“Our food production capacity is crashing”

Why do you think this? It seems like the opposite is the case.

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President Trump relied on the health care professionals in his administration to provide accurate medical advice. The Doctors/"Scientists", Dr.'s Anthony Fauci, Alex Azar and Deborah Brix to name a few, misled and lied not only to President Trump and the American people but to the world population. Dr. Faucet and his wife benefited greatly financially, while President Trump was the first president to leave office with less money than when he became President. He donated all 4 years of his salary to charitable causes. He has been through hell standing up for our nation including being nearly killed. Put the blame where it belongs and not one man trying to save this country. He didn't know who was who when he took office the 1st time but he knows alot more now and that is why he is repeatedly attacked by the guilty in our government and beyond for fear of being exposed.

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Michael Yon I admire and respect you but you’re way off with Trump analysis there are NO PERFECT PEOPLE on this planet! He’s our only hope especially now with RFKJr joining rank…maybe I’m disillusioned or in a PSYOP situation but Trump is the only logical choice at this moment especially with WARMONGERS like RINO lizzie & her neocon daddy Mr dick cheney, the man responsible for 9/11, publicly supporting “Camala”, they are a complete disgrace to our country and it’s painfully obvious they hate Trump because he can expose the truth: i.e. JFK coverup, 9/11, Patriot Act, Iraq war, f-ed up withdrawal from Afghanistan, Ukraine war, vaccinations killing our citizens, food and water supply poisoned by chemicals…omg and so many other crimes and nightmares the globalist have put the human race through…

Say what you want but at least Trump wants to close the border and stop the endless wars eating up our hard earned tax payer money! He never wanted mandatory vaccinations he simply was hoodwinked by Fauxci and other “doctors” advising him how to handle the “plandemic”

All we can do now is VOTE, if you can move- get out of the cities and get in the RURAL or SUBURBAN areas of RED counties/cities/states and surround yourself with like minded people that LOVE and want to SAVE AMERICA! That’s all we can do is surround ourselves with family friends and neighbors that want to save America!!

May God have mercy and bestow a blessing to our United States of America!

Love and peace to all 🙏❤️🇺🇸

#TrumpVance2024toSaveAmerica #MAHA #MAGA

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I'll grow weed in my closet lol, it's not a space intensive crop. Meanwhile I'll laugh as Trump stabs Israel in the back because he doesn't give a fuck (hence TPTB trying to kill him).

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Never forget the "Battle of Athens" and what the returning WW2 vets did to restore justice in their corrupt county. Do our veterans have what it takes to follow their lead? I see no other way.

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If your schedule allows please consider visiting Springfield, OH to report on the 20,000 Haitians who were dropped into the town over a year ago and is creating havoc including the death last year of 11 year old Aiden Clark. I happen to live 2 hours due west of Springfield in Greenfield, IN.

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Targeted Justice

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People don't see the solution right in front of them. If a person was carrying full apostolic miracle working power & walked into a church, that person would be persecuted. Because the others far fall short, they'd become the ones who oppose God's solution while at the samectime crying, "Where is it? Where is it?" They would be too blind to see the solution. Their mind would be too full of their own ideas. They'd want the solution to be just what they think! It would be inconceivable to them to think they could be wrong about anything: let alone just about everything.

Plus, everyone has their own angle. Their f own sense of identity gained from what they do.

The solution would end their employment.

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Mike, I don't smoke dope and really wish to have nothing to do with it.

But one observation I've had throughout my life is that alcohol addiction is far more dangerous.

I've personally never been assaulted by a "stoned" person.. Just keep them out of your kitchen refrigerator.

But if you want an instant asshole, just add alcohol.

You experienced that yourself when you accidentally killed that guy who attacked you so many years ago.

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What is happening in the Mexican government? Top people are being replaced?

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There is only one choice: Trump or Harris.

Forget 3rd parties.

The choice is clear.

Maybe it's the choice of the lesser of two evils.

But the Harris evil leads only to destruction.

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I'm so afraid you're right, Michael. Thank you for the incessant reminders. I trust your insight. Godspeed.

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Either you’re against Big Pharma and ZOG or you’re one of them. There is no in between with these absolute psychopaths. Which side does it seem the Donald is on?

If elections are manipulated (which it’s clear they have been for awhile now), then voting is pointless. The future belongs to those willing and able to enact the most violence on their enemies. The govt is clearly prepared to kill you and yours almost without compunction. Act accordingly or join the ranks of the ditch kneelers throughout history.

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What the hell with the Random Caps?

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I don't agree with Michael. Trump did a fine job with the US from 2016-2020. He kept us out of wars and he put America first. He's not perfect, but know man is. We need him back in office before our Republic gets destroyed.

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@Eric Paffenroth,

Something's up with Michael Yon. In another video, he called President Trump "evil" without giving any reason.

Also, this thread at least is swarming with what feels like bots all contributing to the idea that, "Resistance (i.e. VOTING) is futile.". One thing I KNOW for sure is that if every Trump supporter listens to the bots in this thread and Mike Yon, then we're gonna have President Kamala Harris.

Voting is the LEAST we can do, and there is much, much more each of us must do as well.

And I am sure not gonna listen to the fat shit negativity on here.

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+1 (substack won't let me upvote comments)

A few Trump administration accomplishments:

* Highest real median household income in history—a record that still holds from 2019.

* Annual inflation rate of 1.9% throughout term.

* Cut 8 regulations for every new one enacted and reduced taxes.

* Better trade agreements with Mexico, Canada, China, Japan, South Korea and others.

* Net gain of 7 million new jobs. 1.2 million in manufacturing and construction.

* Net gain of 12,000 factories.

* Created Opportunity Zones which has brought in hundreds of billions in investments to lower income neighborhoods.

* Lowest unemployment rate in 50 years. Lowest unemployment for women in nearly 70 years.

* Lowest unemployment in history for Black, Hispanic, Asian, and Native Americans.

* Lowest poverty rate in history for Black and Hispanic Americans.

* Passed Right to Try which has saved thousands of lives of previously terminally ill patients.

* Lowered drug prices for the first time in 51 years.

* VA Choice reimbursed veterans who needed faster medical care outside of a VA clinic.

* VA Accountability which allowed for the removal of abusive employees.

* First president in 40 years to not start a war.

* Deescalated nuclear war tensions with North Korea.

* Middle East peace deals.

* Got fellow NATO members to meet their obligations.

* Defeated ISIS. Net drawdown of overseas troops.

* Massive upgrade of our military equipment.

* Launched Space Force.

* Russia did not take any land—unlike during Bush, Obama, and Biden admins.

* Built/renovated over 500 miles of border wall.

* Remain in Mexico policy and 17,000 Mexican troops guarding our border.

* Achieved lowest number of illegal border crossings in recorded history.

* Deported thousands of foreign gang members.

* Passed Criminal Justice Reform

* Became a net exporter of energy for the first time in nearly 70 years.

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Great summary.

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Politicians offer only illusions of hope (and help). The Founding Fathers offered a minimal federal government of the people, by the people and for the people. Until, and if, the Republic is restored to this framework, we will not have freedom and liberty. Your choice: fight or surrender.

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