If there is a God he designed this whole playground for his enjoyment. Nature is "RED IN TOOTH AND CLAW!" His doing. The creator's doing. OR, more likely, evolution.

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Frankly, I have never read a more twisted version of sin in this world. My goodness. Have you ever read the Bible? Have you ever studied ancient, first century, medieval, 17th and 18th century, and modern history? 😏

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Once we as 'humans' focus on the solid questions - who are we, where did we come from, what can we really do during a 'life time', we may break through the veil - love what you wrote in '99 - the rest around us, continues to wrap us up in distraction. So simply put bread and circus. Thank you Michael for all you have done and for sharing so that so people who lead by example such as you, can be an inspiration

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Yon, he's a mercenary killer for the Jew, and now he wines "It's the Jews". LOL Who do you think put the Jew into power Yon. It was you and those like you. Murdering scum!

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How can you hate one man so much like Trump? Who then, would you like to see run our Country, what's left of it?

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One of the more weirder things I’ve read. Is this the same Michael Y. who reports status onto pro- Trump sites such as John B Wells and Bannon’s WarRoom?

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Tell me more?

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Amen, Michael. Thank you.

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An old friend liked to say that "Wisdom is every f*ck-up you remember. He was a Vietnam vet who had a pretty horrible experience over there. He preferred to live in very small and maneuverable quarters. He was alone most of the time, and he drank a lot. The longer I live (I'm now 60), the more I appreciate his definition of wisdom, and why he lived as he did. I realize, at last, that I can learn from other peoples experience, and not have to do it the hard way - but discernment is key. I admit that I have some difficulty with the discernment thing - people are liars (not always intentionally). I seek those who have "done the thing", as they have put forth the effort to live and experience this world for what it offers - but again - it's so damn hard to tell if they carry some sort of agenda. I have been reading your work for a little while now, and I think what you have to say is genuine. It's also terrifying. In an age of having to re-evaluate just about everything, you force me to do that even more - but I want to understand what the hell is going on, and that is the price of the ticket. Thank you for your hard work, and your curiosity.

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An old friend liked to say that "Wisdom is every f*ck-up you remember. He was a Vietnam vet who had a pretty horrible experience over there. He preferred to live in very small and maneuverable quarters. He was alone most of the time, and he drank a lot. The longer I live (I'm now 60), the more I appreciate his definition of wisdom, and why he lived as he did. I realize, at last, that I can learn from other peoples experience, and not have to do it the hard way - but discernment is key. I admit that I have some difficulty with the discernment thing - people are liars (not always intentionally). I seek those who have "done the thing", as they have put forth the effort to live and experience this world for what it offers - but again - it's so damn hard to tell if they carry some sort of agenda. I have been reading your work for a little while now, and I think what you have to say is genuine. It's also terrifying. In an age of having to re-evaluate just about everything, you force me to do that even more - but I want to understand what the hell is going on, and that is the price of the ticket. Thank you for your hard work, and your curiosity.

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I like Trump, because of his mean Tweets!

and watching liberals lose their fucking minds over him...

beyond that, we ain't saving this shit at the ballot box....

A country unwilling to fight for survival doesn't deserve to exist....

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People are still blind to the fact about how he was involved in the vaccines and He won't take responsibility for that and that in itself is troubling.

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I'm going to love this! I'm not a Trump hater, but I'm truly not a fan and I believe he can not be trusted. People hate him just as much as others love him and can't be reasoned with, anyway. I think the whole thing is a sham a Trump is part of it, but that's my opinion. I look forward to reading your book.

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Mr. Yon, why don't you update your photo? You aren't that young man any longer. I admire your experience and decades-long work 'in the field.' I wonder though. You are very critical of Donald Trump and base your criticism on impressions that are decades old. Is it possible for man to change his viewpoint and his life, in general, or must we humans always be condemned and judged by our foolish and often sinful actions and beliefs from decades ago?

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Very well said. Great points.

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Nah, keep this picture, I like it.

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Your 100% correct. Non of these idiots in government will help us. They all have s screwed us.

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You invade another man's country and murder his wife and children, no hero are you!

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Who are you to judge those who have fought??

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Fought??? He's a murderer, he invaded another country and murdered their citizens. He's filth, not a "hero".

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Yon, he's a mercenary killer for the Jew, and now he wines "It's the Jews". LOL Who do you think put the Jew into power Yon. It was you and those like you. Murdering scum!

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There aren't many true hero's; those courageous to walk the 'Path Less Taken.' That path can one of many; but all must step outside the trap of any box others place us into out of insecurity that mandate nurturing an ability to predict a future without any risk.

Michael Yon is certainly NOT among the insecure allowing anybody to trap him in any box. One of the most diverse, insightful 'Big Picture Thinkers' crossing anybody's intellectual orbit for many years.

Cute little blond boy. Imagine that camera taking that picture was the last time he ever closed his eyes to anything.


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I find the discussion shortsighted in this regard.

You can't red pill anyone. They must red pill themselves.

Anyone can certainly offer information and opposing viewpoints. Of course! Speak up!!

You are not responsible for anyone else's life. You labor under a great delusion if you think so.

Anyone can offer political views and point out fallacies, discrepancies, and redundancies. Yet, the fact that doing so very little changes our world landscape is simply a reality in this time. Many people will vote for Trump. So what? Where are we? We live in a world vastly contained within a net of public narratives cleverly crafted. They have been FOR CENTURIES. Until the individual breaks free of that net, they will continue to accept the narratives as delivered.

What good does anger do? Nothing. You're the only person you can change. Becoming angry at the time in which you live is self-defeating. Becoming angry at people who are sleepwalking is useless. The only person you beat up with anger is yourself.

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