This is a remarkable letter. I have a question. In the recent COVID-19 intellectual brouhaha, we were told that shots one and two were essentially irrelevant after a few months. We then had the infamous mRNA boosters, and these seem to have been the final stages of giant lab experiment. My question is this: After (by whatever means) the score million plus illegals have made their way here, they will be destroyed as they are of little value (ie useful idiots). Will, at that time, we see a new pandemic which will necessitate broad use of the mRNA vaccine (or derivative), and as such the current usage is little more than a final trial run before serious implementation?
“Kayfabe” may have its origin from pig Latin for “Fake.” Today, it describes the WWE wrestling scene where it is portrayed as REAL. It is kept as an open secret and no one can say the emperor has no clothes. But the secret is so important to keep that a reporter tried to blow it open by asking a wrestler a rhetorical question on how fake it was. The wrestler body slammed the reporter to show him how important it was to keep up the “secret.”
Thanks, Michael. We suspected as much. Feckless. Thank you for exposing the truth about this piece of the invasion of Texas and America. Continued prayers for your safety, courage, and steadfastness.
Nothing, you can do nothing but pray to God, ask for protection for your family, do everything possible to protect the children in America, they wantvto steal their innocence that is one thing for sure and you can come together and protect them. Pray for God's guidance.
And it’s going to get much, much worse! Most days, I wish televisions and computers were never invented. In fact, that’s exactly when SF changed (dot com boom).That’s when SF started its’ fall. And here we are today, not for the better. Technology has a very evil aspect, which we now see is apparent. You are 100%!
Very nice letter Nathan, and I commend you. I still think that the preferred objective for the Chinese is to take over resource rich (mainly Canada) North America. I know for a fact that the Chinese tried to take over farmland in Northern Alberta where my family had a farm. One day, out of the blue, the whole area was informed that the Chinese wanted to lease (as owning was legally impossible then) our farm and everyone else's! They wanted to raise grain for export as I understood it at the time, but the then Liberal Government in Ottawa nixed the idea. Wonder what would happen with the current Trudeau regime today, especially as the Deputy Prime Minister Freeland comes from Peace River in Northern Alberta. If Trudeau leaves or is defeated in a snap general Election??
I'm in agreement and have two caveats. The ChiComs have Already taken control of the current USSA via the NWO Uni-party sElection Coup of 2020, reinforced in 2022. The Chinese Dynasties of over a thousand years ago, historically use Bribery to Subvert and Set Up "Vassal States". Welcome to the USSA.
This is a remarkable letter. I have a question. In the recent COVID-19 intellectual brouhaha, we were told that shots one and two were essentially irrelevant after a few months. We then had the infamous mRNA boosters, and these seem to have been the final stages of giant lab experiment. My question is this: After (by whatever means) the score million plus illegals have made their way here, they will be destroyed as they are of little value (ie useful idiots). Will, at that time, we see a new pandemic which will necessitate broad use of the mRNA vaccine (or derivative), and as such the current usage is little more than a final trial run before serious implementation?
What is kayfabe. Someone too me please
“Kayfabe” may have its origin from pig Latin for “Fake.” Today, it describes the WWE wrestling scene where it is portrayed as REAL. It is kept as an open secret and no one can say the emperor has no clothes. But the secret is so important to keep that a reporter tried to blow it open by asking a wrestler a rhetorical question on how fake it was. The wrestler body slammed the reporter to show him how important it was to keep up the “secret.”
Thank you!
Michael Yon always bringing in the Recon, thank you.
Is it time yet again for Gen Lee's final order??? "Furl the Flag. boys" CSA & USA finally Reconciled in Defeat???
Welcome to the Feral Coup USSA!!! At least this time We Surrendered Peacefully with just a Whimper. I Spit.
Endearing & Enduring Musical "Roots" , Do they go deep enough to survive the fire? and send up green shoots again?
"Life" poses questions for it's own unravelling. Some pre-pare for the long haul back......
all the best
Thanks, Michael. We suspected as much. Feckless. Thank you for exposing the truth about this piece of the invasion of Texas and America. Continued prayers for your safety, courage, and steadfastness.
Same WEFer Gubnor in JawGA too. Kemp in last Davos NWO organizing event.
This is a mass importation of cheap, slave labor.
Appreciate your updates..stay safe 7 THANKS
Thank you Michael! Stay safe 🇺🇸
What can we do? Why is our Government doing this?
Nothing, you can do nothing but pray to God, ask for protection for your family, do everything possible to protect the children in America, they wantvto steal their innocence that is one thing for sure and you can come together and protect them. Pray for God's guidance.
Pray. But then take action. God didn't tell Noah to pray -- He told Noah to BUILD.
Isabel. Sometimes one simply cannot put to words an explanation that will satisfy your need for an answer. You are way behind the information curve.
They want to eliminate you. Europe has already been “conquered”.
Wow, isn't that the truth!
They were conquered because they took away their guns!! I have to stay hopeful!! I have kids.
It is dark but there are many reasons for hope!♥️
That was the last reason (not having guns). They were/are demoralized and they ALLOWED themselves to be conquered.
It’s exactly what Americans ALLOWED (are allowing) during CONvid.
I saw a child of approximately 8 years old, today, at the store. The child had a mask on, the father didn’t. Do you see anything wrong here?
And it’s going to get much, much worse! Most days, I wish televisions and computers were never invented. In fact, that’s exactly when SF changed (dot com boom).That’s when SF started its’ fall. And here we are today, not for the better. Technology has a very evil aspect, which we now see is apparent. You are 100%!
Very nice letter Nathan, and I commend you. I still think that the preferred objective for the Chinese is to take over resource rich (mainly Canada) North America. I know for a fact that the Chinese tried to take over farmland in Northern Alberta where my family had a farm. One day, out of the blue, the whole area was informed that the Chinese wanted to lease (as owning was legally impossible then) our farm and everyone else's! They wanted to raise grain for export as I understood it at the time, but the then Liberal Government in Ottawa nixed the idea. Wonder what would happen with the current Trudeau regime today, especially as the Deputy Prime Minister Freeland comes from Peace River in Northern Alberta. If Trudeau leaves or is defeated in a snap general Election??
I'm in agreement and have two caveats. The ChiComs have Already taken control of the current USSA via the NWO Uni-party sElection Coup of 2020, reinforced in 2022. The Chinese Dynasties of over a thousand years ago, historically use Bribery to Subvert and Set Up "Vassal States". Welcome to the USSA.
CW's are messy & confusng affairs.
You are reading my mind, comrade. 100%
Food is more basic than funnee money, and let us Know More!