Just a side note, but I always found the few images are so pathetic as high ranking officials who fight behind their desks and who insist on posing for photos dressing camo.

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Several orchestrated crises are rolling down the pike this year. A 'Great Taking' that will bring utter ruination to any & all who have net worth sensibly in bonds TIPS stocks & REITS, etc b/c laws are fully fulsomely in place to 'use' ALL your savings as collateral to cover the losses of the 'protected class', corporatized derivatives traders. Boom, net worth gone for most.

Then a 2nd much bigger mortality wave hits as immune system dysfunction escalates, leading to multiple turbo-versions of terminal diseases. Boom, huge portion of the population terminally ill by mid-year.

Then what Yon describes re the war machine creating deliberate chaos ... Boom.

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Are you ok?

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You are 100% correct...

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Having just joined and noticing some healthy debate as to the state we are in and what to do about it I thought I'd chime in to give my short 2 cents , which is about all it's worth. I don't claim to have any solution to this mess we are in and having been a former Marine, I know for sure that this war in the US we are in is not the type one can just shoot your way out of.

Having said that, I can state emphatically and without question aver that there are branches (or sections) in the military that know for certain that the present POTUS is a fraud. Look no further than the inauguration. Films & videos don't lie. I've seen it and know that when the military stray out of their Uniform Code Of Conduct, one needs to take notice. Interesting how not much is covered on this but I can only surmise that civilians are aloof to the point where they feel it's academic, and , perhaps so. But military minded people like myself do take notice.

So what becomes of this? Lets be aware and understand that this a different generation, a different era and different type of war.

Civil War? It's one thing to have 2nd amendment rights and be able to amass and form a militia to fight the enemy.....but who is the enemy? It's not someone wearing a uniform. Austin and Milley are just puppets. It'd be suicidal to gather and arm for battle. The O'Biden regime will lick their chops at the opportunity to arrest more Patriots just as they have shown with the J6 fiasco.

Voting? Forget that, as it's corrupt to the core since the deep state as insured that there will never be fair elections again.

Filing suits and litigate in our Courts? Laughable. Look at what Trump is being subjected to - especially the Colorado abomination.

I have held to my stance that we , the USA , will be facing total anarchy before the 2024 elections. A coup has taken place in 2020, and not one thing has been done about it. They (DS) will do anything within their great vast amount power to see that Trump will never return. Who's to stop them?

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Someone has to sound the alarm about the dead end road we are on. Just because we aren’t there yet, doesn’t mean we won’t get there at some point. Contrarily, is there really a way to reverse this slide without massive calamity? The tipping point maybe has already been reached…

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I believe you, Michael, and always appreciate your truth. If readers are paying attention, readers are preparing. Though it may be rocky and rough for a short or long time, those who are prepared may suffer less and may be able to help some like minded folks. Thank you for your honest bravery.

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OF COURSE that is what "they" are planning. So arm up and start localized neighborhood defense units. (AKA MILITIA) If you can, arm a neighbor and teach them how to use the weapon. I could see this coming when I looked at the average ages of those border crashers when it first started. And the way "they" finance this crap is through the unlimited supply of "money" they create using the unconstitutional Federal Reserve system. These border crashers aren't coming here for a JOB, they are coming because they have the bit TIT of the FED stuffed in their face. "Free" food, housing, medical and in some cases social security checks and they never paid in a dime. Please check out my latest...Want to Stop All of The Warring?

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I've been thinking all these military aged single men were going to be used against us but never considered the draft idea!!! This is scary. The short video I saw with a Uber driver saying he gave a ride to an illegal who told him he was a "UN soldier" who had a photo id, was given cell phone, money, place to stay and told to wait for "the call." Now your idea makes the most sense of all. This is how they planned "the great replacement." Lord God these people are totally the Devil's spawn.

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I've come to similar conclusions as well. The USG doesn't appear to want US citizens in the military anymore.

Many people missed this from the US Army.


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Thank-you Michael Yon.

Great work and efforts of

removing the logs in people's eyes.

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Americans seem to have little imagination of the evil we potentially face. They think taking in unvetted illegals is right. Exposure to depravity increases depravities ie trauma is contagious.

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Foreign nationals are imported because the people who support what this administration is doing, for the most part, have no capability or desire to do its dirty work.

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My predictive paradigm has said the same thing since the masses of young fit men have been streaming into this nation. Just as the Chinese brought in provincials to put down the Tiananmen square protests. People won't shoot their neighbors or family.

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Soviets did the same, sir. Always called on ethnic, tribal enemies when capable, to deal with revolts, uprisings. Suspect here will be little different.

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Indeed sir.

"A president cannot defend a nation, if he is not held accountable to its laws."

Dashanne Stokes

"When they call roll in the Senate, the Senators do not know whether to answer 'present' or 'Not Guilty'.

Theodore Roosevelt

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Sadly you are correct. Americans need to prepare accordingly, that means for defense as well as food etc. Talk to each other, know your neighbors. Relocate if necessary to a location where people of a similar world view live. Safe, constitutional, law abiding America is gone, we have to understand that.

Get right right with God, pray.

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