Sorry, this has the lingering smell of a coverup. ABC NEWS is totally captured. Now we trust the State Department because a little Marco Rubio is running it? And after the “aid workers“ are repatriated back to the USA, then what? Off to another assignment, perhaps? I’ll need to see some real evidence that the spooks have been de-balled and put out to pasture at some fitting place like Guantánamo never to ply their dirty tricks again.
Evacuate them back to the US. But then FIRE them.
Defund the USAID!
Sorry, this has the lingering smell of a coverup. ABC NEWS is totally captured. Now we trust the State Department because a little Marco Rubio is running it? And after the “aid workers“ are repatriated back to the USA, then what? Off to another assignment, perhaps? I’ll need to see some real evidence that the spooks have been de-balled and put out to pasture at some fitting place like Guantánamo never to ply their dirty tricks again.