Agreed 110%.

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Thank you for all that you do. Watch Dr. Rashid Buttar’s message about the bio weapon and our free will etc. (note: FF to about 2/3rds through to where he is discussing everything) A Conversation Like No Other: The Unexpected Visit - Dr Rashid A Buttar https://clikview.com/v/6SIDAE

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Thanks for your work Michael. As an update to 'why' the power has poisened so many, OPEC released their 2022 oil production and consumption numbers. The shocking result:

OPEC total oil sold has declined 35% over just the last four years. Our financial system cannot survive such a decline in Energy. Most of the major militaries in the world anticipated this. Read more at:




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I insanity of course is doing the same thing over and over again. The enemy we are fighting now has breached our borders and have 5th column activities in operation. People in charge think they can control them and so use them for their purposes.

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Xr tech here. the vaxxed who come in for chest xrays appear to be suffering from altitude sickness, not pneumonia that the Rx states often. Patients are visibly exhausted, out of breath, coughing, and many times mentally fogged absent fever, chills, achiness, etc.

Boomers getting hit. White males of military age in the US come in with heart conditions and chronic anxiety about strokes. I believe ccp/DS won at least the first phase of a perhaps perennial biowar.

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I'm advocating that we declare war against all cartels operating in our country. Military attacks supported by police and intelligence but a military operation.

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Michael are you hearing more about these Chinese balloons? Over US and also Costa Rica. Talk about over the target ... you are and they are. Ugh. https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/another-chinese-spy-balloon-traveling-over-latin-america-pentagon-says_5033544.html

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I received an unsolicited text from IL Dept of Public Health yesterday indicating that someone in my household or under my care was due for a Covid19 injection & they had bivalent boosters available. All I had to do was click on their link. No thank them! My guess is this is the work of ERIC (Electronic Registration Information Center) sharing our IDOT info Voter database info, PHI & other sensitive information under the flag of “Cleaning the Voting Rolls” of member States. Of course you & I are not permitted to know what information our states have shared with ERIC about us as part of its initial engagement. Of course all signs indicate this was funded by the George Soros Open Society. Sure I trust them with my information that I did not consent for them to have, cross referenced with God knows what other databases with my birthdate, address, social, voting history & party registration, my health information. I don’t need to go further. People please stock up, prepare and protect yourselves and your loved ones. Keep pushing Mr.Yon you tell it like it is where others can’t or won’t.

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Who is the only group legally allowed to enforce the Laws of the Union?

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Would this not be treason?

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Tom. Of course. Treason. But just as vast vote fraud has occured in the past it remains wholly un-prosecuted. It is not for lack of proof. Same for present and ongoing biowarfare. Proof of wrongdoing is plentiful....Just need someone with the gonads to drop the hammer, bring charges and prosecute the case. Do not rely on any government entity to bring charges that have gravitas.

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Modern zyklon B injected into kids?? Expand story

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Zyklon-B is the gas the Nazis used in concentration camps. He referring to the jabs as modern day gas.

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Thank you for clarifying this. I had the same question.

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Thank you Michael for keeping us informed. My husband and I are older and he is fighting the dreaded “c” word. Though we were already followers of Christ, we have become much more focused on knowing the Lord’s ways. Our only hope is in Jesus. We read and listen to the Bible daily, new and old testaments, and have found over and over that God does provide a way. It may not be an easy way, but we are learning to prepare to face difficult times, To those in fear and without faith, call on the name of the Lord Jesus. No one on this earth will save us.

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Freida. Tune in to Brenda Weltner on YouTube. She is doing incredible work.


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I appreciate the fact a person is referring to the Scriptures to encourage another person.

I will disagree with the notion we are in the Tribulation, however, as there are many things we do not know such as: Who is the AC? Did the man of lawlessness make a deal with 'many nations an Israel? We should be in the midst of the four horseman which includes a man of 'deceitful peace talk'.

We look to the blessed hope and that is the Return of Christ. The Bible says to encourage each other with this. 'We do not know the day or the hour' which refers to the Jewish wedding ceremony, but is imagery used by Jesus himself to give us an understanding to always have our lamps filled with oil. When Jesus Returns, He will take us home to be with Him for a week....consummation of the marriage ceremony....then returns to show off His bride. Why would a Groom abuse his bride before the wedding? Learn the ways of the Galilean wedding, it's the best way to understand what Christ's next move is.

May all who read this be encouraged, but do not misunderstand me, there are four things God doesn't know:

1-God doesn't know a sin He doesn't hate

2-God doesn't know a sinner He doesn't love

3-God doesn't know a better way than Jesus to save the world through his Son

4-God doesn't know a better time than now to get to know Him

Time is shorter everyday and no one wants to go through the Tribulation. Anybody saying otherwise is foolish. It will be unprecedented but know this, no matter what side of the tribulation fence you stand, hell will be an eternity of much worse than the Tribulation.

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Dear sister. Brenda answers all of your questions. All of them. It has taken me a year of watching her teachings to know this. I can only recommend her to you. She will challenge some of your understandings. If you take up my suggestion you will need to persevere and be prepared to unlearn and learn again (as she has done). She does so with grace, kindness and most importantly,

scripture. God wants us to know his plan. It's remarkable, straight forward, and knowable. Brenda has unravelled Revelation in the most extraordinary way. I humbly look forward to the day that is fast approaching. God bless you.

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We are only in the birth pangs of Revelation, I’m afraid. We have much longer to go, regardless of what so many seem to feel is coming. Things will get much worse before Christ comes again, unfortunately. If you aren’t familiar with Anthony William, the Medical Medium, I highly encourage you to check out his work. He speaks often of the times we are in now, and it’s not the tribulation. Focus on God, not the storm. That’s what we all must do, as believers. God bless.

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Heidi, I agree with what we are experiencing now....Turkey, Wow! Yes, Andrea, I would humbly disagree with 7 year period of Tribulation for the simple facts the Word describes in various places are: months, days, and (middle of the tribulation the man of lawlessness will be sitting in the temple, Daniel describes last 'week'.) All that said, prepare as if Christ will return any second and prepare as if Christ won't return until a hundred years from now. In the meantime we have a commission to fulfill. We should all understand this is not our home and look for the blessed return of our groom (our blessed hope) and not get lost in the weeds. Deuteronomy 6:5 and Jeremiah 29:13 describe what John puts together in chapter 3 of his gospel. This is the most important. Romans 10 also has some good stuff!

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Yes I agree with you Heidi. We are experiencing the birth pangs. I don't believe in a 7 yr tribulation. This is probably the most contentious part that many will disagree with. Daniel 9:27 is worded very differently in the various versions of the Bible. I found Brenda's explanation of its interpretation was like a lightbulb going on. Brenda puts forward a convincing argument on the endtimes timeline based on this understanding. Her analysis on the feasts and harvest symbology are unlike I have heard elsewhere, and for me, things described in Revelation seem much clearer and actually make sense now. Focus on God. Amen to that!

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Amir Tsarfati is just one person who speaks on Tribulation as well

Jan Markell does as well on OliveTree Ministries every week on BOTT radio and her website

RaptureReady.com is also another site I frequent and they can spell out the questions you may have

I would also encourage you to read the Scriptures, not just Revelation as there are many books who testify to Tribulation times. Read the Bible literally as Jack Hibbs at Calvary Chino Hills says in addition to so many others.....these are just a few.

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I do appreciate the attitude with which you discuss your topic. Humility goes a long way. God bless you!

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Amen, in Jesus Christ’s name.

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May God have mercy on us all.

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Psywar, biowar, chemowar, all intersect in needlewar. Not just the mRNA products. You've also got heroin, fent, meth - widely available, and being decriminalized, and therefore even more widely available. In Canada the government will simply euthanize you directly if you ask them.

All of these backed up by psyops intended to funnel the cattle towards one of the terminal needles. Fast or slow, for fun or for fear, the needles all end in the same place.

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And John here is just touching the surface, good post. The reach is global. A long time in planning and presently being executed. Many threads intertwine to make this perfect storm matrix.

Cause a crisis. Introduce a solution to that crisis and bingo, the victims beg for that remedy, even to their own hurt.

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