are correct about the cleansing, I am in Canadistan the same is true here. I tell friends we are being replaced they laugh, don't laugh I say have a look around. It is so obvious. A shit storm of new arrivals.
I try to support folks doing good work by being a paid subscriber (including MY's). Fortunately, at present, I can afford it (others can't, so I'm no knocking unpaid subscribers).
Thanks for the head's up on "Tower of Basel" - I wasn't familiar with it. Definitely will check it out.
As for "Creature," all I can say is "ditto that" to MY's recommendation. Also, one needn't take "our" word for it. Just peruse a few of the reader comments on Amazon about the book, and you'll see that this is a tremendously important book (that "they" don't want you to know about).