Glad you enjoyed it! We do it every year! You should come to the Crawfish Fest too! Bigger event than this one- at our ranch in Driftwood. ❤️

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I worked at a bar in Polebridge, Montana, this past summer, just outside of glacier national park in 20 miles from the Canadian border, I was surprised on how many people carried. And did so proudly. Always thought that if the Canadians decided to invade America they’d be in for a surprise.

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You betcha!

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Yes sir. You are correct.

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Vital lesson in that picture. Look at how the cartels are taking over NYC, with their moped attacks. Remember Ladies, and real men, the overwhelming number of illegals imported to America are single military aged males. They are going to want companionship real soon, and they will take it at will, as they do in Europe. Unless stopped by a lead pill.

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And a set of balls (figuratively for you women).

It's pretty simple, it's a "you or them" equation. Don't let them attack again. Ease their pain......

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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No wonder 80% of the illegal invaders are trying to get across

The Texas Border, 🤔🤷🏿‍♂️. 👍💯😎

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Would ya look at the SIZE of them....

Purses they're carrying!! lol

You might think they were loaded for Bear!

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Yep and probably the other 49!! Got to test out my Christmas present recently. Oh yeah!

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Both of my daughters (and their mom) carry concealed. So does my son.

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Love it when women carry.

Have taught women self defense for years. Most important tip is that they should never wear their hair in a pony tail in an American city.

Unfortunately, the perps (male and female) like to grab their pony tail, slam them to the ground, and then beat, rape, and/or kill them.

And these days they post a video of their vicious pony tail assaults on YouTube. There are many videos of such attacks on YouTube if you want to watch them for lessons.

Anyway, glad these ladies are ready to protect themselves from such perps.

My son, martial artist, mechanical and audio engineer by day and musician by night, needs to meet a woman like the ones you show here.

At 27, time for him to settle down. He goes to the gun range, but needs to join me at church to meet good women like these.

Tell them they can follow Eamon Curley here: https://www.instagram.com/stories/amencurley/3302025720561559863/

In those Instagram photos, he's the younger one fiddling with the cowboy hat.

BTW...I met you Michael at the first Freedom rally in WDC. I helped you go from the WH to the Capital to meet up with your posse. You're a fun guy.

Here is a link to my recently deceased brother-in-law SSgt Kenny Ruggles who traveled your path.


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Only thing I noticed is that they made her unload the gun and put a block in the breach.

In that venue, she has a hand-club to use against an attacker.

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I would not show my weapon. Same reason I prefer concealed carry over constitutional. I have it for protection, if I need it I prefer it to be a surprise.

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True constitutional carry, like AZ allows both open and concealed carry without a permit.

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There is now constitutional carry in Florida. I forgot about that. My mistake, meant that I would not personally open carry. Constitutional carry just passed last year in Florida. But no open carry as of yet. The nice part about having a permit which we already had is if you want to buy a weapon you don’t have to wait and be background checked.

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Things like that give me hope. The 2A is about all there is between us and a totalitarian nightmare.

It was not always the case that Democrats were so against the Second Amendment. Consider:

“The right of the citizens to bear arms is just one more guarantee against arbitrary government, one more safeguard against tyranny which now appears remote in America, but which historically has proved to be always possible.” Hubert Humphrey – Democrat, U. S. Senator, Presidential Candidate and Vice President

Notice that Humphrey said nothing about hunting or protection from crime, but that it is a safeguard against tyranny, a view now considered to be extreme right wing, but just a typical American attitude at that time. Also, the word is arms, not guns in particular.

Going with that same point of view, here is Mr. 1984 himself:

"The totalitarian states can do great things, but there is one thing they cannot do: they cannot give the factory-worker a rifle and tell him to take it home and keep it in his bedroom. That rifle hanging on the wall of the working-class flat or labourer's cottage, is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there." George Orwell

But clearly, one may opine, any truly decent, well meaning and spiritual person would never condone an armed populace since that would just not be right.

“Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest.” Mahatma Gandhi


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It's NOT enough to merely have them or even to learn to use them...THE ACTUAL THREAT OF USING ARMS IS THE PROTECTION BEHIND THE SECOND AMENDMENT.

Is America willing to stand and use our weapons against this current ANARCHY?


When is enough, enough? When all the Enemy Military's now invading covered-up by the Cocaine/Fentanyl War and their BUILD BACK BETTER INFRASTRUCTURE to facilitate mobility of CONTRABAND; Illicit Drugs, Slaves, Weapons as well as PROFIT, decides to massacre and attack to demoralize the U.S. population into standing down to accept utter SLAVERY and a 'TARGET-RICH ENVIRONMENT' of victims for the Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits?

Having arms is NOT enough...One must be willing to use them to protect The Constitution; or The United States is dead.

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Waiting is boredom.

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Being as the coup took place back at the onset of the so called Civil War, and continued to now, and very few actually understanding what actually took place, and has happened since then....the revisionism and reprogramming effect has been horrendous, and their divide and conquer tactics through control of the education system and media near insurmountable, and even if the covid debacle has woke them up they're unlikely to believe what's actually happened to their country, and still believe they can vote their way out of it all.

Besides they have D.E.W.'s now too, but it's our last best hope possibly....

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Yep, seems insurmountable...AS THEY HAVE PROGRAMED US TO BELIEVE.

Those at the helm controlling the machines to make all happen are mortal human beings who can die; citizens of the U.S., or suspecting China as there is NO difference between the countries and technology since all U.S. Companies were/are in China where access for EXPERIMENTATION upon the population was completely legal and all business in China is accessible to the CCP and their Military now invading at the Borders.


It really is a House of Cards and to remove only a few is all necessary for all to crumble.

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3% fought for Liberty during the Revolutionary War. 3% of future "Muricans stopped the advance of tyranny.

It may take 10% now (our numbers have been severely reduced) but we are in defiance of those who singularly have zero courage and look to others to defend them. Not a complete testicle, much less a pair, in the entire whining bunch of libtard pussies. That goes literally for the transformers.

Feel like being persecuted for the short time remaining in your existence here on Earth? Just do nothing and watch as your family and all their dreams are extinguished in a FEMA camp. Don't see yourself accepting that?

Harden your mind and your resolve. Realize there is only one decision that can turn things to right. It is your determination and initiative that give you and your family a chance, pleading for mercy is not much of an option.

Don't make your children bury a coward. Righteous rage nullifies fear. It may be time to get enraged soon, if you're not already. See ya there!

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Family been in every war this country has had...And, we will not allow all fought for to go to waste.


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If that doesn't describe true American freedom advocates, what does?

It's absolutely sickening how these intrepid Heroes are now treated (ignored).

Onward, Christian soldiers!

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Yes, and it's coming down all around them while they accelerate remaining plans in action, and pull every last trick out of their playbook, and invent as many more as they can to hold it up. I did say near insurmountable, but as you say their are patriots everywhere, even within their ranks. I believe if push comes to shove they will do their part too. Many only see their oats as to those they serve in power and not to the people, but are easily discernable.

More and more see what's happening from the current invasion, and through the media portrayal playing it down, and are more prepared than the media lets on.

My motives are peaceful but we have the right to defend our families lives, property, and communities.

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Absolutely, peaceful here too.

Peace isn't being respected or prioritized.

Sometimes, we don't choose War; War chooses us.

When the TYRANTS are not contained and good people do nothing...


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When push comes to shove.....

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Feb 19
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Hey Zog Destroyer, I appreciate the offer, but don't think you are close to my vicinity, and with all the black ops going on online, it'd be hard to consider. I understand your concerns and am not totally contrary, I mentioned on Anti's post I'm involved in a peaceful movement to restore the original government, not overthrow it, or just try to reform it like those still believing in the fraudulent government. We operate Lawfully, and not legally and being as we are no longer U.S. Citizens or 14th Amendment Federal Employees we can no longer vote in the Crowns corporate elections. We welcome all citizens, no matter what sex, race, or creed wanting to reclaim their namesakes stolen at birth, and wishing to stand on the Land and Soil as setup by the Founding Fathers as Americans again, and if they so choose join the unincorporated bodies of government in all 50 States now, and currently expanding to Countes, and eventually City Municipalities. We are setting up Jural Assemblies and Common Law Courts. Many Laugh and think it's a joke but has been filed in the proper jurisdictions and Notices have been sent. I still believe in my race as anyone of any race should, but I don't believe in forced segregation, but believe those wishing to create their own communities have the right to do so. Choice is the key word, as long as the Common Laws are followed. If they get their civil war or bring a false flag to keep control to prevent the International Court filings against the Vatican and Crown for mishandling and misappropriation of the American Trusts they lost over, and I personally believe they will do anything it will be a different story.

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Feb 23
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Haven't seen you on Anti's stack? He posted a link in comment. I'm not against you ZD, just on a different path.

Another from another substacker who was at Time Inc in London

Here's a comment from an article on election info fraud, from another substacker who was at Time Inc in London in a different life.


Omega4America, or Fractal, as carefully described in above video, discovered how they steal elections wherever they need to steal. In every country. In every state. All through Europe. It is the reason for the flood of illegal immigrants, the debasing of the cities, the constant hate directed towards whitey. Create confusion in order to cheat. Plus, shame your enemy. Shut up and go away, whitey, they say to us. Die Faster. We have a better plan for earth and your sorry soul should find another planet. You are too uppity.

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We're calling for ALL people to Unite and put aside their differences to overcome the fraud perpetrated against them and their countries by the globalist elites and their organizations. An introduction to it



JUSTINIAN-DECEPTION: (HIDDEN-FOREIGN-TEXT-KNOWN-AS-DOG-LATIN) The Mother of all Deceptions: The Concept of Modern Day Slavery:

He's one of the team of global researchers from Australia, here's their assembly


Link to the 50 state assemblies is on this page, and how to remove yourself from their jurisdiction.


The global family group for us and all the other countries around the world under the same fraud, and a new banking system being created, for actual Living people not the fictions we've been made.


https://globalfamilygroup.com/ Welcome video, and additional ones, the second one building 3D homes and more.

Video is on youtube, but comes with a transcript


I have a PDF series outlining with documentation the name fraud in America, and why yuo're a U.S. Citizen and NOT an American.

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The Founding Fathers and the average American up through the 30s or so would consider the government we have to be wholly totalitarian and illegitimate. The 2nd unfortunately hasn't helped us from getting to this point. The only reason many of us frogs are even noticing the problem today is because the water we are in is starting to boil and the bubbles are undeniable.

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A big part of the problem is the use of the five rules of propaganda by the deep state:

1. The rule of simplification - reducing all data to a simple confrontation between 'Good and Bad', 'Friend and Foe'.

2. The rule of disfiguration - discrediting the opposition by crude smears and parodies.

3. The rule of transfusion - manipulating the consensus values of the target audience for one's own ends.

4. The rule of unanimity - presenting one's viewpoint as if it were unanimous opinion of all right-thinking people: draining the doubting individual into agreement by the appeal of star-performers, by social pressure , and by 'psychological contagion'.

5. The rule of orchestration - endlessly repeating the same messages in different variations and combinations.

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Nuff said.

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