One terrorist shot up a gay nightclub in Orlando a few years back. Just kids. It was a bloody mess. It took forever for the PD to go in. I think everyone should be armed that knows how to shoot. There was only one shooter. Someone could have taken him out. Americans don’t see danger. Not unless you’ve been in law enforcement. People need to pay attention. The invasion is real.

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One of your best talks recently, at the end, was about cults. I used to be in AA, (a cult) and then another cult infiltrated my home group. It was so heartbreaking. I was 28, am now 62. Taught me a lot. I was so immune to the what's going on now. If you've never been presented with the "join or be ostracized" before it's shattering. Makes me cry just remembering it. We did EVERYTHING together. Camped, rented an RV and went to Myrtle Beach. Had my 1st AA Birthday, I never had growing up. And then these same people said I had to join this other cult. I was prepared for a time as now. You should talk more about cults. Thank you for all you do Michael. It's more than War Corespondent. You're a living anthropologist. God bless you, Amen.

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Jesus Christ this is next level insane. Honestly,not every thing is a conspiracy.

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I'm afraid comments on Michael's recent post about Israel committing suicide seems to have devolved into a resurrection of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," which had been put forth as phony "evidence that Jews have a plot to take over the globe!" The Protocols have been long debunked by historians.

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It is not rocket science to realise that, whatever the origin of the The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, those who call themselves Jews are in control of much of the world and its institutions.

One has be be willfully blind to miss that fact as a relatively cursory internet search will reveal the truth.

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What utter bullshit. Netanyahu has demonstrably been the LEAST warlike Israeli PM in history. I regret my decade of financial support to Mr. Yon. Y’all commenting here are sick and pathetic. U have no clue who are your friends.

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Glad to see that the magic is losing it’s grip on you. I read some of your older articles and was about to write you off as among the hopelessly brainwashed. Glad to see that you’re learning. Indeed, there’s far too few with the balls to speak truth.

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Genesis 12:3 “And I shall bless those blessing you and those cursing you I shall curse, and in you and your seed all the generations of the Earth shall be blessed.”.

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That passage is to Abraham, the father of Israel and Arab nations. Jesus Christ came via Israel and the line of Judah. It is in Jesus that the nations are blessed.

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I am unsubscribing from your substack. Yes, Israel is in religious apostasy right now, but your profound anti-semitic comments show your total ignorance of Israel’s role in God’s plan in the Bible, His Word. Despite their apostasy, God’s Word is replete with promises to Israel regarding their unique place in history including the most significant historical event, the birth of our Jewish Redeemer through God’s people Israel. I am a Zionist because God is - read the OT - God gave unilateral covenantal promises to the Israel for the land they currently occupy as their inheritance. God’s Word is clear that He will bless those nations that bless Israel and curse those nations that curse Israel. If you can’t stomach that take it up with the eternal and only living God of the Bible.

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The JEW is filth. I'm sure everyone can at least agree on that?

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You speak utter nonsense. The ‘god’ of the Old Testament is Satan, and the message of the Old Testament is opposite the teachings of Jesus. The fact that so-called ‘Christian’ churches combine the Old and New Testaments reveals that they’ve been taken over by the Jews. The Protestant reformation was orchestrated by Jews, such as Luther and Knox, to split Christianity and turn it into Satan worship. Most of the European royalty were crypto-Jews by that time, and the Reformation enabled them to practice crypto-Judaism in the open, under cover of fake Christianity.

The Zionist Christians are doing Satans work, and many are of crypto-Jew lineage.

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I listened to your discussion with Yuri and I wanted a free subscription just so I could see if I want to follow but by mistake I subscribed and paid. I am not a wealthy person would you kindly refund my payment for now? When I am more familiar and have some money I will subscribe at full price.


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Eh, I wouldn't call him their Biden: for one, he's not yet senile. More like their "George W Bush a la the Salvation Army thrift shop," with a bit of JFK and a bit of O-44. He may be a grifter, at that, too. But he's not a senile mobster and rabid ideologue at the same time as well. That'd be our man LetsGo B.

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Not clear why my post keeps disappearing. Once again, I am asking your opinion of IAN BREMMER's analysis of the GAZA war and its implications for ISRAEL. Does he make any sense, or is his analysis also a diversion from current reality?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5tcwIicICg

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My sentiments exactly!

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These individuals who are trying to force Palestinians off their land are not biblical jews; they're khazars and hence couldn't care less about sacrificing a few good mensch. I'm not making a joke bec it's truly not funny at all. We've been living with a lie so big, if people found out the truth, they'd either a. Never believe it or b. Lose what's left of their minds. We're at a precipice in history and what happens in the next few months is going to be crucial to our survival. God (YHWH) bless all my brothers and sisters Ps check out the theserapeum.com. It'll change your world.

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Yes, Jews are filth wherever they reside, and though it would be satisfying to see Israel turned to glass, the droids your looking for are in Geneva and London.

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