From a friend just now, a very successful businesswoman who knows what she sees:
“I just got back from Vermont. No public restrooms in the cities unless you go to City Hall, the transit center, or a public library. All of the businesses and restaurants are allowed to not have restrooms because people use drugs in them.
“At the Burlington airport, walking to the terminal, there is sign after sign that says that drug addiction is just a brain disorder and to be compassionate. Beautiful state. No soul. Euthanasia.
“Wellness checks in the library restroom. Library full of drug users. Health and wellness check every few minutes in library/restroom. Making sure no one has overdosed or is dead.
“Obviously every church has a pride flag out front.”
“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” ~Maya Angelou
Colorado is much the same now. I think the word “compassion” has been weaponized. I do not believe that it is compassionate at all to permit drug zombies to be created nor is it remotely safe. I have been referred to as a “bitch” for stating my views. I am not changing my stance no matter what I am called. I am also called a bitch for wanting closed borders. Charming.
Vermont is a canary in the coalmine of victim mentality, lax criminal prosecution, overtaxation, defunding of law enforcement, and social justice racism. I pray that the nation examines the Green Mountains -- the consequences of society-destroying policies are not confined to urban areas.... We Vermonters see gang activity even in remote dirt-road areas, fostered by a "see-no-evil" delusion by "Progressives" that deny gangs even exist here -- to say there are is to be labeled a racist agitator. These people are self-immolating, except they take the rest of us down this road as captives....