Suddenly everyone is an armchair ballistics expert etc. Based on what? Not what they Know but what they Hear or who they want to beLIEve. Im sick of health rangers cowtowing to the narrative lately too & now we have yet a second "attempt" on the invincible God protected Trump. OMG people wake up.

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I just recently read that the FBI immediately cleaned up the scene (where the shots was shot). The report said they never do that. It also said the body of Crooks was cremated pretty quickly. The FBI released the body. I’m just a grandma,but it sounds to me like the FBI was busy covering up some kind of evidence. But what do I know. Just heard yesterday that Trump will be behind tall shield of bulletproof glass when he does outside rally’s from now on. Makes sense to me.

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Peggy Hall made some pretty good observations as well. No blood on the white shirt! "Picture perfect" blue sky photo?

Was this a Psyop to start a civil war, keep Trump on the ballot, a distraction from the Biden, Harris switch-a- roo, a distraction from the start of WWIII and the crash of US Dollar, or to prevent Trump from being incarcerated?

If the rally attendees would attend local meetings "with the same large numbers & enthusiasm", the crooks wouldn't dare stay in office!

Trust only in our Lord God,


Placer County, Calif.

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Michael I am done. Your anti Trump stand convinced me you have sold out. Ending my limited support for your efforts.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."-William J. Casey, CIA Director

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So..friends. We've been HOAXED. At first I thought he was shot...then I thought it was a hoax, then I thought it was for real, now....https://www.bitchute.com/video/c8a8FnsVizL1. I'm convinced we've been hoaxed and it's another Jooelection like all the other ones they've given us....

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Revelation 13:3 was fulfilled on July 13:

"And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast."

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I’ll make a video about this.

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Other than his head exploding I doubt anything would convince you.

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You make no sense.

Your position sits against your best interests.

Why cut off your nose to maybe save your face.

It is a lose/lose perspective. Please reconsider.

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Never trust someone who follows the pack. Those are called “shills”.

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Don't trust aprila.

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Too many conspiracy theories out here. He faked it. He didn't. If you don't have bonafide proof stop adding to the confusion. Maybe you're a part of the conspiracy 🤔 Just thinking out loud 👂

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Well, after I wrote all of the below, my friend pointed out that his ear seems ok now that he has his meeting with Netanyahu....and so does this article...https://www.bitchute.com/video/5gTvAkdcLmCN So...maybe Michael is right! Just don't know. Maybe we've been fooled again!

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After much thought, I determine that we don't know what we don't know.

Thank you for this thoughtful substack making me think.

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Wow. TDS and Right-wing virtue signaling got together and had the Rosemary's Baby of Substack posts. Good grief.

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Wow. TDS and Right-wing virtue signaling got together and had Rosemary’s Baby. Good grief.

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This was my podcast on the information available 3 days out from the event:


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