Matthew 24 is all about the times we are living in now.

24:37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

If you go back to Genesis 6 and look at the days of Noah and look at what those original words meant in Hebrew you will see that yes these days are similar. There is nothing new under the sun.

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I love old book stores and books !

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So I' guessing you never read anything from the book of Matthew?

I'd look for a Geneva bible translation as well.

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Michael why do Americans refuse to examine the EVIDENCE ....


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When does the comments of Revelation say Revelation was written?

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AS far as I recall, commentators are all over the map on when Revelation was written - the earliest suggested period is during the reign of Nero, which might correlate to St John being in exile on Patmos due to Neronian persecuation of Christians. (50s A.D. ish) Others put it a generation or so later during the persecutions during Domitian's reign (90s A.D.) It's been long enough since I looked into it that I will not opine on which might be correct.

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Carl is right. Though for shear poetry of language the KJV is probably top. In terms of accurate translations, while not poetic, I'd suggest also reading the New Jerusalem translation. It was an ecumenical effort by many linguists and philologists (including JRR Tolkien).

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With all due respect that old bible is beautiful (buy it), but I would also highly recommend getting a Doui-Rheims Catholic Bible which was the first full translation (1609) into English (revised in 1750) and before the KJV translation (1611) of the Reformationists. The KJV moved 7 canonical books to the end as "apocrypha" on the "authority" of ex-priest Martin Luther. There are wonderful spiritual Truths in the removed books. Check them out.

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Apologies, Elaine is right. that's what I get trying to write when half asleep. Peter was secretary for Peter--of course, Matthew Did know shorthand.

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Have you read Matthew?

I particularly like the Sermon On The Mount. It was the verse that transformed me from atheist to born-again Christian.

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If it's old enough, it will be made with hemp paper that lasts.

My grandmother said the old newspapers were hemp and didn't decay.

I heard wood pulp paper has acid in it and breaks down.

Some papers used for drawing plans were linen fabric.

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“Fine books without fine bookstands are like fine telescopes without tripods.”

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Hi Michael, this is my first time post.

At age 21yrs, back in 1975 on the back on a motorbike, coming down a mountain range, in an Australian rural area, I turned to that Person spoken about in 'Matthew', Who heard me, and Who has been my object of most value ever since!

Michael, read 'Matthew', you will not be disappointed!

Kindest regards, Teza from Sydney Australia.

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If you are an old fart like me. and don’t have time to make sense of the Bible, check this site out. It is a treasure of archived knowledge.


What The DEAD SEA SCROLLS Tell Us About The History Of The Biblical Text:


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I wait for a deeper archaeological dive beneath the old areas that have been discovered, towns were built upon towns - esp., in stone areas there may be more "dead sea scrolls and other..." that change.....

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I bet you can find 'em ON Amazon.

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Cool and your friend Matthew has a gift for painting. You should read Matthew the Gospel. Me thinks we are there

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Very cool !

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