Chuck Holton is following the Party Line on the Ukraine. His Telegram channel might as well be written by the Ukrainian / Biden / 0bama propaganda machine. Maybe it is. The stuff he posts is unbelievable. Total Fraud. I subscribed for a bit as I used to have respect for him, made some adverse comments in the Chat, now am blocked. Sounds like a typical Lefty. Don't like opinions/facts/proof they don't want to hear/see.

I used to send a monthly donation to support Mr Yon. After the Ukrainian fiasco started and I saw the direction Mr Yon & Holton were taking, the donations stopped. And I rarely read what Mr Yon says, never read Mr Holton at all. And to think that I used to share Mr Yon's information and sites as Reputable.

I might check later to see if this comment is still here. I'll be surprised if it is.

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It's obvious you don't really read my material. I have said from the beginning Ukraine involvement by the US is a mistake. Show me where I said otherwise. Ukraine is a mistake for the US to support while we have the border being invaded, fertilizer and food manufacturing and distribution being destroyed, and the building blocks for a real famine and possible genocide right at home stacking up.

So let's see it. Where did you see me support the US on Ukraine. If you can't prove it, you are not reading my work.

You have 24 hours to (1) prove it, or (2) apologize, or (3) STFU and be blocked as a left wing sock puppet trying to seed disinformation.

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You started out this Newsletter talking about Chuck Holton in the Ukraine, about to do a 'Live Hit' etc. That is what I responded to.

You support Chuck Holton. Chuck Holton supports the US party-line on the Ukraine fiasco. As I said, I read/followed him on Telegram and his reporting blew me away with it's falsehoods. He now has me blocked from commenting on his Telegram site, and I pay no attention to what he says anymore anyway. When someone is so wrong on one important item, everything else is thrown into question.

What I said is the Truth. Go ahead and block me if you like. As I said, I used to support you and send people to you as a good information source. I was shocked when I saw how Chuck Holton reported on the Ukraine. And I'm shocked that you support him.

The US/NATO is totally at fault for the Ukrainian Fiasco. The US Administration is totally at fault for the Border Fiasco. Yes, the US is being destroyed from within, it is incredibly sad. So it is not a help when people I respected turn out to be blindly supporting the US in the Ukraine.

And no, after seeing your support for Chuck Holton's reporting from the Ukraine, I no longer read your material very much. Feel free to delete/block me and my opinion. As I said, I used to send people to your site/writings as on some issues you were speaking Truth. But the Ukrainian situation is too big too ignore.

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Again it is obvious you didn't read my position on supporting Ukraine. Bye.

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