Yes. Dismantle the UN. Abolish the WHO, CDC, NIH, NIAID, CIA, FBI. None of these organizations can ever be trusted again.

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You spelled "Atlantic Council" wrong. But I'll take it.

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Amen to that!

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LET'S GO!! Come on back home you F traitors, POTUS wants all the dead dog kings to report.

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worthwhile to read about the "Lucis Trust."

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I saw the headline "Burning" and was hoping it was actually, like, on fire.

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You gotta start somewhere. It's been what 2 weeks? Border clamped down and we're flying surveillance over Mexico. Deportations actually happening and all this useless crap in DC starting to be dismantled. It can't get much more worse than it was. It can only get better at this point. Of course the pendulum will eventually swing to far but I for one and damn happy it quit going left. Finally a real sanity check going on and our kids getting at least some protection from the craziness. We had a damn pride flagging hanging from the house for God's sake. Give the guy a chance.

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agreed, keep up the pressure

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I've been so busy celebrating, I'm all out of wine!!

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Great response, Michael!

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Keep your foot on the throttle! You're doing great work, bud.

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Giving these CRIMINALS a PAID VACATION ('admin leave').......ANGERS ME to no end!

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That aside, Doing this is without question a good thing. What replaces it? I hope nothing. Next U.N. sick of all these thieves and poison pushers.

Another good channel on info/facts. https://youtu.be/A8RmFKpn1Do?si=2eosIjka7DIJheOm

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We're celebrating by taking revenge!

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Then Do nato! Can we please get out of nato! And shut down the Cfr! Please?

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I just finished watching a 3-part mini-series called 'Sons of Liberty' on Amazon Video about the founding of our nation. It makes me sick to see how far this once great nation has slid into tyranny. Greed and the pursuit of power are all that seem to matter with the men of today. God help us!

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