Shit is getting real.

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These five rules of propaganda have been known for a long time. Please send them around so that more people will be aware of them. Thank You.

The Five Rules of Propaganda

1. The rule of simplification - reducing all data to a simple confrontation between 'Good and Bad', 'Friend and Foe'.

2. The rule of disfiguration - discrediting the opposition by crude smears and parodies.

3. The rule of transfusion - manipulating the consensus values of the target audience for one's own ends.

4. The rule of unanimity - presenting one's viewpoint as if it were unanimous opinion of all right-thinking people: draining the doubting individual into agreement by the appeal of star-performers, by social pressure , and by 'psychological contagion'.

5. The rule of orchestration - endlessly repeating the same messages in different variations and combinations.

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We really need to be making communities of like-minded people so that we can step away and walk away from this matrix and create our own world. We must keep ourselves in our families safe and create a world that we’d like our children and grandchildren to grow up in. We must start growing our own food because everything we purchasing in the store is poison in one way or another including the organic food it’s being sprayed with a sealer by the packing house is called a peel. It is a carcinogen. I can’t keep a vegetable or fruit fresh looking for a year . almost every single avocado is covered in it that’s why when you cut them open when they’re still hard as rocks they’re not right on the inside but they’re starting to rot from the inside out and the seeds will not release from the meat of the avocado. Remember the goal is to kill all of us 90% of the worlds population

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MICHAEL you and Anne are doing incredible work exposing the infiltration of foreign fighters coming to America. One thing I don’t think you realize is that the Kazarian mafia controls everything and runs the world governments. They are the ones behind this deep population they do this every hundred years they kill off the masses and steal all of their assets. They mainly do this because their Usery debt system Becomes so deep it affects the finances for the people basically meaning there’s no money. These people have stolen their money as they do every hundred years their financial system which they control always collapses. So as to keep themselves alive and the people won’t rip them from limb to limb they killed us off first before we realize what’s happening . But this time we have the Internet so the world is awake on this issue Michael I think you just need to catch up. You are supporting Israel you really have to dig deep as to who created the country of Israel it was the Kazarian mafia, and who in our government supports this because they’re more than likely members of the Khazarian mafia! Israel is not a Good Pl., Israel on the Jews are the cause of this whole nightmare around the world of all the human trafficking and everything else. They look at us white people as Gwilliam which means to them cattle we are nothing more than a cow to be sold and eaten which is what they do with our children by the way on all Jewish holidays. Notice that’s when a lot of kids go missing. So I love what you’re doing on the border my goal you’re bringing all this attention to this horrific problem . Continue your good work but do some more research to get to the bottom of who is really causing this nightmare. What you’re going to find is it’s all caused by the Kazarian mafia!

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I have no doubt that whites are being destroyed. However, there is good evidence that the virus was manufactured and has two inserts that make it less virulent/deadly against K62R carriers - Ashkanazi jews. That's not to say that jews are responsible but that the small cabal of parasitic elites who have been working to destroy Europe for the last decades, are. Most WEF members are just the puppets.

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And you are right, what they do is pit the races against each other by creating false narratives that one race hates the other or is harming the other. They have kept us dumb down and all of the indoctrination camps they call public schools and colleges, so the people can’t see the forest for the trees. They want us to illuminate each other which makes their job easier. We must all be in together as a group no matter what color your skin is or what country you come from because all of us have to be in together to fight the Kazarian mafia so that we as humanity can survive. The Kazarian mafia by the way do not worship God they worship the devil they are all Satanists. When you wrap your head around that you start to understand why these horrific things are happening because these people love to inflict pain on others

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Start forming local citizen defense leagues. AKA MILITIAS. Duh?

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Jeeez Mike where have I seen this "news" for years?

AP to stringer "Get down to Columpama and get this story.

If I may break it down-the photo is of women and children all wearing PFDs as if they're participating in a lifeboat drill on a Celebrity Cruise, the only thing missing is DHS's Coast Guard certified crew members handing out AFDC/WIC cards.

A poster for human trafficking

Missing, of course, are the photos of the divisions of military aged men, like those recent ones coming out of Sicily, already infiltrated up the US taxpayer conveyor belt into the country and living in camps and motels, collecting their E-1 checks every month.

I imagine AP will slip more pre-digested and easy to swallow propaganda like this out in coming days

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Not enough is being addressed about the very sophisticated under ground child pedophilia rings-sex trafficking- organ harvesting- child work camp enslavement, and the weaponry smuggling tunnels into America, and Biden's Ukraine money laundering country. [wffa.win, wvwtv.com]

Sarah, Placer County, Ca

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The owners of these corporations who are the Cabal! Sorry for the confusion below thanks to AI

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Don't trust anything the black race tells you. They want you as slaves to the race that built nothing better than mud huts.

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Actually the Kazarian‘s have never gone away. As a matter of fact one of the reasons why they’re fighting in Ukraine is because they’re trying to get back their homeland so they can continue on with their child abduction torture and production of Adrina chrome and the processing of organs from children mainly but they do this from adults as well. They are not human they are reptilian in disguise they can shape shift that’s a fact. Ukraine’s borders are basically what cause areas borders were. Throughout history they have been thrown out of multiple countries because they are such horrible vicious people and they are cannibals! The elites are members of the squad and their main diet are children. The Kazarian‘s were given an option in the 1500s by a Russian king I don’t remember which one it was, to stop kidnapping people killing people stealing their identities and stealing their assets. In order to stay alive they were given a choice to take on a new religion that didn’t kill or sacrifice humans. Their choices were Christianity Judaism or Islam and they chose Judaism. They change the Talmud to benefit their blood religion that they practice for thousands of years so that it could continue on in the shadows unbeknownst to the public or the government. They’ve existed like this throughout the years as they are today but in reality these people are not the real Jews they never were the real Jews. The real Jews of the Christians the ones that came from Jesus line. We’ve been lied to about everything and almost everything in history that they’ve told us is a lie . If you can look on many countries crest especially Russia and it’s a white night on white horse stabbing a Reptillian under his feet. These images are throughout Europe in history because they were depicting reality. So don’t try to defend the Kazarians, they are evil evil evil and they all need to be destroyed because they’re killing our children and they won’t stop .

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Michael, close but not spot on. The "Jews" are part of this! A seemingly very specific bloodline, that is. The Turkish/Edomite Khazars (aka Synagogue of Satan) that converted to Judiasm somewhere around 740-920. Jesus warned us of them. These "Jews" run Israel today. They are NOT the Israelites from the Bible. Political Zionism is at the top of the pyramid. Pagan Babylonian Talmudic Zionists. What we're ultimately looking at is the creation of a Holy Roman Merovingian Zionist New World Order. The Zionists, The Vatican and The Crown...all seemingly under control of the 13 illuminati blood lines. They all ultimately worship Satan. These blood lines, literally run all the way back through European royalty and back to the ancient Romans, Khazars, Pharaohs, Canaanites...

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They're not atheists, imo. Their ideology stems largely from material scientism. They see the world only through a material lens. Indeed, they're incapable of denoting spirit or spirituality of any sort. They seek immortality and to create man in their image. Harari speaks quite effectively on this point, and this point remains their top agenda: to "escape" human life and reproduce themselves into organisms which live eternally. Because they're spiritually degraded and deformed, they can't evolve through a human life. The human body is unique and uniquely adapted to live lives on Earth to evolve to higher dimensions and consciousnesses. I'm not Christian altho I am a Steiner fan and link Buddhist practice with esoteric Christian thinking.

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thank you

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