In the late 1940's, one of my dad's double cousins served a mission in the upper Midwest US. He met a Protestant pastor and gave him a Book of Mormon. This man read the book. And he said that it is the most Christ loving book he ever read.

Claims that The Book of Mormon is a demonic book has never read it. If he had, he would know it to ne very much otherwise.

I've read it and the Bible many times. In neither is there this facile or phony salvation you speak of.

Does one have to "accept Jesus Christ not only as "their Savior", but as the only name by which anyone can be saved.

But does salvation come by a mere nod of the head, or verbal ascension to such?

No! One must exercise faith in Christ and repent, not just once, but whenever they sin, until God grants them a forgiveness of their sins.

Jesus himself declared--

21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

--Matthew 7:21

You teach Calvinism, NOT Christianity!

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Thanks for reporting this.

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Good luck trying to convince Peterson about energy crisis. I've been trying to do that for years. He calls anyone who researches limits of any kind an enemy of humanity. He doesn't accept that humanity faces any limits on a finite planet. He has no idea what energy returned over energy invested means, and what it's implications are. I was a research fellow at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, but apparently that wasn't enough for him to believe I might know what I'm talking about. He's very rude when talking to people he disagrees with, even when it's he who's obviously wrong. I used to be a fan, since his university lectures were really nuanced and interesting. Now he's lost all vestiges of nuance and regularly comments on issues he knows little about. It's a sad decline.

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Hmmm. Interesting viewpoint. I have noted he's got rather evangelistic lately. But hey, we need loud voices, even if they are slightly off key.

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Please continue your work. We must have more information on what is happening world wide. We yes are at War with the Globalists and the CCP

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Thank You Michael for the work you are doing. Something caught my attention in your email about ammonia. I watch a prepper show, Southern Prepper One. He had a person write in and who did not want his/her name released and works at a major food processing facility. Evidently the DHS has contacted them twice in the last couple of weeks regarding what safety measures they were taking in regards to their ammonia supplies. What does this mean, why the concern about ammonia, a dirty bomb??

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The world is going into a Great Depression, different from the last one due to the WWW,

_vastly_ different from previous civilization collapses when communication, transport, and

travel were so slow that no one saw collapse coming, no one could prevent it, and no one

could escape the scene.

This collapse was predicted by 1960 (Heinlein) publicly politically proclaimed by the Reagan

administration, and began when his remedy, the first 'Contract with America' was rejected.

So now here we all are in the US; If we the people do not stand, the US and the World fall.

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Dire warnings!

The pandemic for the Covid 19/SARS2 "vaccinated" is snowballing as the all cause mortality figures climb. How many immigrants swarming the countries mentioned were "vaccinated".?

The nationality and sovereignty of nations are fading in a "New World Order" melting pot that will produce decades of chaos...unless mass starvation or energy shortages change that equation.

Vanities of vanities!

Only the hand of God will make good of a bad situation.

Be not afraid and pray.

Unite as good Archbishop Vigano advocates.

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Michael Yon, in the late 1870's, senior apostle, Orson Pratt of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (has long been unofficially called "The Mormon Church", because we believe The Book of Mormon to be sacred scripture from God, along with (KJV) Bible, foretold (with at least 2 others, David Whitmer/Book of Mormon Special Witness who saw in angel, along with Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery & Martin Harris, an angel appear in great glory (light) at noonday, and, standing about 2 ft high in the air, showed gold plates on which The Book of Mormon was inscribed around 300 to 421 CE by 2 ancient "American" prophet warriors, while their people were being annihilated by their enemies. One was "Mormon", primary compiler, editor & author of this history, "Moroni" was his son who survived his father in battle, finishing the record, & buried these gold plates in a hill in upstate New York, & directed Joseph Smith to them, had him translate these plates by the gift & power of God, & then gave special witness of this to Martin Harris, Oliver Cowdery & David Whitmer after translation of their contents into English by Joseph Smith. They also heard voice of God bear witness that the translation was correct and true. Orson Pratt, later called as an apostle in church founded by Joseph Smith, foretold of a 2nd American Civil War (after the first one). But he said a civil war would occur before this 2nd American Civil War in Europe.

Do you see that as a distinct possibility?

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Ahem. The plates are a fraud. Moroni is a demonic entity. There is no salvation in LDS. My sister married a Mormon man many years ago. She got saved in a small Bible study after being invited by some sweet senior ladies who take time to pray for those trapped in LDS/Mormonism. Her husband told her he HAD to divorce her per church law and Elder recommend. Sad. Really a nice guy.

She was and remains sooo glad to be free to this day.

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Thank you Michael for your insights, I've followed for a number of years Kate at Small Dead Animals used to post links to your work and now of course you are on Gettr.

I'm English by birth but been down in NZ for the last 10 years, worked in the international drilling industry for most of my adult life.

This has been a slow motion train wreck for the last 15 years, tried telling those that would listen but of course as you know only too well no one wants to listen.

I've said for years now that we live in the final days, it's not so much that the horsemen of the apocalypse are mounting more they are riding and now in full gallop.

Life as we all know it is about to change in ways few comprehend.

P.S. Amsterdam used to be a great place of decadence, I used to work out of Den Helder years ago and saw it dive from a beautiful town into a third world shit hole, Amsterdam was always going to follow suit, the destruction of empires has followed the same trajectory throughout history, our Western civilisation is but the latest and last.

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Hello fellow NZer. Lets hope we can stay afloat here.

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I was in Amsterdam in the 80's. Interesting and enjoyable. Came back in 2002 - 2007. Full of young people begging money and offering a threatening presence. Since it was so famous for legal drugs and other places weren't I figured it was acting as a vacuum cleaner for the dregs of society.

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Hello Michael

came across you for the first time in the JP interview recently. Learnt a lot, thank you.

It was the basis of this article I wrote on my Substack


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Thank you, sharing now and glad you are now awake and no longer being mind raped.

Great article.

Ice Age Farmer is another good source for how to grow food the old way.

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I started growing my own veg (in UK) 3 years ago having done so as a child 60 yrs ago! I have 5 horses and14 acres so a corner of the field grows most of our needs for the following year and the "natural" fertalizer the horses produce is like mirical grow!! Next spring I plan to aquire Chickens for eggs and maybe ducks too, definatly some sheep as well as I have too much grass for the horse to eat.....would like a couple Jersey cows for milk and making milk based products as well as Beef from their "Off spring", but that along with sheep and horses could be too much for a 68 yr.old, maybe a couple sows up in my rough ground area could be productive for bartering pork with the community??Just need to train the horses to pull a cart and replace the roll of the tractor LOL!

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Thanks Michael.

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Thank you for making this available. Terrifying and I feel at a loss. Other than getting a few extra bits of food in there's nothing I can do. Our open border globalist politicians need hanging.

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Spread the word. Share these and other articles and know who from your local city government, to county, state, and national supports this and never support them in voting, OR in any economic entity they are invested in. Companies are helping them. If companies have no money...

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