Very well said.

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Its retarded. You cant say that.

Mind readers everywhere. In my world they all tend to be women. Virtue signaling mind readers. Unable to control themselves so trying to control you. To hell with context. Spreading the zombie mind virus.

Courage with critical thought is one inoculation. GFY is another lol.

Thank you for the words Mr Yon!

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very nicely done......... such a relief and cathartic to hear someone actually say what goes through my head hundreds if not thousands of times over the past 50 years............. it just gets so old, i'm so sick of it

so thankyou Michael, you are doing me a lot of good in putting this down

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Recognize Psychopaths for what they do WHO they are Michael Yon Spot On

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You are totally right! Well said!

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In today’s article, how do these wicked people read minds of others? Is it a transmitting chip or fob? Or is it just verbal accusations? Just trying to understand!

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Smart dust and satellite arrays, (using fundamental genius architectures of nature as do most great inventions- velcro?! enough said), that can not only see physically to incredible detail, melt or dustify any material, (911 - Tartaria etc), influence minds but also read minds. For me to doubt this would be to deny the knowledge I've gained over decades that 'they' have and have had for centuries exotic technology we can hardly imagine. Al Belick during the explosive days of Phil Schneider in the 90's I remember said, and he might have said it best, "They have amazing resources, absolutely unbelievable resources, most have no idea." Sure, wasn't it a Rockerfeller who said, "In the past it was easier to control one million people than kill them but now it's infinitely easier to kill one million people than control them." - and those guys are just middle management to the Seven Dwarves! ref; Rima Laibow and Dr Lee Merrick just to mention two who have stated their existance.

Don't worry, Be Happy, nothing of importance dies so live your life well.

☘ Blessings, in His Nazar, (sight).


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Hi Mary. I just wanted to pipe in that I don't fully understand either, but these people are sociopaths and narcissists. They do try to get in your head but the gov does have tools to mess with the mind. https://www.bitchute.com/video/k4XNO2bgL7GG/ social engineering...

These people are doomed and we can focus on what is good.

Matthew 16:26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

Isaiah 48:22 There is no peace, saith the Lord, unto the wicked.

1 John 2:17 And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

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It's said 1% of any population are psychopaths ... that's 3.5 million in America alone. Stay Alert folks and beware the nicey nicey smiling agreeable depressives that worm their way into your lives. The gossip-bitch circuit (and here in Ireland the so called men are far worse than the women), the back biters who in India are known as Spiritual Garbage bags as they accrue the impressions of those slandered, these characters are one thing but the psychopaths are infinitely more dangerous! Michael definitely seems to have his finger on the pulse of the more dire side of humanity who really are not living humane beings at all, no heart and no empathy and dare I say it they have no compassion. To me that's no life! Lol


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If it has ever been done to you, you would understand. I hope it never happens. Hes not talking about telepathy.

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I know he was talking about people and its frequencies the government uses.

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I dont think so. Hes talking about a particular trick of predatory people.

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Yes you are right...my bad communication...

I was making an additional point that the gov can literally read your mind if they want.

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They don't read your mind. They project into you what THEY are thinking.

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Not always, there are those that can know your thoughts, even the most private memories, and use verbal keys to unlock them. Really it is a science but the responsibility is huge and therefore the penalty of misuse is huge. Look onto Siddhi powers which are another level again! Lol

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Mary, look up the concept of "projection". That will explain it.

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That's some evil stuff... Projection. That takes you into the spirit world.

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Flight of the starling absolutely amazing! Thank you!!

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Totally on point.

Also, interesting that the person in the first image is wearing purple; both Clinton and Kamala wore head to toe purple to concede to Trump.

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It's symbolic on so many levels and in itself has a specific vibration and is especially known to sorcerer's and their poisons, (so I hear). Little wonder it was used in the biblical revelation in reference to the whore of Babylon.

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It's free

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Didn’t know a man or woman who is a predator, wicked and reptilian could also read minds. Dark is dark I guess. Satan is defeated no reason they won’t be.

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Read Hazlitt's Thinking as a Science


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A logical empathic thought process is mankind's only way out of the stupid bullshit. Make it impossible for power hungry twats to use you like chips on their poker table

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Always unique in your perception; quite the genius.

Love witnessing Murmurations, Shoals, Schools, Bait Balls and Herds as in your video. It's eminently intriguing to watch, and curious in the symphonic chaos never possible to predict.

As a human don't wish to be as the prey in large groups. Healthy families are those where every member is a leader in their own right. The trick is allowing all to know when to lead, where and with what which requires a leader with vision to help young to identify and develop their unique skill sets as well as the knowing of when to lead and when to follow.

This writer seems to have been one having a very strong foundation in life very courageous in thinking outside the box.

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A most hideous and hurtful diatribe is the likely result when the mind reader is related.

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Interesting observation from an interesting person. Tks Michael.

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Well put without getting your nose stuck in an unmentionable place like some of the other commenters! 💖🙏💫

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