Ruffians Club Black Men to Force Vaccination Against Advice of Voodoo Doctor
Voodoo Doctor Rejects Vaccination
I invested this wonderful day into studying old maps and books.
This 1915 book contains some gems:
The chapter Human Mosquitos mentions yellow journalism. Words apparently designed to sabotage construction of Panama Canal.
So here goes with the “ruffians” and the “voodoo”. (The real voodoo is in the art of perfect arguments sure to make people argue.)
Nothing new under the Sun:
Note: I checked a couple newspaper archives. Some variation of story:
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So even a voodoo doctor recognizes that something is wrong with the vax. Hilarious.
I sent a package of information about the history of the United Nations and the longtime program of The John Birch Society to Get the U S Out of The U N! I sent it to an address in San Francisco that was on your website or substack but now I see you have an address in Archer, Fl. I hope you get it because I also sent a check along with it.
Thank you for all you do, keep it up.