https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/the-dimming-full-length-climate-engineering-documentary/ The Elite rich, sick , evil parasite have been controlling the weather since World War 2. All around the world have been fast asleep working hard to pay taxes that we should of never had to pay in the first place. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdHG6iJ59-U - Romans 12:19-21 NLT Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God. For the Scriptures say, ``I will take revenge; I will pay them back,'' says the LORD. Instead, ``If your enemies are hungry, feed them. If they are thirsty, give them something to drink.

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That's a recipe for deafeat if ever I read one.

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Nobody knows the specific objectives of weather modification, or how far away nation states can manipulate weather from. Even the people doing the work are compartmentalized and treated like a mushroom. And as Michael says, it’s a multiplayer game. Some years it seems we get 3” out of every 1/2 inch storm, and other years it’s the opposite, both scenarios seeing massive spraying ahead of the storm. One important question is that of the chemical levels in crops, forests, soils, air we breathe, and water. If only some farmer had saved all his leaf samples for the last 30 years to show us when they started testing for Aluminum, and how it has changed. The other chemicals are not tested for. What does Aluminum do to crops in terms of fungal diseases?

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Great information. Grateful for the few voices of truth. Would like more suggestions for what the common man in the USA is to do to prepare. Also what are your spiritual views in this turbulent time and do you consider end times,tribulation predictions as laid out in the Bible. There are many of us that waver back and forth between flesh and Spirit.

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Very informative-thank you all. Will be watching for next show-this was my first.

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Gee that was cheerful.

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Check out Tucker interviewing Attorney Harmeet Dhillon. The many crimes of Kamala.

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Yon is the best got spine

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I truly Pray the Right wins because the evil of the left will Destroy it All

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Thank you all - see you next week

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Oct 12Liked by Matt Smith

Here is Doug Casey for those who are too ignorant and know-it-all.

“As the US increasingly resembles ancient Rome, being president is more and more dangerous. Something around 35 emperors met violent deaths, most from people in and around their courts. In other words, members of the Roman Deep State. An ugly situation is brewing in and around Washington DC.” — Doug Casey

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You can go straight to the NOAH.gov/weather to see a long list of weather modification patents! It's no "conspiracy theory". This tech has been used since the 1940's! Since the governments are the only outfits that can modify the weather, there's no excuse for "allowing" them to hit population centers! Yes, hurricanes are real, but what the NOAH/HAARP tech does, is steer them, weaken and/or intensify them! A benevolent captain of this tech would steer them away from populations, and only a manevolent captain would intensify them to the point where they kill people! So far the reports from the internet sites say over 2,000 have been killed in NC. Interesting, the media hyped Florida, where it wasn't very destructive in the end, while NC had maximum devastation and hardly got any coverage!?

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Are you kidding? Florida was massively damaged. I drove 60 miles of beaches after Helene. It looks as if a multiple bombs went off, demolished. Storm surge water marks on homes 8 feet and higher. Nothing was spared. 10 days later we get Milton, 220 mph winds over my house. And now there are 2 more lined up. Can’t go look at more because there’s no gas or power. I’m a Florida native, 68, have been through A LOT of hurricanes, typhoons in South China Sea, but have never seen anything like this.

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Great discussion!

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There is no question that they create hurricanes: hurricane Otis that hit Acapulco was a tropical storm one morning and slammed the city as a Cat 5 by the next morning. The storm had wind but no rain. It de-beached the city. The warning that a storm was coming was sent after people went to sleep and it hit before they went to work…

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