Do you know what the insurrection Act is and that DJT invoked it but excluded the Martial Law portion? Then has Gen Eric Smith and his predecessor Berger arresting and others prosecuting at Gitmo?
Excellent and fair criticisms of Fat Orange Retard, Michael. You sound like me. 😂
If Trump gets in again, fine. But the people supporting him had better lower their expectations as any study of his first term demonstrates that he will do little or nothing when back in power.
Hey Lloyd, Michael Yon is absolutely correct. "Theory"? "Everybody"? You think Everybody thinks like you. Correct? Narcissism strikes again. Go to Steve and links- Gen6Productions -Jonathan Kleck or Kleck Files on Odysee. Benjamin Baruch Prophecy(&CPA). Paul McGuire @Rumble. You are surrounded by Demonic Forces! have 150 more+++ decades research- A Watchman On The Wall Lloyed. Look it up. (Fallen Angels- Giants-Aliens-Reptilians-Luciferians......etc.)
We live on a "prison planet". God Bless you man. You have no idea The God who made you, sent you. Loves you Lloyd. We are spiritual beings First, in a human experience. Terraforming- Transmanism is 100:%REAL!
REPLACE GodAgenda. Destroy God's Creation. Depopulation. Every motive- movement - intentional crisis is Godless, to destroy God in your life. Everything!
… and yet I bet “God” sees to it he’s somehow elected again… what about all of us with sense enough to see through the BS? Folks who still think the Repub’s are good guys need a damn wake up call! I said all along that people sat on their hands because they were convinced trump would fix it all. How’d that work?! Yeah… to the detriment of what most wanted but here we are again. Vote Vivek!
I think Trump will be like Nixon. He is scripted to be elected, saving us from the LEFT, and then lead the country far deeper into the administrative state and world government. For instance, the DEMs could never have "opened to China", but Nixon (via Kissinger) did. Conservatives by and large, thought if Nixon was for empowering China and boosting the alphabet soup of FED Agencies, it must be OK because the media hated him. Except for the Birchers no one knew Nelson Rockefeller had rescued Nixon. Admittedly, if Trump doesn't save us from the LEFT we have communist tyranny NOW!
"There is no proletarian, not even a Communist movement, that has not operated in the interests of money, and for the time being permitted by money - and that without the idealists among its leaders having the slightest suspicion of the fact." Oswald Spengler, DECLINE OF THE WEST.
We are in a terrible position. How can we trust Trump not to allow more jabs or even mandatory ones? He allowed himself to be overruled again and again during the plandemic by obvious liars.
BTW, people are saying, Trump or Obama or Kushner or .......... is the anti-Christ. That's how scripturally ignorant people are. anti-Christ is the angel son of Satan, now in hell who lives for killing all things of God. He murdered Jesus, Jesus for the law executed him, and he's fuming in hell. Ge 3:15. Hab 3:13.
Re 17:8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, (admire him) whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
Michael, almost nobody knows this but if you do, you can see God's plan in context of current, end times, events. God has a plan to create man, the truest of which would believe in and love him. The 7 seals and 7 trumpeted wraths are the 14 final "events" or trials of faith. The 3rd trumpeted woe (Re 11:14) Re 16:17 is the completion of that plan at the 7th trumpet (1 Cor 15:52) Rapture (Re 11:15). Re 16:17 "And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done." The Holy Spirit is in the air. Ge 1:2. Pouring out the 3rd vial of wrath into the air removes the Holy Spirit from the earth at the Rapture. Removing the Holy Spirt from the earth completes God's plan of redemption of a Holy people and finishes His plan, so "it is done". This is day 1335, Da 12:12, of 2520 days, Daniel's 70th week. We can know the day, not the hour. 7, 360 day lunar years. After this, those left on earth prepare to make war on God. anti-Christ angel Apollyon, Re 9:11, son of Satan Ge 3:15, king of the earth, Re 13:2, iron of the feet, Da 2;34;7:19. I think what happens at Armageddon is Jesus speaks and they all fall dead and the birds eat their flesh. Jesus killed anti-Christ angel once in the bottomless pit with a sword to the head so He has nothing to prove unless he wants His entire army to exact vengeance. But for now... With 1st seal Covid, 2nd seal Uk war, 3rd seal famine and 4th seal Re 6:8 war, now, which kills 2 billion and the bad people win. The 5th seal is Christian persecution which imposes the mark of the beast big time. This is a starvation time of great falling away. God interrupts this with the near passing of Planet X gravitational pull, then the 7th seal fire from heaven and the first 4 trumpeted wraths which may be 6 month repeated passing through the Planet X debris field. Stay strong in Jesus. I'm 81 Michael, RVN, Semper Fi and give God glory and thanks every day! The plan is His, including the southern border, and will play out His way. Angel anti-Christ rises at the 5th trumpet Re 9:11; day 794. It's a bad time on earth according to Habakkuk 3:16 When I heard, my belly trembled; my lips quivered at the voice: rottenness entered into my bones, and I trembled in myself, that I might rest in the day of trouble: when he cometh up unto the people, he will invade them with his troops. 17 Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: 18 Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. God bless you Michael. Friend Art
Give 0 Clucks about Pattersons remarks. VIVEK is BIG PHARMA, he rode the wave of DEI given a free ride for school with immigrant parents Created a Pharm company with SHADY govt Partners and Govt $. Listen carefully to those who speak of him otherwise.
There's only one reason you need to not vote for Trump.
He still brags about his wonderful "Operation Warp Speed", the fake-vaccine program that has killed millions.
I will be voting this November, if there actually is an election, which is doubtful, but will write in for the Presidential candidate. I will no longer support tyrants or even "the lesser of two evils". State and local elections at least in my part of the woods, still have an effect.
Michael: You haven't checked the list of accomplishments done by PRESIDENT Trump? Who do you want to be President? You have changed dramatically. Why bring up Vivek? He's a globalist.
I like it when Alex Jones exposes something awful and then belts, "I'm Sorry, ok? I'm Sorry to be the one to tell you this."
I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this - if you don't already know. The Council on Foreign Relations chooses the president. CFR. Our vote in moot.
"Shadow Ring"
Full Documentary
Do you know what the insurrection Act is and that DJT invoked it but excluded the Martial Law portion? Then has Gen Eric Smith and his predecessor Berger arresting and others prosecuting at Gitmo?
So is your solution to vote for Biden?
Excellent and fair criticisms of Fat Orange Retard, Michael. You sound like me. 😂
If Trump gets in again, fine. But the people supporting him had better lower their expectations as any study of his first term demonstrates that he will do little or nothing when back in power.
Hey Lloyd, Michael Yon is absolutely correct. "Theory"? "Everybody"? You think Everybody thinks like you. Correct? Narcissism strikes again. Go to Steve and links- Gen6Productions -Jonathan Kleck or Kleck Files on Odysee. Benjamin Baruch Prophecy(&CPA). Paul McGuire @Rumble. You are surrounded by Demonic Forces! have 150 more+++ decades research- A Watchman On The Wall Lloyed. Look it up. (Fallen Angels- Giants-Aliens-Reptilians-Luciferians......etc.)
We live on a "prison planet". God Bless you man. You have no idea The God who made you, sent you. Loves you Lloyd. We are spiritual beings First, in a human experience. Terraforming- Transmanism is 100:%REAL!
REPLACE GodAgenda. Destroy God's Creation. Depopulation. Every motive- movement - intentional crisis is Godless, to destroy God in your life. Everything!
Edit: Go to
SQ books - "Weather wars" - "Empire Beneath The Ice" etc. God Bless *
… and yet I bet “God” sees to it he’s somehow elected again… what about all of us with sense enough to see through the BS? Folks who still think the Repub’s are good guys need a damn wake up call! I said all along that people sat on their hands because they were convinced trump would fix it all. How’d that work?! Yeah… to the detriment of what most wanted but here we are again. Vote Vivek!
I think Trump will be like Nixon. He is scripted to be elected, saving us from the LEFT, and then lead the country far deeper into the administrative state and world government. For instance, the DEMs could never have "opened to China", but Nixon (via Kissinger) did. Conservatives by and large, thought if Nixon was for empowering China and boosting the alphabet soup of FED Agencies, it must be OK because the media hated him. Except for the Birchers no one knew Nelson Rockefeller had rescued Nixon. Admittedly, if Trump doesn't save us from the LEFT we have communist tyranny NOW!
"There is no proletarian, not even a Communist movement, that has not operated in the interests of money, and for the time being permitted by money - and that without the idealists among its leaders having the slightest suspicion of the fact." Oswald Spengler, DECLINE OF THE WEST.
We are in a terrible position. How can we trust Trump not to allow more jabs or even mandatory ones? He allowed himself to be overruled again and again during the plandemic by obvious liars.
* God Bless you Matt Perna, - our brother ♡🙏
* God bless you "Shields" ♡ 🙏
"nothing got past him" - not even a AC-130- at 1,000ft. ♡
* Born Free - Died Free *
♡ Jesus with you ♡
♡ Always In Our Prayer ♡
* Died Free with Jesus *
BTW, people are saying, Trump or Obama or Kushner or .......... is the anti-Christ. That's how scripturally ignorant people are. anti-Christ is the angel son of Satan, now in hell who lives for killing all things of God. He murdered Jesus, Jesus for the law executed him, and he's fuming in hell. Ge 3:15. Hab 3:13.
Re 17:8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, (admire him) whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
Michael, almost nobody knows this but if you do, you can see God's plan in context of current, end times, events. God has a plan to create man, the truest of which would believe in and love him. The 7 seals and 7 trumpeted wraths are the 14 final "events" or trials of faith. The 3rd trumpeted woe (Re 11:14) Re 16:17 is the completion of that plan at the 7th trumpet (1 Cor 15:52) Rapture (Re 11:15). Re 16:17 "And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done." The Holy Spirit is in the air. Ge 1:2. Pouring out the 3rd vial of wrath into the air removes the Holy Spirit from the earth at the Rapture. Removing the Holy Spirt from the earth completes God's plan of redemption of a Holy people and finishes His plan, so "it is done". This is day 1335, Da 12:12, of 2520 days, Daniel's 70th week. We can know the day, not the hour. 7, 360 day lunar years. After this, those left on earth prepare to make war on God. anti-Christ angel Apollyon, Re 9:11, son of Satan Ge 3:15, king of the earth, Re 13:2, iron of the feet, Da 2;34;7:19. I think what happens at Armageddon is Jesus speaks and they all fall dead and the birds eat their flesh. Jesus killed anti-Christ angel once in the bottomless pit with a sword to the head so He has nothing to prove unless he wants His entire army to exact vengeance. But for now... With 1st seal Covid, 2nd seal Uk war, 3rd seal famine and 4th seal Re 6:8 war, now, which kills 2 billion and the bad people win. The 5th seal is Christian persecution which imposes the mark of the beast big time. This is a starvation time of great falling away. God interrupts this with the near passing of Planet X gravitational pull, then the 7th seal fire from heaven and the first 4 trumpeted wraths which may be 6 month repeated passing through the Planet X debris field. Stay strong in Jesus. I'm 81 Michael, RVN, Semper Fi and give God glory and thanks every day! The plan is His, including the southern border, and will play out His way. Angel anti-Christ rises at the 5th trumpet Re 9:11; day 794. It's a bad time on earth according to Habakkuk 3:16 When I heard, my belly trembled; my lips quivered at the voice: rottenness entered into my bones, and I trembled in myself, that I might rest in the day of trouble: when he cometh up unto the people, he will invade them with his troops. 17 Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: 18 Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. God bless you Michael. Friend Art
Give 0 Clucks about Pattersons remarks. VIVEK is BIG PHARMA, he rode the wave of DEI given a free ride for school with immigrant parents Created a Pharm company with SHADY govt Partners and Govt $. Listen carefully to those who speak of him otherwise.
V.A Shiva
Wheels within wheels within wheels.
There's only one reason you need to not vote for Trump.
He still brags about his wonderful "Operation Warp Speed", the fake-vaccine program that has killed millions.
I will be voting this November, if there actually is an election, which is doubtful, but will write in for the Presidential candidate. I will no longer support tyrants or even "the lesser of two evils". State and local elections at least in my part of the woods, still have an effect.
Wonderful Article by you Mr. Yon. Thank You!!! So true on all fronts. God Help Us!!!
Michael: You haven't checked the list of accomplishments done by PRESIDENT Trump? Who do you want to be President? You have changed dramatically. Why bring up Vivek? He's a globalist.
Are you with them?