I’m sorry if I sound callous with my observation, but with all the information on the jab, what is mind boggling to me about this story is how they ever got to round #5! Could be the brainwashing had happened before the drugs.

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Also how their 5 y.o. son had 2+ jabs. Pretty irresponsible in my opinion…

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Jun 21Liked by Michael Yon

Just need to say that is not very nice of you to say. Plenty of people have always believed in the government and our institutions. When the jab came out, it was quick and they just jumped without really knowing the truth. It is sad, so very sad. I'm not jabbed but I do have compassion for those who thought they were being true to their country and the world. It was a slick lie. Those of us who were more advanced in our knowledge were not fooled, yes and you are one, but still we can't hurt those who did not have the ability to see early in the game. They have already been hurt enough. Chantel asks a valid question weather the first shots caused further brainwashing. She did not put them down.

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Jun 21Liked by Michael Yon

I admire your compassion but remember they heard the word "experimental" at the same time everyone else did but having heard that they still wanted to put the unvaccinated in camps, force us to get the jab including holding us down to do it.. we were belittled... they tried to humiliate us in anyway they could..they wouldn't allow us to go into restaurants and stores with proof of a vaccine..they were unbelievably cruel and I will not forget..NEVER.. it's important none of us forget.. the Nuremberg laws were created out of necessity after the Nazis pulled the same atrocity on their people..

This will not be the last time they try to do it either.. the WHO is already trying to get control of our healthcare so they can force jab us anytime they want..for anything and since their goal is to depopulate the planet we need to keep that in mind..

Don't ever forget they locked you down and took your freedom and your 1st amendment rights.. then forced the jab on the Military, Police, Firemen, EMT's, Nurses, Drs, Pilots and many others who either lost their jobs or had to get it ..and many have died


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And, we couldn't even talk with these people; they refused to even entertain the possibility that something was wrong. "Talk to the hand." They disowned their families, friends and coworkers, stayed away from family during holidays, shunned their neighbors, and on and on. If they regret what they've done to themselves and their children, too bad. It wasn't like we weren't trying to warn them. I've never seen this level of closed-mindedness about any subject ever. Now it's time to live with the consequences of their stubbornness and actions. I have no sympathy.

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Sorry, I'm in Queensland, Australia and I never complied with anything and shopped at what ever stores I needed. I never cared about those who judged me for not complying. I understand what you are saying and I agree, still making it harder on those who let themselves get tricked and who took the time to write on Michael's substack is not very nice.

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That's odd.. that person has just as much of a right to their opinion as you do..

Being 'tricked" is no excuse for that kind of naivete.. esp considering that Pfizer was the sponsor for every MSM network bobble head who pushed their poison onto the public just to make a buck..

And from what the entire world saw happening in Australia, it looked like an open-air prison..

People were shocked at the

brutality.. maybe you got lucky but a lot of your countrymen and those in other countries were not as fortunate..

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When I fled to Sydney out of Victoria, the traffic cameras flagged me twice on the highway and I was pulled over. I was outside the 5 km limit for the unvaccinated from the address I had listed on my driver's license. I'm not much of a social engineer but I put a bandaid on my arm and showed the cop who pulled me over that I had just gotten it - it must not be showing up in the system. Then I would pretend to fish around in my glove department looking for my vaccination receipt. Both times they waved me off and let me go.

If you weren't there, you'd never guess what was really going on there. The television reports the rest of the world got were really bad. That was only a fraction of what really happened. The two people you saw savagely beaten for being outside their confinement zones (girl getting choked and guy with head slammed on pavement) were never seen again. Their relatives don't know what happened to them to this day and the Oz government won't speak of them like they never existed. They got black bagged and tagged which happens now a lot more than most of you think in Australia.

I got my son out first through a legal loophole then I followed a couple months later. I hate Australia, it's the ultimate communist sh*thole trying to present as a Western nation. Everything is tested first there by the NWO - so it's coming here to America next lockdown after they have debugged their methodology on the slack jawed convicts over there. I warned the Australians for thirty years when I lived there, they never did anything but laugh at me.

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I think it is simply lovely that you are so concerned with how nice people are being when stating their own personal views. Too bad this isn’t a beauty pageant or some popularity contest where those stating the obvious risk being booed off of the stage. Instead, we are discussing a real life situation where in the people, and I do mean all of the people who engaged in any way in committing crimes against humanity and mass murder need to be brought to Justice. If I help you commit murder, even if you trick me into helping, I’m still a murderer. Parents who took their children in to receive an EXPERIMENTAL procedure are guilty of child endangerment. That’s period. End of story.

I won’t tell you what you can do with your sash and tiara - that wouldn’t be ‘nice’ but I’m sure you can imagine.

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You notice all these wolves in sheeps clothing are calling for tolerance and forgiveness, everybody is saying we only killed a billion people because we were mislead and didn't Christ say to turn the other cheek? We're all hummin beans and sure mistakes were made and it's probably going to end with 69 million people left alive out of the 319 million originally here which will lead to us occupied by Red China and colonized but you can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs and let's all keep cool heads about this.

A better world will only start with public hangings of every single person involved. Look back now and think about much foreknowledge was on display. They made it obvious with their dancing TikToks of doctors and nurses practically making fun of all the rubes to their faces. The ones who don't hang need to sit in Guantanamo forever. I think these people are limitless evil who secretly will really hold you in contempt if you forgive even a single one of them. We'll forgive them after they hang for their crimes. Parents who injected their children are incompetent to be parents, it's not certain their poor children would have grown up to be as stupid as they were so it's our great loss which can never be recovered. It is a genocide conducted with such subtlety it could only have been organized by Satan himself at the top. There are amelioration strategies possible but the crime itself is already done.

"These people are so wicked I should not be surprised if someday they are convicted of attempting to wipe out mankind." - Voltaire

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Yes. They REAP what they SOWED. Intolerance towards other's opinions. They were already 'mind tampered' with to fall in with the herd and stamped off the cliff on the basis of FEAR ONLY, not real facts or observations. No brains a'tall IMHO. Just the sad trappings of a life dictated to them by the whims of the higher ups striving for the all important 'APROVAL' of the herd. Not the jabs making him TRANS, the attention hit the addiction to 'being approved of' ... Pathetic really.

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They also heard the lie that the jabs were approved. Most people I know thought that. They didn't know the media was lying to them and that the shots were only EUA.

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I don’t think I was mean at all. The whole time the data said children under twelve were pretty resilient to Covid, so why give them an experimental shot? Sorry, I’m just tired of the lack of common sense amongst people.

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The fear campaign was 24/7. When they kept pushing vaccines relentlessly I knew it was about getting a needle (of something not good) into every arm, and not about health.

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High school Common Sense 1950s-1970s, "was", never never never trust Da Gubment, "do not eat Da Cheese"!

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the injections were always E.U.A. experimental use authorization. There were plenty of people who said don't take the shots. There was plenty of evidence, reasons and cautions why the shots shouldn't be taken. One can understand taking one injection but five? Very hard (impossible really) to understand why parents would have a child injected. Especially when children were never in any danger.

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My first thought also.. they sound like they lived an upscale suburban life style and that community usually just follow what their friends and neighbors do.. actually competition & conformity without much original thought so yes I can see them getting to round #5.. and they may also just be following the new trend and it may have nothing to do with the vaccine.. over the last few years we've seen so many ppl go down that rabbit hole.. when ppl believe in nothing higher than themselves they tend to fall for everything

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Unfortunately, the people in question do not go where one would find that information - my husband is one of them. Try to tell him what they are and that people are dying, etc. and he'll disbelieve it and wave me off. Sigh. Oh well. Thankfully he only took it because his employer pressured him to and he has no desire to take more of them. Still, he does not know yet that they are a bioweapon and if told, he would not believe it anyway.

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Jun 20Liked by Michael Yon

Trans-humanism jabs

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21

Post-Humanism it seems. Either human or not. Human-Machine Interface is NOT human. Mutated/Mutilated DNA is NOT even organic, let alone human.

Related to MOSTLY PEACEFUL Protests and A LITTLE Pregnant.

Does appear to be attacking the DNA; the actual XY and XX Chromosome Pairs and probably others as well. There is NO punishment/accountability possibly matching the damage these Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits are perpetrating...THE BANKERS, OLD MONARCHS, CORPORATISTS with their International Mafia Minions in Govt. Media, Education...


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A lot of people (even on these sites) ...... seem to not quite realize how extensive the force is that we are up against . (they are not all Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits ) .

And yet ..... "we were just following our paychecks " puts them very close , and complicit.

Once again, look at this very good explanation of who the "SWARM " are :

Dr Shiva : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_3Nf6xjeFs

gonna take a bit more than a few PTA members to turn this shit around ..........

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Lots of talent in the U.S.; many with all forms of Military Service knowing how to kick butt from Wars of 20 yrs. The City of London Bankers/Crown Corportion is the ENEMY with the U.S. Military used for their Mafia Enforcers.

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Ex President Trump also

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23

as BC3 opines , and I and maybe many others HOPE, maybe Trump is the trump card .( WE WILL SEE ) ..... If it gets that far . If he is just controlled opposition, well, the surprises that lie ahead will be something to behold. Certainly , as i sarcastically wrote, its gonna take a lot more than changing out a PTA member or two.

I do wonder how many of our Substack "heroes" are going to jump out of their newly found popularity ( and wealth) to hit the streets in a show of support , calling for all members to join in force .

Seems like its always a "You first " catch 22 ....... right ?

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Jun 21·edited Jun 24

While there's no doubt he's been a part of this group in the past as the Banker had to be behind him for his Bankruptcy; it's not clear exactly how involved he is at this time.

KENNEDY'S FAMILY HAS BEEN A PART OF THIS GROUP FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS...A PART OF THE ORIGINAL 13 FAMILIES OUT OF IRELAND ASSOCIATED WITH THE TOTALITARIANS IN LONDON. My family has been in the U.S for its duration and before and they knew the past history of the Kennedy Family...You need to research the ancestry as well as the V.P Choice which is utterly absurd except as a Fundraiser.




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Moloch, the demon who demands sacrifice of children, was always depicted as both male and female for the past 2200 years (probably even earlier). They are making our children into freaks who can die in copper kettles as a devotion to Moloch.

For 2000 years our student were told that "nobody knows why the Roman senate developed this habit of saying 'Carthage Must Be Destroyed' at the end of any speech they gave." The Romans were pretty decadent but even they knew that Carthage was inhumanly evil. The truth has finally come out only in the past thirty years.

Every day in Carthage, infants were sacrified to Moloch. The Carthaginians are formally known as the Berbers. I believe they converted to another religion after Carthage fell and they went on the lam trying to escape. The Romans insisted on salting the earth (very expensive) to see it that nothing would grow there a thousand years because of the horror that had taken place there.

Three rabbinical councils nullified the mysterious "mass conversion" of the Berbers but they paid no attention and put on Yamulkas anyway.

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You're no doubt correct...If History of Rome is correct; but that's been something known from long in the past, decades ago. Do believe you're refering to 'Zama' with Hannibal and Scipio Africanus...The Barbarian Hoards known as Berbers into the common age when Jefferson sent the military becoming 'Marines' to force the Bedoins to give back the sailors trading overseas when the U.S was young?

Memory serves to recall the Romans were extremely evil in their own way...Profoundly Idol/Demonically oriented and into all kinds of perversion just as the rest of the known world and that includes Native Americans all decry as INNOCENT and PEACEFUL when they were not; although, there were the rare tribes, regions or areas which actually were innocent and peaceful just as in all other lands. The Western Hemisphere wasn't as advanced in what's defined civilization or culture; but the same practices were manifest as on the Eastern Hemisphere.


What does 'Three rabbinical councils nullified the mysterious 'mass conversion' of the Berbers but they paid no attention and put on Yamulkas anyway.", have to do with Rome, Carathage or anything having to do with Trump's possible and questionable contribution to Current Events or the direction of his allegiance?

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The Berbers fleeing the fall of Carthage mysteriously morphed into Yoshi with no synagogues or rabbinical heritage or process to explain how they turned into instant-Jews. Rabbis did not accept their "conversions" initially and fought tooth'n'nail early on to keep them from the synagogue. The Berbers had lots and lots of money and you can imagine who won that bout.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

Honestly, wasn't aware of there being any Jewish Diaspora to Carthage in the time before Christ you're addressing. It isn't surprising there would be since

The Med was very advanced with tech of the time and trading profuse. Always assumed the Berbers to be infidel pagans and then Muslim since N. Africa after around 500ce was mostly of Mohammed's bloody assimilation at the point of swords. Never really knew Carthage to have been Jewish in any way and not certain of how this contributes to this topic concerning Trump.

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That's the point. The Berbers were never Jewish.

Knowing that they might be treated differently, after Carthage fell and they were killing every Berber they could find, they pretended to be Jews.

Exact same situation with the Khazars. A time honored disguise for people on the run.

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Jun 20Liked by Michael Yon

I have noticed something similar in my own family and friends.

it seems that the folks who only took the first 2 shot regimen are ok. the problems start to manifest in the people who took multiple boosters. the more they took, the sicker and mentally unwell they all seem. my mother for instance, was obsessed with the jabs. she managed to take 6 shots before asking her oncologist if he recommended her getting the latest one. surprisingly, he said no. he mentioned that he supported the original shot to his patients, but didn’t like the boosters for them. regardless, my mom disregarded his suggestion and got her 7th shot! it was like she had become addicted. a week after the last booster, she was rushed to the ICU with 4 blood clots, two in her lungs. she survived the clots, but passed from pancreatic cancer a month later. in fact, it wasn’t until right after her 5th or 6th booster that they found her tumor on a scan. she didn’t even last a year.

the rest of my multiple jabbed friends seem constantly angry or depressed all the time. it’s like reality is becoming constantly distorted. I’m assuming this may be caused by constant spike proteins in the blood causing inflammation and further cytokine storm.

I’ve never seen anything like it…

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LPN liquid nano particles.. x the blood brain barrier cause inflam. of brain..

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Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea and others are researching the self assembling nano particles in some of the shots . Could these networks be transmitting information into the brains of people . ? Like voices telling them

Things into their subconscious minds? Maybe just below their waking awareness? Or in dreams?

M k ultra has been doing experiments for 40 years . Mike Adams just had an interview with Sarah Westall about mind control.

It aired on Brighteon.com a few days ago. People who took boosters may have become prime candidates for their research?

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Jun 20Liked by Michael Yon

Absolutely, fits the Narrative, right? Make everyone into transfreaks and no more children.

I just found out last week that my 20 year old neice and 34 year old nephew turned gay. Different families.

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Jun 20Liked by Michael Yon

Nephew is the last of our blood line.

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Jun 21Liked by Michael Yon

However, none of her ilk are talking about WBAN at cellular level. Sabrina Wallace is full on about it.

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Jun 22Liked by Michael Yon

more likely at the cellular level. Behavior modification goes on and relies on convincing person to be deluded into 'acceptable' behavior for which they get the warm fuzzy glow up of 'approval of the peers'... seriously you have no idea how shallow people are, how afraid of being laughed at or shunned...

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Jun 20Liked by Michael Yon

Wow... It may partly explain the trans movement.. there's been such a cover up so it may be years before we know what the govt had actually intended to do to us

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21

Govt. is NOT the origin of this travesty of Tyranny although it is a conspirator on the take.

This came today from Sasha Latypova's 'Due Diligence and Art' as a Re-Stack of

Catherine Austin Fitts 'Solari Report.' Takes a bit of time; but worth it.


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Great article thanks. So many things covered. Shared!

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Your analysis makes sense.

I did my own deep dive on that magnificent tome Rape of the Mind.

Am amazed how relevant it's theories, facts, and wisdom are to our current culture given that it was written shortly after the Korean War.


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Jun 20·edited Jun 20Liked by Michael Yon

The entire world is going completely crazy.

A lot of it also has to do with social media, which is another form of addictive and mind-altering drug.

Social media has made the world smaller and more accessible, but in a way feel more crowded, unstable and threatening, as well as easier to manipulate and control.

It has a powerful influence on people's perceptions and expectations, and apparently has a hypnotic effect on the minds of the masses.

Social media has nothing to do with real life...it is an alternate and fake universe, an energy-sucking black hole which encourages people to completely lose touch with reality.

Thus, perhaps, the madness we see everywhere. People are losing their grip on reality.

I saw it coming in the 1990's. I knew people would lose it, on a mass scale. Just intuition, a gut feeling.

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Jun 21Liked by Michael Yon

Well stated..

I saw it coming in the 90s also.. I tried to warn ppl also, but their eyes would glaze over.. and it was also my gut/intuition..

I stayed away from social media altogether until just a couple years ago.. I had an illness that landed me in bed for awhile so I got an android for distraction.. after watching how ppl behave, it probably saved my sanity

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21

Thank you...

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Jun 22Liked by Michael Yon

Bingo. No socials here, and I only cruise the net but it can be VERY addicting let me tell you...

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Jun 23Liked by Michael Yon

I believe it! The cure might be to spend more time outside, especially in the natural world (the real world).

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20Liked by Michael Yon

The entirety of western culture has turned against traditional masculinity, in all of its forms. There is hardly any place left for young people to find visible traditional masculine role models. Heterosexual masculinity is one of the NWO "sins," at least the "white" West. For many other cultures, apparently traditional masculinity is still okay, encouraged. Are the Chinese and Hindus cutting off their wangs and boobs? Are their men being encouraged to wear dresses and high heels? Are their women being told infertility is a gift? I certainly hope so. For these NWO stalwarts need "liberation" as much as we in the West do. Heaven forbid the NWO controllers leave these peoples out of their transhumanist plans. Or, is it okay for them to multiply and maintain traditional gender roles until they subdue the West, and then they will be neutralized later, after our NWO controllers set up their technoauthocratic hellhole here?

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Up here in Amish Country...We continue to like our men to be men and women to be women.

Few of us here had the Weapon Injections and nobody remained home from school for more than that remaining semester of 2019 before the Home School began in Fall. Never stopped shopping and life was normal.

Nothing is perfect; but there are still boys and girls liking to be what they are viewing the trends as disgusting as the rest of the sane remaining in the world. We're using Supplementation with the children and animals on the Farm as well as Anti-Nano Buckets for the humans. It's not perfect according to the Darkfield Testing; but the mechanisms continuously disrupt all the Nanopoisoning from other mediums as Geo-Engineering or contaminated food or water. Disrupting seems to have successfully kept our bodies intact and we aren't suffering as so many report. Any moment; we expect a major attack with fire, train wreck, missiles...Who knows; they have any number of options for chaos/crises.

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Where in amish country? Curious to know where one could get tested and what supplements you recommend. I am in Pa

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Indiana...We're surrounded by Amish and have been here for generations. Have friends from University owning a Lab. They've purchased a Microscope as per Dr. Ana Mihalcea's Substack directions and perform Darkfield Microscopy.

They've build their business larger in these recent years with Physicians no longer on the Govt. Dime who don't accept insurance and all pay a yearly fee for all Medical Care. It's based in a Past Medical Model existing before the 50's when Medical Insurance was beginning to take off. It's an option many Doctors in our general vicinity are now turning to...Those really liking to practice Medicine. Look for the Homeopathic Doctors in your area. A good place to begin is sometimes in the Amish Community or Churches in your area where people gather and network.

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Thank you for your response! I was hoping you were in the vicinity but i will certainly look up what you suggested. I have an adult son who dels with chronic eczema and have been trying to see if there is a way he could somehow cleanse naturally, in hopes that it would improve. I never thought to search around amish communities. Thank you. Wish there was a set up as you have, to test the blood though. I’ve been curious since none of us are jabbed, but do work with the public. Most amish are in Lancaster here but in recent years have been moving into our area. I welcome them and their owning and preserving some of the farm land here to keep it from more housing! I will look up homeopathic on the internet, however most times it will just fill with pages of the regular drib drab sites that one would expect. Like looking up anything that goes against the narrative does, these days. Thank again!

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Jun 20Liked by Michael Yon

Dr. Miriam Grossman parents are mourning the death of their child over and over again, mourning the loss each time you see them.

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Jun 20Liked by Michael Yon

Oh so many stories on PITT....pitt@substack.com

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Jun 20·edited Jun 23Liked by Michael Yon

The jabs cause the body to use up a lot of nutrients, repeat this extra drain every time a jab is taken.

Everything in the body operates on nutrients (vitamins minerals amino acids...).

Nutrients are needed for neurotransmitters, for hormones (this makes one think of the trans explosion going on).

Need proper methylation for correct gene expression.

Every function in the body requires nutrients whether it is digestion, liver function, detoxification, cell repair replacement.

These is no limit (bad, negative) to what these jabs can do.

The article below is by a man who has written numerous research papers and details his eye damage/lose by the jabs showing the research re nutrients.

Gives an idea of how the jabs can drain nutrients:


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I’m coming to believe that this is one of the major drivers of vaccine injury across the board for all vaccines. I think this also explains much of PTSD, mental health issues, and suicides during and after US military service. After hundreds of vaccines and poor nutrition during years of overseas service, men and women are wiped out in more ways than one. David Brownstein on Iodine deficiency and Elliot Overton on thiamine deficiency seem to be on to something. Do you have any more info on your comment?

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With the ominous Russia North Korea, (Pit Bull of China) parlance and planning it's clear to those who haven't been chugging down the Kool Aid that Sodom & Gomorrah's days are numbered.

Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad.... and very, very mad godless USA is.

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What you say may be true, but God may actually be bringing us to our knees. When we realize we need His help, I believe HIs hand of mercy will be extended to us. God loves a penitent heart. It means we let Him lead us to Restoration.

America will certainly be a different nation than we know now. I expect that to be a good thing in the end.

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I believe HIs hand of mercy that was extended to us for as very long time has been met with MORE Wickedness and MORE & MORE Evil.

Even God's patience runs out.

Ask Lot's wife and the people of Sodomy & Gomorrah that we have outdone long ago

If you spent more time reading His Word and praying you would see more clearly. See my last 3 posts for better understanding.

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Geez, that's some story. Sorry for auntie. If she could somehow get the batch number of the jabs, she could look it up on howbad.info to check out its ingredients and the reported array of effects. She might be able to narrow down which jab by inputting the ZIP code of the town or city where the shoulder was stabbed. Or close to it. I'm 68, and none of these crazy machinations was out of proportion for most of my life, until Obama.

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Jun 20Liked by Michael Yon

You would have to know what social media they were watching, what books they were reading, what speakers they were listening to, etc. It may be a lot more than the jab. My son and his wife are heavy duty "progressives," supporters of AOC and Bernie Sanders. If her nephew absorbs what they do, I'm not surprised he blossomed into a trans.

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This is happening regardless of the drugs.


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Toby Rogers, on his Stubstack page uTobian, wrote an article about this 2 years ago. He postulated that gender dysphoria and the trans movement are a result from vaccine injuries. He made a pretty good case!

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Jun 21Liked by Michael Yon

uTobian is not around anymore I guess, can't find him

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No it’s there. Maybe I labeled it wrong. I couldn’t find the article I referred to though.

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Jun 20Liked by Michael Yon

Sadly they are a self thinning herd. I have a number of family members with multiple jabs

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