Sep 1, 2022Liked by Michael Yon


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trust Yon for the big picture❗️

VIVA Michael

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Dumber than I thought possible from Michael Yon of all people.

The biggest European war since WWII with international law, continental security on the line.

Yon says no, just a squabble, nothing to see here.

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Yep, always has been. As for the Euros& USA-they never cooperated, kept their promise and now here ya are. The guy asked ofr rubles for payment-wasn't that hard to do. NATO sealed their own fate but they kissed the ring of Klaus and wanted this anyhow.

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I think Michael is voicing frustration at the situation, everything I’ve read/heard him talk about points to him caring about people intensely, wanting to sound the the alarm and help. His point of this region being a historical goat rope is simply true. And you can only counter these moves of history by having sound strategy, which is something severely lacking in our foreign policy establishment.

I care about the people of Ukraine, it’s truly horrible what is happening there. I hope I never have to experience that kind of hell in my own country. BUT, personally I believe that no amount of caring or aid or “sacrifice” by the European and American people will actually change the course of this conflict in a positive direction.

There are, however, people in government bureaucracy across the west that do NOT care about the people of Ukraine, yet they say they do and according to them, no sacrifice is too great for me and you to make in support of Ukraine. If you try to say anything counter to that opinion you are a Putin Lover.

I say they don’t care for a few reasons, a couple of which I’ll mention below. These people are the ones that believe their own hype, that congratulate themselves about their success while ignoring the abject failure of their foreign policy of the last 20+ years.

First, they don’t care because they are unserious in thought and action. In this situation, instead of spending the time over the past 20+ years to create conditions in the region regarding energy that would effectively support Ukraine and Europe as a whole, they instead went all in on energy dependence on Russia so they could posture at home at how “Green” they were.

When they did that they tied the economic stability of all of Europe to the very country they were trying to push against. Who could have honestly thought that giving up that leverage would unfold any differently than it has since Russia invaded in February, with

The western sanctions that followed? These same foreign policy experts, naturally. Unserious and even criminal.

As Michael has been pointing out, the domestic economic instability and social unrest caused by this blunder will mean that any country currently willing to help Ukraine will very, very soon be focused on those more important domestic matters and unable to help.

Secondly they, like the United States, sacrificed their manufacturing prowess at the altar of globalism, ensuring there would be no more ability to have a WW2 type “Arsenal of Democracy” that could counter Russia and Chinas “Arsenal of Oppression”. In a contest of who can replenish war stocks faster, who will have the stamina to fight, “as long as it takes” for victory?

Unfortunately, I think we all know who has the capability currently, and it’s not us. It could be, but in my opinion it would be too late to meaningfully help Ukraine.

These people cannot be trusted because they have failed at everything they have put their hands to. They have been playing a global game of Risk, using actual human beings, pushing and pushing at a delicate situation until it toppled over.

Now, they want us to listen to them for the solution to the problem they created?

Look at the UK right now, astronomical utility increases are going to crush small and medium business, not to mention the average Briton. They are heading for 22% inflation. Tell them it’s ok, they are sacrificing for Ukraine. They won’t be the only ones.

Out government bureaucrat “betters” across the west never planned for the second and third order effects of this “game”.

I pray I’m wrong, but despite what the “caring” virtue signaling media tries to sell us about Russian losses and Ukrainian victories, in the near future, when the billions in aid dry up due to the utter incompetence of our governments, Ukraine will be trashed. Russia will have at least over half of Ukraines land. It will be in a regionally stronger position and the Ukrainian people will be forever scarred by these “caring people” who only make messes, and then blame us and berate us for our lack of empathy when we balk at the sacrifices they want us to make when it can’t be cleaned up.

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Well Michael, you might want to ask Poles, Balts, Chechs, Slovacs, Moldovans or any other eastern europeans if they think the same way... Perhaps they might know a little bit more about Russkies than you do.

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When Americans say they are against the war in Ukraine it is not because we like Putin, or have no sympathy for the Ukrainian civilians who are being killed and maimed by Russian bombs. If we were being honorable we would ask: WHY HAS US BETRAYED its promise NOT to expand NATO up to Russia's Borders after the Soviets dissolved the Warsaw Pact? US is clearly threatening Russia's border security! How would US feel if Russia, China, or Iran had security agreement with Canada or Mexico. Of course we would feel threatened! NATO has not stopped expanding since the fall of the Soviet Union, growing from 17 countries in 1990 to 30 today, several of which were once part of the Soviet-led Warsaw pact. IMO US should have led an effort de-escalate the conflict via diplomacy instead of aiding and abetting this war.

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Clever. But still you remain voiceless voice. Freedom and sovereignty....hardly.

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Ukraine is a distraction from the WEF/Globalist goal of erasing ALL international borders and ruling us through intimidation and division. Throughout mankind's history from when the first Homo Erectus migrated out of Africa almost 2 million years ago borders have been meaningless. Tribalism and guarding one's food and other resources is part of what makes us human. Those of us lucky enough to be born in North America and parts of Europe need to understand that other populations know what you have and may become desperate enough to take it by any means necessary. Michael is explaining the "Big Picture" and those of us who have recieved the message are and have been quietly preparing. Hopefully it isn't needed but the realists amongst us know better.

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