"wellness check" sounds more like "dead person check"

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Overdose patients are useful for organ harvesting. They transplant while the patient is still alive but they claim braindeath which us a lie. $$$$$$

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Kevin Hoyt is fighting to fix the state. He is struggling to get past “those in charge” to get recognized as a candidate for mayor!


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It Has All Been Taken Over By The Dark Demons and Their Leader Lucifer! Pray

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That’s sad. It shouldn’t have to be this bad that people have to continually check for overdoses…

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The darkness of elected Democrats is their forward march in a great bait and switch. The bait is their vagueness of hope and change leading to endless detours of mandates to the dimness of a serf’s life.

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Let me share something with you. In my hands is the Florida GOP amendment guide. Maybe we have different agendas 🦋 adult personal use of marijuana No. coming from personally use pot is not a gateway drug. This is the GOP talking Namaste.

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Roger Stone, pointing at "room 420?> Anyone?

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420 has to do with smoking weed, is all I know about it but this is totally bizarre, he doesnt look like the type.

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Yes what is that about?

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I have no idea, asking for an answer.

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What IS that about?

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Moved from Oklahoma to WA state in 2017. At that time I was totally in favor of legalizing marijuana use.

WA State had recreational pot, and effectively zero enforcement of other drugs. (The state supreme court had overturned a criminal conviction for drug possession on the basis that the addict charged explained she didn't know how the drugs ended up in the pocket of her blue jeans, I kid you not.)

Drugs were everywhere - especially near the massive homeless encampments, where people existed on mountains of human filth. During my 3 years in the PNW, I never once went by one without being nearly overcome with the stench.

By the time we left Seattle, I had done a 180 - I went from total legalization to fully believing pot should be re-criminalized. The toll of human degradation was too much.

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Michael, I think you got too caught up admiring a DERPA thooper tholdier.

The real general is YOU.

I mean it, thank you for your avodah (service).

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However it plays out, Re 6:8 is the 4th seal and reality. 1/4th the earth dies which by necessity involves multiple nations. The whole of America is almost 1/6th of that amount. So erase much of western Europe, the Balkans, and and say 15% of the Middle East as a guess. And the Far East wants in the game too. Satan is now the 'legs of iron' king of the globe and expect all future seals and trumpeted wraths, like 1st seal Covid, to be global in scope, as all of Liang Qiaos' methodologies present themselves.

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When the declaration was made that a “War on Drugs” was being waged 50 years ago, society had already lost because of its weakness by the children of The Greatest Generation. The fentanyl, opioids, those are post-societal cleanup crews for the depopulation agenda. So much destruction upon families, unfortunately.

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Anytime the gov't wages a "war" on anything you can bet its a $$ scam.

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I'm not so sure we need anyone's help in destroying ourselves; we've pretty much taken the reins of that horse and are well on our way to total destruction, with the helping nudge of our "elites."

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Was the CCP involved in the 2020 BLM/ANTIFA riots? Just wondering.

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The only growth industry in 🇨🇦 is pot shops. There’s one (sometimes two) on every corner. You can get high just walking down the street. We have a PM who just won’t go. Half the parliament is made up of foreign born MPs. The choice in the next election is a slick genocide supporting grifter, and we have the highest vxx rates for one year olds in the world. I won’t bore you with our back breaking taxes, inflation, debt, healthcare, education, freedom of speech, migration etc. I grew up in Ireland, and would go back today if it’s wasn’t WORSE than 🇨🇦

Waiting for the U.S. to lead the way out of this nightmare the West is in. I’m not holding my breath though.

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Yes, please dont hold your breath!

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Compassion is weaponized. Just like being nice. Neither of these characteristics are virtues.

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