And while those types of weeds are hard to pronounce they're spelled WTP. We were a melting pot long before Hiroshihomo Jose Buydintime ever decided to muddy up the voting pool with invaders. Interestingly, while the Damnacrap LEFTovers are flying the invaders into Red States most are escaping dictator run socialist and communist countries and want nothing to do with it here which means that could backfire bigtime in the Leftovers' faces. that only leaves the criminals, crazies and bought and paid-paying-for terrorists. there's finally outspoken fear regarding T and potential assassination attempts. We need a live active T not a martyr kicking off a bigtime 2nd revolution with 400+ privately held firearms. then again, if so, que sara, so be it, they been begging us for 200 years since the Demonrat party was formed. better on my back in a ditch than on my knees begging for a stale bread crust but there's gonna be a helluva lot unhappy lifeless insurrectionist traitors demanding my guns and i gladly give it all to them ammunition first. ahh, if Trump would only have followed through with Devolution. Or is that process, that less than 5 people on this planet know anything about, silently in motion? while Traitor Joe was going through his fake inauguration the real military did not salute him, yurned their back to him and gave him a 3 gun cannon (burial!) salute while Trump got a 4 cannon incoming president commander in chief cannon salute. what was he doing in those last few days before jan 20 when, on that "presidential bomber" visiting airbase in N texas and Colorado? If real military refuses is that why arms and money are going to fairy zelensky and nor actual military. if Buydintime EO'd a draft would no one come? Most do not regard him as president and not being means nothing he or his does is legal and binding, it's all to the Constitution "repugnant null and void as though it never were."-legal terminology. Devolution follows MOW manual of war not civil law which then, under martial law would be nonexistent and Constitution suspended for as long as Trump deemed necessary (so Trump "could be" commander in chief!). this may be why Putin is toying around waiting. next to Trump I think he may be our second best friend. and if he took his supersonic nukes and took out that British foreign patch of traitors' swamp called DC i'd probably hoop, holler, dance ajig and root for the guy!

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The land and waters so beautiful there in the photos. How mournful the demons move to own it, destroy, and kill.

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What do I think of the Paxton debacle, you ask. Well, okay, since you ask...

Abbott, or his cabal's agreeable choice alternate, stands a far better chance of procuring future governorships if patriots like Paxton are removed from running, and even those they support, now, the earlier the better.

Trump is learning, the hard way, about being used, misused and abused by the lying LEFTovers falsely claiming to be MAGA only to be backstabbed later once his endorsements have been utilized to their benefit and they then feel safe in allowing their Soros, et al bought and paid for loyalties are free, by their successive actions prove exactly where their true, and treasonous, loyalties actually lie which, more often than not, is exemplified in their God-fearing, Constitutionally based patriotic morals being superseded by the self-serving, ill-gotten, filthy lucre laden ethics of their wallets.

Those whom Hiroshihomo Joe can't groom queer he's vowed to kill biologically then nuke the LEFTovers to cinders.


Genetically altered mosquitoes

Genetically altered fireants

Genetically altered deer ticks (aka Lyme Tick disease)

Genetically altered flies

Genetically altered pet and cattle feed

Genetically altered pets and cattle

Genetically altered animal medications and vaccines

Genetically altered human medications and vaccines

Genetically (GMO) altered human food

Researchers, manufacturers, government employees, supporters and murderous invaders are not required to get genetically altered Death Jabs.

Only low, middle class, non-elite, USA citizen humans are required to get genetically altered Death Jabs.

Is this really bio - LOGICAL?

Nuke, Nuking, Wave Us Up, Just Microwave Us All Up!


Fry us from the inside out. Come to think of it The National Guard tried it on the invaders at our Southern Border when Trump was still in office. All the invaders immediately turned around and ran as fast as they could even though the microwaves pierced less than 1/8th of an inch below the skin, it was enough excruciating pain to render the invaders helpless that they were able only to run away as fast as they could. Hiroshihomo Joe’s constituents raised enough stink it was, unfortunately, never used again. (But, that day will once again arrive, hopefully, sooner than later)

I’ll betcha WTP with even a moderate high school education are capable of researching their local city and university libraries and, with more than enough available microwave and other discarded pieces and parts, can make short-range “wave weapons” for use everywhere from border ranch homes to middle US of A homes in danger of home invasions by invaders.

As Hiroshihomo Joe’s business, personal and famdamnly members force digital currency on us, the USA’s WTP, to control what we can buy, what we can own, and refuse our rights of such ownership when attempting to buy, including store-bought self-defense weaponry, bargaining, and trading will always be a safe viable option to make, use, and barter for such items.

22 calibre, and above, airguns are available for purchase without registration.

Don’t forget various kinds of bows and crossbows. Also, YT has a number of people that make very good bows including many with rapid, machine gun-like, firing capabilities.

Only one duly and legitimately elected by WTP may be referred to as, or have the title precede his name, as President of The United States of America.

Any who, by coup d'état, overthrows this country in an insurrectionist act steals the election must never be referred to as anything but a dictator.

Any who are managed by handlers, for whatever reason, is a patsy, and must additionally be regarded only as a puppet dictator.

Any laws, edicts, mandates, or executive orders created and enacted by either a dictator or puppet dictator or those under his charge, are antithetical to The Constitution OF The United States of America are repugnant and, as such, are null and void and must never be lent credence by obeying said illegal, unconstitutional repugnancy.

Does paying federal income tax to an illegitimate insurrectionist USA-destroying criminal cabal mean that you are a 'complicit' traitor or, at the least, aiding a complicit traitor(s)?

Can complacency lead to complicity?

Can a couch potato mentality equate to abetting complicit treason?

Truth is not hate. For one to call truth hate means they hate truth and prefer the devil's rationalized relativistic "truth," aka Humanism, in which case, that person is admitting who the "g"od is that they follow. They have turned Truth on its head calling Truth lies and lies truth.

Humanism’s beginning: And the serpent said unto the woman, “Ye shall not surely die: for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.”-Gen 3:4-5. 1. not die, 2. be as gods, 3. knowing all. A 3 part lie aka The Original Lie.

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This is what, recently reported, Clinton, Bush, and Obama were doing in Panama. Once George Soros flies invaders in from well over 100 countries, these three, now proven treasonous by their actions, presidents, using WTP’s tax monies, are personally overseeing flying the invaders from Panama directly into the continental Lower 48 United States.

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Micahel, There are lawyers helping the indigenous tribes to reassert sovereignty in/of their nation. Reiner Fuellmich is helping the Maori do so in New Zealand. Rocca Galati in Canada may be able to make referrals for help. I don't know what to make of the controversy surrounding Reiner, but the idea seems sound.

This may be a way to go?

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His name is Rocco! Sorry for the misspelling. There is a general uniting of the tribes going on. I feel this may be one of the few ways to take on the global psychopaths, united together, all colors as the prophecy foretells.

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It's invasion of North America.

Same shit happening here in CHINADA.

I'm in Toronto Ontario CHINADA.

Millions of us know what this is since my parents came here for FREEDOM in the early 50s where they were occupied by the Germans as children.

My Grandparents went through two WWs last century so we know from stories of what they went through.

It's called HELL on EARTH.

This is by design.

Activation day is coming as Michael and many others before him have written about.

The invasion force is going to kill Americans and take their homes after the grid goes down.

It's a replay of history like my parents and grandparents lived through.

The BOLSHEVIKS, Hitler, Moa, Pol Pot etc etc.

One big difference is you Americans still have your guns.

You'll need them.

CHINADA has for the first time in our history had over one million immigrants last year.

Violence in our country is going through the roof.

Same type of immigrants coming here.

Many are here to take what they want.

Not assimilate.

My daughter will not ride the subway any more.

She's afraid to.

First time I've ever heard this in Toronto.

I predict within 10 years or less gangs will run our country.

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cartels are a source. for everything from fireams to military hardware. i hear tell a lot of it is from china, heck what Hiroshihomo Joe gave Afghanistan they sold much to china, might be you end up with quality state of the art USA made arms and equipment, worse case knockoffs.

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My husband and his Mother came from Communist Hungary. They know the horrors of

Communism. The United States didn't come to help. Hungary was occupied by the

Russians for 50 years.

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"The possession of arms is the distinction between a freeman and a slave." - James Burgh

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They want a civil war so bad. The only reason I can fathom why they would want that is because they think they will win but they are sadly mistaken. We The People have been very tolerant but at some point all hell is going to break loose. (I wonder if that is why they want all those young, male illegal immigrants?)

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My thoughts exactly. Most of them are Chinese Nationals, too. I was told the whole state of

PA is locked and loaded.

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Good thing I am not far from PA. PA was totally stolen from Trump. I never saw any Biden signs driving through that state.

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When Rush Limbaugh was alive he said that Salena Zito went to my area in PA near Pittsburgh. All she saw were Trump signs in 2016. NOT one for Crooked. I just read something that wherever she worked they got rid of her for speaking out. I had people tell me how corrupt PA has become. I couldn't believe it. I remember

in 2016 people in PA changed their Party in order to vote Trump in the Primary.

You see who got in by voter fraud. Shapiro and Lurch Fetterman. I always said

Dr. Oz was a plant. He challenged McCormick to win the primary. But, he folded

the next day at 9am. Calling Lurch to concede. What a JOKE.

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Yes, it is why they want them.

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Thank you for consistent truth reporting, Michael. What will be the tipping point to kinetic war, or will we just watch as our world and lives are turned upside down by evil?

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Why isn't Bannon talking about this on his show? He just dropped it. Then it looks like there isn't really anything earth shattering going on. CRISIS AT BOTH BORDERS. Sooner than later this

Border Crisis and Illegal Aliens coming into our Country will be coming to our neighborhoods.

Bringing their diseases and will to destroy our Country and take what decent abiding Citizens of

the United States own. My husband fled Communist Hungary and came to US. He and his

Mother became US Citizens. He's been saying all along that these invaders will be occupying

US Citizens homes (that's what they do in Communist Countries). Our Government was

already asking US Citizens to house Illegals in their homes. Why doesn't JOE and JILL invite

them to stay at the White House. Especially, on weekends when they aren't there. JOE's

off somewhere getting his weekly medical treatments.

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RE: "Bringing their diseases and will to destroy our Country"

Both halves of your quoted phrase are mutually exclusive just as they are mutually inclusive.

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What do you think of the situation with AG Ken Paxton in Texas. Rhino Republicans want to take him out. Disgusting. Texans need to bombard Gov. Abbott's office. Also,

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick. It's JEB! and the dirty Bushs' at it again.

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DINOs are what's left after USA Constitutionalist Democrats have left the building.

Democrat In Name Only

"The unGodly are not RIGHTeous, they’re LEFTovers"

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Shrubs are far too close to fast growing invasive weeds to be allowed to flourish naturally much less to be fertilized with high grade bullschiff!

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I don't quite understand what you are trying to say?

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Bushs are Shrubs

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Complete the sentence:

A bush is a _________.

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Weeds that spread. Invade the growth of scrubs.

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Yes Hungary were the people hung cops from lamp posts during the 1956 revolution.

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Do you blame them. My Mother-in-Law, who was a Doctor in Hungary, saw the

Communists taking away the young boys and men in trucks. They were bound

for death. I remember my Mother in Law crying every time she told us what happened.

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I don't blame them at all.

My parents came from similar situations to come here to CHINADA to be FREE.

We now seem to be heading to the same shit.

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You said it! We know that a lot of people are coming from Canada to the US. I wonder

WHY? He's such a Commie that Castro Trudeau.

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Depends on which state we head to from my knowledge.

Some of your states like NY and Commiefornia are more dystopic than Here in Ontario at the moment.

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WOW....That is something. Eric Adams, Mayor of New York City, now wants to make legislation that pushes residents who have larger homes to house Illegal Aliens. Are you kidding me.

My Husband came from Communist Hungary. He said that is a Communist way of doing things. These illegal aliens have been known to kill people who house them. Is Eric Adams

paying for their food, clothing, and transportation. LUDICROUS...

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United States said they were coming and NEVER showed up. My Mother in Law was a

Physician and refused to become Communist. She told stories of the horror as to

what happened in those days. I remember her crying when she told the story of

how the Communist rounded up the young men in towns and never were seen

from again. Terrible :-(

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Terrible for sure.

Millions of us come from families who went through those horrors.

My Great Gramps was executed by the Germans as Dutch resistance in 1942 in front of my Dad and his siblings.

Fortunately they spared the family or I wouldn't be here.

Many reading this have these stories I'm sure.

I'm 67 and don't expect to get to my parents age of 90+.

They are both still here.

My Dad knows exactly what's happening but his grandkids think he's crazy.

Amazing ehhh?

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Youngsters today having grown up in the silver spoon entitled era that's easy to cause doubt plus LEFTover teachers teach a LEFT handed view of history that has been scrubbed and rewritten, additionally, when LEFTover teachers have the kids mesmerized 40 hours a week (plus peer pressure) and so many public (indoctrination centers) school systems have "the right" to teach kids what they want to teach them since the parents have the God given right and Constitution guaranteed right to teach and raise kids as they will (remember, the Government religion is humanism, its scientific arm is evolution) BUT if the parents abdicate this right by sending them to public indoctrination centers they now have the same rights (superseding the parents because they "have" the kids, and the next step up is cps) and legally can teach them ANYTHING they want. And they are. From sexual perversion to hate elders to call 800-child abuse if their parents tell them to eat their spinach. And cps child protective services have been proven to be one of the biggest child sex slavery advocates in the business! You have only one or two choices, home schooling with accredited Christian curriculums or a Christian school. the key is do you want more (2 person) money (with latchkey kids) or do you prefer to live biblically "within your means" with only one breadwinner? Do you want the devil's "keepin' up with Jones movie or do you want it the way God intended it?

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Yup that's accurate.

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I'm so very sorry about you Great Grandfather. When my Husband and his Mother left Hungary to come to US, they couldn't bring her parents with them. At the time, they were

too old. Her Father met an untimely death and was hit by a train. We are around the same

age. We have to try and stretch these years out :-) Take Care and God Bless +

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My nephews the same. They don't pay attention to what's going on in this Country.

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And fight how we can.

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Wonder why?

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I'm noticing a reoccurring pattern throughout, i see it everywhere and it's only increasing. 25 years ago messageboards with their threads easily kept track of who said what to whom. Now it's rare when the previous substance is included in a reply and people say things and we scratch our heads saying what in adam bullschiff is that person talking about.

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Why are they planning this you mean?

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Don't understand you question.

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My same question about Bannon.

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Alex Jones had Michael on his show! It was GREAT!

People have NO idea what lays ahead.!

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When was Michael Yon on with Alex Jones? I want to know what lies ahead!

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There ya go Lynn!😉

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Thanks. I'll be sure to listen. I think many know what's ahead. History of tyrannists stays consistent except this is global with a surveillance state layered into their evil plans. They tell us what they're going to do.

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But, we have to fight them back at all costs.

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We'll see how long it takes him?

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US Coup has occurred

World bankers declare the games rules change. Fire government? Lol.

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Better yet, why don't Joe and Jill invite them to stay at their private residence in Rehoboth Beach, DE?

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That's even better yet. There they can have an extended stay. Let them destroy their

Beach House. They certainly are destroying the hotels they are staying in free in NYC.

I read where they start fights and then go and get another hotel to stay in once

they are kicked out of one. Remember, NYC kicked Veterans out of those hotels.

Can you actually believe that JOEBAMA and his Commies could stoop that low.

YES....and all his minions in his controlled Liberal States. You know they are just

poking at us like they are poking the BEAR.

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WTP's tax paid and now illegal gotten filthy lucre paid for Barry Soetoro, (the butt screwed wanna be girlfriend of crossdressing michael), housing where they're living free in WTP's mansion in Martha's Vineyard would be ideal invader first class accommodations.

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