Thank you Michael! Stay safe 🇺🇸

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Appreciate your updates..stay safe 7 THANKS

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Michael Yon always bringing in the Recon, thank you.

Is it time yet again for Gen Lee's final order??? "Furl the Flag. boys" CSA & USA finally Reconciled in Defeat???

Welcome to the Feral Coup USSA!!! At least this time We Surrendered Peacefully with just a Whimper. I Spit.


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Thanks, Michael. We suspected as much. Feckless. Thank you for exposing the truth about this piece of the invasion of Texas and America. Continued prayers for your safety, courage, and steadfastness.

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This is a remarkable letter. I have a question. In the recent COVID-19 intellectual brouhaha, we were told that shots one and two were essentially irrelevant after a few months. We then had the infamous mRNA boosters, and these seem to have been the final stages of giant lab experiment. My question is this: After (by whatever means) the score million plus illegals have made their way here, they will be destroyed as they are of little value (ie useful idiots). Will, at that time, we see a new pandemic which will necessitate broad use of the mRNA vaccine (or derivative), and as such the current usage is little more than a final trial run before serious implementation?

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This is a mass importation of cheap, slave labor.

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What is kayfabe. Someone too me please

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What can we do? Why is our Government doing this?

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