That didn't sound very good.

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Please remind El Senor Presidente of the fate of Manual Noriega. What he is saying is of course for public consumption -- as much as Elensky for the Ukies. And then there is reality. In Puerto Rico a couple decades ago you ordered Presidente beer and they responded Gobernadora! (They had a female governor at the time.) It was a statement of pride that they did not want to join the US. My how the times have changed there... Panama can play the machismo card but we created Panama out of Colombia. Full stop.

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Trump did not say the Canal is being "restored"; he said the US was "reclaiming" it. He also said the US would be taking Greenland "one way or the other".

Look - Trump is a strong negotiator. The statements aren't "lies" - they're negotiating positions - "claims" you might say. A lie is an intentional mis-statement of fact. You cannot lie about the future - the future isn't (yet) fact. You can state intentions, and Trump may not be wholly truthful about his intentions, but no successful negotiator is truthful about his intentions (i.e., his willingness to resolve a dispute - over the price of a trinket, or over control of a continent - at some given middle/compromise position). Only "negotiators" like Biden do things like that; i.e., stupid negotiators that either give up too much or needlessly go to war.

China is losing in Panama (and probably elsewhere - Xi is losing domestic support; his economy is in the toilet). They've been kicked out of the ports - and now we're going to carp because it was done through Blackrock? Come on - when are we going to say, "Good step in the right direction" instead of constantly finding a way to look like a Democrat?

See my earlier post, below.

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The contracts for work on and around the Panama Canal would reveal who is telling the truth.

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It's past time to recognize Trump's style. He's a businessman, and acts like one. When negotiating a deal, you start with your top (most outrageous, while still being credible) demand. And you go from there. Maybe Mulino is just doing the same, and that's OK. This is what Rubio is for - he'll fine-tune the details. Trump knows full well that Panama is a valued friend.

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I share this post, in hope that it helps open EYES and connects the dots.

How Can Any Still Support Trojan Trump (16:08)


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Freemasons are joined at the hip with Lucifer last time I checked. If the guys lips are moving so are Netanyahu’s.

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. John 8:44

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When “they” say the word “God” the ignoramus’ think they are speaking of the Christian God, Yahweh. “They” speak of “their” god, satan, keeping with the oath to it, and nothing else.

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Not only a LIAR! - Just look, can you count how many in ONE WEEK????? What ONE person could have/can put a Halt to this MASS MURDER?

In memory of those who “died suddenly” in the United States and worldwide, February 10-17, 2025:


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What are the odds? These demon Bastards love to see more and more war. Gotta keep the Chaos going. Pray for Panama and the people's home there.

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Silly Rabbit...Getting the ATTENTION of Panama's President was confirmed with such an email, wasn't it? THAT WAS THE GOAL OF TRUMP.

Trump KNOWS the threat concerns EVERYTHING SURROUNDING THE CANAL, if not the Canal, itself.

If you've been getting Yon's Posts, you know the truth as well...About the Ports, Pan American Highway, the rape of the Forests acting as a sponge allowing functionality of the canal and the area's relevance to U.S. Security and Commerce.

B.S.ing for negotiations is a time-worn expectation and it's great to have an adult knowing the score in office as opposed to the Demon Worshiping Pedophiles, Cannibals and Vampires maintaining the Slave Trade Camp Processing Infrastructure/Drug War mirroring that of the British against China and Southern Asia through the 18th Century.

While I'm no personal fan of Trump...I also know the world's a FAR SAFER PLACE WITH HIM IN OFFICE AS OPPOSED TO THE OTHER UNIPARTY NAZI'S OUT OF LONDON, CITY OF LONDON, SWITZERLAND inhabiting the D.C. Sewer.

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"Far Safer", as well planned for the benefit of Israel's goal. He will get it done, in warp speed no less. The foundation has been set.

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