Sep 1Liked by Michael Yon

BBRE: Big Boy Rules in Effect. Mistakes will be paid for on the spot in cash and blood.

This is only truth. Nothing more. We are on our own. There is no 911. We are it.

I do believe you are correct. Rev 13:10

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People should research Dr Shiva. Listen to his video’s. He explains the cabal better than anybody. And he has solutions. The man is brilliant. His movement is grass roots at this stage. So he won’t get elected. He is trying to get on the ballot in every state but nobody knows who he is at this point. In the meantime, get in the best shape of your life, dont be deceived, get prepared as best you can, tribe up with like minds. Warriors protect women and children. Be a warrior. Don’t be deceived. Don’t be deceived. Question everything. We are heading into the mother of all shitstorms

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I know who he is but there is not time to wait for him. He should pull back some of his disdain on 45 and join the team as others are. They have faults but they have good qualities too. Using the best parts of each other is what is needed

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That's the human condition. We all have qualities and faults. I am baffled every time I hear someone say a candidate (like45) isn't perfect. Who the hell is perfect AND mortal? There is not one.

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“Join the team…”? The entire population may agree but still be wrong. Case in point. Best parts of each other in a war is a meaningless pipe dream.

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I agree Jeffrey!💥

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"but nobody knows who he is at this point"

Shiva - The Hindu god of destruction and Kamala's middle name.

Psalm 9:17 & Job 12:23-25.

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My motto and mantra continues to be: Become Ungovernable. Do Not Comply and make yourself hard to kill.

"Be still, and know that I am God" Psalms 46:10.

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Trump probably has worked out a plan with big pharma to put mRNA and nano into coming government sponsored pot/drug outlets -- keep em placated with drugs and video games, said Yuval Noah Harari. Smoke away, as we turn you into transhomo robots.

He is also likely getting ready to buy stock in the companies he'll be propping up with his "MAGA" government programs upon his selection...err, I mean election.

I too am sick and tired of the sheeple, who keep believing in the illusions, retort back with "are you saying I should vote for Kamala?!?" "Trump is the least of the two evils!", ETc, ETc. Mental midget gymnastics at it's finest.

We are falling as a nation because people can't turn off the TV and do more of what guys like YOU do MIchael -- get their feet on the ground, read books, study to find the truth in the sea of lies -- and apply common sense, rational conclusions. People can't let go of the beliefs they want to hold on to, nor the archetypal character they grew up on in hollywood movies -- the hero. Trump fits that unconscious bill for them, so they can sit back with their bread and circus and hope that Trump will salvage their ignorant, slave-class existence.

I'm getting really sick of being one of the few that are awake in my circles -- no matter how hard I try, there are few takers for truth. Few will get out of their comfort zone and prioritize waking up. I guess the temporary pain and discomfort of letting go of TV and social media, and replacing it with earnest work at studying/learning the hard truths, is just far too much for most.

They'll be singing a different tune, when they finally realize that everything they hold dear is being taken from them...but by that time, it'll probably be too late.

BBRE people. It's time that all you boys started acting like big boys. It's either now, or it's going to be a hell of a lot harder later!

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The people are bought and paid for... just like politicians. The illegals get free stuff and others do not. How many are truly independent? Few are willing to change, which is why the majority are engrossed in the medical system. Got to be willing to change and modify our behavior... to create parallel systems, which I don't see happening. Both Trump and Harris know that they have us by the balls because we do not change. I struggle with this myself, so I know it's true for me. And I have changed my behavior... but not enough.

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I think of Trump as the "false prophet", and I am not even into Christian end-times eschatology

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More like antichrist


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He's been labeled that as well.

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Sep 1·edited Sep 1

Mr. "Make America Great Again" has another "bright future" in mind for himself -- Make Israel Great Forever....Amen



Isn't there a passage somewhere in Scripture that says you can't serve two masters? It's usually God or Mammon:


“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money."

To to paraphrase -- you cannot serve both the USA and Israel...

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Jihad team against Israel. No false hope Trump fan.. but you blind fools left out puppet master , destroyer Jihad H. Obama.

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Marcel. Doesn’t matter, we’ve crossed the Rubicon. Israel is going down as well. Part of what the real MASTER has planned for His wayward firstborn son and harlot wife.

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You get it The Do Not Comply Guy! It’s so difficult to meet like minded people.

I stopped trying to, and I go to God and Nature…my Hightower = Discernment!

Great comment! I absolutely concur!

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really sick of being one,

You've got it all wrong !

God is in the process of destroying Sodom and Gomorrah USA. Nothing left but ashes, glowing rubble and gamma rays of the evil empire that abandoned God.

So it's going to be a hell of a lot harder later...

Psalm 9:17 kjv - hell is at the door with 30 dozen Putin,China nukes

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Marcel. Well sure. All Gentile nations are doomed to brokenness. Soon enough. PS The Gentile nations will conduct another Holocaust upon Israel. All governments will be broken.

Only one to rise and rule all the others. Check your Scriptures. It’s all there.

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They are already labelling the Delta8 drinks in Louisiana “Nano enhanced” i stay far away. I used to love that herb because I have severe chronic pain, but I have switched to Kratom because they are doing something funny with Marijuana… Look at what they did with tobacco… It’s a shame, because it could be a great medicine if they stopped tampering with it. Also, people need to study what Hegelian Dialectic is, the occult/satanic cult controls the whole world, and the whole world is a stage where they perform Hegelian Dialectic constantly. and yea, “When we want a hero we will provide them with one” - it’s time to seek God alone, because what is happening is the world has abandoned God, whether directly or indirectly through idolatry. We get what we ask for, God hands us over to a reprobate mind when we reject the truth.

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I don't agree

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You're in good company...the masses are still working on waking up...so your response is by no means surprising. Take care.

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🤣Harris is unworthy of oxygen or carbon dioxide lol

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Meh. You're riled up, Michael. This battle was lost long ago. LONG AGO, my dear. Don't sweat it. You write to wake up people...am I correct? The people here, however, reading your substack are largely already awakened. The Globalists have the world in several pincher-like movements resembling boa-constrictor holds. When they pulled off Covid and everyone stayed home enjoying their "vacations" while the Fed printed money, didn't everyone understand at that point that inflation would kill our economy? Simply coincidentally...the largest transfer of money occurs to the 1% at that time. From that period, they've solidified their capture of the greatest financially remunerative industries like war weapons and equipment in addition to using their new-found wealth to purchase and control more media; buy more NGOs; purchase more farmland; lobby for global interests in the U.S. Congress. Look at the forces everywhere--UK, EU, U.S., Brazil, China, Russia--who want global censorship. Poor Durov. He should have understood. He ain't playin' a video game. Once released, he should have had someone help him escape over the border until he could get a jet back to Dubai. He's now Julian Assanged.

No, Michael. It's gone. It's lost. I say this with exceeding realism not regret--simply with clear-sighted vision. I only hope that, if Trump is elected, he shuts the border and deports as he promises. At this point in American history, all we can hope for is short-lived, temporary solutions. The Globalist has been on the march for centuries and will continue to fulfill their agenda because the vast, vast, vast majority of people will continue sleeping. Sorry to say...but it's the truth. Nothing we can do about it except escape where we think like-minded people live and will defend their territory with guns and the will to live free as long as they can.

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I agree.

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Sending bunkerbusters to Davos during the WEF annual convention isn’t too difficult.

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"the vast, vast, vast majority of (sleeping) people will"

probably have gotten Covid jabbed at least once, which means they will be disabled or dead within a few years

KunstlerCast 398 — Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche and the Coming Acute Crisis of Covid among the Vaccinated


Also, don't forget it's 2024:

"Everybody who has an mRNA injection will die within 3 to 5 years, even if they have had only one injection"

~ Delores Cahill, 2021


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Sooooo at THIS point shutting the border is utterly meaningless, right? Apparently you haven’t listened to MY very long. He says all you posted but with much more precise detail. And accuracy.

If you are that out off by Michael, start your own blog. Maybe you will out “like” him.

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Wow. I wasn't in any manner unkind to Michael nor disputing his points on immigration or world events--my lens may simply be different in interpretation. Isn't this the purpose of "commenting" on any forum? Each has a different POV?

My perspective believes the game has been lost. Resistance to what? Look at the American public. Where do you see any real insight or initiative? For God's sake, the Neocons are allied with the Democratic Party who continue their push to establish Marxist policies throughout America and foment wars abroad!! How much more convoluted could our political system become?

Michael is correct on his points. Yes, shutting the border at this point, in my opinion, is meaningless unless huge deportations occur...and I don't think they will. I think Trump will make a grand play with SOME deportations...notably some of the most violent like Venezuelan gangs.

I hope a fence is built, but right now we have more realistic estimates of 20,000-40,000 illegal immigrants who have entered the U.S. in the last decade. Do you honestly think the many Chinese immigrants will be rounded up? We can't even acknowledge the tremendous spying which occurs throughout our universities and research facilities.

How realistically can we recapture a viable U.S.? With over **35 trillion** in debt? A federal government hell-bent on perpetrating war wherever they reach in the world? A military which is used to capture nations specifically for the extremely wealthy 1%? Wars are started for ***their*** advantage--not the average, American citizen's.

If anyone reads and looks closely at circumstances within the U.S., they'll see entrapments from every sphere and interest: financially, socio-politically; environmentally; etc. The net goal is control as exhibited through the Covid Scam and current worldwide stranglehold by WEF adherents on huge segments of global media/communications.

These are my POVs. I'm entitled to them. You're entitled to believe as you wish and hold contrary POVs.

However, in simple comments on Substack, you "see" aggression where none exists. You see "ill will" where none exists. You need to look and examine how you perceive people.

I note Michael evidently doesn't live in the U.S. Perhaps I'm wrong. I only encountered him through his Darien Gap reports so perhaps he has a house somewhere he owns. After Darien and Texas, he appears in Japan and Thailand. I would suggest this fact alone bespeaks Michael's real feelings about the "promise" of America.

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When you look around at America the first thing that you think is "Boy, we need more people stoned out of their gourds. People are already just to sharp and attentive!"

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Actually, I think we need MORE OBESE PEOPLE.

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Sep 1·edited Sep 1

When I accuse someone of having certain alliances or beliefs, I back it up with fact in the same essay. I cannot be onboard without facts. It is just logical. I am referring to your beliefs about Donald Trump.

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Sep 2Liked by Michael Yon

I voted for Trump twice, then I woke up. I got “fired” in 2021 after 23 years, for non-CONvid compliance. I went down the proverbial rabbit hole after that.

Don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining😉.

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Trump was against

mandatory vax and lock downs.

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+1 (can't upvote substack comments). Tell those bots or propagandists that President Trump OPPOSED VACCINE MANDATES AND LOCKDOWNS all you want. The propagandists' job is to repeat The Party Line until all have absorbed it unconsciously. This tactic comes straight out of Joost Meerloo's 1956 must-read, _The Rape of the Mind_:


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Good for him! Lol!

Trump ushered in Operation Warp Speed, a bioweapon.

Look at how much campaign finance money was given to him (and others) from the Pharma Cartel, as well as GAVI.

Yeah, Trump’s “great”.

America (what’s left of it), got f**ked up the 🫏.

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@Renee Marie, you said, "Look at how much campaign finance money was given to him (and others) from the Pharma Cartel, as well as GAVI."

I would appreciate it if you would PLEASE POST LINKS TO SITES DISCLOSING the "campaign finance money...from the Pharma Cartel, as well as GAVI" to which you refer.

NOTE: BIG INDUSTRY of all sorts CONTRIBUTES TO ALL POLITICAL CANDIDATES, not just President Trump, and contributes considerably more to "democrats". I've read that Cumswalla "has raised" over 500 million dollars for the democrat party, and have to assume that Big Pharma/Big Tech, etc., did not donate this out of respect for Cumswalla's golden tongue xD.

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Sedge. Scout it out yourself. The $ pipeline is not direct. Keeps Trump “clean”. Many hands in the middle. Try Katherine Watt.

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At least one coronavirus jab has been patented since 1990:




@William Voelz and @Renee Marie, you're pretty good for bots, but the underlying premise for your criticism of President Trump is flawed.

President Trump is being attacked SIMPLY BECAUSE HE HAS RETAINED HIS HUMANITY.

UNLIKE EVERY OTHER POLITICAL CANDIDATE, DJT does not want to see America become a top-down totalitarian dictatorship. He wants Americans to have choices EVEN IF MANY AMERICANS WILL BLAME HIM WHEN THEY THEMSELVES CHOOSE POORLY.

Feel free to waste your lives nitpicking him all you want. I've got differential equations to learn, FOR AS LONG AS I'VE THE FREEDOM TO DO SO.

If Cumswalla gets inserted like a suppository into the White House, say goodbye to everything that is human.

Ask anyone who fled communism to come to America. Under totalitarianism, you won't even have the freedom to be miserable.

TOTALITARIANISM IS HELL ON EARTH. Sadly, there are people so lacking in imagination that they will need to live it INDEFINITELY in order to comprehend what they will have lost.

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Pick all the nits you want, @Renee Marie.

If you aren't a bot, you don't realize the danger America is in.

Totalitarianism as enabled by Big Tech will mean The End of being human.

This means ending small-time bickering about LGBQT..., fat-shaming, micro-aggressions, how much you personally think President Trump is a crook, gender questions, etc. BIG BROTHER DOESN'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT ANY OF THAT SHIT, AND ***ESPECIALLY*** ABOUT YOU.

YOU DON'T GET IT. IF, by cheating or sucking cock (what she does best) that visibly stressed-out, impossible-to-work-for cvnt gets implanted in the White House like Soros's Obama, it will gratify me no end to know that you will eventually realize how ignorant you are right now about the crisis facing America.

By the way, I LOOK like the libtard communist poster child. I grew up in a poor, abusive, single-parent "family", hating America and Norman Rockwell, etc. I have everything in common with Antifa and NOTHING in common with the fortunate children of intact Christian families.

However, ALL of the aMAZing breaks I've had in life have come from my own hard work (concrete achievements) and its recognition by Protestant Caucasian Americans who hired and promoted on the basis of MERIT.

Point out President Trump's flaws all you want. You're fucking yourself over and you're too stupid to realize it.

BIG BROTHER ***DEPENDS*** ON "PEOPLE" LIKE YOU TO GAIN CONTROL. Cumswalla Harris in the White House would mean the END OF BEING HUMAN. I've experienced that. Apparently you haven't.


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President Trump asked for a vaccine. Pfizer and Moderna (among others) delivered a bioweapon.

During the early pandemic days, Neil Ferguson's Imperial College, London, computer model predicted that millions would die from Covid-19. Legacy, mainstream, and social media echoed that no effective treatments existed.

Arguably, had President Trump failed to materialize protection for Americans, millions would have blamed him, personally, for ensuing deaths.


~ Dr. Geert vanden Bossche,

vaccinologist and immunologist,

March 31, 2024


Although Dr. vanden Bossche believes that "vaccinating into a pandemic" without being able to eradicate the virus was a mistake, he ADMITS that, when President Trump commissioned Operation Warp Speed (OWS), many believed that the dangers of the pandemic far outweighed the risk of a hastily-approved vaccine.



...but, again, THE OVERALL CLIMATE

...was the one where EVERYBODY BELIEVED

...WHAT THE W.H.O. AND SOME OTHERS WERE PREDICTING that this could...destroy...lots and lots of...lives


~ Dr. vanden Bossche

President Trump was THE ONLY WORLD LEADER who, at the height of the virus scare, said of Covid, "DON'T BE AFRAID OF IT! DON'T BE AFRAID OF IT!". He also advocated early home treatment with hydroxychloroquine. The media used that as an excuse to relentlessly DISCREDIT HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE.

Although I am sure you will continue to do so, you wrongly condemn President Trump for OWS.

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I appreciate your response. Mandates were implemented by Biden's Admin. I did my own research and didn't take or allow my 80 yr old mother to take any jab. If people didn't do the research and blindly followed the government - then it's difficult for me to have sympathy or understand why they blame one individual. Clearly and universally known, the Biden Admin used the jab to diminish our military of those whom would not comply (most likely wouldn't load us all up in rail cars, as well), which is unconstitutional. Additionally, there is no perfect solution in any situation where high risk of loss of life exists....easy to criticise outcomes after the fact.

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+1 I appreciate your response as well! "easy to criticise outcomes after the fact.". Frankly, I thought that the name, "Operation Warp Speed", in and of itself DREW ATTENTION TO THE HASTE w/which the vaccines were created and seemed to serve as a WARNING. My police officer great-uncle used to say, "SPEED KILLS.", in reference to driving, but the saying has proved true in many other contexts as well.

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I asked lukewarm Christians over the years ; Did you really believe that God would make Sofom and Gomorrah USA Great Again ?So you were cooked twice. And once again you are so easily fooled . Joel 3 is in play.

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Marcel. Joel 3 is clearly NOT in play today. Soon, but not in Man’s Day. . Joel awaits the Day of the Lord. It’s all in the Scriptures. You get excited by headline news. That’s a trap. Easliy done but a tempting trap nonetheless.

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He never gives facts. Those who agree with him never give facts. I am baffled by this Trump loathing!

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Marilyn. You want someone else to do all your research for you? Lazy dumbshit Americans never cease to amaze me. Whine, whine, whine. Trump constantly defends the jab. Will grab your gun as soon as he can maneuver to do it. He'll stab you in the back. Talks migration but never invasion. He's courted by Zionists and will give them whatever they want. Great again has never meant moral greatness. He's a snake. His promises are a trap for globalist thinking to hide. November's choices: Mr trash and Ms garbage. Avoid voting, that's where the trouble begins.

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Sep 2Liked by Michael Yon

🤣👍👏…And I approve of this message!

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Doomed Blind guides always leave out fellow Israel & Jew hater Jihad H. Obama the puppet master behind Biden Kamala .

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Right on!!


If one is an ADULT, they will DO THE RESEARCH! They will DO the WORK to get the ANSWERS to questions; knowledge is a BEAUTIFUL THING!! lol

The DEFAULT for ALL (no matter the country), SHOULD be......


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"If one is (a bot), they will (refuse to substantiate their arguments)!"

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And you're a fucking MORON! Accusing someone of being a 'bot', means that YOU are one!

Ask your MOMMY to look for the answers, for you! Because you seem to BELIEVE that ADULTS need to CATER to your childish ass! WE ARE NOT YOU MOMMY!! Be a BIG BOY and DO THE WORK yourself!!

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Do you know what overreacting is? xD

You replied:

"And you're a fucking MORON! Accusing someone of being a 'bot', means that YOU are one!

Ask your MOMMY to look for the answers, for you! Because you seem to BELIEVE that ADULTS need to CATER to your childish ass! WE ARE NOT YOU MOMMY!! Be a BIG BOY and DO THE WORK yourself!!"

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@Marilyn F, You are right. "(Yon) never gives facts. Those who agree with him never give facts".

That tells me something's fishy.

I will never trust anyone who tells me something important which I cannot independently verify. Personally, I will "vote harder" as though my life depended on it, and I will vote for the only president in living memory who kept America out of any new wars, and that's MY MAN, PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP. Oh, and while I'm here:

A few Trump administration accomplishments:

* Highest real median household income in history—a record that still holds from 2019.

* Annual inflation rate of 1.9% throughout term.

* Cut 8 regulations for every new one enacted and reduced taxes.

* Better trade agreements with Mexico, Canada, China, Japan, South Korea and others.

* Net gain of 7 million new jobs. 1.2 million in manufacturing and construction.

* Net gain of 12,000 factories.

* Created Opportunity Zones which has brought in hundreds of billions in investments to lower income neighborhoods.

* Lowest unemployment rate in 50 years. Lowest unemployment for women in nearly 70 years.

* Lowest unemployment in history for Black, Hispanic, Asian, and Native Americans.

* Lowest poverty rate in history for Black and Hispanic Americans.

* Passed Right to Try which has saved thousands of lives of previously terminally ill patients.

* Lowered drug prices for the first time in 51 years.

* VA Choice reimbursed veterans who needed faster medical care outside of a VA clinic.

* VA Accountability which allowed for the removal of abusive employees.

* First president in 40 years to not start a war.

* Deescalated nuclear war tensions with North Korea.

* Middle East peace deals.

* Got fellow NATO members to meet their obligations.

* Defeated ISIS. Net drawdown of overseas troops.

* Massive upgrade of our military equipment.

* Launched Space Force.

* Russia did not take any land—unlike during Bush, Obama, and Biden admins.

* Built/renovated over 500 miles of border wall.

* Remain in Mexico policy and 17,000 Mexican troops guarding our border.

* Achieved lowest number of illegal border crossings in recorded history.

* Deported thousands of foreign gang members.

* Passed Criminal Justice Reform

* Became a net exporter of energy for the first time in nearly 70 years.

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@Marilyn F,

Remember ChatGPT and AI. Expect a TON of bots on online forums trying to demoralize President Trump's supporters. AI can accuse and name-call, but it cannot reason. Something's up with Michael Yon's unsubstantiated ranting against President Trump.

Yon isn't the man who has taken flak from every possible angle for over 8 years. Yon isn't the man who fired Henry Kissinger (who attended every Bilderberg meeting since their inception and was until his death the brains behind the globalists' plan). Yon isn't the man who denied the central banks their most profitable prize, namely WAR. President Trump did all those things.

Anyone who disdains President Trump and who cannot, CLEARLY AND UNAMBIGUOUSLY STATE AND CITE FACTS supporting their dismissal of 45 deserves to be ignored.

Remember what President Theodore Roosevelt said:

“The poorest way to face life is to face it with a sneer,” he said. “A cynical habit of thought and speech, a readiness to criticize work which the critic himself never tries to perform, an intellectual aloofness which will not accept contact with life's realities—all these are marks, not ... of superiority but of weakness.

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

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The facts are what we SEE. And it is undeniable! POS Trump IS 'one of them'!


I wish that it wasn't true, but it IS. I WAS a Trump supporter; not any longer.


And the 'Cherry On Top' of those fuck ups......he is CONTROLLED by the Satan-worshiping Khazarians (aka 'Israel'; aka FAKE jews)!!

I no longer use 'POTUS Trump'; I now use, 'POS Trump'. POS = PIECE OF SHIT!



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Sep 2Liked by Michael Yon


After the Operation Warp Speed debacle, that was it for me.

God > Intuition saved my ass!

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Sep 2Liked by Michael Yon


First, he SAID that he was going to 'Drain The Swamp'. What did he ACTUALLY DO?


He UNLAWFULLY 'shut down' the country! That is a HUGE 'NO-NO'! I don't care if NUKES are raining down on this country, one CANNOT 'suspend' Our Constitution! PERIOD!

Then came 'Operation Warp Speed'. Again......UNLAWFUL; EVERYTHING that was done with this PsyOp! HE is RESPONSIBLE for MURDERING/INJURING MILLIONS of Americans! And, to THIS DAY, he is PROUD of wtf he has done!

Then we have the fact that he is an Khazarian-Satan-Worshiping ASS-KISSER! Add to that the fact that he had his *puke* daughter and her SATANIST-KHAZARIAN 'husband' in his ear, for 4 fkn years! Those two had NO BUSINESS ANYWHERE NEAR the WH!

Oh yeah!!.....I KNEW that the 'CV19' bullshit was a PsyOp, on Day 2 of their...."The SKY IS FALLING!......THE SKY IS FALLING!!.....DEADLY VIRUS!". Shit just does NOT go down like that, IN REALITY!! And......on Day 2.....I went 'searching'; and I find Dr. David E. Martin, who only CONFIRMED what I already KNEW!........PsyOp! And learned a lot more of what the hell was going on, via Dr. Martin. I found his vid WITHIN a HALF AN HOUR! (WHY didn't ANYONE ELSE?!?!?!)

Fuck Trump!

Fuck RFK Jr.!

I'll be voting for Dr. Shiva!!

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Sep 2Liked by Michael Yon

I get it DawnieR 😉👍. And I’m not voting for anyone in an illegitimate voting system. I’m not that stupid.

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I have voted "withdraw consent" for the past several elections

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I might do that, instead of voting for Dr. Shiva. I'll have a think on that. GREAT idea though!

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"What did he ACTUALLY DO?"

While in office, President Trump FIRED HENRY KISSINGER.

A few Trump administration accomplishments:

* Highest real median household income in history—a record that still holds from 2019.

* Annual inflation rate of 1.9% throughout term.

* Cut 8 regulations for every new one enacted and reduced taxes.

* Better trade agreements with Mexico, Canada, China, Japan, South Korea and others.

* Net gain of 7 million new jobs. 1.2 million in manufacturing and construction.

* Net gain of 12,000 factories.

* Created Opportunity Zones which has brought in hundreds of billions in investments to lower income neighborhoods.

* Lowest unemployment rate in 50 years. Lowest unemployment for women in nearly 70 years.

* Lowest unemployment in history for Black, Hispanic, Asian, and Native Americans.

* Lowest poverty rate in history for Black and Hispanic Americans.

* Passed Right to Try which has saved thousands of lives of previously terminally ill patients.

* Lowered drug prices for the first time in 51 years.

* VA Choice reimbursed veterans who needed faster medical care outside of a VA clinic.

* VA Accountability which allowed for the removal of abusive employees.

* First president in 40 years to not start a war.

* Deescalated nuclear war tensions with North Korea.

* Middle East peace deals.

* Got fellow NATO members to meet their obligations.

* Defeated ISIS. Net drawdown of overseas troops.

* Massive upgrade of our military equipment.

* Launched Space Force.

* Russia did not take any land—unlike during Bush, Obama, and Biden admins.

* Built/renovated over 500 miles of border wall.

* Remain in Mexico policy and 17,000 Mexican troops guarding our border.

* Achieved lowest number of illegal border crossings in recorded history.

* Deported thousands of foreign gang members.

* Passed Criminal Justice Reform

* Became a net exporter of energy for the first time in nearly 70 years.

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I never said that POS Trump did not accomplish anything 'good'.

It's his FAILURES, that were MASSIVE, that now over shadows ANYTHING 'good' that he did!

The NOT 'Draining the Swamp' could MAYBE be forgiven.....but he is DOING IT AGAIN!!! Trump is SURROUNDING himself with GLOBALIST SWAMP CREATURES! WHY is this?? Because HIS IS ONE!


And THAT had put COUNTLESS.......COUNTLESS SMALL ('Mon & Pop') businesses OUT OF BUSINESS, and COUNTLESS MORE with UNDUE HARDSHIPS! So, his 'job creation', during his Term, is now MEANINGLESS, because of the number of businesses/jobs LOST, with his shutting down the country!

On the tails of that......is the UNFORGIVABLE 'Operation Warp Speed'! Again.....MILLIONS of PEOPLE were MURDERED! And MILLIONS MORE INJURED. I don't know about YOU......but *MY* 'Death List' is up to TWENTY TWO PEOPLE that I know, that have DIED from THE DEATH JAB!!

And, AGAIN......the 'Cherry On Top' is the FACT that the Khazarian (aka 'Israel') State OWNS TRUMP! He, therefore, is NOT 'America First'!!

POS Trump is a wolf in sheep's clothing! And the HORRORS in Palestine will SOON HAPPEN TO US, here in America! WE ARE PALESTINE!! WE ARE the PEOPLE of PALESTINE!! Those Psychopathic, Satan-worshiping Khazarians, with THE HELP OF THEIR PUPPET, Trump, will soon DO THE SAME, to AMERICA! They (Khazarians) SAY AS MUCH! They HATE America! They HATE Christians! They HATE HUMANS!!

Anything 'good' that Trump did is/was just CRUMBS, compared to his MAJOR, MASSIVE fuck-ups! The 'good' is NULL & VOID!

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I asked lukewarm easily duped Christians over the years , Did you really believe the God would make Sodom and Gomorrah USA Great Again ?

Blind fool Jew haters like the Satanists always leave out fellow traveler Jihad H. Obama , another fellow Satanist.

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Doomed Blind guides always leave out fellow Israel & Jew hater Jihad H. Obama the puppet master behind Biden Kamala .

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From a post by user @FransDuncan in the comments here:



"Way back, during the Obama years, there was a site called the Ulsterman Report. It disappeared (or GOT disappeared) a long time ago, but I remember the occasional updates published there from one 'White House Insider.'

This source said that Obama spent most of his time upstairs in the East Wing, watching ESPN.

VALERIE JARRETT had a huge amount of power and Obama relied on her opinion for most of his decision-making.

The one exception to his indifference and disengagement was the 'kill lists.' Every week, the military/national-security people brought him a list of possible drone targets, which is something the president has to sign off on.

Obama got his jollies from making the final decision on who was doomed to die that week. He relished this godlike power of life and death so much that he couldn’t even keep his ghoulish glee to himself, and slipped up at least once PUBLICLY. You may recall the “mainstream media” reports quoting Obama boasting that he’d discovered he was actually pretty good at this killing business.

He is one sick son of a bitch.

You may recall his record in the Illinois Senate. It was all publicly available at the time, but no one cared to look. He was one of the most disengaged people ever to occupy a seat in that body. On most issues, he wouldn’t vote yes or no, simply voting 'present' instead. He refused to commit himself one way or the other.

Other than pushing his buddy Bill Ayers’s education schemes, one of the very few issues he took any interest in at all was protecting the practice at some hospitals of killing babies that had the audacity to survive very-late-term abortions and be born alive. A bill was in the Illinois legislature to stop this practice, a practice that was entrenched at the hospital where Obama’s pastor, the odious 'Rev.' Jeremiah Wright, served on the board.

Obama was so passionate about killing these poor little babies that he not only voted against the bill that would have protected them, but he actually stood up in the Illinois Senate and gave a SPEECH defending infanticide. He said that when a woman paid for the services of an abortion doctor, she was guaranteed the right to a DEAD baby. If the baby broke the contract by coming out NOT dead, then it was the doctor’s contractual obligation to kill it.

I tried telling everyone I encountered back in 2008 that Obama was one sick puppy. But no one would listen. All they could see was the color of his skin. Everyone, black and white, was determined to vote for the Historic First Black President (TM). Instead, they got a sick, killing-fixated Ghoul in Chief."

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And all this time even after the eight years of Obama's destroy agenda the *Republicans sat on their faces and kept cashing to their checks for their hard work.

*Worthless, Useless do nothing enablers of evil who talk and sleep.

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Hamas, Islam followers of the false prophet, the extreme far left and fellow Jew haters serve the same god 👹.

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You're just ignorant!

So-called 'Hamas' was CREATED BY so-called 'Israel'. CREATED, FUNDED and RUN by!

Do you know where 'radical Muslims' originated? NAZIS!! (ie NAZI Germany)

That's right! NAZIS!!!! Lets connect dots, shall we?!

The Bush Crime Family = NAZIS

The Clinton's = NAZIS


Benyamin Mileikowsky (aka Netanyahu), a EUROPEAN/'Israel' = NAZIS

The Ukraine/Volodymyr Zelensky = NAZIS


They ALL radicalize Muslims and use them as weapons!

Muslims are NOT the problem! KHAZARIANS SATANISTS ARE!!

By the way, I am NOT a LibTard!

You Satan-worshiping Khazarians just LOVE to accuse others of what YOU DO/ARE!


So, your 'jew-hater' and 'antisemite' BULLSHIT no longer works! Your LIES, NO LONGER WORK! The WORLD no longer is playing that game!

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You were too easy for Satan to destroy.

On Judgement day when you die all alone and stand before God, the first thing He will tell you is He's Jewish and the KHAZARIAN crap was the invention of Satan.

You were so easy to deceive, like shooting fish in a barrel.

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45 - 47 comports to 9 - 11.

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The FAKE 'Right' and the FAKE 'Left'......are two sides of THE SAME COIN!

Now we have the 'Purple Party', with Trump and RFK Jr. 'joining forces'.




A 2 and 1/2 min video.......

PayPal Mafia Donors Are Pleasing the Purple Party


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So who will you vote for then? What's the strategy when there is no choice that could actually win. We're down to the lesser of evils

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I don't think you quite get it Tom. We don't elect them. They are selected after a long vetting process because they are all alike on the basics. Then we just pick one. It doesn't matter which one.....and if the one "they" prefer" doesn't get the vote, they just cheat. The big trends that are important to the controllers continue on unabated. Always. Our government is no longer in our hands. If it ever was.

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DC. Do your research, stop reading MY or quit your whining.

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Streetwise Common Sense- somehow DJT NYC surrendered.

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I am very curious as to Trump's real affiliation with WEF. If Trump is indeed a WEF supporter, please show the evidence because that would be a serious indictment. And consider these bytes:




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Ivanka is/was a WEF "young leader."

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Sep 1Liked by Michael Yon

She was insisting that people need to be registered to use internet. DJT photos with all the globalists.

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"Jared Kushner did more damage to the presidency and the Trump agenda during his four year reign of error at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue than anyone."

~ Peter Navarro

on Jared Kushner, "The Clown Prince of Pennsylvania Avenue"


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I have read that Trump is either a converted jew or a crypto jew. And that one or more parents died in a jewish old age home. Trump's son in law is a jew. Trump also did the wall obeisance but it seems apparent that all national politicians have to do that. I also saw a video where Trump said "I'm not a Christian". No one ever says anything about that.

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Trump also pardoned Jared Kushner’s father. Do your research on that “fine man”. He’s a blackmailer. This is a fact.

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I want to see that video. When his brother Robert,was dying of cancer, he was doing a Bible study with a Baptist pastor. Robert was Born Again, he accepted Christ as his Savior right before he died. Donald was there and witnessed this. Not one of you knows his heart! Perfect?, no, but neither are any of you! I don’t see Trump as any kind of “Saviour”, but a leader?! Yes. I’m always curious as to what your alternative is?

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Sep 2Liked by Michael Yon

here is the video.


I don't want a leader. I want someone who isn't a zionist and will follow the BOR and constitution. Someone who will put the US first instead of israel. Keep away from foreign wars and entanglements. Fix the voting system so corruption and vote theft is at least minimized. Secure the border. Deport the illegal aliens. A significant reduction in the size of fedgov. balance the budget. Abolish the dept of education. Investigate, remove and /or overhaul the three letter agencies, abolish the fed. Just a short list.

Trump won't do any of these things. He will make promises is about all. I realize you are a Trump advocate. I was too. In terms of which wing of the same vulture is better, Trump is better. Commie mala is garbage. Tampon timmy is garbage. There is no one coming to save us. Being worshipful of a politician is unbecoming to a free man.

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When did supporting the only president in living memory who did not involve America in additional wars become confused with "worship"?

America didn't become a bloated bag of debt and corruption overnight. We the People fell asleep at the wheel and LET IT HAPPEN.

Now you're being greedy, entitled, lazy, and spoiled in demanding the equivalent of a personal trainer converting Vickie Nuland into a supermodel in a few months.

Here's something to suck on:

A few Trump administration accomplishments:

* Highest real median household income in history—a record that still holds from 2019.

* Annual inflation rate of 1.9% throughout term.

* Cut 8 regulations for every new one enacted and reduced taxes.

* Better trade agreements with Mexico, Canada, China, Japan, South Korea and others.

* Net gain of 7 million new jobs. 1.2 million in manufacturing and construction.

* Net gain of 12,000 factories.

* Created Opportunity Zones which has brought in hundreds of billions in investments to lower income neighborhoods.

* Lowest unemployment rate in 50 years. Lowest unemployment for women in nearly 70 years.

* Lowest unemployment in history for Black, Hispanic, Asian, and Native Americans.

* Lowest poverty rate in history for Black and Hispanic Americans.

* Passed Right to Try which has saved thousands of lives of previously terminally ill patients.

* Lowered drug prices for the first time in 51 years.

* VA Choice reimbursed veterans who needed faster medical care outside of a VA clinic.

* VA Accountability which allowed for the removal of abusive employees.

* First president in 40 years to not start a war.

* Deescalated nuclear war tensions with North Korea.

* Middle East peace deals.

* Got fellow NATO members to meet their obligations.

* Defeated ISIS. Net drawdown of overseas troops.

* Massive upgrade of our military equipment.

* Launched Space Force.

* Russia did not take any land—unlike during Bush, Obama, and Biden admins.

* Built/renovated over 500 miles of border wall.

* Remain in Mexico policy and 17,000 Mexican troops guarding our border.

* Achieved lowest number of illegal border crossings in recorded history.

* Deported thousands of foreign gang members.

* Passed Criminal Justice Reform

* Became a net exporter of energy for the first time in nearly 70 years.

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3

I understand you are triggered. No problem. I did say Trump was better. Calling me "greedy, entitled, lazy and spoiled" and "here's something to suck on" are good insults. At least you didn't call me the globo homo insults like racist, homophobic, islamophobic, xenophobic etc.

I demanded nothing, I said what I thought should be done. We are in fact ostensibly on the same side. Which I thought was clear.

Emotion and a politician will save us aren't the best responses to our problems. I understand the apparent need of people for someone to follow. That's normal. What is better is following principle, reason and ethical behavior rather than mere men.

You didn't address any of my points. Instead you listed Trump's accomplishments, which are good if true and if they weren't temporary or mere words. People used to do the same with barry soetoro's "accomplishments." So such a listing doesn't mean a great deal. Especially considering the state of America right now.

Bureaucracies, especially hostile bureaucracies, really don't change. They might agree to change but the reality is they do whatever they want for the most part because the next guy will be along sooner or later. And many are laws unto themselves, as we have seen over and over, especially the three letter agencies.

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Michael, Mr. Yon, I believe you to be one of the bravest men I have come across in my entire life, sir. I would like to, with all due respect, ask you to suggest some specific solutions/approaches. As they have Weaponized Anxiety with this cumulative non-sense I believe we need to formalize Solutions we can implement as we decend into further chaos.

I thank you for your Bravery sir.

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I want solutions as well...but I don't expect Michael to be the one to deliver them. He's out there doing twice the actual work of 10,000 keyboard warriors. He's friggen boots on the ground, hiking in the sh!t and delivering the truth to us. He's helping people wake up to the realities of what we're facing and is unfolding.

Just like David Webb -- who wrote a recent book called "The Great Taking". He illustrates the way this WEF commie globalist cabal has setup legislation and systems to wipe everyone out and take their assets, during their planned global financial collapse. He brings all of the receipts about how and why they can possibly do it and get away with it -- but brings little to nothing in the way of solutions. Painful, as I want a roadmap and blueprint and someone to tell me what to do...but...if you do your homework, it doesn't take long to figure out the basics and what you should do to prepare as much as possible

It's up to all of us, including Michael and David, to continue to try and figure it out. We're all in the same boat. I think Michael clearly has indicated on many occasions that people need to first wake up, understand, get mobilized...prepare...organize...build community, etc. No one has a crystal ball of exactly how and what will unfold, but there are a lot of glaringly obvious basics we can and should be focused on.

Build Independence:

- Get the hell out of the big cities and suburbia if you can

- Be able to support your family for at least 6 months

- Grow your own food

- Raise animals

- Be able to harvest your own water

- Be able to generate your own energy

- Learn basic skills (handyman, building, gardening, medical, self-defense, etc)

- Learn to preserve food

- Use alternative financial systems

- Build and support local economy

- Build and support local community

- Build your tribe, team and community network

- Get in shape - exercise

The sooner we all prioritize our lives to focus on the list above as much as we can, the sooner we'll be the solution that we're looking for. That's the best I've got at this time Outlaw.

With that said, very few people around me in California that are awake. I've got a lot of work to do!

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Good luck. Building a like minded group is like showing a wristwatch to a hog. And of course no one agrees on hardly anything and if they do agree then options and courses of action are vastly different. Or impractical. Nothing much will happen until people realize they have lost everything. There won't be a Lexington and Concord moment. As if there already hasn't been.

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I wouldn 't disagree -- but do the best you can and get started. There are still lots of people waking up. Best of luck man.

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and the very same to you. Regards.

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People won’t get it until there’s “barbarians at the gate”. Nothing affects them…until it does!

I’m in Commifornia as well 🤦‍♀️. I get it!

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Contemporary Fornicalia is one of the most racist states in the U.S.A.

Regardless of what people think of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, few statements have been more accurate than this:


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Get your point. But MY is not responsible for your safety or future health. That’s on you and your family and close friends. The Weatherman cannot course correct the hurricane. But he will tell you within certain limits where it will hit.

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Correct, Michael Yon "is not responsible for your safety or future health". Arguably, MY isn't even responsible for his OWN health, or he would not have allowed himself to wax so OBESE. A physique such as Yon's comes from DECADES OF OVEREATING AND PHYSICAL INACTIVITY.

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Sedg. Have you seen MY recently? Dropped 40 lbs and still making it happen. Get a grip.

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At one point, a former acquaintance went from 310+ lbs. to 210 lbs. in less than a year. However, during the following year, he gained it all back and then some.

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Sad indeed. Keep your eye on MY.

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Could be wrong, but my impression is that MY dropped the 40 lbs you mentioned by fasting. I say this because of his recent post about fasting. IF that's true, it's possible some of his weight loss was not just fat, but muscle.

The body is complex. Unfortunately, it will not take orders to delete only excess fat during times of stress (such as fasting).

Our mental and physical states today are snapshots of our lifestyle, our HABITS which, again, are the expression of deeper complex habits of thought, and so on.

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What makes you "believe (Yon is) one of the bravest men (whom you) have come across in (your) entire life"? YON'S OWN SELF-PROMOTIONAL WORDS? Yon repeatedly (one could say, propagandistically) boasts about his bravery and the numbers of countries to which he's traveled.

Doubtless, Yon performed at least a few "brave" acts, JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER GREEN BERET WHO EVER LIVED. Unfortunately, for some time now, Yon has been -- and that is the right phrase, "HAS-BEEN" -- an OBESE, self-promoting talk-talk-talk-talk-talk-talker who solicits DONATIONS (from whom?) to travel the world for free and write about what he hears. Oh, and EAT while he's at it.

Yon clearly eats his way around the world. It's hard to imagine someone so rotund dodging bullets.

FYI: ANYONE who has done ANY traveling AND who has made ANY effort to speak with random individuals everywhere is GUARANTEED TO HEAR NEWS THAT DOES NOT MAKE MAINSTREAM COVERAGE. That is, in fact, one of the best things about traveling. Few make as much $$$ off of yakking as the OBESE MICHAEL YON.

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I don't recall asking for your opinion. My comments were directed to Mr. Yon. Obese? I reckon not unless y'all consider having a 58 inch shoulder span to be obese. He is clearly a very large man-Obese? Not even close.

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Agree 100%

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Do you not read Trump's statements? He correctly points out that the adult electorate (you know - people entitled to vote) have legalized "dope" - not him, and his point is that we need to accept that if we plan to continue to be some form of free society. The alternative, actually, is for a totalitarian to take the reins and forbid "evil" drugs - and probably "evil speech" while he's at it. If you have read his other statements, he has cautioned against legalization. But if you don't read any, you haven't read those.

Maybe we'd be better off with King Yon, but I don't see you stepping up to the plate. If you're leaving reporting to become a pundit, you might at least propose solutions instead of just spitting into the wind.

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AP. You really don’t get it do you. I read so many posts from people like you who breeze through some of MY’s posts and make ignorant statements afterwards. It is truly pathetic.

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They're Everywhere in these Final Hours, before Immigration Jihad goes *Flashpoint- in one hour- coast2coast, door2door.

• BUT--- Legal DOPE & Killn Babies is their Priority,

Why? ...How? ....Entitled spoiled useless Snobbz- Willfully Blind Complacent Traitors.

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Yon ignores President Trump’s 2020 predicament in which Trump was "damned if he did and damned if he didn't".

During the early pandemic days, Neil Ferguson's Imperial College, London, computer models predicted that millions would die from Covid-19. Legacy, mainstream, and social media echoed that no effective treatments existed. Arguably, had President Trump failed to materialize protection for Americans, millions would have blamed him, personally, for ensuing deaths.


~ Dr. Geert vanden Bossche,

vaccinologist and immunologist,

March 31, 2024


Although Dr. vanden Bossche believes that "vaccinating into a pandemic" without being able to eradicate the virus was a mistake, he ADMITS that, when President Trump commissioned Operation Warp Speed (OWS), many believed that the dangers of the pandemic far outweighed the risk of a hastily-approved vaccine.



...but, again, THE OVERALL CLIMATE

...was the one where EVERYBODY BELIEVED

...WHAT THE W.H.O. AND SOME OTHERS WERE PREDICTING that this could...destroy...lots and lots of...lives



~ Dr. vanden Bossche

President Trump was THE ONLY WORLD LEADER who, at the height of the virus scare, said of Covid, "DON'T BE AFRAID OF IT! DON'T BE AFRAID OF IT!". He also advocated early home treatment with hydroxychloroquine. The media used that as an excuse to relentlessly DISCREDIT HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE.

YON IS WRONG to condemn President Trump for OWS.

President Trump asked for a vaccine. Pfizer and Moderna (possibly others) delivered a bioweapon.

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Excellent point; thanks for taking the time to make it.

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+1 (substack won't let me upvote comments)

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AllahnaPundit, IMO Best comment on this whole thread, and I am reading all of them!

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+1 (substack won't let me upvote comments)

@Stephanie Hart,

There seem to be a lot of nasty, unsubstantiated comments without citations, and I have to assume at least some of them are from bots.

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Our government officials and talking heads, worldwide, taut our system as a civilized and representative democracy.

Periodically they let us, the citizens, vote for representatives who in turn vote for new laws for us.

Voting for someone to vote for changes in government policy is the only means we have to redress our grievances.

Yet the Congress and Legislatures openly admit that they do not read, examine or debate any of the laws they vote on.

The honest representative admits that they vote the way their advisors tell them to vote.

In the USA, they vote on one hundred - 2,000 page laws per day.

According to the powerless, nothing changes except for the worse.

As responsible Citizens, we must develop a way to evaluate 200 Thousand pages of law speak per day.

This evaluation must be public, transparent and in a form that the representative can view in order make their vote congruent with that of their constituents.

Ross Perot called it The Electronic Townhall. “It is only logical that it will become our Fourth Branch of Government”, he said.

How it works:

Before a new law, tax, or expenditure can be put on the books it must first be Ratified by the Citizens.

Existing laws can be Annulled by the same super majority required to Ratify them.

This program can be applied to every level of government and will ultimately solve every problem we have.

To prevent chaos, the basic law, our Constitution and Bill of Rights, would be exempt from review.

Citizenship is about the Ratification or Annulment of each line of every law, rule, regulation and supreme court decision on the books or that is on the docket waiting to be turned into law, policy and taxes.

Nothing short of this is going to ameliorate the present situation, nor will we get to the Stars without it.

And now we must decide who gets to participate in this amplified voting, and how the vote is counted and what specific impact the sacred vote has at the business end of government.

Right now, the first question is:

How much freight does an opinion carry?

# 1. Who gets to vote in the: general election?

a. citizens only - Yes No

b. natural born citizens only - Yes No

c. natural born citizens with four natural born grandparents - Yes No

d. naturalized citizens (legal immigrants) - Yes No

e. legal immigrants not yet naturalized - Yes No

f. anyone with a drivers license – Yes - No

# 2.1 Ages of Voter

g. minimum18 years

h. minimum 21 years

i. minimum 25 years

j. minimum 30 years

k. minimum 33 years

l. minimum 35 years

# 2.2 Sex of Voter

a. Male – Yes - No

b. Female – Yes - No

c. Non – Binanry - Yes - No

d. Transgender - Yes - No

# 2.3 Competence of Voter

e. property owners net value over $50,000 - Yes - No

f. property owners net value over $250,000 - Yes - No

g. tax exempt persons – Yes - No

h. those receiving welfare / food stamps – Yes - No

i. those with unpaid child support obligations - Yes - No

j. those receiving WIC – Yes - No

k. those receiving Section 8 – Yes - No

l. those working for government bureaucracies – Yes - No

m. those that will pay a $5000 poll tax - Yes - No

n. those that have paid a minimum of $5000 per year of tax for their combined jurisdictions in excess of any received via SS, Medicare, Medicaid, ATFWDC - Yes - No

# 2.4 Genetic presence of Voter

a. Male without children – Yes - No

b. Male with children – Yes - No

c. Male with children plural vote – Yes - No

d. Female without children – Yes - No

e. Female with children – Yes - No

f. Female with children plural vote – Yes - No

g. Only married males with children, never divorced can vote. – Yes - No

# 3.0 Who should be trusted with the responsibility and power of Public Office?

a. Only those authorized to vote in the general election - Yes No

b. Male without children – Yes - No

c. Male with children – Yes - No

d. Female without children – Yes - No

e. Female with children – Yes - No

f. Only married males with children, never divorced can hold public office – Yes - No

g. Depends on the office - Yes - No

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+1 (substack won't let me upvote comments)

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Unless you have a better option Trump is the better of the two. And he’ll just be a one term president so I’ll take my chances.

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Boy, Harris will be so much better than Trump, amirite?

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See my comment about mental midget gymnastics above...

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When presented with a digital choice, only a mental midget will say take a third way…

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That’s why I’m not voting. I do not consent!

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Which is why I write in "withdraw consent"

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I don't agree with Michael. Trump did a fine job with the US from 2016-2020. He kept us out of wars and he put America first. He's not perfect, but know man is. We need him back in office before our Republic gets destroyed.

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@Eric Paffenroth,

Something's up with Michael Yon. In another video, he called President Trump "evil" without giving any reason.

Also, this thread at least is swarming with what feels like bots all contributing to the idea that, "Resistance (i.e. VOTING) is futile.". One thing I KNOW for sure is that if every Trump supporter listens to the bots in this thread and Mike Yon, then we're gonna have President Kamala Harris.

Voting is the LEAST we can do, and there is much, much more each of us must do as well.

And I am sure not gonna listen to the fat shit negativity on here.

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+1 (substack won't let me upvote comments)

A few Trump administration accomplishments:

* Highest real median household income in history—a record that still holds from 2019.

* Annual inflation rate of 1.9% throughout term.

* Cut 8 regulations for every new one enacted and reduced taxes.

* Better trade agreements with Mexico, Canada, China, Japan, South Korea and others.

* Net gain of 7 million new jobs. 1.2 million in manufacturing and construction.

* Net gain of 12,000 factories.

* Created Opportunity Zones which has brought in hundreds of billions in investments to lower income neighborhoods.

* Lowest unemployment rate in 50 years. Lowest unemployment for women in nearly 70 years.

* Lowest unemployment in history for Black, Hispanic, Asian, and Native Americans.

* Lowest poverty rate in history for Black and Hispanic Americans.

* Passed Right to Try which has saved thousands of lives of previously terminally ill patients.

* Lowered drug prices for the first time in 51 years.

* VA Choice reimbursed veterans who needed faster medical care outside of a VA clinic.

* VA Accountability which allowed for the removal of abusive employees.

* First president in 40 years to not start a war.

* Deescalated nuclear war tensions with North Korea.

* Middle East peace deals.

* Got fellow NATO members to meet their obligations.

* Defeated ISIS. Net drawdown of overseas troops.

* Massive upgrade of our military equipment.

* Launched Space Force.

* Russia did not take any land—unlike during Bush, Obama, and Biden admins.

* Built/renovated over 500 miles of border wall.

* Remain in Mexico policy and 17,000 Mexican troops guarding our border.

* Achieved lowest number of illegal border crossings in recorded history.

* Deported thousands of foreign gang members.

* Passed Criminal Justice Reform

* Became a net exporter of energy for the first time in nearly 70 years.

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Great summary.

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'Run off to defend “Israel” while Colorado is raped and killed'

Where do you come up with this crap ?

The devious evil empire has been busy trying to create another failed Islamic terrorist state in the heart of TINY Israel by stealing their land and rewarding the bad behavior of the Arabs AKA Palestinians. The greedy Arabs already have way too much land already and dividing Israel, Jerusalem come with the reward , America's destruction.

Zechariah 12:9 & Joel 3.

All while craftily playing ally and friend.

Michael, You've had backstabbing friends like that haven't you ?

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Murdering through bombing hospitals refugee camps sniping mothers and daughters in front of churches dropping white phosphorus bombs on the population of Palestine starving them to death and now injecting them with a lethal “polio “vaccination. 75% of these casualties are women and children probably 1/3 of them are Greek orthodox Christians . Isn’t “ IsraHell “grande 👎🤮👎👎

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Dear Hamas propagandist -

I wonder if your pals are having second thoughts about their attack on Israel back in October ????

War is hell. I commend the Jews for fighting back unlike going silently to their death in WWII. I also compliment Israel for the new look they've brought to Gaza .

If it were up to me I'd replace the 7th century bloodthirsty barbarians with peace loving sheep and goats to graze in Gaza peacefully.

Payback for the death cult of the religion of terrorism and false prophet is hell and 72 virgin male 🐐 goats.

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You are aware Israel created Hamas? They did so to counter Yasser Arafat PLO because he was suing for peace in the Jews never want peace. You are aware that October 7 was an inside job by Massad , as was 911 . Where do you think those paratroopers came from ???Palestine has no working airport, the Jews would never allow that. You just don’t wake up one morning and decide I’m gonna do a combat jump. No those were IDF/Mossad airplanes with mossad soldiers jumping out of them, kidnapping and murdering their own people very typical. You see, these Israelis are not Semite , rather Kazarian s from euro Asia The Ukraine ! Are we connecting the dots now . Who do you think is flooding the world with all these angry young men ? This is the Khaleghi Plan, A Zionist Jew plan. You better start taking your red pills in the morning and then you can call me

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Yes, people don’t parachute out of Hang gliders, they parachute out of airplanes. gaza has no airplanes, so where did these combat jumpers come from ? ? We know

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+1 (substack won't let me upvote posts)

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After your first sentence I stopped .

You are aware you are an idiot ? If you spent time in the word of God instead of praying to glittering icons of dead Orthodox Christian paganism you might escape the prison Satan has you in.

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Go hump your Roman Garrison Wall with your silly little hat and spin your dreidel to your pass out

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+1 (substack won't let me upvote posts)

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🤦‍♂️🤣 you be a Jew of the worst kind!I hope we never meet otherwise hand-to-hand combat must proceed

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I'm Christ follower , Christian.

I guess that is your Greek Orthodox love religion shining bright for all the world to see, phony hypocrite.

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Spoken like a true sociopathic zionist shill👍

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You left out the slogan of your death cult ; 'allah akbar'

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I am 100% devout Greek orthodox Christian. It is you that support the death cult of tulmad Judaism

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"I commend the Jews for fighting back unlike going silently to their death in WWII."

A Polish woman I know who fled Europe during WWII told me that not only Jews, but, "ANYONE WITH DARK HAIR", was killed.

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Farcical 4 Zion?

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I believe Zephaniahs prophecy on Gaza is it will be a place for sheep 🐑 and goats to graze, that's the future. No place for evil clan that made war and not peace with Israel.

Only 1 Rule left for Israel.-

Destroy or be Destroyed.

Iran is on top of the list as are Lebanon, Syria and the other bad Muslim neighbors.

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I am told that Zion really stands for Sion -- Sirius + Orion -- perhaps something to do with star systems the Elohim Worship Cult doesn't want us to know. Remember the Priory of Sion?

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Digging for the truth in a sea of lies and confusion takes work.

Remember when God gave old man Abraham and wife Sarah a son when they were in their 90's, Sarah laughed.

When Issac was about 12 God asked him to sacrifice, give up his son as a test of obedience.

Abraham obeyed but God stopped him and provided Himself a sacrifice for Abraham.

It was a preview of God providing, Jesus' sacrifice for our sins on the cross.

The place where that happened was Mount Moriah, Mount Zion.

Jerusalem . The Temple Mount.

I was in the Dome of the Rock and in the middle of it is the massive rock where Abraham was about to sacrifice Issac.

So Jesus returns to Mount Zion to rule the nations and that's why Satan is so hot with hate against Zion and so many idiots are following the Pied Piper from hell in their hate for Israel and Zion.

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Perfect statement!

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Ah Marcel again. Your theology is as conflicted as apparently is your politics. Israel very soon will collapse of its own debauchery and cunning evil. The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, the source of Israel’s very existence will soon bring the disobedient firstborn son and wife of Jahoveh to the place of repentance. Meantime there is only further butchery and cold blooded avarice emerging from that tiny little nation between the river and the sea. She will be driven back out among the Gentile nations with whom she has fornicated these many millennia. Another Holocaust is ahead. Read the prophets without your bent political mind. You may learn something worth posting.

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I see one of Putin's nukes falling on your house and America a pile of glowing rubble for assuming to carve up Israel to the Arabs under their false peace lie. America caused this Gaza war by threatening and forcing Israel to withdraw from there in 2005 for the big lie.

God will reward the empire for it's evil ways. And Israel is here to stay.

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LOL. Well finally a bit of truth from your wild pronouncements. Israel is indeed here to stay. But not its present condition. She is in the land without Messiah. She remains defiled and unclean after touching the dead body of her Messiah. Yup she will always by Gods Chosen People. But no healing, no restoration and no claiming her inheritance without repentance first. All her history from Babylonian captivity to the present day makes every detail of that history immaterial to the Scriptural fact of who Israel is. A firstborn son of God with the irrevocable destiny to rule and bless all Gentile nations of the earth. But not without repentance.

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Michael has wisely safeguarded himself against backstabbing friends by encasing his vital organs in a substantial layer of fat.

Edit: *Yon

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I am beginning to doubt what I see on social media. You never know who is posting. I know for sure that there are people who are determined to destroy President Trump. I seem to detect major efforts to cut the supporters from President Trump.

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@Chizuru, you are wise to doubt social media posts. Many of the comments here remind me of the "nudge factor" used in England to create the illusion of online peer pressure to get the jabs.

Almost certainly, TONS of AI bots will either criticize President Trump or outright state that "Resistance (voting) is futile.", to sew doubt in his supporters' minds and to harm morale.

Clearly, Michael Yon has an agenda. He has said that President Trump is "evil", and all manner of ad hominem insults, all of which have been either unsubstantiated or, at best, "supported" by "evidence" such as the quotation at the top of this thread shown WITHOUT any background regarding President Trump's views.

Another user in this thread supplied the context of President Trump's views on weed, which Yon as a self-described "journalist" ought to have provided his readers BUT FAILED TO.

post by

@AllahnaPundit Sep 1


"Do you not read Trump's statements? He correctly points out that the adult electorate (you know - people entitled to vote) have legalized "dope" - not him, and his point is that we need to accept that if we plan to continue to be some form of free society. The alternative, actually, is for a totalitarian to take the reins and forbid "evil" drugs - and probably "evil speech" while he's at it. If you have read his other statements, he has cautioned against legalization. But if you don't read any, you haven't read those.

Maybe we'd be better off with King Yon, but I don't see you stepping up to the plate. If you're leaving reporting to become a pundit, you might at least propose solutions instead of just spitting into the wind."


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Thank you so much for your reply!!🙏

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