I came home from War with a couple new ribbons on my chest and a simple message I authored etched in my being:

"War is the immutable, unremitting absence of sanity."

In recent years as I've witnessed Pandoras Box being pried open by The Beast once again, I guess it was too much to pray that my grandchildren might never know War.

Unfortunately it appears pretty certain as I wish your prediction weren't, Michael, there will be hell to pay.

Is there no other way, Lord, to seal The Beast back into The Box, this time forever?

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Sadly you are correct. Americans need to prepare accordingly, that means for defense as well as food etc. Talk to each other, know your neighbors. Relocate if necessary to a location where people of a similar world view live. Safe, constitutional, law abiding America is gone, we have to understand that.

Get right right with God, pray.

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Jesus that’s terrifying

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Ordinarily, I would reach for a tin foil hat while reading this latest installment of Michael's Newletter. However, based on the insanity of our government's recent actions, I find myself reticent to dismiss his speculation on what may happen to us. WE ARE AT WAR!

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For anyone needing further info on the invasion of the USSA:


CYA, Conduct Yourselves Accordingly. It's all in Your Hands, For your Own Survival, it's called "Total Responsibility", a strange concept in the progreSSive socialist Feral gov USSA.

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Yes, we are. We are approaching the HOT part of 5th Generation warfare “5G 🤣haha” Jeffrey Prather calls this the 4th World War. The 3rd was on the War on Terror. Bill Holder calls this season we are about to go into “The END”. Buckle up!

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Lord, "The heavens are Yours, the earth is Yours; The world and all that is in it. You have founded and established them." (Ps 89:11) God owns everything and He loves His children who have accepted His gift of Yeshua as payment for their sin. He's not coming for a state or country Israel or U.S. He alone tells time though we may not like it. Prepare for battle. Jesus Christ is Lord.

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Oct 29, 2023·edited Oct 29, 2023

Mike, I think you are full of baloney! I'm an expert in "predictive assessments". I even coined the phrase years ago. And my predictive assessment of you is you are too much like Alex Jones and his self-adopted metaphor of Paul Revere, inform everybody (we are way beyond that point), an exceptionally deceptive metaphor to choose, and you are of no more use than Alex Jones. Why?

Because Paul Revere spent maybe 3 hours one night riding a horse and was never heard from again! Who is the leader of Alex's little Revolutionary War simile, you know, the equivalent of George Washington because Paul Revere was of no more value than a toad stool, and what's their plan?

Anybody at all, especially someone who is former military, understands the need for a Strategic Offensive plan considering what's happening in our world, and in our case it must be legal, the Legal Strategic Offense for obvious reasons. So the FBI doesn't do to us what it did to Stewart Rhodes and the other Jan6ers that Alex Jones funded with his own personal money and according to his own testimony on his show!

So, like I asked here last week and maybe the week before, what is your Legal & Strategic Offensive plan? You understand the need for that! You were in the US military, right?

And refrain from deceiving yourself about your predictive abilities since you've failed to do anything useful like Alex Jones has been doing for 30+ years (except to get 1200+ Americans locked up in a dungeon in DC), and he works for Defense Intelligence according to his DI hander, Dr Steve Pieczenik! You don't have a Legal & Strategic Offensive plan, and until you do, stop kidding yourself and beguiling Americans.

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Foreign nationals are imported because the people who support what this administration is doing, for the most part, have no capability or desire to do its dirty work.

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Indeed sir.

"A president cannot defend a nation, if he is not held accountable to its laws."

Dashanne Stokes

"When they call roll in the Senate, the Senators do not know whether to answer 'present' or 'Not Guilty'.

Theodore Roosevelt

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I always want you to be wrong.

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My predictive paradigm has said the same thing since the masses of young fit men have been streaming into this nation. Just as the Chinese brought in provincials to put down the Tiananmen square protests. People won't shoot their neighbors or family.

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* Local local local

* Identify the collaborators in your AOR

They all have names, address, and routines (FFF/22BOH)

* Be ready to call on The Orkin Man and his band of merry men when the green star cluster is


* Get your local politics under control.

* Grab your federal representatives by the collar and give them a good talking to. Mine is a RINO POS

(like most conservatives in DC) and will be replaced soon.

* Tactical, Operational and Strategic who among this crowd are trained in the steps for planning at

each level? Who have operated at all three?

* It’s trash day soon fellas, guess thats why my mom always insisted I was ready for trash day.

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You better know & follow the Lord & His Word! Before it's too late!

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OMG, I was wondering if/when this might happen. Pure evil.

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