Mr. Yon, I normally am impressed by your insights. This, on Trump, however? Yes, there are disturbing truths but these facts are clear: the Deep State hates Trump. Trump hates war. Trump loves the common man. Trump is sometimes easily misled, by the "science in shots", for example. Now he agrees with RFK.

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Then I suggest y'all pay closer attention. This "Deep State" is Trump, Soviet Israel, The Crown (Crown, Inc.) and Switzerland , the fake "Neutral Country" who birthed the European Union, funds all wars via their Banksters who live there yet are not a part of the European Union---(funny that) He (Trump) has given the Globalists pert near everything they wanted. I have on reasonable authority that Trump converted to Judaism in 2017. They are our biggest threat under the tutelage of The Crown. BRITISH Mandate Palestine became fake "Israel"--a fake religious authoritarian police state run by Atheistic megalomaniacs.

Let a religious Rabbi explain. ~7 minutes.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tvn_R4vsIl8

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100% someone who gets it. It's sad that we now have the commie left AND deceived Trumpers against the truth. They have effectively divided the right. THe camp of truth just got further defined and divided out.

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I'm much obliged and I thank you. The double tongues have deceived many. It is sad many do not see this.

4 minutes--we must practice these truths. Man have 3 things--Their Word, Their Honor and their Love for others and of Christ.


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How cute, a bot replying to it'self.

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As if there wasnt enough to despair over, how can conservatives be so naieve, the info is right in front of our faces.

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You are CORRECT. He (Trump) converted to Judaism on the q.t. some time ago.

In my view, there is no group on earth more evil than the Zionist Jews Zionist Jews are the willing servants of Satan!

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2017---Chabad at that--The worst of the worst.

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Theres even a video of it. There is none so blind as he who WILL NOT SEE!

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I guess converting to Judaism is a crime these days....it will take years of peeling this onion (US government et al) to get down to the Zionist level

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This is a major stretch

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Sep 1·edited Sep 3

Not in the least! Zionist Israels' laws (at least most of them) derive DIRECTLY from the Talmud, which is, arguably, THE singlemost Satanic collection of writings in human history!

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JBS "Not true. Zionists barely read Torah let alone delve into Talmud. Zionists are like many modern Christian religions that allow anything goes. In fact, Zionism started in the UK with Christian Zionists in the early 19th Century as a way to colonize into the Ottoman Empire and shore up the flank of the Suez Canal the UK was working on getting from the French."

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"Zionism is not Judaism, it is a tyrannical political movement bent on power, control, and the complete elimination of Palestine in favor of a singular ‘Jewish’ State.. Zionism is colonialism, pure and simple, a political/nationalist movement, formed and plotted for the purpose of taking over lands of the peoples in that region, and by any means necessary. This plot was decades in the making, with deals solidified with Nazi Germany, the U.K., and the U.S. According to Jewish historian, Ilan Pappe, ‘Zionist leaders were well aware that implementing their project would necessitate the ethnic cleansing of the indigenous Palestinian population…”

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Michael, getting Christians to understand that their Castle Doctrine and Order of Lesser Magistrates COMES FROM THE STILL VERY VALID AND ACTIVE TORAH is the only thing that is going to get us to fight back.

¹) A sure sense of continuity (through Christ's Salvation)

²) A Torah (meaning YHVH-approved to SELF-DEFENSE (ie the Book of Esther; Haman's fate)

Jesus said turn the other cheek and go the 2nd mile for YOUR BROTHER **NOT** DEMON WORSHIPPING GENTILES. He's referring to how TORAH says you are supposed to treat your Israelite neighbor, NOT THRACIANS or some sh*t.

The Torah commandments to _REDACTED_ them from the face of the Earth are STILL as valid as they were THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO.

Jesus Is YHVH Tseva'ot.

"The Existing One of Armies Upon Angel Armies"

He Is The Supreme Military Commander (and King) of New Jerusalem. The Revelation 1 "ruling with a Rod of Iron" that Jesus Is going to run things by is The LAW of "YHVH Shamah" (It's title at the end of Ezekiel). As in, the Law of the Land of New Jerusalem IS and ALWAYS HAS BEEN *Torah*.

The wicked get summary execution in New Jerusalem (because if they're not First Resurrection they are not permitted to enter (Rev 22))

These parasites know that they have a Heavenly bounty on their head, and every single angel is a hunter-killer.

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THANK-YOU...Not often anybody answers the ASSUMPTIONS and PROPAGANDA running rampant about those of Judeo-Christian Traditions.


So many don't get it; that evil now often wears all religions as masks to camouflage their allegiance in reality.

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I' m A Zionist and know the Bible Torah. more than you will ever know.

You arrogantly portray yourself as an expert but you are just another of many, many blind guides in these dark, last days.


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Hello Micheal, Thank you for doing everything you can in these trying times.

I listen to a lot of your podcast appearances and your time on "Coffee and a Mike" with Matt Bracken, is what I would like to ask about. @1:04:00 at this link https://rumble.com/v5a0ev1-coffee-and-a-mike-michael-yon-and-matt-bracken-sanctions-are-last-desperati.html

You spoke about the Kuna and Emberá Indians having spectacular teeth due to a specific herb. Can you remember what plant this was? You mentioned that you took samples. I am very curious about this plant.

Thank you for your time!

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Sep 3·edited Sep 7

You're right about most Jews not knowing much, if anything, about the Talmud. What's more, few to none seem to care what's in it! Although they SHOULD!

Some know a bit of Torah, Mishnah and Gemarrah. Those who do are typically very Orthodox, wear the 'little hats' and have strings hanging from their waists. I refer to such as those as, 'being from Absurdistan!' However, it IS true that most of Israel's laws are BASED upon the Talmud! This can readily be established via asking any Israeli attorney. I've done this and none of them will deny it! Just how much any given Israeli attorney knows just what's in the Talmud is a very good question. It seems that all they know is how it applies to them and their clients. I know that it does not apply equally to all who live in Israel, for sure! Even a cursory investigstion, via sources readily available on the internet, can provide clear and irrefutble evidence that the Talmud is INDEED of Satanic origin.

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You sure?

Trump Converted to Judiasm?


RIP Matthew North: Who Was Matthew North? His Open Letter To Zionist Puppet Trump Supporters! [2018]


Matthew North on Trump's Russian Mafia Connections Exposed


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Trump is the great deceiver. I realized this after CONvid! I went down the rabbit hole.

I saw North’s video awhile back.

Thank you!

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Propaganda and they said it would come out in the mainstream news in 2 days, this bitchute vid is 2 years old and it never came out in msm news.

Who's deep state shill and or bots? An over 2 year old propagwanda blah blah blah with zero sources just a narrative with zero proof. Aka bulls hit!

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LOL, you're free to keep believin' in Trump and the total theater. Have at it.

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Do you have proof he converted?

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It is said Trump Privately Converted and joined the radical Jewish supremacist, end times death cult Chabad Lubavitch. Trumps daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared are high level Lubavitchers.

Trump Converted to Judiasm?


RIP Matthew North: Who Was Matthew North? His Open Letter To Zionist Puppet Trump Supporters! [2018]


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This is this young guy's spin which I'm sure he was given from "deep state" in quotes only because you overemphasize that term so much., For example the wall was cut short in congress, they rejected funding for it., it wasn't trump that stopped building the wall , but you appear halfway smart at least, so I'm sure you already know that. You "do not comply dude" are complying perfectly with what someone wants you to say. I'm sure I'm not the only who can see through your propaganda, fake "do not comply" guy. Actually I would call you "THE COMPLY GUY", do what you're told and get paid.


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I think "Kathy" is a bot, what d'you think?

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It is "said"! Lol, that is not evidence ya tool! Ya troll!

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"IT" said....he said , she said. That is NOT PROOF!

Put up or shut up!

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This is propaganda not proof. I see zero actual evidence.

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You left out Allah Akbar !

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Still No Solutions, Comrade. Only same old shiat, sounding like the democRats more and more on the Young Turks.

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I'm not your Comrade boy---I abhor Authoritarian systems be it Communism or whatever. I am a conservative Christian who loves Jesus Christ and my fellow man. The 2 parties are non-sense too.. Thomas Massie is the only man I respect in our Congress who had the stones to call out AIPAC--He wife sadly and suddenly died 2 weeks after he spoke out.

If I had been in charge--after they tried to sink The U.S.S. Liberty---Tel Aviv would be no more in 10 minutes. Now we have Epstein, Maxwell and all sorts a shit. These ARE NOT are ally and never had been.

I am a Free man. I answer to Christ--whom they HATE!

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Enjoy the Lions, I have had my share of being food for Tyrants over the ages.

Christians fought in 1775, and supported their Leaders, George Washington was considered pompous showing up in his Militia uniform after Lex/Concord and Boton had already been surrounded to seek his Congressional appointment as Commander of the Continental (Militia) Army.

You weren't In Charge when the USS Liberty was attacked, and get a clue "WE" aren't in charge today either. You can either support the last Legit Elected President, Trump or remain on your knees.

I prefer to stand up after praying, voting if possible, fighting if necessary. Many have died, starting with Waco in my memory, when very Few even bothered to gasp at the burning alive of women & children.

Many more will die, It's how They and We die that matters. Choose your own path, i have no objections.

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When one answers to His Will, through prayer and contemplation, one may have glimpses of Truth…and just know (Intuition).

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"Reasonable authority"? "I heard it from a friend who heard it from a real Influencer on TikTok".|

Absolute nonsense.

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In what context was that uttered? I don't watch Til Tok.

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I'm talking about your highly suspicious "reliable authority". If you can tell us who that is, maybe I'll believe you.

But there is No Reliable Authority that can verify those claims.

The religious rabbi (I do not doubt that he is a rabbi and religious) mistakes the People with the country, He says it is not a county - it is. It is one of the 190 or so countries on Earth. (Unlike Palestine, which is an area.)

"Israel has formal diplomatic relations with 168 countries and signed peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan."

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It's either a shill and or a bot, replying to itself. Don't feed the trolls, obviously this one is a troll/bot/shill.

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Oky doky, the Kamal will be better. I don't f****ing think so.

I really respect Michael, but I think he's wrong on this and he is effectivey pushing for Kamala! Why the F**** would he do that? Maybe Michael is deep state maybe they all are. I don't f'ing know, but Yes I will vote against the kamal, because there is no way in hell she's a good pick for anything, especially cooking chard in her bathtub. Dear gawd.

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Canaanites... Kazarian... root of evil

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After 2 thousand years He returns the Jews back to the land He gave them after He got them out of slavery in Egypt.

God who controls everything puts them right in the middle of the Islamic hordes who outnumber them 100 to 1.

And everytime the hordes of the false god and false prophet attack Israel they are defeated soundly.

Along comes evil empire USA with it's counterfeit peace lie and Israel bows to this American Idol and forsakes and forgets who is in charge.

The Point is ;

Humans are the dumbest of God's creation and proud of their stupidity.

Are you humble enough to admit that you are dead wrong ,

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Non-sense---these are not Hebrews from the Holy Land--These are Ashkenazi's from Eastern Europe, Russia and Ukraine. They have not one drop of Hebrew blood. These are atheistic minions funded by Rothschild. These pale skinned atheists are not from The Holy Land and never were. They are targeting the native peoples who some are actually of ancient blood lines of Judea---"Netanyahu"--aka Meilikowsky is from Belarus of the former Soviet Union as was David Ben Gurion--(fake name once again). They change their names to sound more Biblical to trick folks like Evangelical Christians in their $20,000,000 mansions (The fake Preachers--Hagee, Osteen, et al.)

Very sad facts pop your balloon.

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Well here at least is some truth

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You are 100% CORRECT!

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The new book of delusions by the delusional fool who calls himself 'Outhouse Outlaw' follow the mad fool to hell if you wish !

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You're the "delusional fool" who supports genocide and the literal synagogue of satan. Enjoy the literal antichrist system you're helping to build. I'm sure their "messiah" will treat you well.

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@Marcel 4 Zion:

“Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

― Mark Twain

When it's convenient for its broken argument, the outlaw is ready to give credit to a rabbi, then calls Jews atheistic minions. It's the trademark of a loser to shape shift anything to their needs, provide no substantiated proof of their claims, and then go ad homonym on anyone that calls out their phoniness.

Also remember, SS is full of commenters that are mentally weak and knowing and unknowing shills for lots of divisive and anti-American funded groups. I almost never comment for that reason, but broke my rule only to back you up.

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Sep 1·edited Sep 3


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You Hamas supporters are all the same . They have genocide of Israel and the Jews in their Hamas Charter and you are dead silent until the Jews fight back.

Then you cry over the followers of the false prophet and the religion of terrorism.

Sick & Evil

I don't follow Darby or dispensations, pot head.

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Talk about deceived from Darby dispensationalist teaching. You need to wake up.

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Sep 1·edited Sep 1Liked by Michael Yon

Get off the medicinal marijuana. I don't believe the Darby crap or the Baptist dispensationalism false teachings . America created the UN and is advancing the Anti-Christ system mr. blind guide.

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Don't believe me, check it out for yourself... satan is referred to as the bringer of light... and sun worship (Helios is the god who personifies the Sun/heliocentric model of solar system) They woshipped other gods and have tricked us into worshipping evil. They do not believe God's promise. The Bible tells us how satan is crafty and the father of lies. God sent Jesus, and unless you believe, confess, and accept Jesus as your Savior, you will not inherit the kingdom of God.

We know them by their works and some of us are fooled/blind. Who controls us? big pharma, the media, our gov?

Exerpts from the Bible but read the whole chapter for context.

Isaiah 14:12 (AMP) “How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning [light-bringer], son of the dawn!...

Rothschild donated Scofield Bibles to seminaries with footnotes to change the perception of Israel being the chosen. Look it up.

Jesus called the Jewish leaders in John 8:44 "You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires."

Psalm 106:24 Then they despised the pleasant land, having no faith in his promise.

25 They murmured in their tents, and did not obey the voice of the Lord.

26 Therefore he raised his hand and swore to them that he would make them fall in the wilderness, 27 and would make their offspring fall among the nations, scattering them among the lands. 28 Then they yoked themselves to the Baal of Peor, and ate sacrifices offered to the dead; 36 They served their idols, which became a snare to them. 37 They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the demons; 38 they poured out innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan,

Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I have loved you.

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The devil knows the Bible and like you picks and chooses parts of it

My only ❓ is why Jesus allowed Satan to deceive you ?

Revelation 12 tells me whose side you've decided to be on.

""The Woman, Israel

12 A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars; 2 and she was pregnant and she *cried out, being in labor and in pain to give birth.

The Red Dragon, Satan

3 Then another sign appeared in heaven: and behold, a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads were seven crowns. 4 And his tail *swept away a third of the stars of heaven and hurled them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour her Child.

The Male Child, Christ

5 And she gave birth to a Son, a male, who is going to rule all the nations with a rod of iron; and her Child was caught up to God and to His throne.

The Angel, Michael

7 And there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels waging war with the dragon. The dragon and his angels waged war, 8 and they did not prevail, and there was no longer a place found for them in heaven. 9 And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole [d]world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. 10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying,

“Now the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers and sisters has been thrown down, the one who accuses them before our God day and night. 11 And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even [e]when faced with death. 12 For this reason, rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them. Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has come down to you with great wrath, knowing that he has only a short time.”

13 And when the dragon saw that he was thrown down to the earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male Child. "'"

Those who persecute Israel are with the Dragon dawn !!!

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Are You???

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am I what, son?

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Follow the thread, Comrade. The reply was to Marcel; Who you love to debate endlessly over the Jew, your Christ, All to no result..... endlessly over the centuries.

Everyone would rather be Dead than "Wrong" I Spit. and I'm older and wiser than you, btw.

Some "outlaw" you are.

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The current Zionist led Israel has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the ancient Israel as seen in the Old Testament. The laws they, sometimes, attempted to 'keep,' then, were based upon what we know of as the Torah. Modern day Zionist Israel's laws ARE, largely, albeit not exclusively, based upon the Talmud, which IS, arguably, THE most Satanic collection of writings ever written in human history.

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You got your information from a crackerjacks box and think you can sell it to anyone with a sound reasoning mind.

Unlike you God knows what He is doing when He said He would return the Jews back the the la d He gave them forever.

You demoniacs are calling God a liar and I’d hate to be in your shoes.


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The Zionist Jews who are currently in power in the Israeli government have ABSOLUTELY no connection, genetically speaking, with any of the ancient Biblical Jews.

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And THAT 👆🏼is why America stands NO chance. Hordes of semi literate Americans who couldn’t find Israhell on a map, are brainwashed by scum sucking, multi millionaire ‘pastors’ who drool over the demise of the West. Yeah, Jesus loves that sh/t🙄

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little troll.

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Do us all a favor and eat shit and die.

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You sound like an expert on the subject ? Did you get the clot shot ?

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Brother. You may want to reassess your position that Trump loves the common man. No. But he does love that the commmon man is in love with his vacant and simplistic solutions led by catch one liners over a podium on a sunny day. The man is interested in one thing and that’s what every single modern man in a powerful position desires: power. And Trump happens to touch the emotions of very poorly informed Americans today. I believe that’s called insouscience. Dumbshit voters want a saviour and Trump will play that hand. It’s a trap.

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So Step Up Comrade !!! Who do You Lead ??? Whom do You Support??? You may be willing to fight, but without some organization You will fail. 60% Trump is better than 100% Bolshevik.

Only cowards do not Trust themselves in the Use of Power. Total Responsibility is the Total Use of Power. Just because a man will assume to Use Power is No Vice. It's How he Uses it. You equate "power" like Libtards equate "guns"; It's All Bad.

Choose your Leaders or they Will Be Chosen for You.

Still No Choices mentioned, no viable ones, not even ridiculous ones. RFK jr & Tusli are more enlightened than many of the posts here, unfortunately.

We only Need Agree on restoring Constitutional Liberty to peacefully debate/ honestly elect/ and vanquish the Woke NWO Insanity. It IS NOT a One Step Process!!!

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The fact that there are no good options holds the answer. Stop believing the national political scene can be fixed; that the swamp can be drained. That a saviour is coming. Focus on your local community.

Most everyone on the planet lives in a community. Fix the communities, fix the world. Get involved where you live and work. Don't allow local politicians to implement globalist policies in your community. This is the only way forward now because at the higher levels, the systems are too corrupt for even the most well intentioned politicians to make a difference.

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Sep 1·edited Sep 1

BOOM. They had to come all the way into your towns and villages to capture you. Because they still need your Consent (or silenced and implied consent). This IS where your power lies needing capturing. And they bamboozled you with a charade of public-private-partnerships financed lavishly to step into your silence and steal your rightful voice in your communities, pretending unified support for pandemic constructs, climate hoax, child molestation, sun dimming and ‘safety’ measures trampling constitutional rights. Look up ICLEI. This is where the challenge begins. Taking back your communities and a healthy separation between the levels of ‘government’ forcefully unified under auspices of ‘collaboration’ and the greater good. Town councils, school boards, regional districts, land zoning bylaws….. protect it!

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Can you walk Locally and chew gum Nationally at the same time???

With the democRats inContinued Absolute Control of DC Polezi/ DoInJ, IRS, DHS, FIB, ATF .... Localities will be Vanquished by Force.

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Walk locally and chew gum nationally! Dang, I'll have to borrow that one. Well said!

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You Fraud.

You don't believe your own words.

You just a useless programmed Bot Troll

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csupporter can't vote our way out of tyranny!

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Gen. Lol. Very clever. The beat goes on. Except that in the meantime chaos, lawlessness and debauchery are waiting at the door of our neighborhoods.

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I never said anything different about our current situation bordering on CW

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I'm hardly poorly informed or a Dumbshit voter - and do not see Trump as a saviour. I do see him as a fighter and right now - he's the only fighter we have in a position to make some difference. All this nasty blackpilling isn't helpful - but degrading.

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I am not looking for a savior but given the alternative I'm definitely not voting for her!

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When the nukes start falling in your neighborhood you might start looking, but then it will be too late.

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The wicked will be turned to hell,and all the nation's that forget God. Psalm 9:17.

Also see what else God is doing to America, Job 12:23.

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Well said!

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With due respect, I think you are deceived.

I was deceived as well…I voted for Trump twice. Never again…

I do not consent to anything (especially man), except God/Creator, and Truth.

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Mr Yon, thank you sir for having the guts to stick to your guns and report the truth! I admit I too was on the short bus, believing the we had a choice in who would be our president in the American selections. I actually enjoyed hearing trump saying how he was gonna build the wall and make Mexico pay for it. Lol omg I drank the Oj. Thank God I wasn't so far gone reading off the Q tards that I linded up for his warp speed genocide jab! "Dark winter" event201 Deagle.com before they removed the depop numbers. It was enough to wake me up to the fact that others had been trying to tell me, just wasnt ready for those kind of facts. I wanted hopeful facts. Asumectrictal warfare tends to be unfair! I was waiting for my guy to drain the swamp and he was busy adding the worst of them to his administration! By the time they were calling out for suckers to come to DC for the entraptment I was trying to warn other patriots that we had been fooled again. All they had to do was have the msm bash him for stupid shit and patriots would have his back. Its a sloppy strategy but clearly still effective. If people can't see by now after the bragging about the genocide jab that the guy is a total POS, I guess let them continue to support him. Ivanka being a YGL alumni 2015 won't change any minds still blind to the uniparty. Even Rand turned out to be a pos. Having his wife hedge their bets against the American peoples health! Every last one of them need to be charged with crimes against humanity! Its crazy that patriots will still flip shit to someone like you Mr. Yon. They can't see the he was selected to keep the 80million armed American patriots pacified? Or that if he really on our side they wouldnt allow him to run. Duh. After the plandemic proved they all hate us. You can't vote your way out of tyranny. I believe in their freedom to be sheeple if thats what they want. I also believe they should at the very least be caught up on all the warped boosters, if youre gonna back the father of the jab, prove you mean it! Take his jab. All of them. I feel sorry for the jan 6ers we tried to warn people this guy doesn't give a shit about you, stay home. Odd how you never hear him rail on what his true supporters have gone through. That would be all the proof I needed. But he left us with a trump load more than that! Keep up the good work Michael!

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TY. I admire your pstience

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With respect, I do believe you’re deluded.

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Just wondering , Are you a follower of the false prophet and religion of terrorism ?

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Maybe you've never heard the word, 'naïve,' before. But after you've looked it up I suspect that you shall realize that that term applies fully to yourself.

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Oh brother, talk about needing to take the blinders off.

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I recently read Dan Estulin's excellent book In The Shadows of a Presidency, which IMO, well describes the environment and situation that put Trump in the WH in 2016. It was written in 2018, hence before Covid. This book brought up the concept of "depopulation" which I surmise most people were oblivious to, not now. This book also discussed the demise of Israel. I agree with Col Doug MacGregor that Israel is committing suicide with the genocide of Gaza. Hang on tight kids, because it is going to be a bumpy ride for the next few months, or next few years for that matter. No president can fix the current and future crisis - no one. FWIW I'm still voting for Trump.

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"Israel will no longer exist in 10 years.", Heinz Kissinger, 2012. So, maby a few years off but will happen.

"Israel" is owned by the Rothschild family (quite literally) so take note and Heinz Kissinger was Jacobs Rothschilds employee.

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What is happening in Gaza has radically changed my understanding towards Israel.

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Merely a pretext for their impending demise. 35% of Palestinians are in fact Christian. Orthodox Catholic. It's not all Islamic.

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Yes. And the Palestinians whatever their religious leaning are suffering the fate that Americans will suffer whatever their political leaning-- because they did NOT rise up againist Hamas dictator rule. And look in the mirror. We are doing the same thing. Watching waiting and hoping for it all to turn out ok. Ha! As the man with the bullseye on his head says- Fight Fight Fight.

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Hamas was created and funded by Soviet Israel to stop a 2 state solution. "We are doing the same thing."-----Who is this "We"?--Y'all got a mouse in your pocket? I had nothing to do with this bloodshed.

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Good! Better late than never. Remember what WWII U.S. General George S. Patton said shortly after WWII was over on the European front, "We've been fighting the wrong enemy." Even nominal Jew, Stanley Kubrick, of, '2001 a Space Odyssey.' directorial fame said, "Adolf Hitler was right about almost everything!"

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Satan and his Evil followers hate Israel because that is where the Light came from, the Bible, Word of God to a hopeless world full of deception lies and darkness enslaved to sin and eternal death.



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Wow, just wow. You are following Satan and don't even realize it.

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You're right!

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Voting for the lesser of two evils has never brought us less evil, always more evil. Any American who would vote for someone who advocates infringing on the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution deserves to be enslaved.

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If voting meant anything at all these days these two wouldn't be our only choices. Painfully clear there isnt a choice. Left wing, right wing, the bird was sold out a long time ago.

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I agree with you. Israel is hastening the end when you see EU and UK turning more Muslim by the day.

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Tuesday. Quit voting. That’s the problem.

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I think Mr. You has spent too much time in the jungle. Where are the facts to back up the accusations? None of you have facts. You are puppets repeating what you have been told to believe. If Trump were all that you accuse him of being they would not be trying to destroy him. That is not how they play. Biden/Harris just like Harris Walz are nothing but puppets just like their puppet masters Obama.

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Thank you Karen!

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Yon never gives us facts about Trump. He hates him but will not explain why. It seems childish. Maybe a nasty jungle virus is eating his brain.

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No, maybe he/Michael is not who he represents himself to be, I've always liked/respected him, but have to question his motives for pushing this so hard. He says he hates him becuase of the jabs, yet the alternative was and is far worse. He Actions speak louder than words, and seems on this subject to mix truth with lies by implication. Either that or he's just an Anarchist and seems to ahve the protifa mentality. I'd been around a few of them, and went to watch protests aka riots. His attitude imo when it comes to trump is very much like the protifas and anarchists I knew. In fact one of them, was a "ex?" navy linguist intel guy. I always wondered why he showed up at every single climate protest in the NW to the east coast on zero income and never got arrested like all the others. You never know about some people.

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I’ve always thought that operation warp speed was primarily about getting us out of lockdown. If this is true, perhaps Trump is not what you’re telling me. Perhaps, if you look at his quick dismissal of Fauci and his hydroxycholoroquin/ivermectin discussions, (that were quickly shut down) you will see what I see. These are my honest memories events of 2020. I still support him because it’s my only choice. And I do so with some reservations, but I feel more comfortable with it than not. I basically don’t trust anyone anymore, but need to indulge in hopeful thoughts to save my sanity. Thank you, Mr. Yon, for your courage in sharing this explosive post.

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Doom & Gloom from a former Green Beret after 70 years of USSA's Foreign Wars of Defeat is understandable. But on the Eve of the domestic War to possibly save the last tattered remnants of a Republic is puzzling to me.

No Leaders = Defeat, plain & simple. 2024 is the Last Chance at the Voting Booth or the Bolshevik Ballot Box. President Trump is an Honorable Man working in a Sewer of Deceit & Lies. Yet none of us walk in his shoes, but some still expect 100% immaculation in the sewer???

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"We already conquered you"- quote from CCP "Soldier"- Colorado- March 2024.

• 2.4 million here - inside.

The northern border collapsed months ago.

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So ???? Is Surrender your only course of action???

“If ye love wealth (comfort & succumb) better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” Samuel Adams

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Always always always the same "itsaboutME" Narcissist spoiled brat response from you cockey balless tuff guys - i got guns - courage- "patriots".


How many innocent women , children, elderly, disabled will be Slaughtered?

• Who is coming to save you? Clean up the dead, carnage, blood in the streets? You?

Answe that tuff guy!

We have 20 million Invaders - here - now-

who want us dead.

Why you make Reality -War on American soil -about *you, about *me?

I'm the asshole risking my life .....warning YOU!

You drink The Globalist KoolAid. You a tuff guy. YOU WONT BE HOME! You out havn a good time- just like Babylon.

USSA is Babylon 2.0 The Great Whore.

Dude! Grid down coast2coast Slaughter.

Madd Max - door to door gangs or "Illegals" in Blue Helmits- that's * why they are here. To kill you!

.....or Martial Law.

No electric-no water- no food- no travel. BOOM! "In One Hour"- USA DOA.

So, you will now guard your front door- locked & loaded- No Sleep? no travel? No bathroom breaks---- Yea- No Sleep!

The Plan is revealed.

Holiday Crowds-attack airports- concerts- celebrations- ....crowded INTERSTATES coast2coast Block-Walk-Slaughter- rape- torture- fire- hostages- Cannibalism.

Overpasses blocked.

Interstates are now border walls full of Terrorists and Death.

Oct 7/23 in USA coast2coast.

Hey, do not be offended- dude! There are millions of COMPLACENT SPOILED "Americans" just like you.

Thank you for exposing The BLINDSPOT & KILL SHOT. Yall can't leave your house again, or sleep.

Exactly what are you going to do about that reality. TODAY?

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You have Skeert me to almost shiat in my pants, OMG you are so We Tar Ted.

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Nobody Surrender Dick4BrainZ.

You can't reply anymore to me cuz u a Coward- everybody can see!

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The logical cool intelectual calm way you responded says it all.

Craaaaa craaaayzeeee

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Your like said "I get others killed"....LOL-

that is so impossible.hahaha*



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Logical cool intellectual calm,.....but crazy.

U gattazbshittnMe.


Do you prefer I get angry?

GenLATE an agenda- with a childish BRAVADO to call Realists who see millions SLAUGHTERED, that we are Surrendering Monkeys.

Yea, Dead Wrong.

Kathy, I already know there will not be an all out extended battle coast2coast.

The US Military is coming for us. The USA will be barricaded-blocked- "IN"!!! Nobody gets OUT- Trapped.

no travel 100 miles the Complete Perimeter.

They are now spraying the sky's with the bioweapon. >along with years of Geoengineeringwatch.org.

I'm exposing HIM to stop thinking he' or others are going to fight his way to some victory.


Starts > Grid down coast2coast + Madd Maxx or Martial Law door2door.


My only point is Anerica will never survive The Globalist's Plans.

They planned 2024 150 years ago.

Do you know about the FEMA Camps & Detention Camps for Slaves?They will murder 250 million Americans- by spring of 2025. The Illegals replace us. Period!

Kathy, Patriots & Christians like me will br murdered first.AnyDay Toby murdered! I'm not afraid to die my whole life- I'm a Christian.

That's the other POINT. Not about Fear- or Surrender.

It's about "Prepare to Die".

Kathy, they already have INTEL on all of us. LISTS of when they come for us.

Operation Jade Helm 15,, DaveHodgescommonsenseshow.com I've known since 2013.

Stevequayle.com I've known since 1997.

I've read his headlines - articles-- videos, since 2013. 4,000 days x 5-10/day. 35,000? 45,000?

I research THIS AGENDA -These Last Days since 1994.

Add KJV Bible.

USA is gone Kathy.

GenLATE makes the issue about him VS me. Nobody cares. I Redirected his dumass.

KATHY- What about all the women and children, elderly?

Millions Slaughtered Kathy. He wants to mock the Reality and BLIND you, others, People from the TRUTH,. NOW is time to get to The Point.

Kathy- his childish attacks on my message BLOCKS THE TRUTH.

We all face life or death decision NOW Kathy.

God bless you.

I still don't understand how I am cool logical intellectual but crazy.

Kathy, I have no feelings to ever be offended.

My Conscience Belongs to God. GenLATE can't offend me. Impossible!!

1 Corinthians 10- v29.

🙏C U N HVN 🙏

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Thank you!!!!

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Gen Early?

Seriously -- YOU LATE!!!!!

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No human is perfect, trump has his flaws for sure, as ALL human beings do, but I agree I still support him becuase I don't think it's just a vote against the boshevic comunofascists, it's a vote for what we did have with him before the world wide push, for the shots. I was doing well, definitely not rich but I could pay my bills and afford to go camping and hiking when I had time. He singed into law the anti crushing federal bill against cruelty to animals, he did alot of things good that surprised me. Under the kamal and brandon administration, I can't pay my bills and I'm on the cant afford food fasting diet.

Heck yeah I'll take trump. As on of my favorite bloggers said, the other day "Is he the anitchrist, I dont think so but I don't know, even it, he's better than the alternative."

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I agree with you 💯!!

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No, Trump does not hate America. And I am not saying that as a Trump sycophant. I think you are incorrect on this evaluation. I do think Trump is naive as to the reach and evil of the deep state and that is a problem as he can unknowingly be used by the deep state - which is a problem.

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If he's that naive then he shouldn't be running the country. You're deluding yourself thinking that he is naive, he's a pragmatic NY liberal and that is what he's always been.

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Trump is Not Naive, he almost Died!!! Unlesxs you have drunk the cool aid on that as well.

Trump is trying to Win an Election to Avoid the SuppreSSion of All of Us into a Bolshevik NWO hell.

Perhaps a Pragmatic NY Liberal protecting the Bill of Rights Liberties against a UniParty Neo Con Deep State is the Best Solution !!! from the alternative.

The bolsheviks infested the FDR administration before We were born, YET Trump is supposed to Reverse It in a day??? or even 4 Years??? perhaps but not likely. So the "Solution" offered is to just What??? roll over ??? No Solutions offered by the Succumbers

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LOL!! You mean that toally FAKE "assasination attempt"? The same cabal owns and puppeteers both sides, including the "right". Trump is part of it. Y'all need to study who the cabal really is, their true history and the strategies and tacticts they've used across history -- you'll start to see it all being played out again -- and that eventually leads you to a clear conclusion on Trump.

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Even the "Young Turks" aren't that Stupid, amazing when the "right" meets the "left" on the merry go round.

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Well said and I belive accurately as well.

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His promotion of experimental use authorization vaccines killed untold numbers of people, so there’s that. Also, his support of Red Flag gun laws is an issue, his support of the gay agenda, ad nauseum.

You’re typical of so many today in that you mistake Trumps liberalism for conservative policy, no, he is a liberal and so are you, you just don’t know it.

He will push ‘common sense’ gun control given another chance, wait for it.

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You are so blind or a complete fraud.

You Hopeless POS!

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I'd REALLY LIKE to believe what you've written about Trump, but I'm just not that naïve!

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Well, enjoy your Continuing democRat Bolshevik leaders, i'm sure your indecision will gain you an extra day or two before your shot. Even the gutless rinoRats will be eliminated. Have a nice day, and don't feel the need to "share" your imbecility with me anymore.

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Does anyone on this comment line seriously WATCH a T rally? How can you not see who he is and how hard he is fighting to try to undo an untenable situation that America has come to??

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I told you I was a snake.

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LOL, you must watch a LOT of TV. Falling for that archetypal character and bad acting...it's become comical as it's so obvious and yet the herds still don't see the edge of the cliff he's marching you off of.

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Still NO Solutions or Plans from the keyboards .......

Meanwhile the Bolsheviks continue their/them march on humanity ....


Not just Trump, but Any Counter Thought to the NWO, but by All means Anyone is Better than Orange Man!!!

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Patricia. Yes. That IS A BIG problem. It is highly likely Trump will never see the Oval.

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No, he will be installed as POTUS to my great chagrin. Dr. Shiva seems to be the most qualified as I see it although, contrary to his argument, he is not eligible as he is not a Natural born American--he is quite smart--I'll give him that.

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I've heard Dr Shiva bash Kennedy about his book on Fauci and vaccinations (on The Conservative Daily podcast); Dr Shiva claims Kennedy was okay with getting the jabs because of his family gathering in 2020 required it, which I have no way of proving one way or another. I just make note of it in light of Kennedy joining the Freedom movement to promote Free Speech and Medical Freedom.

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Kennedy insisted his wife insisted on the jab, not him. Shiva has some issues of his own but RFK Jr. is a Radical Leftist playing centrist who proposed prison for those who "Deny Climate Change."--(look up Mr. Kennedy--Love Trails).--That is quite disturbing. Shiva is actually quite brilliant in his own rite--other issues aside. Kennedy wrote a great book exposing Fauci-----but he is still a Leftist with an authoritarian bent. Contrary to his insistence that he is eligible to be POTUS I believe he's wrong (Shiva).

I myself may not even be eligible to run for POTUS as my Daddy was a Canadien American Indian and citizen of Canada (Mohawk) born on a First Nations Reserve but my Daddy LOVED this country and joined up to fight in WWII anyway. He left his Reserve to do so.

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Yes, my then boss did the same thing, got the jab because of his wife.

He told me he regretted it and would never get any more.

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I searched Robert Kennedy and Love Trails and got back things about walking trails... so I did have much success finding what you may be referring to.

Have you seen his interview with Tucker.

He talks about the environment with Tucker at the 1 hour 16 minute mark.

He is not for carbon tax and carbon metrics, but about being good stewards of the environment. In his own words:


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CHEM TRAILS--are killing us. -I am using euphemisms to avoid being blocked or booted. We all need to be good stewards of our Environment but these radical ideas like carbon taxes are being pushed by the Banking families and dumb college kids thinks it's a good idea. If they'd drop their Tracking Device--i.e. "SMART" phone and do some research, they'd understand.

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Agreed! But, if you do a little research you'll see that Obozo (or Obama, if you prefer) was ALSO not born in the U.S. His Birth Certificate claiming that he was born in Hawaii was proven by experts that the Birth Crtificate Obozo claimed was his was ALTERED or FAKED!

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Agreed. I suspect Indonesia but many have pointed to Kenya-----I myself believe he is of Indonesian decent. He looks like someone from there. Yes, he is clearly not born here. Intelligence Asset from day one--that is quite clear--but which one? Both were/are British Crown colonies so there ya go--Crown, Inc. Sheriff Joe from Arizona had done work on the 12 layered birth certificate---Photo-shop.

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STILL falling for it...

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The bigger the ship, the longer it takes to turn. I think Trump understands how to get into the wheel house. I also believe he knows where to point the ship. The powers that run the ship aren't going to just let him walk over to the wheel and turn it, and the hidden evil bastards down below certainly aren't going to allow his direction without binding their hands first. This has been a process, and you might not like the speed, but the hull won't endure anything more aggressive - it would crack, and there is no crash pump big enough to bail it out. The ship was taken by infiltration, and that is the stealth that it will take to get to the wheel. Soft steps, and a lot of misdirection.

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Agreed, it's at Least a Plan that President Trump, (the Last Legit President btw) has in mind. He could have provokes a CW in 2020 but thought better of it and stepped aside.

I don't see any of the Surrender monkeys here claiming Trump should have Declared Insurrection in 2020 and called up the Militia.

The "Ship" is going Down, steer for the rocks or the beach ??? or sink at sea???

The "Ship is Not at the Bottom" as Mr Voelz states, as We are Not in a Full CW .... Yet, but probably soon, unless the surrender monkeys prevail. At least Mr Voetz is willing to Fight even if in the last "stages" of Mr Churchill's quote.

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed;

if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may

come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

Winston Churchill

One thing is For Sure, We will never know If we don't even Try. Si vis pacem, maybe; Para Bellum, for Sure.

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I would love to see a debate between you & Michael Yon.

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The Salient Point Being WTF is Your Solution, Michael ???

I have a substack with my pitifully inadequate answers, but at Least I try to Answer that question, usually by relying on other Veterans, just as I have been a subscriber here with Michael for a decade.

And the responses here have just been something similar to "The Hill" or "Mother Jones" or just Curl Up & Die, All is Lost. Not a Captain John Paul Jones in the bunch.

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Well said

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Nobody is Surrendering you Cockey Balless Prick.

Keep talking shit!

You Narcissist Bastard gatta be The Smartest DUMBFUCK in the room. You little coward twerp



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Thank you for being such a Good Christian, Toby

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You weak! You snake.

Love bombing "approval'' patronizing pathological Narcissist and Fraud Christian.

I gave you Grace. Then you twist the knife again.

Now you still hiding, you snake.

You cant deal with The Truth.

Exposed on Substack

For the record.

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BTW- You still mock me with Kathy.

I tried.

1 Corinthians 10- 29.

YOUR Opinion of me means nothing.

I don't wake up for no man's bullshitt Approval.

It's 5:30 pm


Rebuke Kathy or go back - Under Your Rock,.

You a Serpent or you would tell the world now- you Love Jesus, and rebuke Kathy.

You on God's Schedule

I don't care about YOUR SOUL. NFBuizness.

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I focus on Reality for These Days.

Make our life only about saving souls for Jesus.



Let substack see what WE "CAN DO" with Jesus in our hearts- SAVING SOULS.



that was my only point

with you.

🇺🇸Bravado & guns can't stop *Holy Father's War & Judgement, or save the America we born in.

The Brutal Truth........💥

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Craig. Quite an analogy. In this case the ship rests on the bottom. The Republic is no more. No point in having anyone at the helm. The ship of state was once a righteous vessel. But that failed soon enough. And the globalist Eugenicists have taken control. It will all devolve to a battle from neighborhood to neighborhood soon enough. There are no more statesmen left only opportunists. That always goes kinetic.

Arm up.

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I believe it is a complicated ship. Perhaps it is made of straws - each straw is a community. In many cases, the straws can float on their own - but they are bundled by agreements, and they are driven by agreements. If the ship of straws was wrecked, many of the straws, perhaps most of the smaller ones, would float off on their own. The offices of the internal workings of the ship are run by people who are sycophants of the wheelhouse - but they do not actually know how to do the work that their office oversees. They can't actually maintain the ship. Conversely, the people who actually do the work don't completely understand the structure of the administration of the ship - but they know how to make their straw function. The administration is a concept - the straws float. Also, the small straws are well armed, with a community that has skin in the game, and a clear understanding of priority.

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I agree!

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C’mon man. You do such good work. But this missive adds nothing that will improve the lot of the commen man.

So both choices are bad. Got it. But in love and war we are sometimes faced with only bad options and doing nothing is not one of them. So you do the best you can with what you have to work with. We don’t have much to work with here, I agree. But in regards to the selection process, this has been the case for decades. It’s not new.

Plus, just for the record, I haven’t seen your proposed solution.

I suppose one could move to Albania. Or Paraguay. But for most people those aren’t options.

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I believe most commenting here don't get the full picture! What's going on in America is not about Trump or Harris! What's goin on in the world today is not about Putin or Zelensky! What's goin is we ALL have sinned against the "GREAT I AM!"

It's the Worlds sinful ways is the ONLY reason why Evil so so prevalent and becoming stronger everyday. The World is to deep in their Evil ways now! Our only way out would be to REPENT but I believe it's just to little, to late! God is very Clear in His Word that we are living in the End Times! The Battle between good and evil belongs to our Lord! He decides when America will crumble despite who gets elected.

God is in control! The END of America and the World is very near!

In my opinion, America will be decimated any day now! Whether by war, the 20+ Million illigals allowed to walk right thru our borders or financially bc the Left is fudging numbers!

Our only way out is thru Jesus Christ and Him only! Repent and Believe in Jesus and follow Him and you too will have Eternal Life with Jesus, in Heaven! That's the Ultimate goal of life in this Evil World!

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You see it. God bless.

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You are exactly correct! Best reply!

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Evil will persist when good (god) men do nothing.

Look in the mirror.

We have watched all this happen to us. We know who the evil is. UN WEF Demorat commies & many R's. Even the churches have sat back and allowed this. (vatican).

How narrow is your vision?

Look in the mirror. We are Free People allowing this to be placed upon us!

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What do you suggest we do? Do you have a way out of this? I know I am praying for our country. At this moment in time it is what I am able to do.

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Mass non-compliance.

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Our ONLY way out is thru JESUS!!!! Repent and follow him!

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Get evil before evil gets us.

Fight Fight

Action Action


Those who can must rise up.

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I totally agree with what you are saying. But we still need to pay for our country.

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Red and Blue are wings on the same BUZZARD.

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True to a degree but "Absolutes" do not Exist. Some things are better or worse than other things. The rinoRats and democRats are indeed the Rat or Buzzard Party in this Current Coupist USSA.

But Trump Won in 2020 and to restore any chance 50/50 at a semblence of an impartial sane government he must be returned to the WH.

Otherwise your choices are Succumb or literally Fight for your Survival ...... which may be the inevitable "choices" anyway. But do you want to go to immediate CW??? I would Bet Most are Not pre=pared for that option.

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While i Do Not 100% Agree with All of President Trump's positions ......... I Do 100% Disagree with the Bolshevik democRats positions.

While it's only 50/50 the President Trump can "Win" this sElection over democRat Cheating & Stealing, He Get My Vote, just to Clear my Conscience for What Comes Next, if nothing else.

Sept. 16th in NYC President Trump will be Sentenced to Rikers Island for his "crimes" from the Bolshevik Show Trial. NY Nat'l Guard AND USSA Military is being "stationed" in NYC hotels in anticipation of this "event" in case of any public upset. (note the military is Not going to NYC because of the Illegal "Newcomers" but because of possible NYC Citicens being upset aat imprisoning a Presidential Candidate with Weeks to go to the sElection.


"Oh, "That" won't happen!" sending him to jail ..... yet Assassination Did Happen, Attempted and Not Stopped by the Feral USSA Polezi....... So what's the big deal over a jailing??? Comrades.

Para Bellum

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Thank you for the share, I was not aware of this.

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They "always eat their own"


prepare for The Great Awakening (Wefferz"lose"- psyop)

"I told you I was a snake".

DJT is very lovable, .........but?

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Choose your Snakes wisely, not All are posionous, Comrade. In fact the "King" snake is impervious to the pit vipers' poison and swallows them whole. :-)

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I rebuke you, in The Name Of Jesus*

I rebuke you, In The Name Of Jesus*

I rebuke you, In The Name Of Jesus*

You wicked you Liar, false Witness, & Fraud.

I rebuke you In The Name Of Jesus*

God have mercy on your wicked heart.

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Craaaazy troll

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Let substack SEE The Real You.

You are not crazy.

You are Godless- a Lost Soul.

You & your demonz can't offend me. Truth or Jesus!

I rebuke you In The Name Of Jesus.

Gen Early made peace. YOU missed that too.

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Hey KingShitt4BrainZ

Look how shameless and follish you are - everybody watching.

THIS IS ABOUT AMERICA, NOT YOU, arrogant make believe cartoon tuff guy juvenile punks like YOU.

Thank you again make it about you*. You are textbook American Pandemic Narcissism.

Thank you KingShitt-

Exactly how and why KJV Bible Mystery Babylon 2.0 is blindly kissnyourownassagain,

- before the Slaughter.

THIS was The Only Issue 3* years ago. I warned and appealed to veterans, same SELF fish dumbfuck reaction like you.

Where is the Urgency TODAY tuffguy? Babylon 2.0 is watching -playing sports- county fair, golfing, concerts(Oct 7- Israel),

elebrating, babaQ, smokn' "dope", fkn n suckn, .....EXPECTING "somebody else" To Raise Hell, "The Jihad is coming"! "The Jihad is coming"! I joined Substack because M.Yon video interviews months ago.- is WHY IM HERE!

(but I'm the problem- APRILA?- Thank you too. WTF U Doin? blaming me- My Country is still SETUP4SLAUGHTER)

Kingshitt- you drive the bus - you take the Terrorists back to the border, safely.

The Luciferians ask & laugh at American Arrogance & Sinkhole Economy.


They run show *Centuries ago, for these days.


Lucifer asks you Gen LATE!

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Perhaps your panties are a bit too tight ??? Comrade.

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I thought you called me a good Christian 2 hours ago.

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It's probably drugs...

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It's Truth & Jesus.


EXPOSED for the world to see.

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This piece is a Harris/Walz political support piece right? It’s so amusing for Mr Yon and anyone to take this position now unless you are part of the rigged game.

So y’all understand that if you are worried about Trump, Harris is 10 times worse. If you think Trump is a deep state puppet, then what is Harris?

Let’s not waste time here. Mr Yon I would have much more respect if you just said I’m voting for Harris and you should too, but this BS about Trump is pathetic and ridiculous.

What the communist have in store for you Mr Yon and the rest of us will make Trump look like a boy scout. Every one trashing Trump here take a screen shot of what you are all writing. If God forbid Harris wins come Jan 2025 you will all see how ridiculous your points are. You are all anarchist and fools.

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Excellent response 👏

I salute you 🤚

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Why not just let it get to the point where they're coming to confiscate everything 2A? (tho, they'll always do it 1 bite at a time).

That way we can just get the CWII over with and see who's still standing.

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What he means is that with Trump, conservatives will be lulled back into complacency.

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Lulled back? It’s MAGA that’s gotten republicans out of complacency. You think mitt Romney, McConnell and Graham are awake? You think these clowns represent Republicans?

It’s Trump with MAGA that are giving the finger to the GOP AND the DNC.

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Based on what? So who is the better option? If Trump is the problem then who is the solution?

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He doesn't present one...Just hate orange man bad. Sad that M.Y. is pushing this option. I still follow him, for now, just to see how far the deep state wants to get rid of trump. So predictable, but I would'nt have predicted Michael would be part of it.

Heavy sigh.

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I know…shocked to see Yon write this.

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Why not just pray to your lord and savior Last Trump?

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I got an email about your reply before you could change it, Kathy.

You said "who says I don't"

I have a screenshot of the email notification.

And no I'm not even close to a troll. I'm First Resurrection and it would be in your best interest to show me some RESPECT, considering the fact that we will be the "Kings" (Governors) of The King of Kings in the next 7 years for a THOUSAND years.

I'm not the "silly women led astray" that Paul was talking about here.

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Those who have followed you and appreciate your expertise in geopolitics and world wars would welcome your Leadership to attempt to right this ship, not tear it down further.

We get we are in a war with evil. What we need is an organized plan of action to resist and fight this evil. No where on conservative media does anyone dare to speak on this.

Americans who can focus and rise to the challenge would unite behind such a plan.

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Your organized plan is called "your home".

They're too scared to break down that many doors of people making their "last stand".

More importantly, you have a Torah (NOT TALMUD) RIGHT to kill anybody who forces their way through your door.

I mean a-n-y-b-o-d-y

It is NOT murder. They are coming to murder YOU.

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You truly are the only person I know who sees things clearly.

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I used to think that also. No more.

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I suppose you will support the side that created the migration crisis, correct?

JFK relied on nefarious actors to get him elected and after elected what did he do? He broke company with them and unfortunately he paid the price.

There is no doubt the US political system, and to a large extent the government, has been corrupted, infected a long time ago and left untreated. What's the answer, F-it, I'm going my own way? Suicide? Open resistance (equivalent to suicide by cop)? Compliance? Contrition and compliance?

One side will continue what's been done over the last 3+ years, the other, while pledging to clean things up, may do some unsavory things, we don't know, but what we do know is that the side currently in power will ensure the destruction of what ever is left of USA. Opting out is not a responsible option, in doing so you assist the destructive forces in play. Like it or not, these are the dealt cards, play them as folding will only surrender the pot to the known cheater.

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Harris campaign: must be vaccinated

Trump campaign: you do not

Pick a side.

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I pray for everyone, and for America . I pray for God's wisdom, discernment, and strength. There are indeed many "new Chinese" (and Indians) all over San Diego where I live. Very visible, very sudden.

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