You’re either part of the problem or part of the solution. What’s your solution? What other option do we have? America was captured looooong before Trump. The guy is a businessman. Don’t you think it’s possible that every sitting President uses advisors for much of their decisions? Any former Presidents have experience with a pandemic..even a fake one? He didn’t close down businesses. He gave that decision to the state governors. I recall him wanting everyone back open for Easter. Every thing he suggested there was outrage from the screeching left. They tried to remove him twice. Twice in 4 years. TWICE. How much time did that take away from governing? Much of his term was spent defending ridiculous claims and charges that were completely unfounded. I think his hands were tied for 99% of his administration by those he was supposed to be able to trust. Those in his inner circle were complete traitors. The swamp is deep and ugly. But hey yeah….maybe it is all by design. Maybe Trump is just going along with having his name, his family, and his assets, his life destroyed cuz??….he’s one of them?? Somehow the conman analogy just doesn’t cut it for me.

At any rate, y’all should be paying attention to Israel. We are not long for this world, folks. At least some of us.

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"You’re either part of the problem or part of the solution. What’s your solution?"

This nails it. Anyone can put together a "List" of gripes about any leader (and the "List" for Biden wouldn't fit in the Newsletter). So we reject Trump, and re-install the "Biden" regime - and get Fascist Socialism . . . until we're annihilated in Nuclear War.

But we didn't re-elect Trump!

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YOU said it. Something happened to Michael Yon. He was never like this against Trump.

Wonder who is paying him. He props Vivek up, a globalist.

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Don't think anyone is paying Michael, but I think he has fallen into the trap that ensnares many of Trump's ex-supporters. They have three main gripes (mean tweets aside): (i) He said he would build the wall, but didn't; (ii) He said he would drain the Swamp, but didn't, and (iii) he facilitated the COVID hoax by hawking the vaccine and locking down the economy. The responses are complex, but I'll try summarizing.

Trump has stayed true to some basic principles (among many others): Respect for the Rule of Law, and Success is the Best Revenge. The Wall was not completed because of the first principle - two major problems: (i) the Dems/Leftists monkey-wrenched the project with litigation, and (ii) Congress refused to fund the project (Trump finally funded construction out of the military budget).

The Swamp-drain and COVID debacle are a bit more difficult, but relate to the second principle. First, I believe you need to understand that Trump entered the White House in 2017 without a seasoned team. He had a great business organization, but was a total tyro in the political field. He necessarily relied on people he knew and respected (like Chris Christie, and people from the Bush administrations - not many left from the Reagan administration, but he had some of those, like Kudlow, who was excellent). Unfortunately, political types have more complex agendas than business people, and are harder to scope-out. People like Christie have personal agendas (like becoming Attorney-General), think it's their due, and turn into back-stabbers when they get rejected. This is basically what happened with both Swamp-draining efforts and the COVID "crisis".

If you have listened carefully, Trump has been fairly candid about his short-falls on both those issues - for the reason I have tried to summarize. But he is one of the hardest working people in America (working on about four hours of sleep a night), and has spent much of the last four years preparing for a second term by learning about whom, and how, to trust.

He is losing money taking on this political challenge - about the only person we can say that of (Biden & Obama both made fortunes from their political careers). He operates largely independently - he has no significant debts to anyone. So, I have to believe he is now prepared to make up for his "failures" in the next four years, and to lay the groundwork for continuing the MAGA agenda into the future.

Bottom Line: Trump is committed to Making America Great Again, and believes he can do it by uniting the country with economic achievement. I think his lifetime record of success - combined with his political education - gives him the qualifications to do it. I support him.

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Lynn, Yon is honest and true. Look past his comms for the bigger picture here, sometimes the things he is telling you have a greater purpose. VIVEK is big pharma, he knows that. Please know that even 4.10.20 has faults. Trust what you have made with your own two hands. Blessings sent your way.

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What is 4.10.20? How do you know so much about Michael Yon? Why is he against President Trump? Blessings to you, also+

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He's probably not voting. The election will never stop the Imminent "Grave Danger" we face, any day.

No way he votes for Sippycup Joey. And RFK quote "I Love Hillary". Nobody talks about that statement.

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It’s a mystery to me. I responded to HolyMoly above. Since this comment line was from weeks ago I will invite my response:

I’m so glad you said this. I haven’t listened to Michael for weeks since he said Trump was evil. I’m going back & listening to some of his stuff. After all, we don’t want to mimic the left & purposely ignore what could be truth.

Why do so many decent people, like Michael Flynn support Trump? Peter Navarro & Steve Bannon are in prison because they support Trump. Are they all fooled?

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Michael Flynn needs to kiss the feet of Trump. Trump, you remember, pardoned him. Regarding Navarro and Bannon. The Supreme Court rendered

their decision on J6. They need to release them and J6ers ASAP. J6 was an

inside job. The whole J6 committee need to be brought up on charges and put in prison. Number one for starters, Liz Cheney.

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I was wondering about that too. I’m following him because of his knowledge and experience with immigration, especially Darien Gap activity.

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I know what you mean. I don't know either.

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I agree HM, but also in part with some of the replies. Once again we're faced with options allowing us to only pick the least worst. Which in life seems to happen more often than not. Is Trump the best America has to offer, not by a long shot. But until a different course of action is forced upon us, which may very well be inevitable, voting is the only action we can presently take.

Your choices are; Trump, Biden, or do nothing. Biden (not him of course, but the people behind that curtain) and doing nothing are tied for last place and must not remain. Trump at least offers hope. I know hope is not a plan but plans, and leaders, seem to be in short supply. I'll stick with hope, and Trump, until another path presents itself.

We may not be able to vote our way out of this, but if a 'different course of action' ever becomes the least worst option, I'm not optimistic about what will come out the other end. If you think finding a single person actually worthy of being our short term chief executive is a daunting task, try putting together "Founding Fathers II".

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You summed up my position. He isn’t the end all answer and he’s not our Savior by any stretch, but possibly, possibly….Trump could bide us some time to work on correcting some glaring problems until we can get some Constitutional leaders to rise up. Unlike the Marxists who are careening us over the cliff at “warp speed”.

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Well there you go, "Trump is the cleanest shirt in a pile of dirty laundry", great recommendation. "What other option do we have"? Sad.

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It’s a legitimate question. So stand on your laurels and dont vote. If we all do that we’ll have the socialists in power again, and most likely, permanently. In your words, great recommendation! Why don’t you run?

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HM Where have you been? Socialists ARE in power. What’s this “again” bs?

Run? Run for the hills. This once Grand Republic is fully captured. 30m guest visitors and no one knows who they are or where they are. It’s a battle soon coming to your neighborhood. Arm up. Prepare.

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You don’t comprehend very well. I said in my op that America was captured long before Trump. Why don’t you try to bring something positive to the table instead of being in a constant attacking, argumentative state?

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Bring me a positive and I’ll run with it. At some soon point talking will be betrayal across the board. Arm up.

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deletedJun 4
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You nailed it, freedom within a pig-pen with an ocean view. Everyone is sold the ocean view where they see a few pigs roaming and squealing about freedom and the American dream and if they could do it, anyone can. The truth is, few make it out of the pig pen and instead remain bound to pile of mud with a feed troth in the corner. Those that do make it, are told what to say and do. Trump made it out of the pig pen, but isn't about to be told what to say or do. What we are faced with is, that most everyone seen outside of the pig pen is pig, and those pigs have some mud on them, all of them.

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Unfortunately until people realize this en mass- we will fall as a nation imo. What a time to be alive. Unreal.

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RFK Jr is a better option. That is the answer. That is the other option.

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Other than vaccines RFK Jr is a garden variety Democrat. Next.

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You are 100% correct. RFK Jr is just as liberal as any other Democrat.

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yes, and too bound to the ideological belief that institutions (other than medical establishment) are incorruptible, wanting more government and associated institutions.

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Not at all, he's against subsidies and corporate capture- in his words

Kennedy has taken the following stand:


I’ve started with his context, and at 3:10 he states:

When we replace dirty fuels with cleaner, more efficient and less expensive energy sources – In a true free market that doesn’t rely on subsidies and Crony Capitalism we protect our health.

He is calling out Crony Capitalism subsidies. VERY Different. Not a fan of institutions.

It’s “We The People” Not “We The Corporations”: and he calls out "The Revolving Door Between Industry And Government" Agencieshttps://www.kennedy24.com/heal

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Liberalism by definition places institutions at the center of their ideology. Bureaucracies abound with flexible interests. He is far from a ''We the people'' fan, where in we the people are best served by institutions that will act in our best interests. These institutions, as we see, have been corrupted. Corporations are not the institutions central to liberalism. Unfortunately, primarily due to a lack of oversight, corporations have corrupted institutions for their gain because of greed, free money, and the belief that stock prices is all that matters. In reality, with government involvement, stock price changes based on government policy - this is wrong. Don't get hoodwinked, RFK, while I love him, is not directly for We the People - he simply doesn't trust them at large, and probably rightfully so based on what we see many man-on the street interviews showing just how detached and stupid so many people are.

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RFKJr. "Loves Hillary "- quote. USA is Toast.

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I'll have a Psy Op Nudge and a double shot of fentanyl, please read up on Jr's VP pick and her husband. Whitney Webb is a good source.

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deletedJun 4·edited Jun 4
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Tulsi is a Communist.

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deletedJun 4
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She is. You want the substack to read about her?

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deletedJun 4
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The globalist billionaires will never let him be president. You really have to be willfully blind to believe he will "win." Blind like the mask- wearing social distancing vaccine addicts- The billionaires are the ones running everything with all their bribery and evil agendas-national elections are meaningless to the common people - now they're working on controlling local elections and even their office holders. The Bible talks about Mystery Babylon. The book Revelation is the key to understanding this madness- the Lord Jesus will "reveal" the Truth if you seek Him and his Word. Only He can save us from His wrath... coming soon

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Michael just came out with 2 new substacks. I will have to read them. I read where he is

controlled opposition.

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You can't trust any politician. They are no Republicans/Democrats. They are all the same. When you have your Country bankrolling Ukraine, that is a BIG problem. That's all we do is

bankroll countries like Israel and the rest. What do those countries do for us?

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I’m so glad you said this. I haven’t listened to Michael for weeks since he said Trump was evil. I’m going back & listening to some of his stuff. After all, we don’t want to mimic the left & purposely ignore what could be truth.

Why do so many decent people, like Michael Flynn support Trump? Peter Navarro & Steve Bannon are in prison because they support Trump. Are they all fooled?

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Where are you and the others going?

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deletedJun 4
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Idol worshippers need their false hope to keep up the delusions.

Psalm 9:17 KJV is the road America is on PERIOD.

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What's your solution?

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We have genuine Hope!

1- We The People have The God who Sent us and Loves us.

2- "We The People" - Patriots must keep growing in numbers and "show up" in Peace, Resolve, & Discernment. We must not allow the Communist violent agitators start a civil war. We must grow in numbers!

3- *Tactical Civics *

Constitutional GRAND JURY to legally remove any Anti-American Corrupt elected or appointed "official" - Criminal or Traitor!

It is a growing collection of Counties across America of *Citizen* "County Constitutional GRAND JURY AUTHORITY".

We the people are blessed by The Constitution. But be advised: "they" *SOLD US* - our authority, as a Commodity (meat puppets- cattle- useless eaters) into *USA CORPORATION* 1871. Our birth certificates are in Rome.

♡ We The People: Born free, Live free, & Die free ♡

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deletedJun 4
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Can you explain how our souls live on after our body is dead? Do you follow

Clif High? He says that aliens are living on the bright side of the moon. Is that

why C-H-I-N-A supposedly landed on the dark side of the Moon?

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ALIENS LIVE IN THE D.U.M.B.s A highway underground coast to coast. Start your "trip" at Denver Intl. Airport. Tour the demonic decore- the Murals. "Blucifer". DeepUndergroundMilitaryBases have Reptilians,Aliens, U.S. Military, farms, hospitals, (military&weapons), etc., everything for the Breakaway Society /our elite, "YOU eat bugs"!. You go to 800 FEMA hrc "fun camps.

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DUMBS? I have heard that Denver International Airport is evil. Strange things go on there.

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There is the side of the moon we can't see from Earth. It is not dark. Other countries are now allowed to fake trips to the moon.

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Then that's where the aliens live. Why is C-H-I-N-A allowed? I don't believe they went to the Moon.

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Sounds like you need "evidence". Eternal souls -Eternity is Christian of course, plus the belief of billions before us. I heard this years ago and makes sense: "we are spiritual with human experience" from Pierre T. de Chardon 1881-1995. *Experience *Common Sense *Intelligence (tuRush) tells us *this physical-carnal-meatbagg can't be all there is. It takes more research --*FAITH*, (an Eternity) to NOT believe in A Divine Creator-"GOD"! The heart & brain energy (we "live" IN) is so incomprehensible- forever evolving-"inspiring", SPIRITUAL "experience" has got to be our Purpose & Meaning to learn and share our *best. Many include reincarnation and several lives? I'm lost with that.

One Life - One Eternity is Enuff. I'm good with the Free Will Education&Choice&Challenges, Love&Pain Experience, with the carnal-human Expiration Due Date. I pray to a God who invented me, us, & Love ,...to get me outahere! ♡♡♡

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Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was promoted by the Rockefellers. The "Omega Point" is their long sought WORLD GOVERNMENT.

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I've listened to Mike Adams. But, I don't believe a lot of his information.

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Mike is a very hard working intelligent scientist and Patriot who relates so well to the "Common man & woman". I have yet to find anything he says not true. He has no problem interviewing guests he "does not agree with". If you stuck in a "foxhole"? Mike will give his life, to save lives*

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deletedJun 4·edited Jun 4
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Sounds like a person with serious trust issues, and I do not blame him after all we have been through. Sometimes you have to step back and look at the big picture (his history going back decades, what he has said and consistency in his words which he has). Also the look on his face on January 6th and on May 30th... it was like he saw a ghost. He was completely in a panic. Easy to see.

Some people who have never experienced real darkness in people and do not think like these absolute evil bastards who are doing this to the world can easily be fooled, tricked, manipulated and blindsided. Sorry, but I think you and the person who wrote the post are way off. If I had to fault Trump for one thing it is the fact he cannot admit when he was fooled.

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That is a good point about Trump. For that reason I am concerned about his VP pick.

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deletedJun 4
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Exactly, same here. Argued with husband about going to Jan 6th event as he wanted to go and I fought with him until he stayed home. Am I some sort of expert like Yon? No. I just saw what happened during the reenactment of Maos cultural revolution all Summer long. Then you start noticing patterns and through that know what to expect. I think Trump is getting there but is still a bit too pig headed. If I hear him talking about 15 min cities again I am out! But I think he was educated on what those are really all about by someone close to him that is really dialed in .. maybe Tucker?! :)

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I believe he knew about J6 too. His instincts aren't always wrong, but you go to war with the army you have, not the army you want. No one person can be cognizant and have understanding of all of the traps that have been laid for the many years before entering the maze.

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With all do respect, you have not acknowledged the success of Trump, and seem to claim you can do that and accomplish list of "Trump Negatives" , do you plan to run ? If not, what is your solution?

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Have you seen the list of Trump's accomplishments?

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So Sherry, trot out Trumps "success list".

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Tentatively wading in to say this: If you poll 100 random people off the street and ask them if they were doing better 4-6 years ago, I suspect you would get an overwhelming response of 'yes, absolutely'.

Please spare me the 'but Trump had nothing to do with that.' In terms of economic suffering alone, Biden's term has been a disaster.

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What are you talking about? So, Trump didn't do anything good. The list is true.

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I’m pretty sure Hilary would have chosen different supremes. Probably more in line with the greatly esteemed Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

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For that reason alone, thank God Hillary lost.

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You can't think of any yourself?

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Nope. It would be a fabrication of enormous lies.

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I have it.

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I don’t think Trump is evil- but he knows how to win! Americans don’t choose a president, money does. If you want to be President and win, you have to run with your enemy - Trump knows that enemy! I believe he is America First above all else! His Executive orders to stop the U.S. funding the globalists’ agendas is on track, he sees no problem with private digital currency, he wants us out of the WHO control! I would have loved to see the entire border built while Trump was in office! His ego is big enough to want immediate results to a problem- ( we got Warp Speed and shortly after, the jab)! He did surround himself with crappy people initially- Reince Prebus was one, what a joke! I don’t see him as a savior, so much as a non malignant intervenor! He was getting info out about hydroxychloroquine, and ivermectin early on in the plandemic- but he continued pushing the jab! Biden tried to mandate it- now that’s evil! I think the first years of his presidency, Trump was a centrist NY Democrat, who woke up in time to try to stop the D destruction! He issued a lot of EO’s that were pro America, pro small business, pro U.S. manufacturing he lowered taxes and brought manufacturing back! I don’t consider him the lesser of the two evils- he’s not evil- and he’s found the path to destroy the D party- and I’m all for that!

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Hate to say this, but absolutely Old Yeller in the WH now is not capable of being our President. He has made a hellhole of America 🇺🇸 in every respect. RFK, Jr would be competent as Head of State, but is being blocked from gaining the votes 6 months out. President Trump sure has plans repeat and to complete the job on our border to withdraw us from the UN agreement again. I am so disappointed that you consider his love of Israel a problem. We will never agree there. “I love those who love me…in blessing I will bless thee, in cursing I will curse thee. Gen. 12:3

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As the sheeple have been dumbed down and manipulated by the media/entertainment/education beast it has become so much easier to lead them to their slaughter. Trump is a master of media manipulation. It's the Devil's A team versus the Devil's B team and it's worked well. Civil War & Martial law are on the agenda and with Trump the devil will have his bloody slaughter.

Since the beginning of recorded history and archeologist uncovering myriads of hand crafted idols across the globe the godless masses have chosen the idols they will follow and worship. Today it's become high tech deception.

The fact that Trump never did a thing to bring Coup leader Obama to justice reveals this whole scam as the Greatest Show on Earth. Isaiah 59

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I can never understand why people can't accept that trump could be a deep state operative, that the deep state is playing both sides. They play both sides in world wars, but they don't in politics? come on! In canada, libs and Cons are the wings, and NDP the tail.

Two reasons for me to never vote trump - Operation WarpSpeed, and the trillions of dollars given to banks in sept 2019(this one isn't on the article's list)

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Warp speed was a good idea with awful execution. The cost of doing some things fast is sometimes far and away much worse or unacceptable. If the virus had a very high lethality, maybe warp speed would have been a good idea. Trump tried to implement a multi-front defense with a vax in the mix, but all other fronts were shut down. The whole medical industrial complex worked against him. Trump has to be part of the deep state because the deep state with the government and when you lead the government you have to be part of it. I am sure he has proponents in the deep state, he has to. It's just that his opponents are vicious and many.

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Dumb sheep need a good Shepherd. Sad reality is the MAJORITY always choose the Wolf in 🐑 Sheep's costume

This is where it gets bloody ugly. Ezekiel 9

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The shepherd sometimes eats the sheep too.

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He's the good Shepherd. The problem with the dumb sheep who chose the rabid, evil wolves dressed in sheep's clothing is that they put their trust in a hireling and not the Owner of their soul who paid the ultimate price for their redemption Saving from the Big Slaughter House. See Ezekiel 9 for what and who is on the menu.

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But truly, we have never had a choice. We are pawns on a big chessboard; it really doesn’t matter who we vote for. We are not ever in control.

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Who is better?

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The first time I voted was the last time I voted. 1976 Tucson Az. working at Christian coffee house ministry to street Rainbow people on 4th Ave.

Just out of H.A.F.B. U.S.A.F. The "leader," told us to hop into the truck and we were all going to go and vote for the Plains, Georgia Peanut Farmer for President.

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice,shame on me.

Zero, Zip, No One only King of Kings Eternal God Jesus. None of these 2 legged critters are worthy of anything least of all a vote.

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There is no such thing as PRIVATE digital currency.

The only currency that is private is CASH.

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Lame post. Absolutely fraught with internal contradictions.

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When you dislike someone, you really lean into it, Michael.

Some of what you say about Trump isn't wrong but you paint it as if he's done these things w/ malice and that's not the case. He did make his share of judgment errors but he also had and continues to have a vision of America that, if realized, would lend much healing to this beatened 'n battered nation.

And, as noted by others below, our election choices are apparent. Sure, they can swap out Ol' Joe but it'll be for another communist subversive. So, while you make your argument it's really moot at this point in the game.

And, btw, post-conviction he's raised well-over $200M. Not sure if that amt includes the $100M donation from billionaire Dr. Miriam Adelson.

I'll be voting a 3rd time Trump. Been following his career since the mid-80s. Always knew he'd run for president and I believe he always knew, as well. He can't solve all the ills of our nation and no president can. But he'll get us going in the right direction and for that, I'll be grateful.

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I followed him to and disliked him immensely. Not until he was President did I start to respect him.

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He's the baddest badass out there. One ELDERLY man standing steadfast against the American communist machine. And he's winning over more hearts and minds, daily.

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And he scares the heck out of the rest of the world.

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Good! And his predilection for negotiating is also known worldwide. WIN/WIN

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Sounds like political hero syndrome - kinda like White coat hero syndrome we saw over the last 4 years.

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I think you mean white hat hero syndrome. If so, I'll take a dozen white hats, please! To go.

Nothing wrong in admiring the talents of others. In fact, it can be a healthy means of inspiration and personal growth. Just sayin'..........

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I was referring to the White coat hero complex some people have with doctors - they can't do any harm. White coat syndrome is a large fear of doctors and the setting of a hospital.

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Bet there's not many that have White coat hero complex nowadays.

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Pretty sure I lost any white coat hero complex I may have had(multiple surgeries saved my life at 8mo and 14 yrs old.), when I learned about thalidomide, tuskegee and Aktion T4 in my late teens/early 20s

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Yon doesn't trust any of them. Hold dying children in your arms during War and come back and tell us who you trust.

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Yon doesn't trust any of them. Hold dying children in your arms during War and come back and tell us who you trust.

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Still gotta vote for Trump. 🇺🇸

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I don’t gotta do nothing! I will NEVER vote again! Voting is telling the powers that be that you consent! The election cheating has never been fixed!

Stop being stupid!

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The boat is sinking. It’s ten miles to the beach. We’ve got two life rafts, one has a hole that you can drive a truck through and the other one will probably leak. Shouldn’t we try the leaky one? Maybe we can figure something out after we get in it.

Maybe we can fix it if we live long enough.

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…. You forgot sinking ….” in great white and mako infested waters….

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The diverse shark population is our strength!

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Demoralization is part of the psychop

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Demoralized???? Hardly! Yuri Bezmenov and Aleksander Solzhenitsyn warned us all about evil years ago!

What is it that’s always been said about history?

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Idol worshippers need their false hope to keep up the delusions.

Psalm 9:17 KJV is the road America is on PERIOD.

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M4Z. Same road. As are all Gentile nations. America among them. Israel is the only nation with a God. Israel will yet fulfill the purpose for her creation. Yet ahead. But soon.

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This Israel is an evil nation. Not Judaism but Zionism.

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I feel intuitively that all holy books have been under the control of globalists for centuries so the principles are right on but the details are not meant to be literal.

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Ok Lisa. Sounds like you intuitively nailed it. What more needs saying!

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What god does Israel have? And what was Israel created for?

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Well finally someone is asking good questions.

1. Genesis. Shem out of Noah is the only son with a God. (Semites, Jacob of promise, Israel.

2. Exodus. God declared through Moses addressing the Assyrian Pharoah that “ Israel is my son, even my firstborn”.

Only firstborn sons rule. Begining with the Mosaic economy and eventually in the Theocratic Kingdom in the Land of Promise God led His people. That is the pattern set forth in the begining. Israel will both bless and rule all the Gentile nations.

This reality follows the Great Tribulation. Disobedient National Israel will be brought to the place of repentance. The she will be qualified to rule from Jarusalem. That’s the short version. It’s all there in detail in Scripture.

It matters not what today’s Israel/Jewish/Zionistic condition is or looks like. Its is all immaterial. What is critical is the we see Israel as Gid sees her. A. A disobedient firstborn Son. And B. A harlot wife.

God back in Gen. set the type/pattern for rukership. A man ruling with his wife.

Pretty simple actually.

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5

Remember…there is only one GOD. The GOD of all.

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Trump voter for first time. Anti Iraq war was why I voted for obadma, which like zoolinski was meaningless acting. Seems like all our politicians are all tightrope walkers who want to outsource their jobs.

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Gee, what a shame.....reading your list of Trump "sins" and all the wrong things he did or did not do. One thing you are forgetting - 4 years of Biden, and 12 of Obama the voters are totally fed up with the swamp, schumers, pelosi's, Liz cheney, et al......I can hardly wait to vote for Trump!

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There is a gaping hole in your conclusions about Trump. Even if all you say is correct, and I'm not arguing, what viable candidate is better?

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Agreed. RFK is not better. He's a climate grifter and will give us over to those bad actors. He has more skeletons than Trump. His wife killed herself over his behavior.

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None. We’re on our own anyway. Government(s) wants us all to go away. AKA, dead.

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The gapping hole is in trumpbots souls. The level of evil he has done and is now still lying about, calling mRNA life savers, makes him totally untrustworthy of any present promises, to say the least.

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He’s not going to give medical advice. He’ll have Lapido or Atlas if he needs a medical advisor. If he does, don’t take it.

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"we the people" is the better candidate, and you don't vote for it at the ballot box.

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So what you are saying either not vote or vote for Biden? I'll take my chance with Trump. You sound like controlled opposition.

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DJT is the controlled opposition globalist puppet 5th column

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All running are bad. The only thing I like about RFK Jr is his stance on freedom to choose vaccines and the need for more accountability there. Otherwise, he is Uber left. Even as to killing full term babies!

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4

He’s principled. He would rather not have a quarterback than to have a squirrelly quarterback. He sets his sights too high.

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I'm not voting for Trump because I'd rather have Biden? 4 years of Trump got us out of forever wars, epic peace accords, a stable econonmy, and a number of other benefits people seem to've already forgotten. And that was in the face of an absolutely unhinged level of opposion all over the country. If you're going to make a long list of Trump's purported failings, you also need to account for how much of that was due to the Democratic opposition.

4 more years of Biden could very well damage the country for a generation.

The single biggest reason to vote for Trump is because the Dems are scared to death of him and hate his guts and the alternative is unthinkable.

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While I do not believe any one human being is our saviour I do think you are utterly mistaken about Trump. There is zero acknowledgement of his triumphs, and a twisted view on his 'Warp Speed' debacle, for which I do not condemn him for following advice of fake medical "experts". After all the alternative would have been even more death and destruction with interminable lockdowns and economic devastation, and remember he never mandated the jab. When you speak with so much anger and contempt it really does force me to consider the possibility that you are the fake, or paid shill. The establishment isn't trying to lock you up in jail is it?

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Interesting comments, as are all the comments I've read thus far. I believe Michael Yon believes what he's written. My hope is, like Winston Churchill and other great men, Michael can change his mind when enough information persuades his intelligent brain. My greatest regret is I didn't have enough persuasive knowledge to stop my husband getting vaccinated. I said at the time "please pick out where you want to be buried and give me a copy of your will so I have it to hand" but that didn't do the trick.

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Why do you claim the alternative to "WarpSpeed" is even worse - "interminable lockdowns and economic devastation"? This is exactly what we got from the last 4 years.

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With all due respect, this post is ridiculous. Zero acknowledgment of Trumps wall or calls to close the border? You practically live at the border for months at a time. There is complete mayhem under Biden. Maybe your account has been hacked and someone else is writing posing as you. That would make more sense than this ridiculous post.

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How about getting back to the concept of sovereign control, local governance, faith, incentivizing productive behaviors, equality (not equity), getting things done (the boarder wall), pride, facing adversity, fighting back, saying what you really think rather than what you have to say and more.

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As POTUS, would you not have said no to lockdowns! How about Masks! He permitted this shit to get started! I will vote for Trump, only due to the options we have available!

My biggest problem is….

“OWS, saved millions of lives and was the greatest accomplishment in medical history” not word for word but you know the thing!

What’s next on his agenda to save millions one would wonder?

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Trump was no scientist. He deferred to experts around him and he went along with things initially. He wanted to end lockdowns. After he had Covid, he spoke to the American people from the White House and told them not to be afraid. I’m not going to rehash all of this because of selective memory by so many.

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Exactly! Being part of the medical field, I know that it’s impossible to understand medicine. You either know it intimately or you don’t. It’s like me trying to understand law.

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More excuses...he had plenty of conservative doctors advising and sternly warning him. It was not unknown that mRNA was always considered deadly, from prior tries on animal subjects. He chose $ and pharma mafia over our lives, that's the very hard truth.

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Read Scott Atlas’ book about Birx and Fauci and Pence. He was actually the one in charge of the Covid task force.

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More excuses...the buck stops at the president's desk! Period.

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Trump would be guilty in your eyes either way - you’ve painted him and his actions into a corner. There was no malicious intent from Trump, unlike Fauci and now Biden. Your reductionist generalizations paint him as a murderer no different than Fauci. That’s just ridiculous. Had Trump NOT let Pence run the task force - and dismissed Birx and Fauci and made his own decisions he’d have been called a Tyrant and dictator for seizing control and so on and so forth. I know how this game is played.

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Thank goodness Trump never put the diaper on his face, who knows where that would’ve taken us

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Yes he did!

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deletedJun 4
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Studies have shown for many decades now that masks create bacteria more than helping to keep you from germs! So if that was science for decades how the hell did we say okay let’s be like China and Japan and wear face diapers!

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deletedJun 4·edited Jun 4
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I'm with you. I graduated from an esteemed military school in July 2021. They had a mask mandate if you didn't take the shot, this was pre shot-mandate. I was one of about 4 or 5 people out of 350 that walked across the stage, in the heat of summer, on a sunny day, outdoors, wearing a BS surgical mask. The program that I completed was supposed to imbue leaders with strategic leadership skills and enhance critical thinking. I think the grad ceremony is evidence that they largely failed. This is one of the programs that produces the crop from which flag officers are chosen. You can see what we have now in our military at the top and understand that we are truly screwed if we war with a peer or near-peer country.

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We can only hope that the failure of humanity was eye opening enough to the ones willing to see what thier eyes show them to not be the sheep again.

I learned a fascinating little stat the other day… you may already know this but I did not. Haven’t researched to confirm but that it was only 3% of the populous that took the kings rights away in the revolution. 3%! So say maybe roughly 10 million in today’s pop. Fascinating! We don’t have to wake everyone.

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More excuses from the cult of Trump. He submitted fully and became the face of lockdowns and massive clot shots, even using our military to disseminate them all. More coming, you will see.

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Question: Do you think it is possible our gov't will set off a false flag event, triggering a war when Trump is President Elect, keeping him from following through with the promise to clean out the corrupt agencies. Like how they kept him busy with the fake Russia claims and other fake legal attacks and chaos. Will he allow CBDC's if say a nuclear war crashes the economy. Will there be another round of "free money stimi checks" in the form of CBDC "Stimi Tokens"? I can hear the masses now "I don't care what kind of money it is .. we are starving!"

For the record, I do not think Trump is scheming to do all of that but I do worry that they are setting it up so he takes the fall when/if that stuff happens.

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4

Schatzi… good questions… the YouTube has been scrubbed (apparently, can’t find it) but in a news interview way before DJT… Dick Cheney stated… “you think 9/11 was bad… the next “one” will be multiple cities blown up.” I’ve read enough non fiction authors of 9/11 books to know Cheney was a collaborative factor if not complicit architect of 9/11….so he should know… Wesley Clark stated “the White House Bush administration devised a plan after 9/11 to attack seven major Muslim counties, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan. Then there is PNAC supported by Bill Clinton, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz all cited as having influence with the planning and execution of 9/11. Now it seems the obvious timing for those attacks to take place… it’s no coincidence that the estimated 30 million invaders into our country, most military age men, are here waiting for their orders? Scary scary times….

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I believe I heard there were 100K Military aged men in from China in the USA right now looking every inch of PLA. Concerning, I agree. I heard a quote for the first time that probably everybody else has heard except me but was from Isoroku Yamamoto and went something like "I would never invade America. Behind every blade of grass is an American with a gun." A true quote or not, I took great comfort in those words as there is a lot of truth in that statement.

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Yes, and we can hope, yet I fear the DAVOS billionaires have planned along with globalists before them to destroy America for decades and with the bioweapons in play, another GOF avian flu about to be imo dropped on us, severely impacting cognitive abilities… have they not thought of everything with millions of military men just waiting to “get back at American Citizens” for destroying their counties… but we can hope or get busy at local levels…

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I don't think you were asking me, but, yes, if they need to. It appears plan A is to start WW3 before the election then do what Ukraine did, declare an emergency, then martial law, then not have elections 'until the war is won', then not win the war.

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Reading the comments, I see very deep denial. No one wants to feel hopeless and if some of these people also don't believe in our Creator, well that's a state of mind I never want to sink to. There is nothing but to let go and let God at this point. Get out of the cities and find a patch of ground in a deeply rural area. Re-connecting with your beginnings is the first step to finding the real truth and getting rid of distractions.

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I’ve pretty much decided the same!! I’ve been in constant turmoil since Hussein got installed- seeing our country veer towards the climate and pride cliff, using the central banks to achieve that purpose- but Trump has stopped some pure evil, and feel like God may be using him to set the country straight- it’s nice to see a lot of Americans pushing back against the Satanist agenda! I’m voting Trump and praying, and giving my worries over this to God!

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You're preaching to the choir, sir~My allegiance is to God Almighty. He alone will steer this titanic and the time is now to prepare. I will go out to enjoy what's left of this once Great Nation. I have faith that there will be a new beginning. Don't know how soon or even what it will look like, but I will try to walk the talk and fear no evil~

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That's a lot to unpack. Every POTUS plays some angle, runs a con, etc. I posit, Covid was going to happen regardless of who was sitting in the Oval office. Trump was a New York Democrat for decades. I don't think his politics have changed much.

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